ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries) has been working for over a year to completely overhaul the Information Literacy Standards for Higher Education which were published in 2000, prior to the social web. That reframing has come to us in a number of drafts. The 3rd draft (Nov. 12, 2014) is probably going to be fairly close to the final draft.
The new Framework is a living, interconnected document meant to develop over time through these broad frame sets.
These are the 6 frames:
- Authority Is Constructed and Contextual
- Information Creation as a Process
- Information Has Value
- Research as Inquiry
- Scholarship Is a Conversation
- Searching Is Strategic
Each frame has the core “threshold concept” being address in the information field, “knowledge practices” (ways in which students can increase their understanding of these concepts), and “dispositions” (dealing with the affective domain, attitude and value concerning the concept).
Information Literacy will continue to become essential to learning as some learning moves away from “filling our heads” with knowledge and facts, and more towards our ability to navigate and find quality information sources AND engage with those sources to make decisions, create points of view, take positions, and think critically about ideas.
“Information literacy is a spectrum of abilities, practices, and habits of mind that extends and deepens learning through engagement with the information ecosystem.”
Join the COD Librarians in a discussion about the New Information Literacy Framework for Higher Education and how we can work together to best help our students understand the importance of being literate about the information ecosystem as we see it now and in the future, what it does to learning, and how best to use and navigate through it. If you are able to review the document prior to the meeting, that would be great, but NOT required.
Tuesday March 10th at 10:30 am and Wednesday March 11th at 2:30pm in the Library Seminar Room, SRC 3114
If you have questions, please contact Jason Ertz at x3317 or