LIBRARY CATALOG: Search for materials in the COD library or in libraries worldwide. Search by topic and then add statistics as the other keyword in your search. For example, search for housing AND statistics, or medical care AND statistics.
Information on the I-SHARE program to borrow books from other Illinois academic libraries.
Outline of the Library of Congress Classification System (what COD uses to arrange its books)
Reference Universe. Use this index to locate good articles in print and electronic reference books. Just type in the subject/topic keyword in the search box, and then click on the GO button.
APA Dictionary of Statistics and Research Methods. Reference BF 76.5 A7263 2014
Dictionary of Statistics & Methodology: a Nontechnical Guide for the Social Sciences. Reference HA 17 .V64 2011
Sage Dictionary of Statistics: A Practical Resource for Students in the Social Sciences. Reference HA 17 .C73 2004
Statistical Abstract of the United States. This is an authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States. Click on the link on the left of the search page.
Success by the Numbers: Statistics for Business Development. Reference HF 54.56 .S93 2005
American Factfinder. Search by city, county, or zip code to get this Census Bureau data.
Catalog of Administrative Data Sources for Neighborhood Indicators. A guide to using data from a variety of sources to create neighborhood profiles. Urban Institute 2007.
Census 2010: Chicago. Data from the U. S. Census includes links to the American Community Survey as well as demographic, social, economic, and housing characteristics.
Center for Disease Control SNAPS. County data from the Center for Disease Control, including number of immigrants, ethnicity, country of origin for immigrants, languages spoken, heating fuel, and disability statistics. Pick the state and then the county.
Chicago and Cook County, Illinois - Digital Atlas
Chicago Community Area 2000 Census Profiles. Maps as well as data on racial demographics, income, and educational level for the 77 community areas.
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP). Click on the DATA tab for demographic, land use, and transportation data.
Chicago Police Crime Statistics. Search for weekly as well as historical statistics by District Number.
City of Chicago Data Portal. Browse or search historical as well as current data on the city of Chicago, including current employee names and salaries, building permits, and crimes.
CityData.com. Statistics by city, including housing, income, and racial distribution.
Cook County QuickFacts from the U.S. Census
Cook County Statistical Abstract
County and City Data Book. From the U.S. Bureau of the Census
Demographia. Wide range of Chicago data including commuter information, growth rate, and population density. Compiled by Wendell Cox Consultancy.
DuPage County QuickFacts from the U.S. Census
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Statistics and information for Chicago and other midwest cities.
Illinois Congressional District Demographic Profiles. Search by Congressional District Number to get data on sex, age, race, and ancestry for that district.
Illinois County Occupational Wages. Employment and wage statistics by city, metropolitan area, or county.
Local Community Fact Book: Chicago Metropolitan Area: Based on the 1970 and 1980 Censuses. Reference and General HA 730 .C5 L63 1984
Metro Chicago Immigration Fact Book. 2003 Roosevelt University Institute for Metropolitan Affairs publication.
Social Explorer. Interactive maps and demographic data.
Statistical Abstract of the United States. Ready Reference and General HA 202 .U5 S93
Young Children in Chicago. Statistical data on children, ages 0-5, in the 77 Chicago neighborhoods.
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Illinois. Statistics on employment, wages, labor force, and CPI.
CensusScope. Includes charts and maps on population, language, family structure, income, poverty, etc.
Illinois County Occupational Wages. Employment and wage statistics by city, metropolitan area, or county.
Illinois Department of Commerce
Illinois Data and Statistics. Data published by the state of Illinois.
Illinois Department of Public Health: Health Statistics
Illinois Prevailing Wage Rate
Illinois Quick Facts. Illinois statistics pulled from the U.S. Bureau of the Census.
Illinois Statistics by Subject and Agency
State and County QuickFacts: Illinois. From the U.S. Bureau of the Census.
State and Metropolitan Area Data Book. From the U.S. Bureau of the Census
StateMaster: Illinois. This is a free educational resource with statistical data.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Illinois. Includes employment, unemployment, wages, and price indexes.
U. S. Department of Agriculture: State Facts.
The American Marketplace: Demographics and Spending Patterns.
Business Statistics of the United States: Patterns of Economic Change. Reference HC 101 .A131222 2014
Consumer Expenditure Survey
Consumer Price Index. Monthly data on changes in the prices paid by urban consumers for a representative basket of goods and services.
Economic Indicators Prepared by the Council of Economic Advisers for the Joint Economic Committee.
Economic Statistics Data on industries and GDP's around the world.
FedStats Access to the full range of official statistical information produced by the Federal Government.
FreeLunch. Economic data on a variety of topics from Moody's Analytics.
Guide to Economic Indicators
OECD Economic Surveys of the United States 2014. This online book examines recent U.S. economic developments, policies and prospects.
Population Reference Bureau. Click on the DATAFINDER tab to find data on a variety of topics including, education, geography, immigration, and health.
StateMaster. This is a free educational resource with statistical data on the 50 states.
Statistical Abstract of the United States Latest print editions at Ready Reference. Older editions at General HA 202 .U5 .S93
U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Statistics on crime, incarceration, and corrections.
U.S. Bureau of the Census. Statistics on employment, wages, price indexes, etc.
U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
U. S. Department of Agriculture: State Facts
U.S. National Center for Agricultural Statistics
U.S. National Center for Education Statistics
U.S. National Center for Health Statistics
Complex Emergency Database. International database that monitors and evaluates the health status of populations in emergency situations.
Economic Indicators
Economic Statistics. Data on industries, trade, and GDP's from around the world.
Eurostat. Statistics about Europe, sponsored by the European Commission.
Foreign Statistical Agencies
GeoHive: Global Statistics
International Historical Statistics. Reference HA 154 .M51
International Trade Statistics (WTO). Reference HF 1371 .I584
NationMaster. Statistics arranged by country and topic.
OECD iLibrary. Browse by country and select the statistics you want to view.
Population Reference Bureau. Click on the DATAFINDER tab to find data on a variety of topics including, education, geography, immigration, and health.
Statistical Yearbook (United Nations). Reference HA 12.5 .U63
Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific. Reference HA 1665 .S73
The World Bank
You must have a valid College of DuPage library card to access the electronic indexes and databases from off-campus. Most databases have an ADVANCED SEARCH link. Many of our General Databases have statistical data in magazine and journal articles on your topic. Use 'statistics' as one of your keywords in the ADVANCED SEARCH Option. The following databases are specific to statistics.
Business Decision. Use this database to find data to use for demographic, competitive, or market analysis. You can search by neighborhood, zip code, and metropolitan area.
JSTOR. This is an archive of digitized journal articles ranging in date from the 1700's to the early 2000's. These collections span a variety of subjects in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Physical Sciences.
Sage Stats. This database has extensive social science data including topics such as healthcare, crime, education, employment, religion, and government finances.
Statistical Abstract of the United States. This is an authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States. Click on the link on the left of the search page.
More COD Library journal and newspaper article databases
Explanation of the Difference Between Magazines and Journals
How to Read a Research Article