CHEM 2552 Additional Sources

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World of Chemistry Reference QD 33 .W873 2000.
The book covers reaction conditions, descriptions, reagents/products, history, and the importance of the reaction.

Organic Syntheses Based on Name Reactions: a practical guide to 750 transformations by A. Hassner and I. Namboothiri. 3rd ed. Online.
Includes both illustrations of the reaction mechanism and descriptions of the reaction mechanism and conditions for production of a specific compound(s). Organized by reaction name. We have the 2nd edtion both online and in print on reserve QD262 .H324 2002 .

Name Reactions. 4th ed. by Jie Jack Li. Online.
Mechanisms of the reaction are illustrated, examples of the reaction using specific reagents and conditions. Includes original publication identifying the reaction (written by scientist who discovered it.) 2nd edition in print and online.

Vogel's Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry On Reserve: QD261 .V63 1989.
Provides a description/illustration of the mechanism. Descriptions of preparative procedures include notes regarding safety procedures. Look for italic pages in the index to see descriptions of the reaction mechanism, and bolded pages refer to preparative procedures (with safety info.)

Named Organic Reactions by Thomas Laue and Andreas Plagens. on Reserve QD291 .L3513 2005
Description/illustration of reaction mechanisms, including basic info on substrate and conditions.

There are a number of books on reserve for this course, including organic chemistry textbooks. You can also browse call numbers QD 251.2 and QD 261 for helpful books.

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