Catalog Tools

Other Search Tools

VuFind Catalog
VuFind is an alternate catalog that can be used to search for books, videos, and journals in only the COD and I-Share libraries.
WorldCat Discovery
Search the COD Library as well as libraries around the world.
An alternate catalog that can be used to search for books and videos in the COD Library.

Getting Items from Other Libraries

Requesting I-Share Items
Learn how COD students, faculty, and staff can use the catalog to request books and videos from I-Share memeber libraries
Requesting Items via Interlibrary Loan
Learn how COD Library patrons can request items from libraries throughout the country
Nearby I-Share and Public Libraries
Use this map to find I-Share and public libraries close to COD

Your Library Account

Library Cards and Borrowing
Learn how to get a COD Library card, how long items can be checked out, and where to return items
My Library Account
Login to your account to see what items you have checked out, what items you have on request, and when your items are due
OCLC Account Login
Login in to your OCLC account to create title lists. Note: this is not the account you use to renew or request items or see what items you have checked-out. For that use My Library Account.