Speech Assignments

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  2. Click Access Journal
  3. You can select an issue to browse from the list on the right; or click Search this Publication to find a topic of interest.






  • Musical Me Presentation
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    HIT Websites

    thumb_business collage.JPGANYONE can put information on the Internet. As a health care provider, you must carefully select and evaluate health information before using it to treat patients or letting it influence how you perform your duties. Use the evaluating sources section to help you determine the credibility of Web sites. A great test is to ask yourself, "Would I want myself or someone that I care deeply about to be treated based on this information?" If the answer is "no," don't include the information in your academic projects either!

    Associations & Organizations

    American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)

    Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management (CAHIIM)

    Greater Chicago Chapter of HIMSS

    Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)

    Illinois Health Information Management Association (ILHIMA)

    Doctor and Hospital Information

    America's Best Hospitals
    U.S. News and World Report ranks the top medical centers

    American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS)
    The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) is an organization of 24 approved medical specialty boards. The intent of the certification of physicians is to provide assurance to the public that those certified by an ABMS Member Board have successfully completed an approved training program and an evaluation process assessing their ability to provide quality patient care in the specialty

    AMA Physician Select: Online Doctor Finder
    The American Medical Association Physician Select database provides basic professional information on virtually every licensed physician in the United States and its possessions, including more than 690,000 doctors of medicine (MD) and doctors of osteopathy or osteopathic medicine (DO)

    Hospital Compare: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
    Find out how well hospitals across the U.S. compare in the care of adult patients with certain medical conditions. It includes a hospital checklist for consumers.

    Locate a Hospice
    From the Hospice Foundation of America

    Illinois Hospital Association
    The IHA's consumer information section includes links to: find a hospital (alphabetically or by city), advance directives, the Illinois Poison Center, Illinois KidCare, and organ donation updates and links

    Illinois Hospital Report Card
    Access information about the volume, cost and quality of health care provided in Illinois medical facilities

    MEDLINEplus National Library of Medicine Directories
    Arranges directory links into categories including physicians, specialists, hospitals, services, and facilities

    Metropolitan Chicago Healthcare Council
    MCHC is a membership and service association composed of more than 140 hospitals and health care organizations working together to improve the delivery of health care services in the Chicago area. Links to resources for health professionals and the public. Includes extensive health care career information as well as hospital locator resources

    Physician Profile Search: Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation
    Search by Physician name to access information profiles on all physicians currently licensed in the State of Illinois. Includes license information, disciplinary and legal actions, primary office locations, hospital affiliations, board certifications, medical school and post graduate education and more

    WebMD Physician Directory
    Search for a physician by name, medical specialty, distance from your home, HMO plan, hospital affiliation, or other criteria

    Atlases, Dictionaries and Handbooks

    MedTerms Medical Dictionary

    Merriam-Webster Online
    Includes medical dictionary, thesaurus, Spanish-English, unabridged, visual, and ESL

    Merck Manual Consumer version

    Merck Manual Professional Edition

    Electronic Drug & Pharmacy Resources

    Micromedex Health Care Series 
    MICROMEDEX Healthcare Series provides full-text information supporting clinical care decisions including: drug monographs and evaluations, drug dosages and interactions, drug product identification, reproductive risks, toxicity management, alternative medicine/herbal preparations information, acute/emergency care guidelines, drug, disease and condition information for patients, laboratory test information, dosage calculators, nomograms, and references

    CenterWatch Clinical Trials Listing Service
    Includes information on new drug therapies in research and those recently approved by the FDA

    Maintained by the National Library of Medicine, this site provides high quality drug information including FDA approved labels (package inserts). It is designed to supply health information providers and the public with a standard, comprehensive, up-to-date, look-up and download resource of medication content and labeling as found in medication package inserts

    A drug information database for consumers and medical professionals, providing information about prescription and over-the-counter medications, treatment notes for specific diseases and conditions, and topical articles and news related to pharmaceuticals

    MEDLINEplus National Library of Medicine
    Information on thousands of prescription and over-the-counter medications provided through two drug resources -- MedMaster, a product of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), and the USP DI Advice for the Patient, a product of the United States Pharmacopeia (USP)

    RxList - The Internet Drug Index
    Contains a database of approximately 5,000 product names that is updated regularly including professional monographs derived from FDA approved labeling and patient-oriented monographs

    Easy-to-read information on more than 800 drugs sponsored by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP)

    General Medical Information Websites

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    CDC.gov provides users with credible, reliable health information on topics such as: data and statistics; diseases and conditions; emergencies and disasters; environmental health; healthy living; injury, violence and safety; life stages and populations; travelers' health; workplace safety and health; and much more. This site contains information appropriate for adults, teens and kids

    small yellow star.jpgMEDLINEplus
    Provides access to 900+ health topics, medical encyclopedias and dictionaries, and links to self-help groups, clinical trials, preformulated PubMed searches, lists of hospitals and physicians, health and information in Spanish and other languages. Includes listings of diseases & conditions by body system.

    small yellow star.jpgMedScape Reference
    An online clinical reference providing in-depth drug & disease information and tools to support clinical decision making. Content is designed for practicing medical professionals and includes diagnostic medical images. Free Registration to MedScape is required. To avoid registering and go straight to an entry in this resource, try Googling the word emedicine and your disease/condition (i.e. emedicine pertussis).

    Legal Sites

    Westlaw Next
    Westlaw Next is a comprehensive collection of law-related information resources along with news and business information. It contains information on primary law, analytical materials, litigation insights, case law, core legal reference materials, and much more. Westlaw Next also includes news and business articles of interest to legal professionals.

    Research lawyers and locate free legal information

    Findlaw: Health Care Law
    A collection of policy and regulatory materials related to health care

    Health Law Materials
    From Cornell Law School

    Illinois Courts
    Illinois Courts contains Supreme, Appellate and Circuit Court information, including judges and opinions

    Medical and Public Health Law Site
    Resources from Louisiana State University's Law School. Information on biotechnology, public health, and related topics

    U.S. Supreme Court
    Official web site for the Supreme Court of the United States

    Useful HIT Websites

    The following websites have been recommended by faculty and the health science librarian as useful for student assignments and professional practice.

    AHIMA HIM Body of Knowledge
    AHIMA's HIM Body of Knowledge is designed to enable HIM professionals to quickly and easily access the information needed to be successful professionals. Anchored by AHIMA-owned content and complemented by links to public material, the Body of Knowledge encompasses the theory and practice of health information management.

    Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS)
    Contains coding guidelines as well as information on electronic health record (EHR) incentive programs, and a definition for the meaningful use of certified EHR technology CMS is responsible for drafting standards for the certification of EHR technology and the updating of health information privacy and security regulations under HIPAA.

    C.R.I.S. Community Resource Information System [DuPage County]
    A fast and easy way to obtain basic information on social service programs throughout DuPage County [Mozilla Firefox browser is recommended, Internet Explorer may not display correctly]

    DNV GL [Det Norske Veritas]: Healthcare
    DNV GL is an international certification body and classification society specializing in technical assessment, advisory, and risk management. It was created in 2013 as a result of a merger between two companies: Det Norske Veritas (Norway) and Germanischer Lloyd (Germany). Det Norske Veritas in English means "The Norwegian Truth." The Healthcare branch of DNV GL provides a hospital accreditation program that integrates the CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) Conditions of Participation with the ISO 9001 Quality Management Program. Since 2008, they have accredited approximately 500 hospitals across the United States.

    DuPage County Health Department
    Promotes physical and emotional health; prevents illness and disability; protects health from environmental risk factors; and strives to assure the provision of accessible, quality services. Web site topics include: asthma, depression, bioterrorism, consumer services, dental services, DuPage safe food site, environmental health services, mental health services and men's and women's health sites

    ONC, and its federal partners, created HealthIT.gov to provide critical, reliable information on health IT and electronic health records (EHRs) to wider audiences. This new website offers resources to patients and providers who may have little experience with health IT. This resource answers IT questions in simple, direct language that makes sense to patients and practitioners.

    Illinois Hospital Association
    Represents more than 200 hospitals and health systems and the patients and communities they serve, with offices in Naperville, Springfield, and Carbondale

    Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
    An independent, not-for-profit organization, The Joint Commission accredits and certifies more than 20,000 health care organizations and programs in the United States. Joint Commission accreditation and certification is recognized nationwide as a symbol of quality that reflects an organization’s commitment to meeting certain performance standards.

    The Medicare Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) for Illinois providing assistance to Medicare consumers as well as health care providers who participate in the Medicare program.

    Metropolitan Chicago Healthcare Council (MCHC)
    MCHC is a membership and service association comprising more than 170 hospitals and health care organizations working together, since 1935, to improve the delivery of health care services in the Chicago area.

    Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
    OSHA creates and enforces workplace safety standards.

    United States Department of Health & Human Services
    The United States government's principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services.

    HIT Journals

    thumb_doctor holding folder.jpg

    Locating Journal Articles

    The Library provides access to many online article databases that will help you locate journal, magazine, and newspaper articles. You can search by keyword, subject, author and title.

    Databases are organized collections of information that you can search by a variety of fields, like title, author's name, subject or keyword. iTunes is a database and so is Amazon. The Library has databases of articles from newspapers, magazines and journals. We also have databases of streaming videos, music and e-books. The difference between our databases and iTunes or Amazon is that our databases are free for you to use. You can browse the library's databases here: Article Databases by Subject

    You must have a valid College of DuPage library card to access the electronic indexes and databases from off-campus.

    Newspaper Databases
    Includes Chicago Tribune, New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and more

    Databases by Subject
    Choose an database according to your subject of interest.

    • Begin your research in the Health and Medicine Databases
      What databases contain the best HIT resources?
      • Each database contains different resources (journals, e-books, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, etc.)--You may need to run your search in several databases. Read the database descriptions to locate databases most relevant to your search.
      • Pay attention to online journal article embargos
      • Some journals are ONLY available in print—the Library has photocopiers and flatbed scanners

      "Best Bet" Health Databases

      Academic Search Complete
      Academic Search Complete contains indexing and full text for 9,100 journals. 7,100 of these journals are peer-reviewed scholarly titles. This collection provides both popular and scholarly journal coverage for nearly all academic areas of study - including social sciences, humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences and ethnic studies.

      Academic Video Online
      a collection of full-length streaming videos. A wide-range of disciplines are included. Most useful to nurses is the Health & Health Care collection. Also included in the subscription are full transcripts of each video program that are keyword searchable, easy playlist and clip making functionality, permanent embeddable URLs for easy use in online courses.

      Care Notes
      Care Notes helps medical professionals educate patients and their families about certain conditions. Contains 2500 English and 2500 Spanish documents that address patient condition, treatment, follow-up care, psychosocial issues, continuing health, and the most frequently administered drugs.

      The online version of Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature, CINAHL Complete covers nursing, allied health, biomedical and consumer health journals, publications of the American Nursing Association, and the National League for Nursing. It now includes the CINAHL Thesaurus and full text of over 1,300 important nursing and clinical journals as well as over 130 Evidence-based Care Sheets; nearly 170 Quick Lessons providing Overviews of Disease and Conditions; 170 Continuing Education Modules; and full text for 360 Research Instrument Records.

      small yellow star.jpgGale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL)
      GVRL is a collection of online reference books on a variety of topics including Business, History, Literature, Medicine, Social Science, Technology and many more.
      individual entries from these resources can be printed and emailed.

      Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
      This resource provides 600 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Coverage of nursing and allied health is particularly strong. In addition, this database includes the Clinical Pharmacology database, providing access to up-to-date, concise and clinically relevant drug monographs for all U.S. prescription drugs, hard-to-find herbal and nutritional supplements, over-the-counter products and new drugs.

      small yellow star.jpgMedlinePlus
      MedlinePlus has extensive information from the National Institutes of Health and other trusted sources on over 900 diseases and conditions. There are also lists of hospitals and physicians, a medical encyclopedia and a medical dictionary, health information in Spanish, extensive information on prescription and nonprescription drugs, health information from the media, and links to thousands of clinical trials.

      small yellow star.jpgMICROMEDEX Healthcare Series
      Provides full-text information supporting clinical care decisions including: drug monographs and evaluations (including contrast media), drug dosages and interactions, drug product identification, reproductive risks, toxicity management, alternative medicine/herbal preparations information, acute/emergency care guidelines, drug, disease and condition information for patients, laboratory test information, dosage calculators, nomograms, and references

      Nursing Education in Video
      an online collection of videos created specifically for the education and training of nurses, nursing assistants, and other healthcare workers. All of the videos in the collection have been created with the guidance of the Medcom-Trainex advisory board, and are regularly reviewed for accuracy, currency, and compliance with US Federal regulations from agencies such as OSHA and CMS. Also included in the subscription are full transcripts of each video program that are keyword searchable, easy playlist and clip making functionality, permanent embeddable URLs for easy use in online courses.

      Science Direct
      **Be sure to select "Subscribed Journals" from the Source drop-down menu**
      Indexing and full-text of 175 journals in science, chemistry, nursing, biology and other related disciplines.

      small yellow star.jpgWestlaw Campus Research
      Westlaw Campus Research is an easy-to-use online research service that provides college and university students with access to a comprehensive collection of news and business information and law-related resources. Access federal and state caselaw, full text of the United States Code Annotated (USCA) and Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and more than 800 law reviews and journals, including Harvard Law Review and Yale Law Journal.

      Browse all COD Library Health and Medicine databases

      Database (and Library catalog) Advanced Search Tips

      • Use the features of the database (print, navigation) before using your browser's back or print buttons
      • For keyword searching, use the advanced search feature so that you can use multiple terms and set limits (date range, peer-reviewed, full text, etc)
      • Remember that databases require you to spell correctly
      • To limit your search results to journals with editorial boards (or some type of review process by health professionals) look under the “limit” section of the initial search page. Select the option to limit to peer reviewed (some databases also call them refereed publications). Refereed publications and peer reviewed are synonyms for board-reviewed or scholarly journals. Don’t forget to set your date limits too!
      • When creating your search strategy, take a moment to write down your key words and any synonyms (alternative words meaning the same thing) that might be used. Also think about how you connect your key words together.
        • Connect different concepts with the word AND indicating that you want both concepts to appear in each retrieved article.
        • Connect variations (different words could be used for the same thing) with OR indicating that at least one variation should occur in the articles retrieved.
        • Put parentheses around actions that you want to be done first (just like you may have done in an algebra class).
        • Here are some examples of synonyms and “nesting” (using parentheses):
        • (aged OR geriatric OR old* OR elderly)
        • (medicare OR medicaid)
        • Put the key concepts together like this example:
          (aged OR geriatric OR old* OR elderly) AND (medicare OR medicaid)
      • capitalize connecting words (AND, OR) to let the database know that you are giving a command not just listing a word to be found
      • Use an asterisk (*) to find all possible endings. For example, old* finds old or older

    HIT Books, Videos & Models


    Browsing the Collection

    Use the Library catalog to search the COD Library's collection of books, videos, e-books, and streaming media. Use your COD Library card to check these items out or access them online.

    Get a C.O.D. Library Card

    • 24/7 access to our full-text electronic books and article databases
    • Check out videos, books, software, anatomical models
    • reserve small group study rooms
    • FREE book and article Interlibrary Loans (ILL) if we don't have the resources that you need
    • Cards are FREE for C.O.D. students and 502 community members
    • Learn more...

    An easy way to start searching the Library catalog is to do a keyword search for words that describe your topic. You may need to experiment with keywords to find ones that work for your topic.

    Keyword Searching

    Do a keyword search of the Library catalog using words that are specific to your topic. Try using specific keywords, such as proper names, combining several keywords, or using keyword phrases. For example:

    • health care reform AND United States
    • (health management organization) OR HMO
    • (health OR medical) AND coding
    • (electronic medical record) OR (electronic health record)
    • For more tips on creating keyword searches, see the Journal Articles section of this guide

    Once you find some items, you can use subject headings to find other items that cover the same topic.

    Subject Searching

    Try these subjects to browse the General and Reference Collections.

    health care reform united states medical laws and legislation
    HIPAA medical jurisprudence
    malpractice medical policy
    managed care medical records
    medical care law and legislation United States medicine terminology
    medical claims medical transcription
    medical ethics nosology

    Call Number Searching

    Another strategy is to search by call number. Health-related materials are shelved in the "R" section of libraries that use the Library of Congress classification system. HIT and Coding books are located in several call number areas.

    Sometimes books are located in other areas of the "R" section if they deal with specific age groups . Other resources may be located outside the "R" section if they deal with legal matters (such as malpractice or legal/ethical issues). Search the Library catalog to locate the call numbers for specific resources.

    Subject Call Number Range
    Health Communications R118
    Medical Terminology R123
    Health Information Processes (including Transcription) R728-730s
    Electronic Health Records R858-R864
    Health Office Management RA971-RA976.5
    Coding RB115
    pharmacology & drug handbooks or guides RM100-300s

    There are two locations for "print" or physical material (videos or software) in the C.O.D. Library: the reference collection (items don't leave the Library) and the general stacks (items that you can take home). Library staff members will be happy to help you find books in either section--just ask!

    Reference Materials

    Reference materials are well indexed, up-to-date, concise, and highly credible. They provide overviews, definitions, specific information (such as causes & symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, prognosis, etc) or addresses. Types of reference books include: directories, dictionaries and encyclopedias, basic health books (describing diseases and conditions), and drug resources. Since you cannot normally take these materials home, remember that you will have to photocopy, or write down the information that you need. Some reference materials are available full text, online via our databases. Below are some examples of the types of reference books found in the C.O.D. reference collection.

    Some of these resources are designed for consumers (such as the Johns Hopkins or Mayo Clinic health books), some for health students and consumers (the Gale Encyclopedia series), and some for health professionals (Cecil or Harrison's), so the type and level of information differs to suit each audience. Some reference works are available in Spanish language versions.

    small yellow star.jpgReference Best Bets

    Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary
    REF R 121.D73 2012 ONLINE ACCESS

    small yellow star.jpgGale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health
    * This link will allow you to simultaneously search all of the specialized Gale Encyclopedias available in the Gale Virtual Reference Library database

    Merriam-Webster Online Medical Dictionary (select medical reference, includes audio pronunciations)

    small yellow star.jpgGoldman's Cecil Medicine
    REF RC46 .C423

    Conn's Current Therapy
    REF RM101 .C87

    Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment
    REF RC71 .A14

    small yellow star.jpgHarrison's Principles of Internal Medicine
    REF RC46 .H333

    Mosby's Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference
    REF RB38.2 .M67

    Religion : a Clinical Guide for Nurses
    REF RT85.2 .R45 2012 and ONLINE ACCESS

    Streaming Health & Medical Videos

    You must have a valid College of DuPage library card to access these video databases from off-campus.

    Academic Video Online
    A diverse collection of full-length streaming videos. A wide-range of disciplines are included. Most useful is the Health & Health Care collection. Also included in the subscription are full transcripts of each video program that are keyword searchable, easy playlist and clip making functionality, permanent embeddable URLs for easy use in online courses.

    Nursing Education in Video
    Nursing Education in Video is an online collection of videos created specifically for the education and training of nurses, nursing assistants, and other healthcare workers. All of the videos in the collection have been created with the guidance of the Medcom-Trainex advisory board, and are regularly reviewed for accuracy, currency, and compliance with US Federal regulations from agencies such as OSHA and CMS.

    Rehabilitation Therapy in Video
    Rehabilitation Therapy in Video is a collection of video materials for the study of occupational therapy, physical/physiotherapy, and speech-language pathology. The collection allows students and faculty to easily find, cite, and share footage of top clinicians and academics explaining the underlying anatomical and neurological issues in specific patient populations, while demonstrating effective techniques and methods for their treatment.

    Sports Medicine And Exercise Science In Video
    Sports Medicine and Exercise Science in Video is the most extensive video collection ever assembled in the areas of fitness and health assessment, disease management, injury treatment, nutrition, medical fitness, sport science, work-site wellness, exercise adherence, and much more.

    Remember that additional DVDs, CD-ROMs and health-related multimedia resources can be found by searching the COD Library catalog. Use your COD Library card to check these items out for in-library, home viewing, or online access (depending on availability).

    Anatomical Models

    Anatomical Models are available at the Library circulation desk.

    For even more assistance with anatomy & physiology, check out the COD Library's Anatomy & Physiology Research Guide!

    Monologues and Plays

    This guide provides step-by-step instructions for finding monologues and plays using the library's resources and online sites.

    If you have any questions, please contact the library liaison to the Theater Department, or a reference librarian.

    Steps for Finding Monologues and Plays

    Try our new database - New Play Exchange!
    New Play Exchange is the world's largest digital library of scripts by living writers. You can filter your search results in many ways, including by character age and gender; genre; play length; and playwright demographics, among many other filters.

    1. Find a monologue using the reference works (found on the first floor of the Library) listed below. The most useful books are
      • small yellow star.jpgThe Ultimate Scene and Monologue Sourcebook Reference PN 2080 .H6 2007
      • small yellow star.jpgSmith and Kraus Monologue Index(s) Reference PN 2080 .S6 1995 & Reference PN 2080 .S6 1999
      • For more detailed information on using these resources, see the document Using Smith and Kraus Monologue Sourcebook at the bottom of this page.

      Plays owned by the library are denoted in the table of contents with a check mark or call number.

    2. Note the name of the play in which the monologue is included.
    3. Use the Library Catalog to search for plays by title. Plays can be request through I-Share.

    Websites - You can also use websites such as Actorama.com or StageAgent to identify monologues, however, please note that many of the monologues listed at these sites are written by self-published writers as stand-alone monologues that are not part of a play.

    Finding Monologues

    If you need to find both a monologue and the entire script of the play, you will have to identify the monologue first and then find the play.

    Reference Works

    The following works give an overview of monologues and indicate if the COD Library owns the play.

    • The Ultimate Scene and Monologue Sourcebook Reference PN 2080 .H6 2007
      Over 1,000 monologues and scenes from more than 300 contemporary plays. In the table of contents check marks have been placed next to titles of plays that the library owns.

    • Smith and Kraus Monologue Index Reference PN 2080 .S6
      In addition to finding plays by the categories in the other sources you may also find them by nationality, geographic area, profession, and situation. The time period of the monologue is defined. Plays will be prior to 1997. In the table of contents the call number for monologues owned by the library have been noted. The name of the play is at the bottom of the entry.

    • Actor's Guide to Monologues Reference PN 2080 .G78 1974
      Guide for finding monologues for men and women by category: classic or modern, serious or comic, and age of character. Gives name of character, title of play, author of play, act and scene, length, and first line. Note: these will be plays prior to 1974.

    • Guide to Monologues Men Reference PN 2080 .G84 1988
      Guide for finding monologues for men by category: classic or modern, serious or comic, and age of character. Gives name of character, title of play, author of play, act and scene, length, and first line. Note: these will be plays prior to 1988.

    • Guide to Monologues Women Reference PN 2080 .G85 1988
      Guide for finding monologues for women by category: classic or modern, serious or comic, and age of character. Gives name of character, title of play, author of play, act and scene, length, and first line. Note: these will be plays prior to 1988.

    • Play Index Reference PN 1621 .P5x
      Useful for findings plays by subject, author, or title. Particularly useful for locating plays in collections. There is a listing of monologues although there is no breakdown of the type or character. Part two is an index by names of cast members.

    • Ottemiller’s Index to Plays in Collections - eBook Full-length plays written in English and published between 1900 and 2000. Plays are indexed by title, author, and anthology title.


    Use Actorama.com to locate monologues by type: comic. dramatic, serio-comic. Click on Monologues to get an advanced search that allows for greater specificity. Monologues from plays that are still under copyright (1923-present) will only give you the opening line. Please note that many of the monologues listed at this site are written by self-published writers and may not be available in the Library's collection or through Interlibrary Loan. Use the instructions for "Finding Plays" listed below to locate a copy of the play.

    StageAgent provides access to over one hundred monologues by category, age range and sex. Click on the link for the name of the play under the "Show Name" section to find more information about the play. Check out the "Useful Links" to view information about the play's publisher, etc. Use the instructions for "Finding Plays" listed below to locate a copy of the play.

    Finding Plays

    Library Catalog

    Start your search by using the COD Library's Catalog

    • Do a title search
      For example: Angels in America.
      This will only retrieve your play if it is the exact title of the book. Many times plays are located in collections, for example, Twenty Modern Plays by Women. Also, plays in translation may have the titles translated different ways. Even English language plays can have different titles. For example, King Lear might be King Lear or the Tragedy of King Lear or William Shakespeare's King Lear. See below for other ways to search.

    • Do an author search
      For example: Miller, Arthur
      You will see individual titles as well as anthologies with titles like, The Collected Works of Arthur Miller.
    • Do a keyword search
      For example: Death of a Salesman.
      This search will look for the phrase at the beginning of the title of a book, within the title of a book, and in table of contents notes. This search not only turns up titles of individual books that begin "Death of a Salesman," but also Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller's Collected Plays, and Plays for the Theatre: An Anthology of World Drama, which has plays by many different playwrights. Unfortunately, not all books have their table of contents listed, so if you still haven't found your play consider using the reference book Play Index, which was described above in the section on Reference Works.

    Local libraries
    Many public libraries collect plays. You will need a public library card; if you have one you can usually use it to borrow from other libraries in that system.

    Research the Play

    In addition to locating the play and learning and studying your lines you might want to do some research about the playwright, the setting of the play, and the characters in the play. This research will add immensely to your ability to interpret the character and the character to life. Consult the Research Guide on Theater Appreciation for suggestions on researching plays.


    Welcome to the Humanities Research Guide

    Humanities is the study of human culture through the perspective of a number of academic disciplines, ranging in scope from Art to Theater, with many subject areas in between. Listed below are a number of resources that are helpful for studying the Humanities.

    Click on a link on the menu below to take you to that specific section.

    Learn how studying the Humanities can help prepare you for the workplace!

    Finding Books

    Use the COD Library's book catalog to find books & videos. Click on the "keyword" tab to search using multiple search terms and limit your results by material type (book, video), date, or language. You'll need a current library card to check out books.


    I-Share allows you to borrow books from over 80 Illinois academic libraries. You must have a current COD library card, and create an account to request books from an I-Share library.

    E-book Collections

    Most books in these collections can also be located and accessed by searching in the Library's book catalog.

    • ebrary
    • Collection contains several books on topics in the Humanities. Many e-books can be viewed from your computer or downloaded to your e-book reader. You need to create an account to download e-books to your device.

    • EBSCO e-book collection
    • Find 100s of Philosophy-related books . NOTE: Books can be viewed by single page on a computer, or, can be downloaded to an e-book reader. You'll be prompted to create an EBSCO account. The loan period for e-books is four hours. Books can be renewed after the initial loan period expires.

    • Humanities (ACLS) E-book Collection
    • This resource includes over 1500 full-text, cross-searchable books in the humanities selected by scholars for their continuing importance for research and teaching. Pages from this collection can be printed and emailed.

    Project Gutenberg E-books

    Project Gutenberg provides access to a number of humanities-related e-books. Many can be read online or downloaded to e-book readers.

    General Reference Works

    • Encyclopedia Britannica - Online
      The online version of the classic Encyclopedia Britannica that also includes web links, select articles and access to Webster's Dictionary.

    • Credo Reference Online
      Credo Reference is a full-text online reference service. The collection includes over three million entries from hundreds of well-regarded titles from some of world's the best reference publishers.

    • Reference Universe
      Reference Universe is a finding aid for reference materials in both the print and electronic collections owned by our Library.

    General Databases

    The Library subscribes to many databases that provide access to thousands of popular and credible, scholarly journals. Many databases provide access to full-text articles, while some provide information about the article only (citation). Request (for free!) through Interlibrary Loan copies of articles to which the Library doesn't have full-text access.

    Databases are organized collections of information that you can search on a variety of fields, like title and author's name. iTunes is a database and so is Amazon. Even your contacts list in your phone is a type of mini database. The Library has databases of articles from newspapers, magazines and journals. We also have databases of streaming videos, music and e-books. The difference between our databases and iTunes or Amazon is that our stuff is free for you to use. You can browse the library's databases here: http://www.codlrc.org/databases


    • Academic Search Complete
    • Multidisciplinary database covering a wide range of academic areas.

    • JSTOR
    • Excellent source for credible scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. Articles in database were published between the early 1700s and between 1-5 years ago.

    • Project MUSE
    • Project MUSE offers full-text current and archival articles from 500+ scholarly journals from major university presses covering literature and criticism, history, performing arts, cultural studies, education, philosophy, political science, gender studies, and more. Updated continually.

    Subject Specific Research Guides

    Use these research guides to find resources on specific subjects:

    Media for the Humanities

    International/ Ethnic Film Directors

    Films made by directors associated with the following ethnic/racial groups:

    Asians and Asian-Americans
    Indians and Indian-Americans
    Middle Easterners and Middle-East-Americans
    Native Americans
    Latin Americans and Latino-Americans

    Other Resources

    • The African Film Collection
      a collection of films about Africa, containing works by African and non-African filmmakers. The collection contains representative films, documentaries, and music DVDs and contains works from all over Africa. These films are housed at Western Illinois University and are available to be borrowed through InterLibrary Loan.

    • African Film Library
      "The library consists of award-winning works from more than 80 producers including Senegalese Ousmane Sembene and Djibril Mambety, Yousef Chahine from Egypt and Haile Gerima from Ethiopia."

    • Great Performances
      "GREAT PERFORMANCES presents a diverse programming portfolio of classical music, opera, popular song, musical theater, dance, drama, and performance documentaries."

    • iFilm Connections: Asia & Pacific
      "iFilm Connections: Asia & Pacific seeks to create a deeper awareness and understanding of Asian and Pacific Island film cultures by providing immediate and comprehensive information about contemporary feature films from these areas." Includes an online film festival of independent films touching on globalization.

    • Black Film Research Online
      A University of Chicago guide to film directors, internet resources and other information.

    • British Library: Archival Sound Recordings
      About 7,000 items are currently available for listening.

    • Global Gateway: World Culture and Resources
      A Gateway to online collections about different cultures around the world.

    • Hiphop Archive
      Includes readings, visuals, listening, and short videos.

    • Performing Arts Encyclopedia
      Music, theatre and dance resources from the Library of Congress.

    • Smart History
      "This site is being developed by Beth Harris and Steven Zucker as a dynamic enhancement (or even substitute) for the static traditional Western art history textbook."

    Citing Sources

    Citation styles provide rules for formatting your citations or references. Although there are many different citation styles, those most commonly used by students at College of DuPage are American Psychological Association (APA), Modern Language Association (MLA), and Chicago/Turabian. The style you should use is usually determined by the discipline or course in which you are working. Ask your instructor what style is required or recommended.

    Citing Sources: Information to Record

    Although every citation style is different, there are some standard elements to record:

    •    Title (of book or article and journal)
    •    Author
    •    Publication Date
    •    Publisher or source
    •    Start and end pages (for articles and book chapters)

    For electronic sources such as Web pages, you should record this additional information:

    •    The date you accessed the site
    •    The digital object identifier (DOI) if there is one
    •    The URL (Web address) if there is no DOI

    Sample Papers & In-Text Citations

    For additional help formatting your paper, visit the College of DuPage Writing Assistance Area in SRC 2102.

    From MLA Style Center

    • MLA Sample Paper #1 This paper, on assisted reproductive technology and the family, includes an example of using ellipses when omitting words from a quoted source. For more on ellipses, see the MLA Handbook (1.3.5).
    • MLA Sample Paper #2 This paper, on Jacob Lawrence’s Migration series, shows you how to incorporate figures into your text, style a block quotation, and cite a variety of sources. Read about block quotations in the MLA Handbook (1.3.2–3, 1.3.7).

    From APA Style CENTRAL

    • APA Sample Paper #1 This abridged manuscript illustrates the organizational structure characteristic of reports of meta-analyses written in APA Style.
    • APA Sample Paper #2 This sample paper is an example of a one-experiment paper that demonstrates APA Style elements.

    Astronomy Research

    thumb_massive star_0.jpgWelcome! Click on a tab below to find books, articles, and websites for use in this course.

    You'll need a College of DuPage Library card in order to use most of the resources below from off campus. If your card is not working, it may need to be reactivated.

    Questions? Feel free to use my contact info to the right, stop by the Reference Desk, or contact us by email or chat.

    Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
    1. Catalog
    2. Databases
    3. Websites
    4. MLA Citations

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