Ancient Greece and Rome

Revised art guide in progress by Dominican University / COD practicum student Kathleen Gomez - sp 2016

The arts of ancient Greece and Rome are closely entwined. Ancient Grecian sculpture and architecture in particular were both considerably influential on other cultures across Europe and Asia. Rome was no exception, as the Roman arts were derived directly from Greece, and resulted in a great number of Roman copies of Greek work. Works from both these periods include stone statues, busts, and low-relief slabs, pottery, coins, and frescos and paintings.

The art of ancient Greece was highly technical and humanistic. Artists strived to capture the perfect human form, and representations of people became more natural and less formal as time went on. Temples dedicated to the gods followed architectural formulae and orders: the Doric, Ionic, and later the Corinthian. The four periods of ancient Grecian art are the Geometric, Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic, the four of which spanned from roughly 900 BC to 31 AD.

The rise of the Roman empire around 30 AD included the incorporation of Greece and the subsequent copying of Grecian art. The Romans admired and respected the art forms of the Greeks, and of many other cultures they conquered, and strove to emulate them. Thus, Roman art is more eclectic and decorative than Grecian art. The the ability to purchase and commission art was a symbol of status.

Art Guide Home

  1. Reference Books
  2. Circulating Books
  3. Databases and Websites

Reference Books

Confused about your topic, or not sure where to begin? Start here! Reference books are written to give you a good general overview of a topic. Print reference works are for in-library use only; ebooks can be viewed on and off campus if you have a current COD library card. The reference section is on the first floor of the library, behind the staircase. You can use the catalog or Reference Universe to find both print and electronic reference books.

Ancient Greece

  • 30,000 Years of Art - N5300 .A14 2015
    • This little book is a huge timeline of art, from prehistory to contemporary! Each page contains a color photo of an artwork, the bibliographic information, and a short article. Each entry is color coded on the bottom edge of the page depending on the continent the work originated from. There is a smaller timeline of just text at the end, before the index.
    • See “Greece” in the index, pgs 648-9
  • Arts & Humanities Through the Eras - NX440 .A787 2005
    • This set has 5 volumes dedicated to different eras. Topics covered include music, fashion, architecture, visual arts, theater, and much more! Each book has an era overview, chronology, and table of contents at the beginning of each book and each chapter. Also included are black and white photos, maps, and illustrations; a bibliography after each entry; glossary; and index.
    • See Volume 2 “Ancient Greece & Rome”
  • Grove Dictionary of Art - N31 .D5 1996
    • This is an older resource, but one of the most comprehensive art resources there is. The articles and biographies are a little longer, and features black and white photos and illustrations, maps, and an index. Also part of Oxford Art Online!
    • See “Greece, ancient” Volume 13, pgs 361-607
  • Icons of Beauty: Art, Culture, and the Image of Women - N7630 .M25 2010
    • Historical record of how women are treated and portrayed in art throughout the centuries. Good long articles with great cross-indexing cover the history and method of works discussed, and related works. Features a table of contents in both volumes; black and white and color photos; bibliography; and index.
    • See Volume 1, Chapter 3: “Beauty in Motion: The Nike of Samothrace (c. 190 BCE)”
  • The Oxford Companion to to Western Art - N33 .O923 2001
    • Oxford is one of the premier publishers for art and architecture. This book offers concise articles on Western art movements, artists, and art history. Also available in e-book.
    • See “Greek art, ancient” pgs 314-22
  • Oxford Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture - NA31 .C864 2006
    • Oxford is one of the premier publishers for art and architecture. This dictionary contains short, concise entries on architects as well as architectural terms and periods. Features black and white photos and illustrations and a bibliography after each entry.
    • See “Greek Architecture” pgs 329-30

Ancient Rome

  • 30,000 Years of Art - N5300 .A14 2015
    • This little book is a huge timeline of art, from prehistory to contemporary! Each page contains a color photo of an artwork, the bibliographic information, and a short article. Each entry is color coded on the bottom edge of the page depending on the continent the work originated from. There is a smaller timeline of just text at the end, before the index.
    • See “Rome” in the index, pg 653
  • Arts & Humanities Through the Eras - NX440 .A787 2005
    • This set has 5 volumes dedicated to different eras. Topics covered include music, fashion, architecture, visual arts, theater, and much more! Each book has an era overview, chronology, and table of contents at the beginning of each book and each chapter. Also included are black and white photos, maps, and illustrations; a bibliography after each entry; glossary; and index.
    • See Volume 2 “Ancient Greece & Rome”
  • Grove Dictionary of Art - N31 .D5 1996
    • This is an older resource, but one of the most comprehensive art resources there is. The articles and biographies are a little longer, and features black and white photos and illustrations, maps, and an index. Also part of Oxford Art Online!
    • See “Rome, ancient” Volume 26, pgs 849-925; Volume 27, pgs 1-116
  • The Oxford Companion to to Western Art - N33 .O923 2001
    • Oxford is one of the premier publishers for art and architecture. This book offers concise articles on Western art movements, artists, and art history. Also available in e-book.
    • See “Roman art, ancient” pgs 640-47
  • Oxford Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture - NA31 .C864 2006
    • Oxford is one of the premier publishers for art and architecture. This dictionary contains short, concise entries on architects as well as architectural terms and periods. Features black and white photos and illustrations and a bibliography after each entry.
    • See “Roman Architecture” pgs 653-6

Circulating Books

These are books you can check out! They can get more specific than reference books and are located on the second floor of the library. You can search the catalog before going up or click the box below to see the call numbers for art books so you can browse the shelves. If you find a book while searching that looks awesome but that we don't own, you can submit an inter-library loan request through I-Share and another library will send you the book for free! You will need a COD library card to check books out.

Ask a Library staff member to show you where the "N" and "T" books are located.

N - general works of art
NA - works on architecture
NB - sculpting
NC - drawing
ND - painting
NE - print media
NK - decorative arts & ceramics
NX - special topics in art
TR - photography

Ancient Greece

  • Archaic and Classical Greek Art - N5630 .O73 1998
    • An Oxford publication that looks at ancient Grecian art in relation to politics, religion, and more. Features a table of contents; black and white and color photos and maps; a timeline at the end; bibliography; and index.
  • The Art of Ancient Greece and Rome: From the Rise of Greece to the Fall of Rome - N5610 .B32
    • Presents both Grecian and Roman art in chronological order - together! The chapters are broken into subjects with headings for easy skimming. Features a table of contents; black and white and color photos; glossary; bibliography; and index.
  • Art Past, Art Present - N5300 .W64 1997
    • A world look at art in chronological order from ancient to publication in 1997. The chapters are short, basically an overview of each art period, with a timeline at the end of each chapter. Features a table of contents; black and white and color photos and maps; bibliography; index; and glossary.
  • Classical Art: From Greece to Rome - N5610 .B31 2001
    • An Oxford publication looking at great masterpieces and excavations of ancient Grecian and Roman art and cities, organized by theme, topic, and genre. Features a table of contents; black and white and color photos, maps, and diagrams; timeline; bibliography; and index.
  • Life, Myth, and Art in Ancient Greece - N5630 .S82 2004
    • Read about how mythology was used/represented in the art of ancient Greece. Features a table of contents; color photos; glossary; bibliography; and index.
  • Sculpture of the World: A History - NB60 .C55 1968
    • A chronological view of sculpture from primitive and ancient to the 1960’s. Features a table of contents; black and white photos and maps; bibliography; and index.

Ancient Rome

  • The Art of Ancient Greece and Rome: From the Rise of Greece to the Fall of Rome - N5610 .B32
    • Presents both Grecian and Roman art in chronological order - together! The chapters are broken into subjects with headings for easy skimming. Features a table of contents; black and white and color photos; glossary; bibliography; and index.
  • Art Past, Art Present - N5300 .W64 1997
    • A world look at art in chronological order from ancient to publication in 1997. The chapters are short, basically an overview of each art period, with a timeline at the end of each chapter. Features a table of contents; black and white and color photos and maps; bibliography; index; and glossary.
  • Classical Art: From Greece to Rome - N5610 .B31 2001
    • An Oxford publication looking at great masterpieces and excavations of ancient Grecian and Roman art and cities, organized by theme, topic, and genre. Features a table of contents; black and white and color photos, maps, and diagrams; timeline; bibliography; and index.
  • Roman Art - N5760 .D435 1998
    • Talks about Roman art and art patronage as an important part of Roman society and culture. Features a table of contents; black and white and color photos and maps; timeline; bibliography; and index.
  • Roman Art and Architecture - N5780 .W5 1985
    • Looks at Roman art and architecture, not just in Rome, but in countries where the empire spread at it’s peak. Features a table of contents; black and white and color photos and plans; bibliography; and index.
  • Sculpture of the World: A History - NB60 .C55 1968
    • A chronological view of sculpture from primitive and ancient to the 1960’s. Features a table of contents; black and white photos and maps; bibliography; and index.

Databases and Websites

All these are web resources that the COD library has subscribed to or that have been gathered from the internet that are helpful for this topic!

Ancient Greek

Databases - Best Bets

Below are library databases where you can access journal articles and other content. Most of these may be accessed from off-campus, but you must have a COD library card to do so.

Some suggested keywords and subject terms to use when searching for articles on this subject are:
- "ancient Greece"
- "Greek antiquities"
- “Greek art”
- “Greek art objects”
- “Greek architecture”

  • Academic OneFile
    • Contains nearly 13,000 indexed journals, newspapers, and magazines, most peer reviewed and many full-text. The research is very current, not much historical content, but there are a wide range of topics covered. There's a really cool topic finder on the search results page, which gives you keywords related to your search! You have the option to save, download, or email the text or MP3 of the article, and you can make a free account to highlight and make notes on the article within the database.
  • Academic Search Complete
    • Contains over 9000 journals, about 7000 of which are full-text. Some journals go back to 1880’s so you can get historical and recent publications on any given topic. There are plenty of options to narrow your search and to save and cite your article.
  • Art & Architecture Complete
    • Similar to Academic Search Complete except it contains only art-specific publications! If you're looking for the subject browsing function, it's titled Thesaurus.
  • Artstor
    • Find images of artworks that can be used in papers and presentations! You can search or browse by geography, media, or museum/gallery collections. Make a free account to save, organize, cite, or export images. Take a look through their subject guides to get ideas for your next project! See the Artstor Quick Start Guide for tips on using this resource.
  • Oxford Art Online
    • An art major's best friend. This database includes the full text of Grove Art Online, the Oxford Companion to Western Art, the Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms. Your one-stop shop for scholarly articles, biographies, and definitions of all things art-related.


These resources were compiled from the internet. No library card required!

  • Ancient
    • This resource was created by an artist and professor who specializes in Greek art. Here you can find a timeline, maps, and articles about the history, architecture, art, archaeology. They are filled with pictures and links to related articles Even listed are museums which keep ancient Greek artifacts.
  • The George Ortiz Collection - Greek Objects and Greek Objects Continued
    • Photo gallery of objects; clicking on one will take you to a page describing the piece and it’s potential use/value.
  • Google Art Project
    • The Google Art Project is the result of a partnership with museums and galleries to put the art online for free! You can search and browse by museum, collection, artist, or artwork. If you have a Google account, you can create your own "gallery" so you can save and categorize your favorite artwork.
  • Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History - Greek Art
    • Links to the "keyword" feature of the Timeline, which lists all the essays, artworks, and timeline with the "Greek Art" tag. Curated by the Met.
  • The Walter’s Art Museum - Ancient Greece
    • Browse through the ancient Greek collection at the Walter’s Art Museum in Baltimore. There is a really cool slider that goes through the pages! Hovering over a picture will give you a quick overview of object, and clicking on will take you to the full bibliographic record, where you can explore the object by zooming in and clicking different views.

Ancient Rome

Databases - Best Bets

Below are library databases where you can access journal articles and other content. Most of these may be accessed from off-campus, but you must have a COD library card to do so.

Some suggested keywords and subject terms to use when searching for articles on this subject are:
- “ancient Rome"
- “Roman antiquities”
- “Roman architecture”
- “Roman art”
- "Roman art objects”

  • Academic OneFile
    • Contains nearly 13,000 indexed journals, newspapers, and magazines, most peer reviewed and many full-text. The research is very current, not much historical content, but there are a wide range of topics covered. There's a really cool topic finder on the search results page, which gives you keywords related to your search! You have the option to save, download, or email the text or MP3 of the article, and you can make a free account to highlight and make notes on the article within the database.
  • Academic Search Complete
    • Contains over 9000 journals, about 7000 of which are full-text. Some journals go back to 1880’s so you can get historical and recent publications on any given topic. There are plenty of options to narrow your search and to save and cite your article.
  • Art & Architecture Complete
    • Similar to Academic Search Complete except it contains only art-specific publications! If you're looking for the subject browsing function, it's titled Thesaurus.
  • Artstor
    • Find images of artworks that can be used in papers and presentations! You can search or browse by geography, media, or museum/gallery collections. Make a free account to save, organize, cite, or export images. Take a look through their subject guides to get ideas for your next project! See the Artstor Quick Start Guide for tips on using this resource.
  • Oxford Art Online
    • An art major's best friend. This database includes the full text of Grove Art Online, the Oxford Companion to Western Art, the Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms. Your one-stop shop for scholarly articles, biographies, and definitions of all things art-related.


These resources were compiled from the internet. No library card required!

  • George Ortiz Collection - Roman Objects
    • Photo gallery of objects; clicking on one will take you to a page describing the piece and it’s potential use/value.
  • Google Art Project
    • The Google Art Project is the result of a partnership with museums and galleries to put the art online for free! You can search and browse by museum, collection, artist, or artwork. If you have a Google account, you can create your own "gallery" so you can save and categorize your favorite artwork.
  • Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History - Ancient Roman Art
    • Links to the "keyword" feature of the Timeline, which lists all the essays, artworks, and timeline with the "Ancient Roman Art" tag. Curated by the Met.
  • Penn Museum - Rome Gallery
    • The Rome Gallery at the University of Pennsylvania's Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. The homepage has a synopsis of the collection and a few links at the bottom to more resources. You can also search the collection.
  • The Walter’s Art Museum - Roman Empire
    • Browse through the ancient Roman collection at the Walter’s Art Museum in Baltimore. There is a really cool slider that goes through the pages! Hovering over a picture will give you a quick overview of object, and clicking on will take you to the full bibliographic record, where you can explore the object by zooming in and clicking different views.

Academic Honesty


COD's Four Core Values are:

We expect the highest standard of moral character and ethical behavior.
We expect truthfulness and trustworthiness.
We expect courtesy and dignity in all interpersonal interactions.
We expect fulfillment of obligations and accountability.

For Faculty and Staff:

Talk about academic honesty with your students! See the Instructor Toolbox and Resources to the right for information and materials you can use in your classroom to discuss the importance of academic honesty in the classroom.

Report violations of the Code of Academic Integrity


Ancient Egyptian

Revised art guide in progress by Dominican University / COD practicum student Kathleen Gomez - sp 2016

The ancient Egyptians lived along the Nile River in northern Africa and created one of the biggest and most intricate cultures in the world. It is still studied and holds fascination for many people today because of its symbolism, symmetry, and representation of gods and men. Art which is classified as ancient Egyptian dates back to roughly 3000 BC to 100 AD, and includes objects such as statues, pottery, jewelry, funerary masks, and coffins with mummies encased within.

Art Guide Home

  1. Reference Books
  2. Circulating Books
  3. Databases and Websites

Reference Books

Confused about your topic, or not sure where to begin? Start here! Reference books are written to give you a good general overview of a topic. Print reference works are for in-library use only; ebooks can be viewed on and off campus if you have a current COD library card. The reference section is on the first floor of the library, behind the staircase. You can use the catalog or Reference Universe to find both print and electronic reference books.

  • 30,000 Years of Art - N5300 .A14 2015
    • This little book is a huge timeline of art, from prehistory to contemporary! Each page contains a color photo of an artwork, the bibliographic information, and a short article. Each entry is color coded on the bottom edge of the page depending on the continent the work originated from. There is a smaller timeline of just text at the end, before the index.
    • See “Egypt” in the index, pg 648.
  • Arts & Humanities Through the Eras - NX440 .A787 2005
    • This set has 5 volumes dedicated to different eras. Topics covered include music, fashion, architecture, visual arts, theater, and much more! Each book has an era overview, chronology, and table of contents at the beginning of each book and each chapter. Also included are black and white photos, maps, and illustrations; a bibliography after each entry; glossary; and index.
    • See Volume 1: “Ancient Egypt”.
  • The Encyclopedia of Sculpture - NB198 .E53 2004
    • This encyclopedia contains longer articles on sculptors, famous works, works by period, style, and country/continent, and materials and techniques. There is a table of contents in the first volume by both alphabet and theme, with the index in the last volume. Also featured are black and white photos and a bibliography after each entry.
    • See “Egypt, ancient…” Volume 1, pgs 485-99.
  • Grove Dictionary of Art - N31 .D5 1996
    • This is an older resource, but one of the most comprehensive art resources there is. The articles and biographies are a little longer, and features black and white photos and illustrations, maps, and an index. Also part of Oxford Art Online!
    • See “Egypt, ancient” Volume 9, pgs 769-906; Volume 10, pgs 1-95.
  • Icons of Beauty: Art, Culture, and the Image of Women - N7630 .M25 2010
    • Historical record of how women are treated and portrayed in art throughout the centuries. Good long articles with great cross-indexing cover the history and method of works discussed, and related works. Features a table of contents in both volumes; black and white and color photos; bibliography; and index.
    • See Volume 1, Chapter 2: “Regal Beauty: Nefertiti (c. 1348-1336/5 BCE)”
  • Oxford Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture - NA31 .C864 2006
    • Oxford is one of the premier publishers for art and architecture. This dictionary contains short, concise entries on architects as well as architectural terms and periods. Features black and white photos and illustrations and a bibliography after each entry.
    • See “Egyptian architecture” pg 255-6.

Circulating Books

These are books you can check out! They can get more specific than reference books and are located on the second floor of the library. You can search the catalog before going up or click the box below to see the call numbers for art books so you can browse the shelves. If you find a book while searching that looks awesome but that we don't own, you can submit an inter-library loan request through I-Share and another library will send you the book for free! You will need a COD library card to check books out.

Ask a Library staff member to show you where the "N" and "T" books are located.

N - general works of art
NA - works on architecture
NB - sculpting
NC - drawing
ND - painting
NE - print media
NK - decorative arts & ceramics
NX - special topics in art
TR - photography

  • The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt - N5350 .S65 1981b
    • Outlines art and architecture of ancient Egypt in chronological order; including changes made to royal palaces by different pharaohs. Includes a table of contents; chronology; black and whtie photos, maps, diagrams; bibliography; and index.
  • The Art of Ancient Egypt - N5350 .R63 1997
    • This book is only available in e-book, but don't let that stop you! Here, ancient Egyptian art is outlined in chronological order, with a timeline at the beginning of the book. Features a table of contents; black and white and color photos, maps, and diagrams; bibliography; and index.
  • Art Past, Art Present - N5300 .W64 1997
    • A world look at art in chronological order from ancient to publication in 1997. The chapters are short, basically an overview of each art period, with a timeline at the end of each chapter. Features a table of contents; black and white and color photos and maps; bibliography; index; and glossary.
  • Egyptian Art - N5350 .M264 1999
    • Egyptian art through its history linked with political and religious movements of each period. Features a list of deities and chronology of dynasties and important events as well as your usual table of contents; black and white and color photos and maps; bibliography; glossary; and index.
  • Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids - N5350 .E37 1999
    • A catalog of an exhibition of ancient Egyptian art shown at the Met. Inside are articles written by scholars, and annotations of some artifacts have details on history and archaeological discovery attached. Features a chronology at beginning; black and white and color photos, maps, and diagrams; glossary; bibliography; and index.
  • Sculpture of the World: A History - NB60 .C55 1968
    • A chronological view of sculpture from primitive and ancient to the 1960’s. Features a table of contents; black and white photos and maps; bibliography; and index.

Databases and Websites

All these are web resources that the COD library has subscribed to or that have been gathered from the internet that are helpful for this topic!

Databases - Best Bets

Below are library databases where you can access journal articles and other content. Most of these may be accessed from off-campus, but you must have a COD library card to do so.

Some suggested keywords and subject terms to use when searching for articles on this subject are:
- “ancient Egypt”
- “Armana style (Egyptian art)”
- “Egyptian architecture”
- “Egyptian art objects”
- “Egyptian art”

  • Academic OneFile
    • Contains nearly 13,000 indexed journals, newspapers, and magazines, most peer reviewed and many full-text. The research is very current, not much historical content, but there are a wide range of topics covered. There's a really cool topic finder on the search results page, which gives you keywords related to your search! You have the option to save, download, or email the text or MP3 of the article, and you can make a free account to highlight and make notes on the article within the database.
  • Academic Search Complete
    • Contains over 9000 journals, about 7000 of which are full-text. Some journals go back to 1880’s so you can get historical and recent publications on any given topic. There are plenty of options to narrow your search and to save and cite your article.
  • Art & Architecture Complete
    • Similar to Academic Search Complete except it contains only art-specific publications! If you're looking for the subject browsing function, it's titled Thesaurus.
  • Artstor
    • Find images of artworks that can be used in papers and presentations! You can search or browse by geography, media, or museum/gallery collections. Make a free account to save, organize, cite, or export images. Take a look through their subject guides to get ideas for your next project! See the Artstor Quick Start Guide for tips on using this resource.
  • Oxford Art Online
    • An art major's best friend. This database includes the full text of Grove Art Online, the Oxford Companion to Western Art, the Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms. Your one-stop shop for scholarly articles, biographies, and definitions of all things art-related.


These resources were compiled from the internet. No library card required!

  • George Ortiz Collection - Egyptian Objects
    • Photo gallery of objects; clicking on one will take you to a page describing the piece and it’s potential use/value.
  • Google Art Project
    • The Google Art Project is the result of a partnership with museums and galleries to put the art online for free! You can search and browse by museum, collection, artist, or artwork. If you have a Google account, you can create your own "gallery" so you can save and categorize your favorite artwork.
  • Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History - Ancient Egyptian Art
    • Links to the "keyword" feature of the Timeline, which lists all the essays, artworks, and timeline with the "Ancient Egyptian Art" tag. Curated by the Met.
  • Global Egyptian Museum
    • Ancient Egyptian artifacts kept in museums around the world are all here in one virtual museum! You can search by object, period, media, the region the piece was found, and the museum it resides in. Clicking on a picture of an artifact in a search result takes you to it’s bibliographic information, where you can view close-ups and alternate views (just make sure you have your pop-up blocker off). There are also links to unfamiliar words in the glossary.

A Place to Learn

A Place to Learn is a film in the Archive produced by the Learning Resource Center in 1972. At this point in time, the Library/LRC was on West Campus in Building J (later renamed OCC). Then, as now, our mission, to serve our students and faculty by providing them with instruction and cutting edge technology, remains.


Citing Archival Material

Following is the standard format for citing material from the College of DuPage Archive:

Glen Ellyn, Illinois, College of DuPage Archive, (item) , (date) , (record group) .

Example 1:
Glen Ellyn, Illinois, College of DuPage Archive, Registration Survey, Winter Quarter, 1977, Record Group H/3.

Example 2:
Glen Ellyn, Illinois, College of DuPage Archive, The Courier, vol. 6, no. 8, 16 Nov. 1972, Record Group M/7.1.

Example 3:
Glen Ellyn, Illinois, College of DuPage Archive, memo regarding summer move to building A, 17 April 1973, Record Group E/2.

Alternatively, if a specific citation style is required, the specific archival identifier can be appended:

Genre-appropriate citation. Box number, Folder number. Unique identifier and collection name. Archives name, Institutional affiliation, Location. Date accessed.

Example 4:
Voelz, Doris. Symposium on Career and Employment Opportunities for Women. 13 September 1973. Record Group I/3.8. College of DuPage Archive, College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, IL. 1 April 2015.


Reading Room

The Robert A. Veihman Archives Reading Room is located in the College of DuPage Library on the third floor of the Student Resource Center in SRC 3103. The College of DuPage Archive is open to anyone wishing to use the collection under the supervision of the Archivist. All materials are non-circulating and must remain in the Reading Room. If you are unable to visit the Archive, reference inquiries are accepted by mail, email, and telephone.

• Upon arrival, please sign in with the Archivist.
• No food or drink is allowed in the Reading Room.
• Please use care in handling all material.
• Do not rearrange materials in folders or boxes. Maintain the original order in which you found the materials.
• Use pencil only when taking notes.
• Please silence cell phone ringers. Calls should take place outside the Library.
• Cameras and other devices may be used to photograph items in the collection. Please see the policy on photography for further information.
• Black and white photocopies or scans of archival materials may be requested, and are done by staff.
• Laptops and tablets are allowed in the Reading Room. Wireless internet access is available.



Collecting Objectives
The College of DuPage Library is responsible for organizing and maintaining the College of DuPage Archive. The collection consists of material produced by or about the College.

Material collected and preserved in the Archive includes:
• Minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting minutes
• Annual budgets and annual reports
• Legal documents relating to the organization of the College
• Publications produced by the College such as: catalogs, class schedules, brochures, student newspaper, and student publications
• Newspaper clippings and news releases about the College of DuPage
• Books and articles written by faculty and staff
• Minutes and records of campus-wide committees
• Audio-visual materials such as photographs, slides, audio and video recordings
• Artifacts and memorabilia
• Personal papers of faculty and administrators

The material is retained in its original format or converted to electronic format, based on the quality, ease, and permanence of accessibility.
The Archivist reserves the right to discard duplicate material and to decline to add items not closely related to the history of the College. The Archive does not collect student, personnel or departmental records, syllabi, and financial records unless they have historical interest or value.

In addition to the physical archival collection is the Digital Commons, an open-access institutional repository of scholarly and creative works produced and submitted by the College of DuPage faculty, staff, and students. The Digital Commons can be accessed at:

Prehistoric and Mesopotamian

Revised art guide in progress by Dominican University / COD practicum student Kathleen Gomez - sp 2016

Prehistoric art is that which was created in a civilization before the start of written records, or before encountering a culture that has developed writing, so that important events become documented. This can cause some discrepancy in the dating of prehistoric art, especially depending on the region. Recognized periods of prehistoric art include the Lower, Middle, and Upper Paleolithic periods, the Stone Age, the Neolithic period, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age. Art of this period includes cave art, small fertility objects, pottery, and tools.

Mesopotamia, the land between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers (modern day Iraq and northeastern Syria), is sometimes referred to as the "Cradle of Civilization," rivaling ancient Egypt in size and scope. Assyrians, Babylonians, and Sumerians populated the region. The oldest written records date back to the Mesopotamian civilization. Art of this period includes statues, cylinder seals, pottery, and steles.

Art Guide Home

  1. Reference Books
  2. Circulating Books
  3. Databases and Websites

Reference Books

Confused about your topic, or not sure where to begin? Start here! Reference books are written to give you a good general overview of a topic. Print reference works are for in-library use only; ebooks can be viewed on and off campus if you have a current COD library card. The reference section is on the first floor of the library, behind the staircase. You can use the catalog or Reference Universe to find both print and electronic reference books.


  • 30,000 Years of Art - N5300 .A14 2015
    • This little book is a huge timeline of art, from prehistory to contemporary! Each page contains a color photo of an artwork, the bibliographic information, and a short article. Each entry is color coded on the bottom edge of the page depending on the continent the work originated from. There is a smaller timeline of just text at the end, before the index.
    • See pgs 4-27
  • Encyclopedia of Archaeology: The Great Archaeologists - CC110 .E54 1999
    • An encyclopedia containing nothing but biographies on famous archaeologists, in chronological order. Features photos, a bibliography, and an index.
    • See "Art, prehistoric" in index
  • Grove Dictionary of Art - N31 .D5 1996
    • This is an older resource, but one of the most comprehensive art resources there is. The articles and biographies are a little longer, and features black and white photos and illustrations, maps, and an index. Also part of Oxford Art Online!
    • See “Prehistoric Art” Volume 25, pgs 467-8
    • See “Prehistoric Europe” Volume 25, pgs 468-548
  • Icons of Beauty: Art, Culture, and the Image of Women - N7630 .M25 2010
    • Historical record of how women are treated and portrayed in art throughout the centuries. Good long articles with great cross-indexing cover the history and method of works discussed, and related works. Features a table of contents in both volumes; black and white and color photos; bibliography; and index.
    • See Volume 1, Chapter 1: “The Beauty of Life in Form and Meaning: Woman from Millendorf (c. 25,000-22,000 BCE)”
  • The Oxford Companion to Archaeology - CC70 .O96 1996
    • Oxford is one of the premier publishers for art and architecture. Entries here range in topic from archaeology terms and methods to biographies of important archaeologists to essays about our ancestor's lives and culture. Also available in e-book.
    • See "art - Paleolithic," "cave art - Paleolithic," and "rock art - Paleolithic" in the index


  • 30,000 Years of Art - N5300 .A14 2015
    • This little book is a huge timeline of art, from prehistory to contemporary! Each page contains a color photo of an artwork, the bibliographic information, and a short article. Each entry is color coded on the bottom edge of the page depending on the continent it originated from. There is a smaller timeline of just text at the end, before the index.
    • See pgs 30, 35, 78, 82
  • Grove Dictionary of Art - N31 .D5 1996
    • This is an older resource, but one of the most comprehensive art resources there is. The articles and biographies are a little longer, and features black and white photos and illustrations, maps, and an index. Also part of Oxford Art Online!
    • See “Mesopotamia” Volume 21, pgs 266-310
  • The Oxford Companion to Archaeology - CC70 .O96 1996
    • Oxford is one of the premier publishers for art and architecture. Entries here range in topic from archaeology terms and methods to biographies of important archaeologists to essays about our ancestor's lives and culture. Also available in e-book.
    • See "Mesopotamia" in the index.
  • Oxford Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture - NA31 .C864 2006
    • Oxford is one of the premier publishers for art and architecture. This dictionary contains short, concise entries on architects as well as architectural terms and periods. Features black and white photos and illustrations and a bibliography after each entry.
    • See "Assyrian architecture" pg 49
    • See "Babylonian architecture" pg 54
    • See "Sumerian architecture" pg 753

Circulating Books

These are books you can check out! They can get more specific than reference books and are located on the second floor of the library. You can search the catalog before going up or click the box below to see the call numbers for art books so you can browse the shelves. If you find a book while searching that looks awesome but that we don't own, you can submit an inter-library loan request through I-Share and another library will send you the book for free! You will need a COD library card to check books out.

Ask a Library staff member to show you where the "N" and "T" books are located.

N - general works of art
NA - works on architecture
NB - sculpting
NC - drawing
ND - painting
NE - print media
NK - decorative arts & ceramics
NX - special topics in art
TR - photography


  • Art Past, Art Present - N5300 .W64 1997
    • A world look at art in chronological order from ancient to publication in 1997. The chapters are short, basically an overview of each art period, with a timeline at the end of each chapter. Features a table of contents; black and white and color photos and maps; bibliography; index; and glossary.
  • Cambridge Illustrated History of Prehistoric Art - N5310 .B34 1998
    • Contains information mostly about cave paintings: the discovery, interpretations, and science of dating them. It also contains some information about objects and body art, which is pretty cool! Includes a table of contents, glossary, index, and color photos.
  • Prehistoric Art: The Symbolic Journey of Mankind - N5310 .W48 2003
    • A little more of an anthropological look at prehistoric caves and objects around the world. Paragraph headings throughout the chapters make this a particularly light read. Includes table of contents, charts, maps, color photos, glossary, bibliography, and index.
  • Sculpture of the World: A History - NB60 .C55 1968
    • A chronological view of sculpture from primitive and ancient to the 1960’s. Features a table of contents; black and white photos and maps; bibliography; and index.
  • World Rock Art - N5310 .C5813 2002
    • Read about rock art found around the world and the discovery, interpretations, and preservation of the images. Includes a table of contents, bibliography, and color photos.


  • Ancient Near Eastern Art - N5345 .C69 1995
    • A chronology of ancient art with a big timeline at the end. Includes a table of contents, black and white and color photos, maps, timeline, bibliography, and index.
  • Art of the First Cities: The Third Millennium B.C. from the Mediterranean to the Indus - N5330 .A68 2003
    • Exhibition catalog of ancient art held at the Met in summer of 2003. In addition to the artwork, there are lots of articles written by scholars on different art and civilizations and ways of life. Includes table of contents, color photos, bibliography, and index.
  • Art Past, Art Present - N5300 .W64 1997
    • A world look at art in chronological order from ancient to publication in 1997. The chapters are short, basically an overview of each art period, with a timeline at the end of each chapter. Features a table of contents; black and white and color photos and maps; bibliography; index; and glossary.
  • Sculpture of the World: A History - NB60 .C55 1968
    • A chronological view of sculpture from primitive and ancient to the 1960’s. Features a table of contents; black and white photos and maps; bibliography; and index.
  • Sumer: The Dawn of Art - N5370 .P343
    • Outlines different periods in Sumer and gives art and history for each. There are timelines at the end of each chapter with important dates, events, and rulers. Includes table of contents, black and white and color photos, maps, and diagrams, bibliography, and a combined glossary/index.

Databases and Websites

All these are web resources that the COD library has subscribed to or that have been gathered from the internet that are helpful for this topic!


Databases - Best Bets

Below are library databases where you can access journal articles and other content. Most of these may be accessed from off-campus, but you must have a COD library card to do so.

Some suggested keywords and subject terms to use when searching for articles on this subject are:
- "prehistoric art"
- "paleolithic art"
- "primitive art"
- "rock paintings"

  • Academic OneFile
    • Contains nearly 13,000 indexed journals, newspapers, and magazines, most peer reviewed and many full-text. The research is very current, not much historical content, but there are a wide range of topics covered. There's a really cool topic finder on the search results page, which gives you keywords related to your search! You have the option to save, download, or email the text or MP3 of the article, and you can make a free account to highlight and make notes on the article within the database.
  • Academic Search Complete
    • Contains over 9000 journals, about 7000 of which are full-text. Some journals go back to 1880’s so you can get historical and recent publications on any given topic. There are plenty of options to narrow your search and to save and cite your article.
  • Art & Architecture Complete
    • Similar to Academic Search Complete except it contains only art-specific publications! If you're looking for the subject browsing function, it's titled Thesaurus.
  • Artstor
    • Find images of artworks that can be used in papers and presentations! You can search or browse by geography, media, or museum/gallery collections. Make a free account to save, organize, cite, or export images. Take a look through their subject guides to get ideas for your next project! See the Artstor Quick Start Guide for tips on using this resource.
  • Oxford Art Online
    • An art major's best friend. This database includes the full text of Grove Art Online, the Oxford Companion to Western Art, the Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms. Your one-stop shop for scholarly articles, biographies, and definitions of all things art-related.


These resources were compiled from the internet. No library card required!

  • Bradshaw Foundation’s Tanum Rock Art Museum
    • All kinds of information about rock art around the world, complete with pictures, essays, and videos!
  • Google Art Project
    • The Google Art Project is the result of a partnership with museums and galleries to put the art online for free! You can search and browse by museum, collection, artist, or artwork. If you have a Google account, you can create your own "gallery" so you can save and categorize your favorite artwork.
  • Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History - Prehistoric Art
    • Links to the "keyword" feature of the Timeline, which lists all the essays, artworks, and timeline with the "Prehistoric Art" tag. Curated by the Met.
  • Kemerovo State University, Russia
    • Good introductory essays, links to different periods, cave art sites, and portable objects with pictures. Make sure to have your browser translator on, it can go back to Russian sometimes.


Databases - Best Bets

Below are library databases where you can access journal articles and other content. Most of these may be accessed from off-campus, but you must have a COD library card to do so.

Some suggested keywords and subject terms to use when searching for articles on this subject are:
- "Mesopotamia"
- "Mesopotamian antiquities"
- "Iraqi art"

  • Academic OneFile
    • Contains nearly 13,000 indexed journals, newspapers, and magazines, most peer reviewed and many full-text. The research is very current, not much historical content, but there are a wide range of topics covered. There's a really cool topic finder on the search results page, which gives you keywords related to your search! You have the option to save, download, or email the text or MP3 of the article, and you can make a free account to highlight and make notes on the article within the database.
  • Academic Search Complete
    • Contains over 9000 journals, about 7000 of which are full-text. Some journals go back to 1880’s so you can get historical and recent publications on any given topic. There are plenty of options to narrow your search and to save and cite your article.
  • Art & Architecture Complete
    • Similar to Academic Search Complete except it contains only art-specific publications! If you're looking for the subject browsing function, it's titled Thesaurus.
  • Artstor
    • Find images of artworks that can be used in papers and presentations! You can search or browse by geography, media, or museum/gallery collections. Make a free account to save, organize, cite, or export images. Take a look through their subject guides to get ideas for your next project! See the Artstor Quick Start Guide for tips on using this resource.
  • Oxford Art Online
    • An art major's best friend. This database includes the full text of Grove Art Online, the Oxford Companion to Western Art, the Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms. Your one-stop shop for scholarly articles, biographies, and definitions of all things art-related.


These resources were compiled from the internet. No library card required!

Native American

Revised art guide in progress by Dominican University / COD practicum student Kathleen Gomez - sp 2016

Native American art encompasses objects that were created by the tribes that inhabited North America prior to the arrival of the continent by the Europeans. Hundreds of tribes have existed and survived; therefore, Native American art is very broad and diverse. Historians have created the following regions in order to better classify and catalog the art: Northeast, Southeast, Plains, Plateau, Great Basin, Southwest, California, and Pacific Northwest. Some examples of objects are clothing, jewelry, woven baskets, cave paintings, and land art.

Art Guide Home

  1. Reference Books
  2. Circulating Books
  3. Databases and Websites

Reference Books

Confused about your topic, or not sure where to begin? Start here! Reference books are written to give you a good general overview of a topic. Print reference works are for in-library use only; ebooks can be viewed on and off campus if you have a current COD library card. The reference section is on the first floor of the library, behind the staircase. You can use the catalog or Reference Universe to find both print and electronic reference books.

  • 30,000 Years of Art - N5300 .A14 2015
    • This little book is a huge timeline of art, from prehistory to contemporary! Each page contains a color photo of an artwork, the bibliographic information, and a short article. Each entry is color coded on the bottom edge of the page depending on the continent the work originated from. There is a smaller timeline of just text at the end, before the index.
    • See pgs 43, 159, 202, 235, 278, 468.
  • The Encyclopedia of Sculpture - NB198 .E53 2004
    • This encyclopedia contains longer articles on sculptors, famous works, works by period, style, and country/continent, and materials and techniques. There is a table of contents in the first volume by both alphabet and theme, with the index in the last volume. Also featured are black and white photos and a bibliography after each entry.
    • See Volume 2, pgs 1145-53.
  • Grove Dictionary of Art - N31 .D5 1996
    • This is an older resource, but one of the most comprehensive art resources there is. The articles and biographies are a little longer, and features black and white photos and illustrations, maps, and an index. Also part of Oxford Art Online!
    • See Volume 22, pgs 541-679.

Circulating Books

These are books you can check out! They can get more specific than reference books and are located on the second floor of the library. You can search the catalog before going up or click the box below to see the call numbers for art books so you can browse the shelves. If you find a book while searching that looks awesome but that we don't own, you can submit an inter-library loan request through I-Share and another library will send you the book for free! You will need a COD library card to check books out.

Ask a Library staff member to show you where the "N" and "T" books are located.

N - general works of art
NA - works on architecture
NB - sculpting
NC - drawing
ND - painting
NE - print media
NK - decorative arts & ceramics
NX - special topics in art
TR - photography

Databases and Websites

All these are web resources that the COD library has subscribed to or that have been gathered from the internet that are helpful for this topic!

Databases - Best Bets

Below are library databases where you can access journal articles and other content. Most of these may be accessed from off-campus, but you must have a COD library card to do so.

Some suggested keywords and subject terms to use when searching for articles on this subject are:
- “Native American art”
- “Native American arts”
- “Native American craft"
- “indigenous arts”

  • Academic OneFile
    • Contains nearly 13,000 indexed journals, newspapers, and magazines, most peer reviewed and many full-text. The research is very current, not much historical content, but there are a wide range of topics covered. There's a really cool topic finder on the search results page, which gives you keywords related to your search! You have the option to save, download, or email the text or MP3 of the article, and you can make a free account to highlight and make notes on the article within the database.
  • Academic Search Complete
    • Contains over 9000 journals, about 7000 of which are full-text. Some journals go back to 1880’s so you can get historical and recent publications on any given topic. There are plenty of options to narrow your search and to save and cite your article.
  • Art & Architecture Complete
    • Similar to Academic Search Complete except it contains only art-specific publications! If you're looking for the subject browsing function, it's titled Thesaurus.
  • Artstor
    • Find images of artworks that can be used in papers and presentations! You can search or browse by geography, media, or museum/gallery collections. Make a free account to save, organize, cite, or export images. Take a look through their subject guides to get ideas for your next project! See the Artstor Quick Start Guide for tips on using this resource.
  • Oxford Art Online
    • An art major's best friend. This database includes the full text of Grove Art Online, the Oxford Companion to Western Art, the Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms. Your one-stop shop for scholarly articles, biographies, and definitions of all things art-related.


These resources were compiled from the internet. No library card required!

  • Google Art Project
    • The Google Art Project is the result of a partnership with museums and galleries to put the art online for free! You can search and browse by museum, collection, artist, or artwork. If you have a Google account, you can create your own "gallery" so you can save and categorize your favorite artwork.
  • Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History - Native American Art
    • Links to the "keyword" feature of the Timeline, which lists all the essays, artworks, and timeline with the "Native American Art" tag. Curated by the Met.
  • Museum of Indian Arts & Culture - Online Exhibitions
    • A list of online exhibitions at the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture that may complement those in the museum or are created for online only. Clicking on an exhibit will take you to an introductory page, can watch videos or view the gallery. Clicking on object in the gallery will give you the bibliographic information.
  • National Museum of the American Indian Object Collections
    • This links to the introductory page to the collection and this is the search page. You can search by object type, people/culture, or place. There's even a really cool map function where you can really narrow down your search! Includes both historical objects and more contemporary art by Native American artists.

Art Guide Revisions

Revised art guide in progress by Dominican University / COD practicum student Kathleen Gomez - sp 2016

Welcome to the Art Research Guide! Here is where you'll find resources to write papers and put together presentations for your art and art history assignments. There are links below to different art periods, all of which contain resources to help you get started with your research. Click on an art period below to start exploring! If you get stuck, stop by the Reference Desk or contact a reference librarian here: Ask A Librarian.

Western Art

Prehistoric and Mesopotamian
Native American
Ancient Egyptian
Ancient Greece and Rome
Byzantine and Islamic
Medieval Art
Baroque and Rococo

Eastern Art

Coming soon!

African Art

Coming soon!

Central and South American Art

Coming soon!


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