Mobile Apps

  1. Apps by Subject
  2. Apple Apps
  3. Android Apps
  4. Other Mobile Friendly Resources


Gale.jpeg Access My Library
(Gale Databases)

For Apple and Android devices
[insert description here]
axis 360.png Axis360
For Apple, Android, Windows and Amazon devices
The Axis360 collection features e-books and audiobooks in popular fiction, graphic novels, biographies, humor and more.
ebsco.png Ebscohost
For Apple and Android devices
Anytime access to many of our most essential research databases, including Academic Search Complete, Associates Program Plus, Business Source Complete, and many more. A great all around resource.
ebsco ebooks.png Ebsco E-Books
For Apple and Android devices
A large collection of academic ebooks hand selected by our librarians to support programs at COD.
noodletools.png Noodle Tools Companion
For Apple and Android devices
Scan a book’s ISBN or search by author/title to generate a properly-formatted citatio, then send citations to your NoodleTools projects.


For Apple and Android devices
Instructional videos on software training, business and creative skills, and study skills. The app features enhanced navigation, faster streaming and syncing across all devices.Full courses downloadable for offline viewing.
For iPad only

Health Science

mm drug reference.png Micromedex
For Apple and Android devices
[insert description here]


springer.png Springer
For Apple and Android devices
[insert description here]


knovel.png Knovel to go
For Apple and Android tablets
[insert description here]
For Apple and Android devices
Instructional videos on software training, business and creative skills, and study skills. The app features enhanced navigation, faster streaming and syncing across all devices.Full courses downloadable for offline viewing.
Gale.jpeg Access My Library
(Gale Databases)

For iPhone and iPad
[insert description here]
axis 360.png Axis360
For iPhone and iPad
The Axis360 collection features e-books and audiobooks in popular fiction, graphic novels, biographies, humor and more.
ebsco.png Ebscohost
For iPhone and iPad
Anytime access to many of our most essential research databases, including Academic Search Complete, Associates Program Plus, Business Source Complete, and many more. A great all around resource.
ebsco ebooks.png Ebsco E-Books
For iPhone and iPad
A large collection of academic ebooks hand selected by our librarians to support programs at COD.
For iPhone and iPad
Instructional videos on software training, business and creative skills, and study skills. The app features enhanced navigation, faster streaming and syncing across all devices.Full courses downloadable for offline viewing.
mm drug reference.png Micromedex
For iPhone and iPad
[insert description here]
knovel.png Knovel to go
For iPad only
[insert description here]
noodletools.png Noodle Tools Companion
For iPhone and iPad
Scan a book’s ISBN or search by author/title to generate a properly-formatted citatio, then send citations to your NoodleTools projects.
For iPad only
springer.png Springer
For iPhone and iPad
[insert description here]
Gale.jpeg Access My Library
(Gale Databases)

For phone and tablet
[insert description here]
axis 360.png Axis360
For phone and tablet
The Axis360 collection features e-books and audiobooks in popular fiction, graphic novels, biographies, humor and more.
ebsco.png Ebscohost
For phone and tablet
Anytime access to many of our most essential research databases, including Academic Search Complete, Associates Program Plus, Business Source Complete, and many more. A great all around resource.
ebsco ebooks.png Ebsco E-Books
For phone and tablet
A large collection of academic ebooks hand selected by our librarians to support programs at COD.
knovel.png Knovel to go
For tablet only
[insert description here]
For phone and tablet
Instructional videos on software training, business and creative skills, and study skills. The app features enhanced navigation, faster streaming and syncing across all devices.Full courses downloadable for offline viewing.
mm drug reference.png Micromedex
For phone and tablet
[insert description here]
noodletools.png Noodle Tools Companion
For phone and tablet
Scan a book’s ISBN or search by author/title to generate a properly-formatted citatio, then send citations to your NoodleTools projects.
springer.png Springer
For phone and tablet
[insert description here]
asp.png Academic Video and Music Optimized for mobile devices and has "Send to Mobile" feature that allows the user to send a link to a specific item
Gale.jpeg Access My Library
(Gale Databases)
Academic OneFile, Gale Virtual Reference Library and all the other great Gale databases optimized for mobile devices or download the app
credo.png Credo Reference
culturegrams.jpg Culturegrams
ebsco.png Ebscohost Academic Search Complete and all the other great Ebsco databases optimized for mobile devices or download app
ebrary.png Ebrary Downloaded books must be viewed in the free Bluefire Reader App.
EB.jpg Encyclopedia Britannica
FOD.png Films on Demand
jstor.jpg JSTOR
knovel.png Knovel
learning express.jpg Learning Express
nfpa.png NFPA Codes
novelist_plus.png Novelist Plus [insert description here]
safari.png Safari E-Books
sage.jpg Sage Journals
science.png Science
sciencedirect.jpg Science Direct
scifinder.png SciFinder Create a SciFinder account first and then login from any device.
worldcat.png Worldcat Catalog