Ebsco E-Books App

A large collection of academic ebooks hand selected by our librarians to support programs at COD. A large collection of academic ebooks hand selected by our librarians to support programs at COD. A large collection of academic ebooks hand selected by our librarians to support programs at COD. A large collection of academic ebooks hand selected by our librarians to support programs at COD.

Access Instructions:

  1. Download and open the free app for your device

    File size: iPhone and iPad 25.3MB, Android 13.92MB
  2. The app will prompt you to enter your Adobe ID. An Adobe ID is a free user account that enables EBSCO to lend library books to you and enforce the proper checkout period.
  3. If you don’t have an Adobe ID, you can get one at the Adobe Website. (Ensure that your device is authorized to a valid Adobe ID by navigating to the Info tab verifying whether it displays an Adobe ID in the “Authorization” section.)
  4. Enter your Library barcode number when prompted.
  5. Find the COD Library with the "Library Locator"

More access information