ANAT 1551 & 1552: Buckhoy

Welcome! Click on a tab below to find books, articles, and websites for use in this course.

You'll need a College of DuPage Library card in order to use most of the resources below from off campus. If your card is not working, it may need to be reactivated.

Questions? Feel free to use my contact info to the right, stop by the Reference Desk, or contact us by email or chat.

Within One's Heart. Image Credit: ©Kai-hung Fung 2009, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Hong Kong
  1. Study Resources
  2. Find Information
  3. Use Websites
  4. Cite

The library has many study resources, including textbooks, models, and slides. See information below.


We have many textbooks available in the library. Head to the library catalog (it's the link titled Catalog at the top of the screen.) Try searching for anatomy and physiology and textbook to get a list of what we have.

cod catalog.PNG

Now look at the results screen below.

cod catalog2a.PNG

Make sure you write down

  1. Title and Author Info
  2. Date of the Book
  3. Location and availability of item

If you are unsure about how to locate a book in the library, ask a reference librarian.


The library has a large number of anatomy models, many of which mirror those available in the lab. See the list of models available. These are available for in-library use only.

To check these out, head to the library circulation desk on the 2nd floor of the SRC. Bring your library card.


We also have a list of slides available for in library study. Scroll to page 2 for 1552 information.

To check these out, head to the circulation desk on the 2nd floor of the SRC. Library microscopes are also located on the 2nd floor of the SRC, behind the reference collection.

Getting Started: Finding Basic Information

Trying to find basic information about your disease or condition? Information such as how many people suffer from the condition, symptoms, and basic treatments can be found in an encyclopedia.

Try searching the Gale Virtual Reference Library for your condition now.

Find Articles

Once you've moved past encyclopedia articles, there are two good databases that I'd recommend for this assignment:

Academic Search Complete

Health Source: Nursing/Academic

Try searching for your disease/condition and adding histology.

You can also look for subject headings to narrow your search. Click on a good article title, and then look for the subject headings in the center of the screen. If you see a good term for your search, click on it.

asc subject.PNG

Not finding what you need? Check out our expanded list of biology databases.

Use Websites

While you're doing Google searches to either narrow your topic or in order to dig up more information on certain subject, you want to be careful to decide if the information you find is trustworthy.

When it comes to science, nearly everyone has opinions: are we getting enough Vitamin D? What will fracking do for our economy or our groundwater supply? Your job is to evaluate the information you can find through Google and Bing to find the good websites--those written by authors you can trust, with good and up-to-date information.

Authorship: Who created this website? What is their background on the topic? Are they trustworthy?

Bias: Why was the website created? What point of view does the author have? Does that limit the facts they present or how the facts are presented?

Date: How old is the information that is presented? Is it still accurate?

Questions? Check out the COD Library's guide to evaluating information.

Cite Sources

Find directions about how to cite your sources in MLA style on the library citation guide.

Finally, you are welcome to use NoodleBib if you'd like to use a program to create and organize your citations. You must "Create a New Folder" when you use NoodleBIB for the first time. Click on "I am citing a(n):," choose the type of item you are citing, and then fill in the online form. Your bibliography will be formatted for you.

Further questions about MLA style? Check out Purdue OWL, which has an MLA citation style guide.

Reference Desks

Service Area

The reference librarians and assistants at our reference desks offer research support and general library assistance to students, faculty, staff, and community users. If you are not able to come to the reference desk in person, our reference librarians and staff are also available to answer questions by phone, chat, or email during library business hours.

Our reference desks are located on the lower level across from the library entrance and on the upper level across from the main staircase.

lower level reference desks
upper level reference desk

Circulation Desk (Lower Level)

Service Area
Lower Level

The main circulation desk is located adjacent to the lower level library entrance and offers the following services:

  • Library cards
  • Library account management
    • Account renewals
    • Account updates (e.g. address changes)
    • Fine payments
  • Checkouts and returns
  • Self-checkout
  • AV materials: including digital cameras and camcorders. For a full list of available AV materials and associated checkout policies, see our Technology for Checkout page
  • Headphones
  • Anatomical models
  • Lost and Found
  • Course reserves
  • Circulation books/videos
Lower level circulation desk

Circulation Desk (Upper Level)

Service Area
Upper Level

The upper level circulation desk is located adjacent to the upper level library entrance and offers the following services:

  • Library cards
  • Library account management
    • Account renewals
    • Account updates (e.g. address changes)
  • Preloaded print cards (credit and debit only)
  • Checkouts and returns
  • Headphones
  • Group study room checkouts
  • Computer adaptors for group study room monitors
Upper level circulation desk

Computing Support & Printing Services (CSPS)

Service Area
Lower Level

The Computing Support & Printing Services staff provides all assistance with library computers, copiers, scanners, and printers and collects all lost print cards. Students may also check out laptops for in-library use at CSPS. See the Computing Support & Printing Services department page for more details.

The CSPS desk is located on the northwest side of the library's lower level.

Computing Support & Printing Services desk

Reference Collection

Lower Level

The reference collection contains overview materials, such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, timelines, and drug references. These books are not available for check-out and may be used only within the library. If you wish to copy a portion of a reference material, scanning and copying are available in Computing Support & Printing Services (lower level of the library).

The reference collection is located on the lower level behind the main staircase.

Reference collection shelves


Upper Level

The Library Archives is a collection of documents, multimedia, and other materials pertaining to the history and operations of the College of DuPage. Access to these materials is available by appointment with the archivist. See the COD Archives page for further details and contact information.

SRC 3143

Student Study Room
Upper Level

This is a medium group study room.

  • Whiteboards
  • D-Shaped worktable
  • 6 adjustable work chairs
  • 32" monitor
  • 6 Mediascape pucks
  • In-table electrical outlets
Group study room SRC 3143

SRC 3135

Student Study Room
Upper Level

This is a small group study room equipped with a PC and a webcam suitable for web conferencing with applications like Skype.

  • Worktable
  • 4 chairs
  • Desktop computer with Microsoft Office 2013
  • Webcam
  • Whiteboard
Group study room SRC 3102

Axis 360 for Kindle Fire

Step 2: Create a Blio Account in a web browser on your computer or Kindle Fire

  1. Go to Blio website to register for Blio account. (
  2. Fill out your information and submit

Step 3: Download Blio App to your Kindle Fire

  1. Go to the device’s Home screen by clicking the Home button in the lower left corner.
  2. In the upper corner of the Home screen the time will be displayed. Touch and drag this down, to open the “Settings” menu.
  3. Select “More”.
  4. From the options list select “Device”
  5. Select “ON” for the option “Allow Installation of Applications for Unknown Sources.” (Once you have finished downloading the app, you may turn this option back to “OFF”)
  6. Go back to the Home Screen, and click on “Web” at the top right.
  7. Go to the URL:
  8. Choose the link KNFB Blio 3.0.8 PROD.apk
  9. Click on the number displayed in the upper left corner of the Kindle Fire. This number indicates that the app has been queued for installation. To complete the installation of the Blio app, open the “Settings” menu again and click on “More”
  10. You will be directed to the “Install Blio” page. Click on “Install” at the bottom right.”
  11. When “Install Complete” displays, click “Done” at the bottom.
  12. Return to the device’s Home screen. The Blio icon shows you have successfully downloaded the Blio app.

Step 4: Download eBooks from web browser

  1. Using a web browser either on a computer or tablet/smartphone, go to the library's Magic Wall.
  2. Enter the title, author, or subject in search box or browse through the Magic Wall.
  3. To search, click/tap Search (magnifying) icon; and/or select eBook title, by tapping/clicking on the book cover
  4. Select applicable format: Blio (Kindle Fire);
  5. If you prefer a checkout period less than 21 days, Add to “Checkout List”
  6. Click/Tap “Ok” to confirm
  7. Click/Tap “My Checkout List” in the upper right corner
  8. On the lending period bar, slide to the left to modify due date to the desired loan period (minimum loan period is 1 day)
  9. Scroll down screen to “Confirm Checkout”
  10. If you prefer the maximum check out period of 21 days, click/tap “Checkout Now”
  11. Login, enter your library card ID and PIN
  12. Successful check out confirmed, click “Ok”
  13. Enter your Blio ID & password, and click Login
  14. Click OK (the title will be delivered to your device)
  15. Launch the Blio App by tapping on it once. Log in using your Blio ID.
  16. To read, open Blio reader on your device and click “Get Books” at bottom right
  17. Tap to download items, if they do not begin downloading right away. (May have to go under Blio settings and make sure “Auto-Download” is in the “ON” position.
  18. Tap “DONE” once book is finished installing.


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