Other Search Tools
- VuFind Catalog
VuFind is an alternate catalog that can be used to search for books, videos, and journals in only the COD and I-Share libraries.
- WorldCat Discovery
Search the COD Library as well as libraries around the world.
- WebVoyage
An alternate catalog that can be used to search for books and videos in the COD Library.
Getting Items from Other Libraries
- Requesting I-Share Items
Learn how COD students, faculty, and staff can use the catalog to request books and videos from I-Share memeber libraries
- Requesting Items via Interlibrary Loan
Learn how COD Library patrons can request items from libraries throughout the country
- Nearby I-Share and Public Libraries
Use this map to find I-Share and public libraries close to COD
Your Library Account
- Library Cards and Borrowing
Learn how to get a COD Library card, how long items can be checked out, and where to return items
- My Library Account
Login to your account to see what items you have checked out, what items you have on request, and when your items are due
- OCLC Account Login
Login in to your OCLC account to create title lists. Note: this is not the account you use to renew or request items or see what items you have checked-out. For that use My Library Account.