Below are the top ranking results from the Library Value survey.
Which of the following areas do think are the TOP priorities for the College of DuPage?
1. Student Enrollment - 87.5%
2. Student Retention - 87.5%
Which of the following areas are MOST relevant to the Library's impact on COD's mission?
1. Student Learning - 100%
2. Faculty Teaching - 100%
3. Student Success - 75%
Which areas should the Library be investigating the ways in which we make contributions?
1. Student Success - 75%
2. Student Retention & Graduation - 50%
3. Student Learning - 62.5%
4. Faculty Teaching - 62.5%
Which area of Library value interests you the MOST?
1. Student Learning - 50%
2. Student Success - 25%
3. Student Retention and Graduation 12.5%
4. Faculty Teaching -12.5%
(See spreadsheet of full results)
Based on this feedback, we will likely be focusing our retreat on the Library’s impact on Student Learning, Student Success, and Student Retention & Graduation. While Faculty Teaching ranked high for relevancy and interest, I already feel confident in our current ability to demonstrate our value in this area.
Please see the Value Surrogates for more information about these values.