Indigenous Populations and Globalization in the Americas
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Sallqa Ayllu (Community of Nature)
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"Amid Gas, Where Is the Revolution?
By Bret Gustafson
Gustafson, Bret. "Amid Gas, Where Is The Revolution?." NACLA Report On The Americas 46.1 (2013): 61-66. Academic Search Complete. Web. 19 July 2016.
"Bolivia to Host 2015 Meeting of Social Movements to Fight Climate Change"
By Richard Fidler
Summary: Richard Fidler reacts to the perceived failure of the UN's COP20 climate talks by proposing an alternative summit to address climate change.
Citation: Fidler, Richard. “Bolivia to Host 2015 Meeting of Social Movements to Fight Climate Change.” N.p., 17 Dec. 2014. Web. 19 July 2016.
"Environmental Destruction is a Result of the Capitalist System." ( Scroll to center of page to view article).
By Evo Morales
Summary: Evo Morales invokes indigenous spirituality and values as the moral grounds for climate change agreements.
Citation: Morales, Evo. “Environmental Destruction is a Result of the Capitalist System.” N.p., 17 Dec. 2014. Web. 19 July 2016.
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"Ecuador Indigenous Leader fFound Dead Days Before Planned Lima Protest." By Jonathan Watts.
Summary: December, 2014 article on suspicious death of Ecuadorian Shuar land rights activist José Isidro Tendetza Antún
Citation: Watts, Jonathan, Latin America correspondent, and and Dan Collyns. “Ecuador Indigenous Leader Found Dead Days before Planned Lima Protest.” The Guardian 6 Dec. 2014. The Guardian. Web. 19 July 2016.
"'Indigenous Peoples Are the Owners of the Land' Say Activists at COP20."
By Milagros Salazar
Summary: In Dec. 2014, widows of murdered leaders of the Asháninka community of Alto Tamaya Saweto of Peru and other indigenous rights activists raised their voices in protest at COP20 in Lima, demanding formal title to native lands.
Citation: “‘Indigenous Peoples Are the Owners of the Land’ Say Activists at COP20 | Inter Press Service.” N.p., n.d. Web. 19 July 2016.
Auki Ayllu (Community of Deities, Gods)
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Environmental Destruction is a Result of the Capitalist System. ( Scroll to center of page to access article).
Summary: Evo Morales invokes indigenous spirituality and values as the moral grounds for climate change agreements.
Citation: Morales, Evo. “Environmental Destruction is a Result of the Capitalist System.” N.p., 17 Dec. 2014. Web. 19 July 2016.
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Runa Ayllu (Community of Human Beings)
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Bolivia: A Chronology of Key Events
Citation: “Timeline: Bolivia.” BBC 2 Aug. 2012. Web. 19 July 2016.
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Oppressed but not defeated : peasant struggles among the Aymara and Qhechwa in Bolivia, 1900-1980
By Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui
Summary: Bolivian anthropologist and indigenous feminist activist Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui examines "the role that ethnicity plays in the emergence of social movements, its relation to the issue of long-term popular historical consciousness and memory as a factor in present-day struggles...[She] also touches upon the complex question of the role of external social actors who serve as catalysts in the rise of social movements with other political forces at the national level."
Citation:Rivera Cusicanqui, Silvia. Oppressed but Not Defeated : Peasant Struggles among the Aymara and Qhechwa in Bolivia, 1900-1980. Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, 1987. Print. Report, no. 85.1; Report (United Nations Research Institute for Social Development), no. 85.1.
Red October left-indigenous struggles in modern Bolivia
By Jeffery R. Webber
Summary: Webber explores the period in Bolivian history from the Cochabamba Water Wars (2000-2003) through Evo Morales's presidency to 2010, and delineates five stages in the struggle between indigenous and neoliberal interests, ideologies, and systems.
Citation: Webber, Jeffery R. Red October : Left-Indigenous Struggles in Modern Bolivia. Leiden: Brill, 2011. Print. Historical materialism book series, v. 29; Historical materialism book series, v. 29.
"Amid Gas, Where Is the Revolution?
By Bret Gustafson
Gustafson, Bret. "Amid Gas, Where Is The Revolution?." NACLA Report On The Americas 46.1 (2013): 61-66. Academic Search Complete. Web. 19 July 2016.
The Power of the Spectacle
By Benjamin Dangl
Summary: Dangl reports on the significance of Evo Morales's inauguration to his third term as President of Boliva and the ever-more apparent conflicts and complexities of an indigenous President who relies on extractivism to fund social services.
Citation Dangl, Benjamin. “The Power of the Spectacle: Evo Morales’ Inauguration in Tiwanaku, Bolivia.” N.p., 28 Jan. 2015. Web. 19 July 2016.