Ellen Sutton

Selected Presentations and Publications

2012 "Excellent Libraries in Illinois," (with representatives of the four other Illinois winners of the ACRL Excellence in Libraries award), IACRL Conference, March 2012, Oakbrook, IL.
2008-2012 Content producer for two nationally subscribed teleconference series, "Library Challenges   Opportunities" and "Library Futures," featuring national experts discussion topics such as library technology, space planning, leadership, and marketing. Produced by College of DuPage Multimedia Services and published by College of DuPage Press.
2000 "ACRL/Blackwell Award for Excellence in Libraries: College of DuPage" (presentation on College of DuPage's receipt of the 2000 Excellence in Libraries Award to a community college library), presented at the General Session of the IACRL Conference, April, 2000, at the invitation of the Illinois State Librarian.
1999 "Coverage of Anthropology by Major Electronic Indexes: A Comparison." With Lori Foulke. Reference Services Review 27:2, 134-157.
1997 "Contested Boundaries in Communications Collection Development," paper presented at the International Communication Association in Montreal, Canada, May 1997.
1995 "Bibliographic Instruction in Psychology: A Review of the Literature." With Richard Feinberg, Cynthia R. Levine, Jennie S. Sandberg, and Janice M. Wilson. Reference Services Review 23:3 (Fall 1995), 13-22+.
  "The Reference Interview." With Leslie Edmonds. In Reference and Information Services: An Introduction, 2nd ed., edited by Richard E. Bopp and Linda C. Smith. Englewood, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1995.
  "Reference Services to Special Groups." With Frances F. Jacobson. In Reference and Information Services: An Introduction, 2nd ed., edited by Richard E. Bopp and Linda C. Smith. Englewood, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1995.
1993 "Sources of Information on Sensory Perception and Psychophysics," Science & Technology Libraries 13:3/4 (Spring/Summer 1993), 71 89. This is in a special issue published simultaneously as Scientific and Clinical Literature for the Decade of the Brain, edited by Tony Stankus. Binghamton, New York: Haworth Press, 1993.
1992 "Psychology Collection Development in the Academic Library: Issues and Local
Strategies." In Academic Libraries: Achieving Excellence in Higher Education: Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 12 14, 1992, edited by Thomas Kirk. Chicago: ACRL, 1992, 237 241.
  "Psychology Serial Usage: A Faculty Survey Revisited." With Karen Havill Bingham. Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian 11:2 (Summer 1992), 59 89.
1991 "The Human Relations Area Files and Cross Cultural CD: Enhanced Access to
Selected Subjects." Reference Services Review 19:1 (Spring 1991), 57 70.

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