Celebrate Ada Lovelace



Check out this biographical information on Ada Lovelace in the Encyclopedia of Computer Science.

You can also read about Ada Lovelace on the Finding Ada website, which not only describes Ada's life, but also has interesting links to read.

Women in STEM

Curious to know more about women's impact on the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields? Check the info below.

Celebrate Ada Lovelace Day with Adafruit.

Adafruit will share stories of modern and historical women in science and math for 24 hours on Oct 14. Check out previous features (and build up to the current day).

Read the September 2014 article Paving the Way for More Women in STEM in Forbes.

You can also browse Q130 and QA 27.5 to find other books on Women and Science and Women and Mathematics.

Careers in STEM?

Curious about exploring a career in STEM? The White House has good information for women who are interested in working in these fields.

You can also check our Career and College Information guides to different STEM careers.

Questions? Contact Laura Burt-Nicholas.

Image Credit: William Henry Mote, Portrait of Ada Lovelace, 1838