What are Information Literacy Modules?
The Library's Information Literacy Modules have been designed to support the inclusion of the College's Information Literacy General Education Outcomes in courses. Faculty may import these modules into any Blackboard course and use them to enhance existing course material, support Library instruction or provide additional assistance to student learning.
The Information Literacy Modules consist of six Research 101 tutorials, each including a link to an interactive tutorial, supplementary material, quiz and a summary of objectives.
When you import the Information Literacy Modules into your Blackboard course, all six of the units will appear as buttons at the bottom of your Course Menu. You will also have the option to have quiz columns added automatically to your Grade Book.
Once the Modules have been added to your course, you can customize them as you wish-- integrate the contents into your existing course; enhance content with your own material; select individual units for use in your course; etc.
To add the Information Literacy Modules to your course, see Getting Started with IL Modules in the menu to the right.