
Look in the following catalogs for books, videos and other types of audiovisual items held in libraries.

COD Library Catalog : the COD Library only

I-Share (formerly Illinet Online): A catalog for items in 70 Illinois libraries

WorldCat: A catalog for items in this country and around the world

Other Nearby Public and Academic Libraries

Outline of the Library of Congress Classification System (what COD uses to shelve its books).

Culture and Customs of... A list of a series of books at the COD Library on various countries around the world.

Cultures of the World. A list of a series of books at the COD Library on various cultures around the world.

Case Studies in Cultural Anthropology. A list of a series of scholarly books on various cultures around the world.

List of Electronic Books at the COD Library that contain in the catalog record the keywords of anthropology or anthropological or anthropologist or ehtnographic or ethnography or ethnographical or ethnographer or ethnology or ethnological or ethnologist or archaeology or archaeological or archaeologist

Ethnographic Videos Online (streaming, not listed in our Library Catalog)
List of Anthropology / Ethnology VHS videos at the C.O.D. Library.
List of Anthropology / Ethnology DVD videos at the C.O.D. Library.
The Archaeology Channel, for streaming videos
Ask a Librarian for Help

CREDO REFERENCE . Type in your terms in the search box to find articles from many different online reference books.
GALE VIRTUAL REFERENCE LIBRARY . Type in your terms in the search box to find articles from many different online reference books.

Anthropology Glossary. From the University of Alabama.

Anthropology Theories. From the University of Alabama.

Atlas for Anthropology. Ref. G 1046 .E 1 S 1 1968.

Biographical Dictonary of Social and Cultural Anthropology. (2004)

Biographies of Anthropologists. From Indiana University.

Cambridge Dictionary of Human Biology and Evolution. (2005)

Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers. Reference GN 388 .C 35 1999.

Cassell's People's, Nations, and Cultures. (2005)

Countries and Their Cultures Encyclopedia / World Cultures Encyclopedia.

Cultural Anthropology Glossary.

Culture Groups covered in HRAF (Human Relations Area Files)

Definitions of Anthropological Terms. From Oregon State University.

Dictionary of Anthropology. Ref. GN 307 .D 485 1997.

Dictionary of Anthropology from Anthrosource.

Dictionary of Concepts in Cultural Anthropology. Ref. GN 307 .W 56 1991.

Dictionary of Race, Ethnicity and Culture.

ECAI: Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative.

Economic Geography Online Dictionary and Glossary.

Encyclopaedia Britannica Online.

Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Reference GN 11 .E 63 2006

Encyclopedia of Community: From the Village to the Virtual World. Reference HM 756 .E 53 2003.

Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology. Reference GN 307 .E52

Encyclopedia of Gender and Society.

Encyclopedia of Life Writing: Autobiographical and Biographical Forms.

Encyclopedia of Medical Anthropology: Health and Illness in the World's Cultures. Ref. RA 418 .E 354 2004.

Encyclopedia of Race and Ethnic Studies. Reference GN 495.6 .C 37 2004.

Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology (2nd ed., 2010)

Encyclopedia of the African Diaspora: Origins, Experiences, and Culture.

Encyclopedia of Urban America: The Cities and the Suburbs. (1998) Ref. HT 123 .E 5 1998

Encyclopedia of Urban Cultures: Cities and Cultures around the World. Reference HT 108.5 .E 53 2002.

Encyclopedia of World Cultures. 10 volumes. Reference GN 307 .E53.

Ethnic Groups Worldwide: A Ready Reference Handbook. Reference GN 325 .L 46 1998.

The Ethnopolitical Encyclopedia of Europe. Ref. GN 492 .E 86 2004.

HRAF list of Culture Groups covered. (Human Relations Area Files)

Human Evolution: A Guide to the Debates. (2004)

International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family. 4 vols. Ref. HQ 9 .E 52 2003.

Key Concepts in Ethnography.

Key Contemporary Concepts.

Online Dictionary of the Social Sciences.

Psychological Anthropology: A Description.

Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia. Reference BL 80.3 .R 45 2002

Routledge Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology (2nd ed., 2010)

The Sage Dictionary of Cultural Studies.

The Sage Encyclopedia of Social Research Methods. Reference H 62 .L 456 2004.

Student Atlas of Anthropology. Ref. G 1046 .E 1 S 783 2004.

The World and Its People. Reference G 133 .M 348 1986.

World Civilizations Glossary: Concepts, Values, Terms.

World Cultures Encyclopedia / Countries and Their Cultures Encyclopedia.

World Education Encyclopedia: A Survey of Educational Systems Worldwide. Reference LB 15 .W 87 2001.

Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life. 4 volumes. Reference GN 333. W67.

Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices. Reference BL 80.3 .W 67 2006

Library Jargon: A Multilingual Glossary.

Information About Places A list of useful reference books in the C.O.D. Library.

Related C.O.D. Library Research Guides
Economics Research Guide (COD Library).

Food and Culture Research Guide. (COD Library).

Geography Research Guide (COD Library).

Global Health Resources Research Guide (COD Library).

Global Studies Research Guide. (C.O.D. Library Resources)

Government Research Guide (COD Library)

Immigration Debate Issue Research Guide (COD Library)

Middle Eastern Cultures Resources (COD Library)

Sociology Research Guide. (COD Library Resources).

Article Databases

You must have a valid College of DuPage library card to access the electronic indexes and databases from off-campus.

Anthrosource. This provides citations and texts for articles in the professional journals and newsletters of the American Anthropological Association. Look at the top right side for the journal citation search feature. Those who are members of the AAA can log in and retrieve the full-text of the articles.
Academic OneFile (formerly Expanded Academic Index ASAP). An index to over 2500 magazines and journals covering a variety of topic areas including anthropology. This database provides references, abstracts, and many times the full-text of articles. A COD library card is required for off-campus use.
Academic Search Premier [EBSCOhost]1984 to present; 1990 to present- full text). Abstracts from nearly 3000 journals and full text for 1250 journals including general reference, education, social sciences, humanities, general science, multi-cultural studies, library and information science. A COD library card is required for off-campus use.
The American Museum of Natural History Publications, full-text online. The free site has the contents of the following publications: American Museum Novitates, Anthropological Papers of the American Musuem of Natural History, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, and the Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History.
SocIndex with Full-Text articles. The database features more than 1,700,000 records with subject headings from a 15,600 term sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and expert lexicographers. This product also contains informative abstracts for more than 740 "core" coverage journals dating as far back as 1895. In addition, this file provides data mined from more than 540 "priority" coverage journals as well as from over 2,800 "selective" coverage journals. Further, extensive indexing for books/monographs, conference papers, and other content sources is included.
The Annual Review of Anthropology. Index of citations only. The paper copies are in the Library's General circulating collection with the call number of: GN 1 .A 623, from volume 1 on. Some full-text articles are also available in the Academic Search Premier database at the top of this list.
The Anthropological Index of the Royal Anthropological Institute. This is a free index of citations, but there are no full-text articles connected to the citations. No COD Library Card needed for this service. URL:
Anthropological Journal Archives Project. This provides bibliographic citations and short reviews of articles found in several different years of these journals: "American Anthropologist," "Current Anthropology," and "Human Organization." There are no full text articles attached to these citations, and not every year of the journal is covered. No COD Library Card needed. URL:
Anthropology Book Reviews database (ARD).
Anthropology in the News! A digest of news articles, from Texas A & M University.
Anthropology Review Database (ARD), for books and videos.
Articles Concerning Native Americans in the journals Human Organization (1941-2005), and Practicing Anthropology (1978-2005). AKA "Half a Century of Collaboration". This is an index of citations only, no full-text articles are available from this list.
Blackwell Synergy. This is an index of articles published in journals that are printed by the Blackwell company. A wide variety of topics and journals are covered, but you only get bibliographic citations, no full-text articles. You can select a particular subject area to search in, or you can select a specific journal to search in by clicking on the broad subject, then selecting a small subject area from that next page, then selecting the particular journal title on the third page. You can move through the categories by clicking on the plus sign [+] to the left of the category name.
Electronic Journals in Anthropology list. Citations to millions of journal articles, and it covers many more subjects than just Anthropology.
The Free Library. A database of free magazine and journal articles.
Google Scholar. This provides access to many free full-text articles, as well as citations to many other articles.
Handbook of Latin American Studies. Citations-only database from the U.S. Library of Congress.
H-NET Scholarly book reviews.
IngentaConnect. This is an index to millions of journal articles, book chapters, reports, and more. Most are not available as full-text online items.
JSTOR: Scholarly Journals Archive of Older Issues.
Latin American Periodicals Tables of Contents (LAPTOC). No full-text articles.
Open Access Journals Directory (free full-text journal articles)
Project MUSE. This database provides citations and abstracts only.
SCIRUS. A search engine for citations to journal articles and links to web pages, and covers many more subjects than just Anthropology.
Common Ground. Full-text journal from the U.S. National Park Service.
CRM (Cultural Resource Management): The Journal of Heritage Stewardship. Full-text free journal.
The Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology. A free peer-reviewed journal.
Micronesia Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences. From Charles Stuart University in Australia.
Museum Anthropology Review. A free full-text online journal.
More COD Library journal and newspaper article databases.
Anthropology Journals at COD.

Does the C.O.D. Library own the journal that I need?

Explanation of the Difference between Journals and Magazines .

How to Read a Research Study Article.

ANTHROBASE: Multilingual Database of Anthropological Texts
The Ascent of Mind: Ice Age Climates and the Evolution of Intelligence. William H. Calvin. 1990.
"Baqloma: The Spirits of the Dead in the Trobriand Islands." Bronislaw Malinowski. (Originally published in The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol.46, 1916.)
Country Studies - Area Handbooks (Library of Congress) Textbooks about most of the countries of the world. While not current, they can provide historical/ethnographic information. Many of the books are also in the Library's collection.
Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology online texts.
Studying Visual Communication, by Sol Worth. Full text book.
Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture, by Clifford Geertz. Another URL option is this one:
List of Electronic Books at the COD Library that contain in the catalog record the keywords of anthropology or anthropological or anthropologist or ehtnographic or ethnography or ethnographical or ethnographer or ethnology or ethnological or ethnologist or archaeology or archaeological or archaeologist

Internet Sites
The following Internet sites are "mega-lists" of anthropology resources. All three list the same sites, but you will find some unique sites in each one.

College of DuPage Anthropology Academic Program
Aboriginal Canada portal.
The American Anthropological Association (AAA).
American Assoication of Physical Anthropologists.
American Ethnic Geography: A Cultural Geography of the United States and Canada
The American Museum of Natural History Publications, full-text online. The free site has the contents of the following publications: American Museum Novitates, Anthropological Papers of the American Musuem of Natural History, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, and the Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History.
Anthropology and its Relationship with other Disciplines. From Indiana University.
Anthropology / Archaeology Resources from the American Anthropological Association (AAA)
Anthropology Biography Web.
Anthropology Collections.
Anthropology on the Web.
Anthroplogy Resources on the Internet
Anthropology Resources Compiled by former COD Professor Charles Ellenbaum.
Anthropology/Archaeology/Social Science Resources from the Internet Public Library (IPL)
Anthropology Resources from the Librarian's Index to the Internet.
Anthropology Resources from the Virtual Library.
Applied Anthropology resources for the nursing and medical fields.
Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library, a portal to a wide variety of resources.
Biological Anthropology Resources on the World Wide Web.
Bureau of American Ehthnology Publications List, with an index to authors and titles. (Smithsonian Institution)
Center for World Indigenous Studies (CWIS)
Central Eurasian Interactive Atlas. This also includes statistical data and other types of information.
Country A collection of cultural, historical, statistical, and geographic information about countries.
Country Statistics and Reports from the Population Reference Bureau
Digital Ethnography at Kansas State University.
eCultural Resources, Cultural Resources Network.
Edmund Snow Carpenter's works.
eSkeletons Project.
Ethnographic resources related to folklore, anthropology, ethnomusicology, and the humanities, from the Library of Congress.
Ethnographic Studies of Peoples and Communites.
Ethnology Database, from the Bishop Museum of Honolulu
Experience-Rich Anthropology.
Illinois Anthropology and Archaeology Web Sites
Indigenous Peoples Literature
Indigenous Studies WWW Virtual Library
Maasai Association, cultural information site.
Max Planck Institute for Anthropology Working Papers online.
Migration Policy Institute Information page.
Nationmaster. You can use this site to find statistics and make charts.
Native American History and Culture from the Smithsonian Institution.
Native Web.
The Open Video Project, a shared digital video collection.
Resources in Ethnographic Studies from the Library of Congress.
Southeast Asia Visions. Lots of full-text and image material from Cornell University.
Virtual Snow, a resource site for the life and works for Edmund Snow Carpenter.
Yahoo's Index of Anthropology Links A searchable index for anthropology topics with links to Internet resources. Good place to begin looking for your specific anthropology topic. Anthropology_and_Archaeology
Reference Books

* Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land. Reference DS 111 .A 2 A 73 2001

* Archaeological Method and Theory: An Encyclopedia. General CC 75 .A 654 2000

* Archaeology in America: An Encyclopedia. Reference E 159.5 .A 68 2009

* Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia. Reference F 1218.6 .A 73 2001

* Archaeology of Prehistoric Native America: An Encyclopedia. Reference E 77.9 .A 72 1998

* Companion Encyclopedia of Archaeology. General CC 70 .C 59 1999

* Dictionary of Archaeology. General CC 70 .D 53 1999

* Dictionary of Artifacts. Reference CC 70 .K 55 2007

* Dictionary of Concepts in Archaeology. Reference CC 70 .M 45 1993.

* Directory of Archaeology Societies and Organizations.

* Encyclopedia of Archaeology (2008)

* Encyclopedia of Archaeology: History and Discoveries. Reference CC 100 .E 54 2001.

* Encyclopedia of Pre-Colonial Africa: Archaeology, History, Languages, Culture. General DT 2 .E 53 1997

* Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt. Reference DT 58 .E 53 1999

* Encyclopedia of Underwater and Maritime Archaeology. General CC 77 .U 5 E 53 1998.

* Illinois Archaeological Sites Directory: Places of the Past.

* Medieval Archaeology: An Encyclopedia. Reference D 125 .M 42 2001

* Milestones in Archaeology: A Chronological Encyclopedia. Reference CC 100 .M 87 2007

* The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East. Reference DS 56 .O 9 1997

* Places of the Past: A Guidebook to Illinois Archaeological Sites.


* Archeology Technical Briefs. Technical reports from the U.S. National Park Service.

* Online Archaeology Journals.

Internet Sites

* About Archaeology.

* Anthropology/Archaeology/Social Science Resources from the Internet Public Library (IPL)

* Archaeological Images and Texts - Pictures of Record.

* Archaeology/Anthropology Resources.

* Archaeology Resources from the Librarian's Index to the Internet.

* Archaeology for Interpreters: A Guide to Knowledge of the Resources. U.S. National Parks Service.

* ArchNet: WWW Virtual Library of Archaeology. University of Arizona.

* Illinois Anthropology and Archaeology Web Sites

* National Archaeological Database. U.S. National Park Service.

* Society for American Archaeology.

Linguistic Anthropology/Sociolinguistics
Reference Books

The Color of Words: An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Ethnic Bias in the U.S. Ref. E 184 .A 1 H 466 1997.
Concise Encyclopedia of Lnaguage and Religion. Reference P 41 .C 65 2001.
Concise Encyclopedia of Sociolinguistics.
The Dictionary of Historical and Comparative Linguistics. Reference P 143 .T 727 2000.
Dictionary of Languages. Reference P 29 .D 35 1998.
Encyclopedia of the Languages of Europe. Reference P 380 .E 53 1998.
Facts about the World's Languages. Reference P 371 .F 33 2000.
International Encyclopedia of Linguistics. 4 vols. Reference P 29 .I 58 2003.
Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language: An Encyclopedia.
Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech. By Edwar Sapir. A printed copy is also available in the Library's General Collection at call number P 105 .S 2 1949.
Language and Communication: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia. Reference GN 307 .E 64 L 36 1998.
NTC's Dictionary of China's Cultural Code Words. General DS 721 .D 39 1996.
NTC's Dictionary of Japan's Cultural Code Words. General DS 821 .D 467 1994.
NTC's Dictionary of Mexican Cultural Code Words. General F 1210 .D 38 1996.
Word Origins Dictionary
Internet Sites

"Do You Speak American?" from PBS. Lanugages of the World.
Language Policy Web Site.
Linguistic Anthropology from the Virtual Library.
The Modern Language Association Language Map.
Sociolinguistics: A Complete Guide to Facts and Resources.
Sociolinguistics, explanation of.
Yahoo's Linguistics and Human Languages Resources Directory.

Writing Styles
Introduction to Library Research in Anthropology. General GN 42. W44 1998.
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers[MLA Style]. General & Reference LB 2369 .G53 1999
American Anthropological Association Style Guide.
Click here for HELP with citing your sources
How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography.
Citing Government Information sources
Career Information
C.O.D. Library Resources
Career Information from the American Anthropological Association
Frequently Asked Questions about a Career in Archaeology.
Smithsonian Anthropologists explain what they do.

The Library can obtain copies of articles or books from other libraries for you. Inquire at the Reference Desk. You may also consult journal title lists from other libraries in the area.

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Anthropology Faculty Internet Homepages
Alexander Bolyanatz
John P. Staeck

Library Reference Desk: 630 - 942 - 3364 and ASK A LIBRARIAN FOR HELP

Dan Blewett, Reference Librarian

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