Science and Politics

Background Readings
At Issue: Are Mass Extinctions Inevitable? General QE 721.2 .E 97 A 74 2012
At Issue: Human Waste. General TD 730 .H 86 2012
At Issue: What is the Impact of Green Practices? General GE195 .W 49 2016
Bioethics - short article
Bioethics - long article
Biopolitics and Biopower
The Borderlands of Science : Where Sense meets Nonsense> General Q 173 .S 56 2001
Counterknowledge : How We Surrendered to Conspiracy Theories, Quack Medicine, Bogus Science and Fake History. General BF 773 .T 46 2008
Environmental Crime
Environmental Ethics
Environmental Politics: A Very Short Introduction. General GE 170 .D 62 2016
Global Catastrophes: A Very Short Introduction. General GB 5018 .M 34 2014
Opposing Viewpoints: Garbage and Waste. General TD 791 .G 37 2012
Opposing Viewpoints: Global Sustainability. General HC 79 .E 5 G 59147 2016
Opposing Viewpoints: Government Spending. General HJ 7537 .G 686 2013
Opposing Viewpoints: Scientific Research. General Q 180 .A 1 S 357 2015
Pseudoscience Beliefs
Pseudoscience and Deception : The Smoke and Mirrors of Paranormal Claims. General BF1031 .P 78 2014
Science and Politics: A Very Short Introduction. General GE 170 .D 62 2016
Science Wars
Scientific Doubt
Sustainability and Sustainable Development
This Idea Must Die: Scientific Ideas that are Blocking Progress. General Q 173 .T 54 2015
When can You Trust the Experts? : How to Tell Good Science from Bad in Education. General LB 1028 .W 519175 2012


LIBRARY CATALOG: Search for materials in the COD library or in libraries worldwide.

Call number GB for water studies.
Call number GE for environmental studies.
Call number GF for human geography.
Call number Q 175.5 for science and politics.
Call number QC 900s for climate change.

Outline of the Library of Congress Classification System (what COD uses to arrange its books)
I-SHARE (formerly Illinet Online): Get books from over 80 Illinois academic libraries
Interlibrary Loan, to get books and journal articles from other libraries around the country.


Why Reference Sources?

Is your research topic too big to cover in a short paper?  Is your topic so specific that sources will be hard to find?

Before you even begin your research, start the process with reference sources-- in the Library's Reference Section or online in our databases.  Reference books, like subject encyclopedias, can give you a head start and make your research easier in the long run.  Use reference sources to:

  • find a topic
  • narrow your topic
  • find keywords
  • get background information on your topic

ABCs of Environmental Regulation
Atlas of Global Conservation Reference S 936 .A 75 2010
Cambridge Handbook on Expertise and Expert Performance.
Conflicts over Natural Resources: A Reference Handbook. General S 944 .V 38 2007
Critical Government Documents on the Environment General GE 180 .P 45 2015
Culture Wars in America: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Viewpoints, and Voices
Dictionary and Introduction to Global Environmental Governance.
Dictionary of Environmental Quotations. Reference PN 6084 .N 2 D 53 1992
Dictionary of Environmental Science, Reference GE 10 .F 33 2007
Encyclopaedia Britannica Online
Encyclopedia of American Environmental History.
Encyclopedia of Consumption and Waste : The Social Science of Garbage.
Encyclopedia of Contemporary American Social Issues
Encyclopedia of Environment and Society.
Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy.
Encyclopedia of Environmental Health and Science. Reference RA 565 .S 64 2012
Encyclopedia of Environmental Issues. Reference GE 10 .E 523 2011
Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Governance and Politics. Reference GE170 .E 53 2017
Encyclopedia of Public Choice
Encyclopedia of Science and Religion. Reference BL 240.3 .E 53 2003
Encyclopedia of Sustainability. Reference GE10 .E 528 2010
The Environmental Debate : A Documentary History, with Timeline and Glossary.
Environmental Engineering Dictionary
Environmental Security: A Guide to the Issues.
Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health.
Green Atlas.
Green Cities: An A to Z Guide.
Green Education: An A to Z Guide.
Green Ethics and Philosophy: An A to Z Guide.
Green Issues and Debates
Green Politics: An A to Z Guide
Guide to U.S. Environmental Policy
Handbook of Global Environmental Politics.
International Encyclopedia of Environmental Politics.
Leadership in Science and Technology: A Reference Handbook
Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Issues : An Encyclopedia. Reference GF 50 .J 65 2003
International Encyclopedia of Environmental Politics.
Leadership in Science and Technology: A Reference Handbook.
Natural Resource Conflicts : From Blood Diamonds to Rainforest Destruction.
Online Dictionary of the Social Sciences
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of American Science, Medicine, and Technology.
Science and Political Controversy: A Reference Handbook. General Q 175.5 .N 469 2014
Science and Politics: An A to Z Guide. Reference Q 175.52 .U 6 S 45 2014
Science, Religion, and Society : An Encyclopedia of History, Culture, and Controversy.
Scientific Thought: In Context.
Today's Environmental Issues: Democrats and Republicans.
U.S. Land and Natural Resources Policy : History, Debates, State Data, Maps, and Primary Documents.


Animal Experimentation background reading
Animal Rights background reading
Animal Rights Movement background reading
Speciesism background reading

General Book Call Number Area: HV 4708
The Animal Research War. General HV 4915 .C 66 2008
Animal Rights: A Reference Handbook. (2009)
Animal Rights: Current Debates and New Directions. (2004)
Animal Rights: What Everyone Needs to Know. General HV 4708 .W 35 2011
At Issue: Animal Experimentation. General HV 4915 .A 6363 2013
Current Controversies: Animal Rights. General HV 4708 .A 5427 2015
Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare. Reference HV 4708 .E 53 2010


Meteorology Research Guide
Oceanography and Hydrology Research Guide
History of Water online video

Background Readings
Climate: A Very Short Introduction. Genera lQC 863.4 .M 324 2013
Climate Change background reading
Climate Change: A Very Short Introduction. General QC 903 .M 382 2014
Climate Change Impacts on Various Areas background readings
Environmental Philosophy background reading
Global Warming background reading
Greenhouse Effect background reading
Health Impacts of Climate Change background reading
This Changes Everything: Capitalism versus the Climate. General H C79 .E 5 K 56 2014
Weather Modification background reading

Reference Books
The Atlas of Climate Change: Mapping the World's Greatest Challenge.
Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather, Climate, and Water Extremes (1970-2012). Reference QC 981.8 .C 53 G 65 2014
Climate Atlas of Illinois. Reference QC 984 .I 5 C 5 2004
Climate Change : An Encyclopedia of Science and History.
Climate Change Politics and Policies in America : Historical and Modern Documents in Context
Climate Change: Examining the Facts
Encyclopedia of Climate Change.
Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Governance and Politics Reference GE 170 .E 53 2017
Encyclopedia of Global Warming. Reference QC 981.8 .G 56 E 46 2010
Encyclopedia of Weather and Climate Change. General General QC 854 .E 5258 2010
Multimedia Atlas of Global Warming and Climatology
The Thinking Person's Guide to Climate Change. General QC981.8 .C 5 H 4688 2014

Skeptics of Global Warming
Climate Change Controversies
At Issue: Adaptation and Climate Change. General QC 902.9 .A 33 2013
At Issue: Can Glacier and Ice Melt be Reversed? General QC 903.2 .A 68 C 36 2014
Boiling Point : How Politicians, Big Oil and Coal, Journalists, and Activists are Fueling the Climate Crisis--and what We can do to Avert Disaster. General QC 981.8 .G 56 G 44 2004
The Climate War : True Believers, Power Brokers, and the Fight to Save the Earth. General QC 903 .P 766 2010
Climatology versus Pseudoscience : Exposing the Failed Predictions of Global Warming Skeptics. General QC 981.8 .G 56 N 93 2015
Current Controversies: Global Warming. General QC 981.8 .G 56 G 57445 2013
Denying Science : Conspiracy Theories, Media Distortions, and the War against Reality. General Q 175.5 .G 734 2011
Don't Even Think About It : Why Our Brains are Wired to Ignore Climate Change. General QC 903 .M 368 2014
The Madhouse Effect : How Climate Change Denial is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy. General QC 903 .M 3625 2016
Merchants of Doubt : How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming. General Q 147 .O 74 2010
Opposing Viewpoints: Endangered Oceans. General QH 541.5 .S 3 E 535 2014
Opposing Viewpoints: The Environment. General GE 140 .E 5333 2014
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism. General QC 981.8 .G 56 H 67 2007
Skeptical Science (debunking skeptics of global warming)
Unstoppable Global warming : Every 1,500 Years. General QC 981.8 .G 56 S 553 2007

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
U.S. National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center (NCCWS)
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
U.S. National Weather Service (NWS)
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)


Cloning background reading
List of other encyclopedia articles on Cloning
At Issue: Human Embryo Experimentation. General QH 588 .S 83 H 832 2011
At Issue: Should Parents be Allowed to Choose the Sex of Their Children? General QP 279 .S 57 2012
Cloning: A Reference Handbook General QH 442.2 .N 495 2015
DNA Technology: A Reference Handbook Reference QH 442 .N 465 2017
Opposing Viewpoints: Cloning. General QH 442.2 .C 56475 2012
Opposing Viewpoints: Human Genetics. General QH 447 .H 834 2014
Opposing Viewpoints: Stem Cells. General QH 588 .S 83 S 74295 2012
The Sage Encyclopedia of Stem Cell Research.


Illinois Power Agency (IPA)
International Energy Agency (IEA)
U.S. Alternative Fuels Data Center
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
U.S. Energy Information and Data
U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Background Readings
Alternative Energy Sources
At Issue: The U.S. Energy Grid. General TJ 163.25 .U 6 U 8 2012
Energy Conservation
Energy Policy and National Security
Fossil Fuels
Green Illusions : The Dirty Secrets of Clean Energy and the Future of Environmentalism. General TJ 807.9 .U 6 Z 44 2012
Opposing Viewpoints: Energy Alternatives. General TJ 808 .E 566 2015
Opposing Viewpoints: Renewable Energy. General TJ 808.2 .R 448 2012
Renewable Energy
U.S. Energy Policy
U.S. Energy Production
Physics research guide

Reference Books
Alternative Energy and Shale Gas Encyclopedia.
Dictionary of Energy.
Dictionary of Energy Efficiency Technologies. Reference TJ 163.28 .H 67 2004
Encyclopedia of Energy. Reference TJ 163.16 .E 47 2013
Illinois Energy State Profile
Renewable and Alternative Energy Resources: A Reference Handbook. General TJ 808.3 .S 65 2008
Renewable Energy : Physics, Engineering, Environmental Impacts, Economics & Planning.
World Energy Crisis: A Reference Handbook. General HD 9502 .A 2 N 498 2013

Use the menu below to find the other reference resources and books by broad subject areas.

  1. Nuclear
  2. Oil/Fracking/Natural Gas
  3. Solar
  4. Wind
Nuclear Energy background reading
Nuclear Waste background reading
Radioactive Pollution background reading
At Issue: Uranium Mining. General TD 195 .U 7 U 74 2011
Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia.
Nuclear Power: A Reference Handbook. General TK 9146 .H 45 2014
Opposing Viewpoints: Nuclear Power. General TK 9008 .N 83 2013
Radioactivity: A Very Short Introduction. General QC 795 .T 86 2012
Too Hot to Touch: The Problem of High Level Nuclear Waste. General TD 898.118 .A 45 2013

Illinois Nuclear and Radiation Safety Division
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
U.S. Office of Nuclear Energy

Background Reading
Big Oil
Drilling articles
Fossil Fuels
Natural Gas
Oil Fields
Peak Oil
Pipeline articles

At Issue: Should Drilling be Allowed in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge? General TN 872 .A 7 S 545 2013
Dictionary of Oil and Gas Production.
Drilling Maps
Fracking: A Reference Handbook General TD 195 .G 3 N 49 2015
Oil : A Cultural and Geographic Encyclopedia of Black Gold.
Opposing Viewpoints: Natural Gas. General TN 278 .N 38 2015

Solar Energy Movement background reading
Solar Energy Resource Center
Solar Energy: A Reference Handbook General TJ 810.5 .N 49 2015



Biology Research Guide
Genetics Research Guide

Genetic Engineering background reading
Genetically Modified Food background reading

GMO Food: A Reference Handbook. General TP 248.65 .F 66 N 49 2014
Seeds for the Future: The Impact of Genetically-Modified Crops on the Environment. General SB 123.57 .T 494 2006

Skeptics of GMOs
Altered Genes, Twisted Truth : How the Venture to Genetically Engineer our Food has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public. General TP 248.6 .D 78 2015
At Issue: Genetically Modified Foods. General TP 248.65 .F 66 G 45746 2015
Current Controversies: Factory Farming. General SF 140 .L 58 F 332 2013
Fighting for the Future of Food : Activists versus Agribusiness in the Struggle over Biotechnology. General HD 9000.5 .S 3768 2010
The GMO Deception : What You Need to Know about the Food, Corporations, and Government Agencies Putting Our Families and Our Environment at Risk. General TP 248.65 .F 66 G 66 2014


Aging and Social Gerontology research guide
Health/Illness and Society research guide

At Issue: Birth Control. General HQ 766 .B 4794 2016
At Issue: Caffine. General QP 801 .C 24 F 73 2016
At Issue: Can Diets be Harmful? General RM 222.2 .C 27537 2016
At Issue: Childhood Obesity. General RJ 399 .C 6 C 47213 2016
At Issue: Fast Food. General TX 370 .F 372 2015
At Issue: What Should We Eat? General RA 784 .W 488 2016
At Issue: Why is Autism on the Rise? General RC 553 .A 88 W 4585 2014

Current Controversies: Alternative Therapies. General R 733 .A 5157 2012
Current Controversies: Assisted Suicide. General R 726 .A 8533 2012
Current Controversies: Drug Legalization General HV 5825 .D 77667 2015
Current Controversies: Medical Marijuana. General RM 666 .C 266 M 433 2011
Current Controversies: Pesticides. General SB 951.14 .P 47 2014

Opposing Viewpoints: The Aging Population. General HQ 1061 .A 4298 2014
Opposing Viewpoints: Alternative Medicine. General R 733 .A 4587 2012
Opposing Viewpoints: Addictions. General HV 4998 .A 319 2014
Opposing Viewpoints: Birth Control. General HQ 766 .B 4794 2016
Opposing Viewpoints: Birth Defects. General RG 627.5 .B 57 2014
Opposing Viewpoints: Breast Cancer. General RC 280 .B 8 B 6642 2016
Opposing Viewpoints: Chemicals. General TD 176.7 .C 474 2015
Opposing Viewpoints: Eating Disorders. General RC 552 .E 18 E 28565 2012
Opposing Viewpoints: Euthanasia. General R 726 .E 77518 2015
Opposing Viewpoints: The Legalization of Marijuana. General KF 3891 .M 2 L 43 2016
Opposing Viewpoints: Medical Technology. General R 855.3 .M 424 2013
Opposing Viewpoints: Medical Testing. General RM 301.27 .M 43 2014
Opposing Viewpoints: Mental Illness. General HV 3004 .B 46 2016
Opposing Viewpoints: Obesity. General RC 628 .O 222 2015
Opposing Viewpoints: Organ Donation. General RD 129.5 .O 738 2013
Opposing Viewpoints: Performance Enhancing Drugs. General RC 1230 .P 4762 2015
Opposing Viewpoints: The Pharmaceutical Industry. General RM 301.15 .P 477 2012
Opposing Viewpoints: Tobacco and Smoking. General HV 5760 .T 623 2015
Opposing Viewpoints: Women's Health. General RA 778 .W 6825 2015

Vaccinations background readings
Vaccines background reading
Vaccines as a Social Issue background reading
At Issue: Do Infectious Diseases pose a Threat? General RA 643 .D 595 2014
Current Controversies: Vaccines. General RA 638 .V 333 2012
The HPV Vaccine Controversy : Sex, Cancer, God, and Politics : A Guide. General QR 189.5 .P 36 K 75 2008
Vaccination Controversies: A Reference Handbook General RA 638 .N 495 2013


Technology and Society research guide
The Sociology of Technology background reading
At Issue: Does the Internet increase Anxiety? General HM 851 .D 626 2016
At Issue: Location Based Social Networking and Services. General HM 742 .L 63 2014
At Issue: Violent Video Games. General HQ 784 .V 53 V 56 2015
Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology.
Encyclopedia of Twentieth Century Technology.
Ethics, Science, Technology, and Engineering: A Global Resource.
The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. Reference Q121 .M 3 2012
Opposing Viewpoints: Nanotechnology. General T 174.7 .N 345525 2014
Opposing Viewpoints: Robotic Technology. General TJ 211.2 .R 63 2014
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of American Science, Medicine and Technology.


Northeastern Illinois Water Issues
Meteorology Research Guide
Oceanography and Hydrology Research Guide

Background Readings
Agricultural Demand for Water
At Issue: Will the World Run Out of Fresh Water? General TD 345 .W 55 2012
Fresh Water Ecology
Global Viewpoints: Water. General GB 662.3 .W 372 2012
Global Water Cycle Disruptions and Intense Weather Events
Groundwater Pollution
Hydrologic Cycle
Opposing Viewpoints: Endangered Oceans. General QH 541.5 .S 3 E 535 2014
Riparian Land
River Basins
Rivers: A Very Short Introduction. General GB 1203.2 .M 534 2012
Sea Level Change
Sharing Freshwater
Water: A Very Short Introduction. General GB 661.2 .F 56 2015
Water Allocation
Water and Culture
Water Conservation
Water Resources and Quality
Water Supplies and Access to Clean Water

Reference Books
The Atlas of Water. Reference G 1046 .C 3 B 53 2009
Competition for Water Resources : Experiences and Management Approaches in the US and Europe. Circulation Desk TD 223 .C 66 2017
Encyclopedia of Water Politics and Policy in the United States
Encyclopedia of Water Science Reference S 494.5 .W 3 E 54 2003
The Global Water Crisis: A Reference Handbook. General TD 348 .N 49 2016
How Federal Policies Affect the Allocation of Water (2006)
Key Concepts in Water Resource Management.
Seas and Waterways of the World : An Encyclopedia of History, Uses, and Issues. Reference HE 381 .S 43 2010
The Water Atlas. Reference GB 671 .C 54 2004
The Water Dictionary : A Comprehensive Reference of Water Terminology.
The Water Encyclopedia. Reference TD 345 .L 393 2005
Water Planet : The Culture, Politics, Economics, and Sustainability of Water on Earth.
Water Resource Planning and Management.
Water Rights and the Environment in the United States : A Documentary and Reference Guide.
The World's Oceans: Geography, History, and Environment.

United Nations - Water
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) - Water
U.S. Department of the Interior - Clean Water
U.S. Drought Monitor
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) - Water
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Northeastern Illinois Water Issues

Illinois Water Supply

Illinois Flood Maps
Major Watersheds of Illinois

Chicago City Department of Water Management
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) - Water
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) - Watershed Plans
Cook County Northwest Water Commission
DeKalb County Watersheds
DuPage County Government - Water Division
DuPage County Water Commission
Fox River Ecosystem Partnership
Illinois Department of Natural Resources (DNR) - Water Resources
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) - Water Issues
Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS)
Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS)
Illinois Water Resources Center (IWRC)
Illinois Water Science Center (IWSC) - USGS and the University of Illinois
Kankakee County Soil and Water Conservation Districe
Kendall County - Groundwater
Lake County, Illinois, watersheds
Lake Michigan Water Allocation
Metropolitan Planning Council
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
North Cook County Soil and Water Conservation District
Northwest Municipal Conference (NWMC) - Stormwater Management
Will County and South Cook County Soil and Water Conservation District


  • Anthropology
  • Controverisal Topics
  • Criminal Justice
  • Emergency Management and Disaster Information
  • Environmental Economics
  • Ethics
  • Geography
  • History
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Religious Studies
  • Social Justice
  • Sociology
  • Urban Studies
  • __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    Federation of American Scientists (FAS)
    Greenpeace Organization
    Illinois Environmental Council
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA)
    National Science Foundation (NSF)
    Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) - Environment
    United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
    U.S. Department of the Interior




    Conspiracy Theories
    Film and Conspiracy Theories
    Political Assassinations
    Presidential Assassinations
    U.S. Executive Order against Assassinations


    LIBRARY CATALOG: Search for materials in the COD library or in libraries worldwide.

    Outline of the Library of Congress Classification System (what COD uses to arrange its books)
    I-SHARE (formerly Illinet Online): Get books from over 80 Illinois academic libraries
    Interlibrary Loan, to get books and journal articles from other libraries around the country.


    Why Reference Sources?

    Is your research topic too big to cover in a short paper?  Is your topic so specific that sources will be hard to find?

    Before you even begin your research, start the process with reference sources-- in the Library's Reference Section or online in our databases.  Reference books, like subject encyclopedias, can give you a head start and make your research easier in the long run.  Use reference sources to:

    • find a topic
    • narrow your topic
    • find keywords
    • get background information on your topic

    The Blackwell Dictionary of Political Science: A User's Guide to its Terms
    The Concise Princeton Encyclopedia of American Political History
    Conspiracy Encyclopedia. Reference HV 6275 .C 66 2005
    Conspiracy Theories in American History: An Encyclopedia (2003)
    Encyclopaedia Britannica Online
    Encyclopedia of American Political History. Reference E 183 .E 48 2001
    Encyclopedia of Assassinations Reference HV 6278 .S 54 2001
    Encyclopedia of Politics: The Left and the Right. (2005)
    Encyclopedia of Politics, the Media, and Popular Culture
    Encyclopedia of the American Left. Reference HX 86 .E58 1998
    Encyclopedia of U.S. National Security
    Killing the President : Assassinations, Attempts, and Rumored Attempts on U.S. Commanders-in-Chief. General E176.1 .O 45 2010
    National Trauma and Collective Memory: Major Events in the American Century. General E 741 .N 43 1998
    Online Dictionary of the Social Sciences


    You must have a valid College of DuPage library card to access the electronic indexes and databases from off-campus.

    Academic OneFile. An index to over 2500 magazines and journals covering a variety of topic areas including political science. This database provides references, abstracts, and many times the full-text of articles. A COD library card is required for off-campus use.
    Academic Search Complete. Abstracts from nearly 3000 journals and full text for 1250 journals including general reference, political science, education, social sciences, humanities, general science, multi-cultural studies, library and information science.
    CQ Researcher. Full text articles covering topics of current interest and controversy.
    History Study Center
    JSTOR. This is an archive of digitized journal articles ranging in date from the 1700's to the early 2000's. These collections span a variety of subjects in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Physical Sciences.
    Military and Government Collection of articles and bibliographic citations.
    National Newspapers(ProQuest). This includes the Chicago Tribune, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post.
    Project MUSE. This database offers full-text current and archival articles from 500+ scholarly journals from major university presses covering literature and criticism, history, performing arts, cultural studies, education, philosophy, political science, gender studies, and more. Updated continually.

    More COD Library journal and newspaper article databases.
    Explanation of Scholarly Journals
    Explanation of the Difference Between Magazines and Journals
    How to Read a Research Article


    Use the menu below to find the other reference resources and books by subject areas.

    1. Abraham Lincoln
    2. John F. Kennedy
    3. Martin Luther King, Jr.
    4. Robert F. Kennedy
    Overview of the Assassination of President Kennedy, Friday, November 22, 1963.

    Background Readings
    Lee Harvey Oswald
    Texas School Book Depository in Dallas
    Warren Commission Report

    Reference Books
    Day by Day: The Sixties. Reference D 427 .D 3 1960/69
    Encyclopedia of the JFK Assassination. General E 842.9 .B 45 2002
    Encyclopedia of the Kennedys : The People and Events that Shaped America.<.em> Reference E 841 .S 527 2012
    Encyclopedia of Cuban-United States Relations. (2004)
    Encyclopedia of the Sixties.
    Historical Dictionary of the Kennedy-Johnson Era. Reference E 841 .B 85 2007
    Encyclopedia of the Sixties: A Decade of Culture and Counter-Culture. (2012)
    Historical Dictionary of the 1960s Reference E 841 .H 58 1999

    Primary Government Documents
    The Warren Report: Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. General E 842.9 .A 55 1964
    Investigation of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Hearings before the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. General E 842.9 .A 54 1964.
    Assassinations Records Review Board Report. General E 842.9 .U 56 1998

    List of COD Library books on the JFK assassination
    List of COD Library books on Conspiracies about the Assassination
    List of COD Library videos about the Assassination

    JFK Assassination Records Collection, U.S. National Archives
    JFK Gravesite at Arlington National Cemetery
    John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston
    The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

    Overview of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jun3 4, 1968
    The Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles background reading
    Sirhan B. Sirhan background reading

    Reference Books
    Day by Day: The Sixties. Reference D 427 .D 3 1960/69
    Encyclopedia of the Kennedys : The People and Events that Shaped America. Reference E 841 .S 527 2012
    Encyclopedia of the Sixties. (2012)
    Historical Dictionary of the 1960s. Reference E 841 .H 58 1999

    List of COD Library books on Robert F. Kennedy
    List of COD Library books on the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy
    List of COD Library videos on Robert F. Kennedy
    Primary Source Documents



  • Controverisal Topics
  • Criminal Justice
  • History
  • Intelligence and Espionage
  • Lying and Deception
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Terrorism
  • Why Do We Believe?
  • __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    History 2260-030

    History 2260 Course Syllabus

    1. The Cold War
    2. Post-War Boom
    3. The Black Movement
    4. Feminism
    5. Chicano Movement/Immigration
    6. Latin America in the ‘80s
    7. U.S. In the World after Vietnam
    8. Economic Changes Since the 1970s
    9. War in Afghanistan and Iraq
    10. 2008 Financial Crisis

    List of History Course Outlines and Resources

    Post-War Boom



    Between the Hills and the Sea excerpt above, called Gilden. Once open, click on arrows at the top right of the screen and rotate clockwise to make readable.
    Gilden, K. B. 1971. Between the Hills and the Sea. [1st ed.]. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday.
    (As you can see, I've included the citation to the book. Since our site is open, we can't post copyright protected materials. One option is that we could put the reading on physical course reserve).

    Father Knows Best episode:

    Redbook on the suburbs:

    A Word to the Wives:

    Salt of the Earth:

    Chemistry 1551: Jarman

    renewable energy on a midwestern farm.jpg
    Welcome! Click on a tab below to find books, articles, and websites for use in this course.

    You'll need a College of DuPage Library card in order to use most of these resources from off campus.

    Questions? Feel free to contact me, stop by the Reference Desk, or contact us by email or chat Want to know more about the COD library? Check out our orientation video.

    Image Credit: USDA: Renewable Energy on a Midwestern Farm
    1. Background
    2. Books & Articles
    3. Websites
    4. Cite
    5. Video Help

    Pick a Topic

    Your professor has given you some broad categories to start off your research, but you'll want to narrow these down before you get too deeply into your project. This will help you to be able to focus in on one topic that you'll be able to explore in 90 seconds. Start by looking through some of the websites below. Check out resources, research, or past projects links to get ideas of specific projects to explore.

    Once you have a topic, use special sources to get more background information on your topic:

    • Gale Virtual Reference Library will provide online encyclopedia are both good sources of information and can help answer beginning questions ("What are some current sources of biofuels?"
    • CQ Researcher in addition to much of the info in Gale, CQ Researcher will provide summaries of arguments being made about current topics.

    Find Books

    Our library catalog contains our books, our DVDs and other physical items.

    Search by topic, such as "Urban Sustainability."

    Once you've gotten a list of titles, click on the title and then on "Description" to get more information about it. When you've pulled up the description, you'll want to look at the Table of Contents (#2) and the Subject Headings (#3), which will allow you to see if the book is focused on your topic and help you find similar titles.


    Find Articles

    Next, head to a database:

    Once you have a concrete question, head to a library database in order to find current articles, both popular and scholarly. The best bets for your topic are:

    Academic Search Complete: ASC offers a wide variety of topics with a wide variety of types of sources (newspapers, magazines, scholarly articles.) It's a good place to look for anything with a current focus (such as Fukushima Daiichi), but be sure to know what you're looking at.

    Science Direct: SD contains only scientific scholarly articles. Be sure to select "Subscribed Journals" while searching, and use Gale as necessary in order to get more information about any topics you may have questions about.

    You're also welcome to explore our other science databases for more information.

    Use Websites

    Once you've scoped out other sources of information, take a look at websites to see if you can find more current information.

    Government sites in particular can be a wonderful source of statistical data as well as a place to find directions of future research. When you search government sites, be careful to look for a site menu-- and then look for "data," "statistics," or other words that indicate something helpful. You can restrict your search to government websites only in Google by adding to your search.

    Evaluating Websites

    While you're doing Google searches to either narrow your topic or in order to dig up more information on certain subject, you want to be careful to decide if the information you find is trustworthy.

    When it comes to science, nearly everyone has opinions: are we getting enough Vitamin D? What will fracking do for our economy or our groundwater supply? Your job is to evaluate the information you can find through Google to find the good websites--those written by authors you can trust, with good and up-to-date information.

    Authorship: Who created this website? What is their background on the topic? Are they trustworthy?

    Bias: Why was the website created? What point of view does the author have? Does that limit the facts they present or how the facts are presented?

    Date: How old is the information that is presented? Is it still accurate?

    Questions? Check out the COD Library's guide to evaluating information.

    Cite Sources

    Find directions about how to cite your sources on the library citation guide.

    You can also always check out the Purdue OWL website, which has MLA and APA citation guides.

    Finally, you are welcome to use NoodleBib if you'd like to use a program to create and organize your citations. You must "Create a New Folder" when you use NoodleBIB for the first time. Click on "I am citing a(n):," choose the type of item you are citing, and then fill in the online form. Your bibliography will be formatted for you.

    Video Help

    Need to borrow a camera from the library, or want video, sound, or image editing help? Check out the library's Media Lab. The lab loans out all kinds of technology,and you'll also be able to get help using specialty software whenever the lab is open.

    You'll need to reserve a workstation on the Media Lab homepage when you plan to drop in.

    Want some extra help in learning how to use software or hardware before you come in? Create a Lynda account to access hours of (short) videos explaining how to use software such as Premier Pro.

    Biology 1100: Ajgaonkar: Issue/Lifecycle

    Welcome! Click on a tab below to find books, articles, and websites for use in this course.

    You'll need a College of DuPage Library card in order to use most of these resources from off campus.

    Questions? Feel free to contact me, stop by the Reference Desk, or contact us by email or chat

    Want to know more about the COD library? Check out our orientation video.

    Image Credit: Alessandro Grussu: "Cambridge-63"
    1. Pick a Topic
    2. Find Books
    3. Find Articles
    4. Use Websites
    5. APA Style

    Controversial Environmental Issues

    Trying to pick a controversial issue related to the environment? Try looking at library databases Issues and Controversies (look for the Energy and the Environment section) or CQ Researcher to get started getting some background data.

    Life Cycle Assessment

    Your professor has a great guide to picking a (simple) item in your instructions. After you do this, you might want to Google a bit to find the components of your item, just to start getting a list together.

    Finding Books on Your Topic

    For either topic, start by searching our catalog. You'll want to search by keywords that define your topic: for example, look for "Coffee production" or "Coffee and Environment" rather than coffee and life cycle.

    Once you start to find books that look interesting, click on the title of the book and then on the Description to see more info about the title. You'll want to look for three things: the table of contents, the subject words, and the summary of the title. These will help you to know if your topic is focused enough.

    book description.PNG

    Once you've decided that a book is helpful, write down the following and head to the Reference Desk. We'll help you find the book:

    • The Title
    • The Location (often "General" or "Reference"
    • The Call Number (a string of numbers and letters, such as TX415 .P46 1999

    Finding Articles on Your Topic

    Databases can help you with a couple of types of sources for your paper. For the Environmental Issue paper, you can use newspaper and magazine articles as evidence of different viewpoints on your topic. Journal articles will help you hunt down specific details that will help you evaluate those claims. Details about production or the environmental impact of a type of material may show up in either newspaper or journal articles for the Life Cycle Analysis paper.

    Best bet databases:

    Academic Search Complete has a mixture of types of articles (both journals and magazines/newspapers) on a wide variety of topics. Start here and then move on to other database options.

    Science Direct is a scientific scholarly article database and might provide necessary details for your paper.

    National Newspapers Core includes the full-text of the Chicago Tribune, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and other major newspapers. It's definitely worth a look to see if you can find evidence of "Opposing Viewpoints" or long articles here.

    Scientific American is a respected scientific magazine and can be found in full text through Academic Search Complete. Need an image or table from your article? The journal is in full-text in JSTOR except for the current 5 years, and we retain two years of the most current issues in our print collection.

    Finding and Evaluating Online Sources

    Some of you will find many of your sources using a search engine like Google. Just as in the databases, you'll want to be careful about how you frame your search. For example, if I google "What's in a Pencil?" I get resources different than "#2 pencil components."

    Secondly, some of the sites you will find will offer other clues for finding information. This site on how pencils are made has a list of resources at the bottom. This is your cue to begin searching our catalog and databases to see if you can find any of the books or articles mentioned.

    For those of you working on the Life Cycle Assessment paper, the EPA has several websites you might be interested in, including Design for the Environment Alternatives Assessments, Design for the Environment Pesticides, Chemicals and even Detergents. They also have a site that talks about Climate Change and the Life Cycle of Stuff.

    Other tips:

    • Want to search only governments or educational sites? Try adding or to your searches to see if this helps you to find more credible information.
    • Wondering if you've got a good or bad source for your project? Check out our library's guide to evaluating websites.
    • Remember that you'd evaluate a video you found through YouTube in the same way you'd evaluate a website.
    • Feeling lost or confused about anything on this guide? Email me and I'll be happy to help.

    Using APA Style

    Find directions about how to cite your sources on the library citation guide.

    Most databases will have a Cite link that you can also click to get article citations.

    Finally, you are welcome to use NoodleBib if you'd like to use a program to create and organize your citations. You must "Create a New Folder" when you use NoodleBIB for the first time. Click on "I am citing a(n):," choose the type of item you are citing, and then fill in the online form. Your bibliography will be formatted for you.

    Further questions about APA style? Check out the Purdue OWL APA website, which includes sample papers.




    Background Readings

    What is Propaganda?
    Propaganda - Black
    Propaganda - Gray
    Propaganda - White
    Propaganda and Foreign Policy
    Propaganda and Journalism
    Propaganda and National Security
    Propaganda and Political Communication
    Propaganda and Public Relations
    Propaganda Posters
    Psychological Warfare
    COD Library Catalog - Books and Videos in the COD Library

    Information on I-SHARE program for you to borrow books from other Illinois academic Libraries.
    Outline of the Library of Congress Classification System (what C.O.D. uses to arrange its books)

    List of COD Library Books on Propaganda
    List of COD Library Videos on Propaganda

    Reference Books

    Encyclopedia of Media and Propaganda in Wartime America (2011)
    Encyclopedia of Political Revolutions Reference JC 491 .E 63 1998
    Encyclopedia of Propaganda Reference HM 263 .E 53 1998
    Encyclopedia of United States National Security (2006)
    Historical Dictionary of American Propaganda Reference E183.7 .M 325 2004
    Literature of Propaganda
    Propaganda and Mass Persuasion: A Historical Encyclopedia

    Back to top


    Article Databases

    Find an article on your topic in one of the databases below. You must have a valid College of DuPage library card to access the databases from off-campus.

    Academic OneFile
    Academic Search Complete
    Communication and Mass Media Complete
    CQ Researcher for hot topics
    Homeland Security Digital Library
    Military and Government collection
    Proquest National Newspapers Core This helps for researching local issues or current topics.
    PsycInfo The main database for psychology journal articles.
    SocIndex with Full Text This includes criminal justice journals.

    Back to top



    Back to top


    Related Research Guides

    Controversial Topics
    Criminal Justice
    Intelligence and Espionage
    Political Science
    September 11, 2001

    Back to top

    Copyright Outside of the Classroom

    Publishing and author's rights

    You are a copyright owner. If you have taken a photograph, written an essay or email you have created a work that is protected by copyright - a right that is automatic and does not require any further actions from you.

    Copyright grants you exclusive rights over all of your original works (literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and other intellectual works) whether published or unpublished. Before you sign a publication contract, however, you should be aware of which rights, if any, you might be relinquishing. Review your contract to ensure that you can share your work with colleagues and students, post your work online, or publish in the Digital Commons.

    For more information, read SPARC Author Rights & Author Addendum

    Screening videos on campus

       • view streaming videos from Library databases on personal or College computers
       • view a video/DVD in a private viewing room with up to 3 other people
       • view videos with public performance rights in groups greater than 4 people

       • download anything when you know doing so is illegal
       • circumvent any DRM (Digital Rights Management) technologies
       • publicly show DVDs purchased (or borrowed) for "home use only"
          without securing public performance rights

    Public Performance Rights (PPR) are the legal rights to publicly show a film or video (media). Normally the media producer or distributor manages these rights. The rights-holder can assign PPR to others through a Public Performance License.
    To inquire about securing PPR, please contact contact the Library's Copyright Liaison

    For more information on libraries and video copyright, see

    Some Neflix Original educational documentaries are available for one-time educational screenings. Learn more at

    Downloading music and video

       • download music legally

       • download anything when you know doing so is illegal
       • circumvent any DRM (Digital Rights Management) technologies
       • make copyrighted songs and movies available to others for downloading
       • use peer-to-peer file sharing applications to distribute or provide
          access to copyrighted material


    Copyright in the Classroom

    What do you want to assign or use?

    Journal articles

    Best practices
       • Provide the full citation in the style used in your course
           for the article that you have selected.
       • Find specific journal titles using the Library's Journal Locator

       • Request journal articles via interlibrary loan

    If the full-text of the article is available electronically in a Library database
    YOU CAN:
       • provide your students with the article's permalink
       • print the article for your own individual use
       • request that the article be made available on e-reserves

       • download a PDF and then make it available on Blackboard
       • make the article freely available online
       • print the article and put it in a coursepack
          (without permission from the copyright holder)

    If the article is available in print format in the Library
    YOU CAN:
       • scan the article and make the link to the article available via Blackboard
       • request that the article be made available on e-reserves
       • copy the article for your own individual use

       • provide the link to the PDF online outside of Blackboard
       • make the article freely available online outside of Blackboard
       • print the article and put it in a coursepack
          (without permission from the copyright holder)

    Books and book chapters

    Best practices
       • Provide the full citation in the style used in your course for the book
           or book chapters that you have selected.
       • Review the Library's Course Reserve guidelines -

       • Find public domain books via Project Gutenberg, Hathi Trust, and Internet Archive
       • Seek permission from copyright holders for uses that otherwise may not be
          permitted -

    If the Library owns a copy of the book
       • request that copies the book be put on reserve at the library
       • copy small portions of the book with the title page and full citation
          for placement on course reserve
       • scan small portions of the book with the title page and full citation
          for placement on e-reserve or on Blackboard

       • copy more than a small portion of the book (the portion
          should not be greater than what is needed to achieve stated objective
          and should not comprise the "heart" of the work )
       • copy any portion of a textbook or workbook
       • make links to chapters freely available online
       • print chapters and include them in a coursepack

    If the book is in the public domain
       • copy it, scan it, link to any portion of it, and use it for any purpose
       • make the material freely available online
       • place copies of the book on reserve in the Library
       • find public domain books via Project Gutenberg, Hathi Trust, and Internet Archive

       • copy, scan or share any copyright protected additions to the book
          (illustrations, prefaces, etc.)

    Video and sound recordings

    Best practices
       • List on your syllabus any recordings you plan on using in class
       • Provide the full citation in the style used in your course
           for all recordings
       • Seek permission or licenses from copyright holders for uses
          that otherwise may not be permitted -
       • Find streaming media in the Library's databases

    Some Netflix Original educational documentaries are available for one-time screenings. For more information, visit

    If the CD or DVD is in the Library's collection
       • play the recording in a face-to-face class
       • request digitization of clips of a recording for electronic access -

       • play the recording outside of your normally scheduled classroom setting
       • play illegally recorded or downloaded recordings
       • copy recordings to downloadable file formats

    If the recording is in the Library's streaming media collection
       • provide permalinks to streaming videos, clips or playlists


    Best practices
       • Provide the full citation in the style used in your course for all images
       • Identify Creative Commons licensed images or images licensed for educational use

    If the image is available in a Library database
       • provide the permalink to the images
       • make printed copies of the image for term papers, class handouts and research.
       • use images in presentations
       • send individual images via College email to a COD student, faculty or staff member

       • use images for publication outside of the classroom
       • send images to individuals outside of the College
       • make images or links to images freely available online

    If the image is available online
       • print or display the image for use in face-to-face teaching
       • provide a link to the image

       • copy and paste images in Blackboard or online*
       • print images and include them in coursepacks*
    * unless the image has been made available under a license that allows this use

    If the image is in the public domain
       • copy it, scan it, link to it, and use it for any purpose
       • make the material freely available online
       • find public domain images via Wikimedia Commons, Flickr Commons, and Pixabay


    Biology: Godse

    512px-Windkraft1.jpg Welcome! Click on a tab below to find books, articles, and websites for use in this course.

    You'll need a College of DuPage Library card in order to use most of the resources below from off campus. If your card is not working, it may need to be reactivated.

    Questions? Feel free to use my contact info to the right, stop by the Reference Desk, or contact us by email or chat

    Image Credit: Bodoklecksel : Windkraft1
    1. Pick a Topic
    2. Find Books
    3. Find Articles
    4. Find Images
    5. Citing Sources

    Finding (and Narrowing) a Topic

    Have a glimmer of a topic that you'd like to work on? Great! You'll want to work to narrow that topic a bit before you dive into the catalog and databases, or you will be swamped with results. You can try the following strategies to narrow a topic:

    • Visit CQ Researcher, a library database that summarizes current events into massive PDFs.
    • Gale Virtual Reference Library has got great entries on many of your topics.
    • A Google news search can give you headlines from around the world on topics like "invasive species Illinois."

    Still Drawing a Blank?

    audobon magazine.PNG

    The College of DuPage library has several print magazines/journals that you can browse through for inspiration. For example, try looking at headlines in:

    • American Forests
    • Mother Earth News
    • Audubon
    Recent magazines and periodicals are located on the second floor of the SRC, on the right as you enter the library.

    Finding Books

    Once you know your topic, head to the library catalog, where you'll find print and electronic books, DVDs, CDs, and many other types of items.

    1. Since you've done your background research in a reference source (such as CQ Researcher, Gale Virtual Reference library, etc), try to search using at least two keywords.
    2. Check the format column on the left to make sure that you're getting the kinds of items you want
    3. Click on Availability to see where to find an item.

    Confused? Look at the results screen.

    Take a moment to look through the results. Notice that if your search is focused enough, most of your books should be in the same call number range. Head over to the shelf and start exploring.

    If your search results aren't focused, click on the title of the book that best matches your research topic and look at subject terms listed. Click on the subject that most closely matches your interest to see if you can further narrow your search.

    Don't know how to find books by call number? You're not alone. Stop by the reference desk to ask for help, and one of us will walk you to the right book.

    Finding Articles in Databases

    Scientific research can be best found in academic databases. Here are the top two databases to look for information.

    Academic Search Complete has a mixture of popular and scholarly articles on a variety of subjects. You'll want to be sure that you're using a source appropriate for class when searching.

    You can also skim through a couple of major popular science magazines online in order to find your first article:

    Not finding what you want here? See the full list of biology databases.

    Finding Images

    There are many different ways to find good images for your presentations. You can try the following places for good images:

    Science Direct has an image search. You can type your topic into the search box and select videos and images:


    You can also search Google Images for graphics in government reports. Head to and type in your search term and

    Citing Sources

    Find directions about how to cite your sources in APA Style on the library citation guide.

    Finally, you are welcome to use NoodleBib if you'd like to use a program to create and organize your citations. You must "Create a New Folder" when you use NoodleBIB for the first time. Click on "I am citing a(n):," choose the type of item you are citing, and then fill in the online form. Your bibliography will be formatted for you.

    Further questions? Contact me using the information at the right of the screen.


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