Axis 360 for E-readers

Step 2: Create an Adobe ID/account

  1. Go to Adobe website to register for an Adobe ID. (
  2. Fill out your information and submit.

Step 3: Install Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) software on your PC

  1. Go to
  2. Install/Download Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) software on your PC
  3. When done, activate ADE with your Adobe ID & password

Step 4: Checkout an eBook

  1. Using a web browser, go to the Library's Magic Wall.
  2. Enter the title, author, or subject in search box or browse through the Magic Wall.
  3. To search, click Search (magnifying) icon; and/or select eBook title, by clicking on the book cover.
  4. Choose the ePub format, and click “Checkout Now”.
  5. Enter your library card number and pin to login.
  6. Click “Ok” for successful checkout.
  7. Leave the browser window open.

Step 5: Download your eBook to ADE

  1. Click on the “Download” link
  2. Your browser will prompt you to open the eBook in ADE. Click “Ok”.
  3. Once the eBook is downloaded, it will open in ADE automatically.
  4. Click the “Library” button in the top left-hand corner.
  5. Leave the ADE window open.

Step 6: Side-load the eBook to Your Device from Adobe Digital Editions

  1. Connect your device to the computer using your USB cord.
  2. Your device will display in ADE.
  3. Click and drag the book jacket to the device. You will know the eBook has been placed on the device when a green plus sign is shown, and then you can unclick to release the title to the device.
  4. Once the eBook is done being loaded onto your device, properly eject your device as you would a flash drive.
  5. Open the eBook on your eReader and start reading!

If you would like to return an eBook early: In ADE, select the book by left clicking on it once. Right click to open the book’s menu. Select “Return Borrowed Item.”


Axis 360 for Apple iOS

Step 2: Create accounts on your device or computer

Create a Blio Account

  1. Go to Blio website to register for Blio account. (
  2. Fill out your information and submit.

Create an Adobe ID account

  1. Go to Adobe website to register for an Adobe ID. (
  2. Fill out your information and submit.

Step 3: Download Blio and/or axisReader to your device

  1. Go to Apple's App Store and search for “axisReader”. Download free app.
  2. Go to Apple's App Store store and search for “Blio eBooks”. Download free app.

Step 4: Checkout eBooks

Checkout eBooks using Blio

Blio is recommended for books with pictures and/or photographs.

  1. Using a web browser, go to the Llibrary's Magic Wall.
  2. Enter the title, author, or subject in search box or browse through the Magic Wall.
  3. To search, click Search (magnifying) icon; and/or select e-book title, by clicking on the book cover.
  4. Choose the Blio format, and click “Checkout Now”.
  5. Enter your library card number and pin to login.
  6. Click “Ok” for successful checkout.
  7. Open the Blio app on device
  8. Enter your Blio account information
  9. Under “Settings”, click “My Account” and make sure the auto-download is on.
  10. The eBook should automatically appear on your device. If not, click ““Get Books.”

Checkout eBooks using axisReader

axisReader is recommended for ePub and PDF e-books, including novels, nonfiction, and books with mostly text.

  1. Open the axisReader app on device
  2. Enter your Adobe ID account information.
  3. Tap “Find a Library”.Browse to find the library.
  4. Select your library by clicking on the green plus sign next to it.
  5. Click on the arrow to the right of “College of DuPage Library”
  6. The Magic Wall will appear.
  7. Browse or search for an eBook.
  8. Select it by tapping on the book jacket cover of the book.
  9. Select the ePub format by tapping on it to make it blue.
  10. Tap “Checkout Now”.
  11. Enter your library barcode number when prompted.
  12. Confirm the eBook for Checkout.
  13. Click download and begin reading.

Axis 360 for Android Tablets/Smartphones

Step 2: Create accounts on your tablet or computer

Create a Blio Account

  1. Go to Blio website to register for Blio account. (
  2. Fill out your information and Click/Tap Submit.

Create an Adobe ID account

  1. Go to Adobe website to register for an Adobe ID. (
  2. Fill out your information and submit.

Step 3: Download Blio and/or axisReader to your device

  1. Go to Google Play store and search for “axisReader”. Download free app.
  2. Go to Google Play store and search for “Blio eBooks”. Download free app.

Step 4: Checkout eBooks

Checkout eBooks using Blio

Blio is recommended for books with pictures and/or photographs.

  1. Using a web browser, go to the Llibrary's Magic Wall.
  2. Enter the title, author, or subject in search box or browse through the Magic Wall.
  3. To search, click Search (magnifying) icon; and/or select e-book title, by clicking on the book cover.
  4. Choose the Blio format, and click “Checkout Now”.
  5. Enter your library card number and pin to login.
  6. Click “Ok” for successful checkout.
  7. Open the Blio app on device
  8. Enter your Blio account information
  9. Under “Settings”, click “My Account” and make sure the auto-download is on.
  10. The eBook should automatically appear on your device. If not, click ““Get Books.”

Checkout eBooks using axisReader

axisReader is recommended for ePub and PDF e-books, including novels, nonfiction, and books with mostly text.

  1. Open the axisReader app on device
  2. Enter your Adobe ID account information.
  3. Tap “Find a Library”.Browse to find the library.
  4. Select your library by clicking on the green plus sign next to it.
  5. Click on the arrow to the right of “College of DuPage Library”
  6. The Magic Wall will appear.
  7. Browse or search for an eBook.
  8. Select it by tapping on the book jacket cover of the book.
  9. Select the ePub format by tapping on it to make it blue.
  10. Tap “Checkout Now”.
  11. Enter your library barcode number when prompted.
  12. Confirm the eBook for Checkout.
  13. Click download and begin reading.

Axis 360 Instructions


Getting Started

You will need:

  • Your eReading Device/Tablet/Smartphone (including the USB if not a tablet/smartphone)
  • Your Library Card number
  • Your Email Address
  • A Computer (if your device is an eReader and not a tablet/smartphone with a web browser)

Step 1: Determine Your Device

What type of device are you using? (Select your device and follow the link for next steps.)

  • Android Phone/Tablet (Samsung Galaxy, Google Nexus, etc.)
  • Apple iPhone, iPad
  • eReaders: Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, etc.*
  • Kindle (Original eReader versions) -Axis 360 eBooks are unavailable for Kindles
  • Kindle Fire
  • Kindle Fire HD
  • MAC & Window Computers (PCs)

*Complete list of eReader devices that are compatible with Adobe Digital Editions:


CHEMI 1105: Green Chemistry

crab orchard.jpg

Welcome! Click on a tab below to find books, articles, and websites for use in this course.

You'll need a College of DuPage Library card in order to use most of the resources below from off campus. If your card is not working, it may need to be reactivated.

Questions? Feel free to use my contact info to the right, stop by the Reference Desk, or contact us by email or chat.

Image Credit: US Fish and Wildlife Service, "Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Fire," 2008
  1. Background
  2. Books
  3. Articles
  4. Websites
  5. Cite
  6. Activity

Getting Started: Background Research

Not sure where to get started? Any of the following might help:

  • A great place to begin is with what you find interesting. What questions do you have from class discussions?
  • If you're struggling to find a topic, you can begin looking for topics at sites like the EPA's Basics of Green Chemistry.
  • You can also check the article on Environmental Chemistry from the Environmental Encyclopedia (library card required).
  • You can also try looking for topics by starting at Google News and doing a search for "chemicals and health" or "chemicals and environment."
  • Your textbook or your class Blackboard site are also good places to start.

Once you've picked a topic, you'll want to do a bit of background research.

If you have any questions about definitions or the context of some of these issues (such as "how long have we been using nuclear energy in the US?"), head to a reference source to discover more information. Your best bets are:

Find Books: Using the Catalog

Books can be a great resource to help you to continue to figure out your topic. They are often written for a general audience and contain a lot of detail. To find books, start by clicking on Catalog at the top of your screen.

Breaking Down a Research Question for the Catalog

You always want to search by phrases, not sentences.

So, rather than searching by typing "How does fertilizer runoff impact the health of river ecosystems?" you'd want to separate out (and often generalize) your topic a bit.

So, try the following search instead:


You could also try searches like "cyanobacteria" or algae and drinking water.

Finding Sources

Once you've looked through the catalog, head to a library database in order to find magazine and journal articles. These will give you a current take on the topic. The best bets for your topic are:

Academic Search Complete: ASC offers a wide variety of topics with a wide variety of types of sources (newspapers, magazines, scholarly articles.) It's a good place to look for anything with a current focus (such as hydraulic fracturing), but be sure to know what you're looking at. To find a review article on your topic in Academic Search Complete, type your topic and review.

Example: "hydraulic fracturing" AND review.

Scientific American is a respected scientific magazine and articles are online in Academic Search Complete. Need an image or table from your article? The journal is in full-text in JSTOR except for the current 5 years, and we retain two years of the most current issues in our print collection.

You can also search newspapers throughout the country via National Newspapers Core.

The New York Times is in full text online from 1980 to the present via this database.

Finding Government Websites

While you're doing Google searches to either narrow your topic or in order to dig up more information on certain subject, you want to be careful to decide if the information you find is trustworthy.

When it comes to science, nearly everyone has opinions: are we getting enough Vitamin D? What will fracking do for our economy or our groundwater supply? Your job is to evaluate the information you can find through Google to find the good websites--those written by authors you can trust, with good and up-to-date information.

Authorship: Who created this website? What is their background on the topic? Are they trustworthy?

Bias: Why was the website created? What point of view does the author have? Does that limit the facts they present or how the facts are presented?

Date: How old is the information that is presented? Is it still accurate?

Questions? Check out the COD Library's guide to evaluating information.

Remember that for this class, you want to use government websites only.
If you're searching for government websites on your topic, you can search google for


Cite Sources

Find directions about how to cite your sources on the library citation guide.

You can also always check out the Purdue OWL website, which has MLA and APA citation guides.

Finally, you are welcome to use NoodleBib if you'd like to use a program to create and organize your citations. You must "Create a New Folder" when you use NoodleBIB for the first time. Click on "I am citing a(n):," choose the type of item you are citing, and then fill in the online form. Your bibliography will be formatted for you.

Plagiarize, Patchwrite, Paraphrase?

Confused about when you would need to cite, or where the line is drawn between paraphrasing and patchwriting?

Take a moment to look at the following sources to see definitions and good and bad examples of student writing. Further questions? Contact me using the information at the right of the screen.

Class Examples

Please take a moment to look at your assigned link. Try to answer the following questions:

  1. Who is the audience?
  2. Who is the author?
  3. Could you use the source for your project?
  4. If so, how could it be used? (What kind of information does it provide?)

Five Chemicals in Baby Products You Need to Avoid

Personal Hygiene Products

Beauty Tips for the FDA.

Maternal and Fetal Exposure to Parabens in a Multiethnic Urban U.S. Population

Parabens: FactSheet

Micromedex & mobileMicromedex

What is Micromedex

MICROMEDEX provides full-text clinical information including: drug information evaluations and comparisions, drug dosages and interactions, drug product identification, reproductive risks, toxicity management, alternative medicine/herbal preparations information, acute/emergency care guidelines, drug, disease and condition information for patients, laboratory test information, dosage calculators, IV compatibility, and references.

CareNotes (available from within Micromedex)
CareNotes documents provide easy-to-understand information about all aspects of care and health. Available in English and Spanish (and up to 13 other languages), the System's concise, customizable patient education materials address patient condition, treatment, laboratory tests, follow-up care, psychosocial issues, continuing health, and the most frequently administered drugs. CareNotes information also helps meet JCAHO patient education guidelines.

Access the Micromedex database via the Library Web site ( using the Databases tab OR access via the COD Library Nursing Resources Guide (

How to Get mobileMicromedex

mobileMicromedex Logo.png

To download and use Micromedex MOBILE apps, you will need to obtain the latest passwords from the Micromedex Solutions database's Download Center or Download Mobile Apps links.

Micromedex updates frequently and the mobile version's passwords change too. Don't contact the Library for passwords.

To get mobile app passwords, follow these steps:

Access the Micromedex database via the Library Web site ( using the Databases tab OR access via the COD Library Nursing Resources Guide (

Click on the Download Center link located on the right side at the top of the page


Several apps are available. If a password is necessary, it will be included in the app download information (usually in step #4).

Write down the password and then proceed to either the App store, or Google Play to download the app. Enter the password when prompted.

Micromedex is constantly tweaking apps as well as updating clinical content. Check the mobileMicromedex page frequently for updates!!!

Micromedex versus mobileMicromedex

Until you familiarize yourself with all of the features available in Micromedex, consider using the "full" version on a PC or Laptop. Then replicate your search on your mobile device using the mobileMicromedex app(s) and familiarize yourself with how to "drill down" to get the same information.

Micromedex (the full version) provides a clear visual picture (links) to all information available on a given topic, but the same information provided in mobileMicromedex may be available 3 or 4 screens (clicks) in on a hand-held device. If you aren't familiar with what information is available in Micromedex, it may be harder to locate information using the mobile apps until you learn where the information is embedded.

Citing from Micromedex and mobileMicromedex

See the Citing handouts attached at the bottom of this page.

Ethnic Film Directors - Latin Americans and Latino-Americans


Maria Luisa Bemberg

Popular Collection VHS

Fernando Birri

Un Señor muy viejo con unas alas enormes = A Very Old Man with Enormous Wing(s)
Popular Collection VHS

Israel Adrián Caetano

Popular Collection DVD

Eduardo Mignogna

Sol de Otoño = Autumn sun
Popular Collection VHS

Hector Olivera

No habrá más penas ni olvido = Funny dirty little war
Note: video ordered

Luis Puenzo

La Historia Oficial = The Official Story
Popular Collection VHS

The plague
Note: video ordered

Marcos Zurinaga

Tango bar
Note: video ordered


Hector Babenco

Pixote : a lei do mais fraco = Pixote : survival of the weakest
Popular Collection DVD

Bruno Barreto

Bye bye Brazil
Popular Collection VHS

Dona Flor and her two husbands
Note: video ordered

Popular Collection VHS

Marcel Camus

Black Orpheus
Popular Collection DVD
Popular Collection VHS

Jorge Furtado

The man who copied
Popular Collection DVD

Ruy Guerra

Fábula de la bella palomera = The fable of the beautiful pigeon fancier
Note: video ordered

Fernando Meirelles & Katia Lund

Cidade de Deus = City of god
Popular Collection DVD

Walter Salles

Central station
Popular Collection DVD


Joshua Marston

Maria Full of Grace
Popular Collection DVD


Tomas Gutierrez Alea

Fresa y Chocolate = Strawberry & Chocolate
Popular Collection VHS

Jaime Humberto Hermosillo

El Verano de la Señora Forbes = The Summer of Miss Forbes
Popular Collection VHS

Leon Ichaso

Bitter Sugar = Azucar Amarga
Popular Collection VHS

Fernando Pérez

La Vida es Silbar = Life is to Whistle
Popular Collection DVD

Juan Carlos Tabio

Fresa y Chocolate = Strawberry & Chocolate
Popular Collection VHS


Sebastián Cordero

Crónicas = Chronicles
Popular Collection DVD


Alfonso Arau

Como agua para chocolate = Like water for chocolate
Popular Collection DVD

Carlos Carrera

El crimen del Padre Amaro = Crime of Padre Amaro
Popular Collection DVD

Sin remitente = No return address
Popular Collection VHS

Alfonso Cuarón

Y tu mamá también
Popular Collection DVD

Nicholás Eshevarria

Cabeza de Vaca
Popular Collection VHS

Emilio Fernandez

John Steinbeck's The Pearl
General Location PS3537.T3234 P4 1985

Carlos Garcia Agraz

Ultima llamada = The last call
Popular Collection VHS

José Luis García Agraz

Salon Mexico
Popular Collection VHS

Alejandro González Iñárritu

Amores perros = Love's a bitch
Popular Collection DVD

Servando Gonzalez

Popular Collection VHS

Alberto Isaac

Mujeres insumisas = Untamed women
Popular Collection VHS

Enrique Murrillo

Las muertas de Juarez
General Location HV6535.M43 M837 2002


Armando Robles Godoy

Muralla verde = The green wall
Note: video ordered

United States - Latino Americans

Allison Anders

Gas, food, lodging
Note: video ordered

My crazy life
Popular Collection DVD

Leon Ichaso

Bitter sugar = Azucar amarga
Popular Collection VHS

El Super
Popular Collection VHS

Orlando Jimenez-Leal

El Super
Popular Collection VHS

Ramon Menendez

Stand and Deliver
Popular Collection DVD

Gregory Nava

My Family = Mi familia
Note: video ordered

El Norte = The North
Popular Collection DVD
Popular Collection DVD

Popular Collection DVD

Why Do Fools Fall in Love
Popular Collection DVD

Maria Ripoll

Tortilla soup
Popular Collection DVD

Robert Rodriguez

Popular Collection DVD

The Faculty
Popular Collection DVD

Frank Miller's Sin City
Popular Collection DVD

El Mariachi
Popular Collection DVD

El Mariachi Desperado
Popular Collection DVD

Once upon a time in Mexico
Popular Collection DVD

Spy kids
Popular Collection DVD

George Romero

Popular Collection DVD

Dawn of the dead
Popular Collection DVD

Night of the living dead
Popular Collection DVD

Walter Salles

Central Station
Popular Collection DVD

Diarios de motocicleta = The motorcycle diaries
Popular Collection DVD

Rick Tejada-Flores

The Good War and Those Who Refused to Fight It
General Location UB342.U5 G66 2000

Marcos Zurinaga

The Disappearance of Garcia Lorca
Note: video ordered

Tango Bar
Note: video ordered

Ethnic Film Directors - Middle Easterners & Middle-East-Americans


Abbas Kiarostami

Popular Collection DVD

Nema-ye nazdik = Close-up
Popular Collection DVD

Bad ma ra khahad bord = Wind Will Carry Us
Popular Collection DVD

Tam e guilass = A Taste of Cherry
Popular Collection DVD

Majid Majidi

Baran = Rain
Popular Collection DVD

Children of heaven
Note: video ordered

Color of paradise
Popular Collection DVD

Muhsin Makhmalbaf

Takhté siah = Blackboards
Popular Collection DVD

Kandahar: Journey into the Heart of Afghanistan
Popular Collection DVD

Dariush Mehrjui

Layl¯a = Leila
Popular Collection DVD

Marziyeh Meshkini

Roozi keh zan shodam = The day I became a woman
Popular Collection DVD

Tahmine Milani

N¯imah pinh¯an = The hidden half
Popular Collection DVD

Do zan = Two women
Popular Collection DVD

Alireza Dawood Nejad

Need = Niaz
Popular Collection VHS

Rassul Sadrameli

The girl in the sneakers
Popular Collection DVD


Bahman Ghobadi

Turtles can fly
Popular Collection DVD


Elia Suleiman

Divine intervention : a chronicle of love and pain
Popular Collection DVD

Alezmen alebaqey = The time that remains
Popular Collection DVD

Hany Abu-Assad

Paradise now
Popular Collection DVD

Yadon ilaheyya = Divine intervention
Popular DVD


Moustapha Akkad

The message: the story of Islam
Popular Collection DVD

Ethnic Film Directors - Indians & Indian-Americans


Kamal Amrohi

Popular Collection DVD

Mukul S. Anand

Agneepath = Path of fire
Popular Collection DVD

Khuda gawah = God is my witness
Note: video ordered

Mahesh Bhatt

Hum hain rahi pyar ke
Popular Collection DVD

Vidhu Vinod Chopra

Mission Kashmir
Popular Collection DVD

Yash Chopra

Popular Collection DVD


Popular Collection DVD

Raj Kapoor

Shree 420
Popular Collection DVD

Deepa Mehta

Note: video ordered

Ketan Mehta

Popular Collection VHS

Hrishikesh Mukherjee

Popular Collection DVD

Ravee Nagaich

Mere jeevan saathi
Popular Collection VHS

Mira Nair

11'09"01:September 11:A Film:11 Directors from Different Countries and Cultures
General Location HV6432.7 .E448 2002

Piyush Dinker Pandya

American desi
Popular Collection DVD

Satyajit Ray

Agantuk = The Stranger
Popular Collection VHS

Aparajito = The Unvanquished
Popular Collection VHS

Asani-samketa = Distant Thunder
Popular Collection VHS

Ghare-Baire = The Home and the World
Popular Collection VHS

The World of Apu = Apur Sansar
Popular Collection VHS

Ramesh Sippy

Popular Collection VHS

Santosh Sivan

Theeviravaathi = The terrorist
Popular Collection DVD

Jhamu Sughand

Hum dil de chuke sanam
Popular Collection DVD


Vijay Anand

Jewel thief
Popular Collection DVD

Sooraj R. Barjatya

Hum aapke hain koun = Hama ¯apake hain kauna
Popular Collection DVD

Sanjay Leela Bhansali

Popular Collection DVD

Vikram Bhatt

Popular Collection DVD

Subhash Ghai

Note: video ordered

Taal = T¯ala
Popular Collection DVD

Ashutosh Gowariker

Lagaan = once upon a time in India
Popular Collection DVD

Karan Johar

Kabhi khushi kabhie gham
Popular Collection DVD

Raj Kapoor

Note: video ordered

Farah Khan

Main hoon na
Popular Collection DVD

Deepa Mehta

Popular Collection DVD

Rajiv Menon

Kandukondain kandukondain = I have found it
Popular Collection DVD

Ismail Merchant

In custody
Popular Collection DVD

Ravee Nagaich

Mere jeevan saathi
Popular Collection VHS

Mira Nair

Monsoon wedding
Popular Collection DVD

Deepak Nayar

Bride and prejudice
Popular Collection DVD

Amol Palekar

Paheli = Pehel¯i
Popular Collection DVD

Satyajit Ray

The Chess Players = Shatranj Ke Khilari
Popular Collection DVD


Mitr, my friend
Popular Collection DVD

Rakesh Roshan

Kaho naa--pyaar hai
Popular Collection DVD

Anil Sharma

Gadar : ek prem katha
Popular Collection DVD


M. Night Shyamalan

Popular Collection DVD

Sixth Sense
Popular Collection DVD

Popular Collection DVD

Popular Collection DVD


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