Graded Reader E-books

American English E-books
Read e-books anytime, anywhere: on the go or in the classroom! Free American English e-books-including classic graded readers, an idiom reference guide, and resources for teachers-are available in .epub (most e-readers and tablets) and .mobi (Kindle-compatible) format in the “Downloads” section of select American English resources.

Open Culture E-books
A resource for finding freely available classics in e-book form, including fables, fairy tales and books in the public domain. Some titles can be read online, other can be downloaded to e-book readers.


Biology 1130: Persky


Welcome! You'll need a College of DuPage Library card in order to use most of these resources from off campus.

Questions? Feel free to contact me, stop by the Reference Desk, or contact us by email or chat.

Want to know more about the COD library? Check out our orientation video.

Image Credit: Steve Jurvetson: Biofuels
  1. Pick a Topic
  2. Find Articles
  3. Research Article
  4. APA

Getting Started: Finding Your Topic

Lost about Where to Start?

Some of the following strategies might help you to figure out what products to focus in on:

Getting Background Research

Now that you've picked something out, you'll want to work to find background that will help you to interpret the scholarly articles that you'll find later. Start by searching any of the databases below for your product, but be prepared to broaden out if you don't find anything. For example, after trying golden rice, try genetically modified food.

  • Gale Virtual Reference Library has got great entries on many of your topics.
  • Visit CQ Researcher, a library database that summarizes current events into massive PDFs.
  • Credo Reference has the full-text of hundreds of dictionaries and encyclopedias.
  • While you would never cite Wikipedia, you can use the references at the bottom of the entry to start your search.

Finding Articles in Databases

Scientific Articles

Scientific research can be best found in academic databases. Here are the top two databases to look for information.

Academic Search Complete has a mixture of popular and scholarly articles on a variety of subjects. You'll want to be sure that you're using a source appropriate for class when searching.

Science Direct contains only scientific full text articles. Be sure to select "subscribed journals" when searching.

See the full list of biology databases.

You can also look at National Newspapers Core and Newspaper Source to see if there are any news articles that discuss the marketing of your product.

Trying to find out if we have an article in full-text? Check the Journal Locator to see what we might have in print or online. You can also InterLibrary Loan. Questions? Contact me.

Distinguishing a Research Article From a Popular Article

Worried that you might be reading a trade article from a scholarly article, or a review article from a scientific research article?

Start by looking for the distinctive markers of a scholarly article: are the authors' degrees or university affiliations listed? Do you see an abstract? How about charts, tables, graphs?

Once you are certain that you are looking at a scholarly article, make certain that your article is a scientific research article, by looking for the following distinctive sections:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Method
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • References or Works Cited

Some of these sections may be merged with other sections, have slightly different names, or may not be labeled, but all should be present in one way or another.

Confused? Take a look at page one of a scholarly article below:

scholarly article marked.png
Notice the following:

  1. The authors list a university affiliation
  2. The abstract is right in the center of the page
  3. The (unmarked) introduction

Want to take a closer look? Cladophora (Chlorophyta) spp. Harbor Human Bacterial Pathogens in Nearshore Water of Lake Michigan is a research article found on PubMedCentral, the government-sponsored free article database. You can use this as a model scholarly research article.

Having Trouble Reading Your Article?

  • Check out this website about reading scholarly articles.
  • We also have a book on reserve that will help you to learn more about reading scholarly articles
  • Remember that you can use reference databases to explain words or concepts that you're unfamiliar with. Try searching Credo or Gale to start.

Using APA Style

Find directions about how to cite your sources on the library citation guide.

Most databases will have a Cite link that you can also click to get article citations.

Finally, you are welcome to use NoodleBib if you'd like to use a program to create and organize your citations. You must "Create a New Folder" when you use NoodleBIB for the first time. Click on "I am citing a(n):," choose the type of item you are citing, and then fill in the online form. Your bibliography will be formatted for you.

Further questions about APA style? Check out the APA Sample Paper from Purdue OWL, which includes sample papers.

Terms of Use Information

When possible, it is preferable to link to electronic material that is already licensed by the library rather than make digital copies.

Types of Content










Artstor: Downloading must be performed through the download functions in the Artstor Digital Library, which limits the resolution of such downloaded Content (do not right-click and save images or use screen grabs).
Examples of permitted uses

  • Classroom instruction and related activities (such as handouts, presentations, research, and student assignments)
  • Display or performance as part of a noncommercial scholarly or educational presentation (such as in seminars, classes, lectures, conferences, exhibits, workshops, or similar noncommercial educational and scholarly activities)
  • Student or faculty portfolios, term papers, theses, and dissertations, provided that you follow the access restrictions stated on the previous page
  • Restricted course websites for review and study purposes, provided that these sites are not publicly accessible on the web

Camio: permits users to view, print, download and/or store single records from the databases for information, instruction, research, or scholarship. To these ends, you may modify images, including cropping, cut and paste, color manipulation, and other actions. Images that are downloaded and/or copied into print, digital, or any other media shall include the proper attribution, including but not limited to any copyright notice, as shown for the Work when it is displayed through CAMIO, as well as the database copyright notice "CAMIO.© OCLC".

Saskia Art Images: Thumbnail images may be downloaded and integrated into an image database and may be made freely available to students and faculty of your institutions. Images may not be redistributed outside of your educational institution in any format.


Link, Stream, Embed

Definitions & Examples

A hyperlink (or link) is a word, group of words, or image that you can click on to go to another document, website or application.

Method of transferring data, particularly audio and video, as a continuous stream. This enables the user to view or listen to content without having to first download it.

By embedding content into Blackboard, you are using computer code to make an object that exists outside of your Bb class (video player, image, audio player) visible inside your Bb class.

Persistent Links
A persistent link is a permanent URL to a particular object within an electronic resource that can be saved and used for future reference. Persistent links are also referred to as PURLs, durable links, or stable links.

Types of Content


article.pngMagazine, journal and news articles are available through many of our Library databases. Depending on the database, articles may be indexed but only available as a citation or abstract; or articles may be available as full-text HTML or full-text PDF.

Best Practices

  • While many articles can be downloaded as PDFs, consider it best practice to link to full-text articles rather than uploading PDFs to your course.
  • Look for the permalink, permanent URL or persistent link to included in your course.
  • Hyperlink URLs and select "Open in New Window (blank)" from the Target drop-down menu.
  • Include reminder that students will need a valid COD Library Card to access material from off-campus.


  • General Databases such as Academic OneFile and Academic Search Complete
  • Subject Databases such as JSTOR, Science Direct, CINAHL and more
  • Newspapers such as Chicago Tribune, Newspaper Source and National Newspapers Core


ebook.pngThe Library has about 17,000 academic e-books that can be accessed and read on any device that is connected to the Internet using a web browser. Most of our e-books are also downloadable to read offline.

Best Practices

  • Many e-books can only be used/checked-out by one patron at a time-- keep this in mind if you are requiring your students to access an e-book
  • While some e-books are available for download (in part or in their entirety), consider it best practice to link to e-books rather than uploading PDFs to your course.
  • Look for the permalink, permanent URL or persistent link to included in your course.
  • Hyperlink URLs and select "Open in New Window (blank)" from the Target drop-down menu.
  • Include reminder that students will need a valid COD Library Card to access material from off-campus.



audio.pngPrimarily available through Alexander Street Press’ Music & Performing Arts collection, the Library’s streaming audio options provide access to nearly 6 million tracks on over 480,000 albums.

Best Practices

  • Remember that embedded players may not appear for students until they enable their browsers to display insecure content. Include instructions for enabling content.
  • Look for the permalink, permanent URL or persistent link to included in your course.
  • Hyperlink URLs and select "Open in New Window (blank)" from the Target drop-down menu.
  • Include reminder that students will need a valid COD Library Card to access material from off-campus.


  • Music Online includes Classical Music Library, Smithsonian Global Sound, American Song (including African American Song), Contemporary World Music and Jazz Music Library
  • Popular Music Library
  • includes hundreds of thousands of tracks from major genres in pop music including alternative, country, Christian, electronic, hip-hop, metal, punk, new age, R&B, rock and more.


video.pngThe Library subscribes to a several collections of films for use online. The Library offers 105 streaming online videos in the areas of philosophy, education, music, careers, and technical education resources. Many collections allow you to create playlists, select clips and embed content.


Best Practices

  • Remember that embedded players may not appear for students until they enable their browsers to display insecure content. Include instructions for enabling content.
  • Look for the permalink, permanent URL or persistent link to included in your course.
  • Hyperlink URLs and select "Open in New Window (blank)" from the Target drop-down menu.
  • Include reminder that students will need a valid COD Library Card to access material from off-campus.


image.pngThe Library has selected a comprehensive collection of image databases in a variety of topics for student and faculty use, bearing in mind the copyright restrictions for these open access resources.


Best Practices

  • Although many image databases allow you to download and save image files, consider it best practice to to link to images rather than uploading image files to your course.
  • Generally, do not copy and save images (right-click & “Save Image As”) from online sources.
  • Look for the permalink, permanent URL or persistent link to included in your course.
  • Hyperlink URLs and select "Open in New Window (blank)" from the Target drop-down menu.
  • Include reminder that students will need a valid COD Library Card to access material from off-campus.

Additional Resources

Terms of Use: Learn which databases allow you to upload content freely to Blackboard.


Math 0460: Ziermann

Welcome! Click on a tab below to find books, articles, and websites for use in this course.

You'll need a College of DuPage Library card in order to use most of the resources below from off campus. If your card is not working, it may need to be reactivated.

Questions? Feel free to use my contact info to the right, stop by the Reference Desk, or contact us by email or chat

Image Credit: "Math", by Johannes Rössel
  1. Print Study Aids
  2. Online Videos/Practice
  3. Other Help

Books to Study With

Want to study on a day when you don't have math class or don't want to lug the book around? We have a copy of Lial's Basic College Mathematics at the circulation desk. You can check the book out for up to two hours at a time for in-library use.

The Library has a number of books you can use to study when you'd like something in addition to your textbook. Some helpful books that you can check out include:

We also have the DVD Basic Math, Parts 1, 2, and 3 (PE1127.M3 S544 1997) with a workbook, if you'd prefer to study that way.

Online Videos/Practice

Learning Express Library 3.0: Learning Express Library offers a number of helpful tools. Click on Adult Learning Center and then Build Your Math Skills to get to the math study aids. Notice that in the menu on the left you can select practice sets, read ebooks, or watch tutorials. You'll be prompted to create an account in order to use the materials.

Other really helpful websites include the following:

Khan Academy has free video tutorials online. You'll have to sign up for an account and take a practice test in order to watch. Tutorials tend to focus on one concept (such as solving simple linear equations) and be fairly short.

GCF LearnFree Math also has some great tutorials. You can watch videos and practice different sets of problems with feedback.

Saddleback College's PreAlgebra class covers basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) as well as decimals and fractions, and other helpful concepts. The site, put together by Professor Perez at Saddleback College, has notes, videos, worksheets, homework, quizzes, and web tools available. Navigate using the menu on the left.

Other Help

You can also contact the Learning Commons to request tutoring help.

SOS Instructor Information

Adobe Connect

Admin Login:
SOS Online Classroom:

Training Videos and Tutorials:
Presenter Checklist

Introduction to Adobe Connect
Recorded training webinar for COD librarians (53 min- only the first few minute are training- the rest is everyone playing around with it)
PowerPoint available here

How to Change the Host Name in Adobe Connect
How to change the Host Name from "Library Staff" to your own name; and back again after your session

How to Record a Session in Adobe Connect
Quick tutorial on how to record your webinar and share the recording

Adobe Connect Guides:
Quick Start Guide for Hosts
Quick Start Guide for Participants

Workshop & Webinar Content

PreWrite/PreResearch workshop
Google for Research
Copyright for College
Getting Started with Research
Finding Sources
Research Basics: The Research Process


Math 0481 and 0482: Ziermann

Welcome! Click on a tab below to find books, articles, and websites for use in this course.

You'll need a College of DuPage Library card in order to use most of the resources below from off campus. If your card is not working, it may need to be reactivated.

Questions? Feel free to use my contact info to the right, stop by the Reference Desk, or contact us by email or chat

Image Credit: "畫圖法" by Derekleungtszhei - Own work. Licensed under CC BY 1.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
  1. Print Study Aids
  2. Online Videos/Practice
  3. Other Help

Books to Study With

Want to study on a day when you don't have math class or don't want to lug the book around? We have a copy of Messermith's Beginning and Intermediate Algebra at the circulation desk. You can check the book out for up to two hours at a time for in-library use.

The Library has a number of books you can use to study when you'd like something in addition to your textbook. Some helpful books that you can check out include:

If you like, you can browse the shelves in order to find the best book for you: Try upstairs in the QA 159 area.

Online Videos/Practice

Learning Express Library 3.0: Learning Express Library offers a number of helpful tools. Click on College Center and then Math Skills Review to get to the math study aids. Notice that you can do practice sets, read ebooks, or watch tutorials in Algebra. You'll be prompted to create an account in order to use the materials.

Other really helpful websites include the following:

Khan Academy has free video tutorials online. You'll have to sign up for an account and take a practice test in order to watch. Tutorials tend to focus on one concept (such as solving simple linear equations) and be fairly short.

GCFLearn Free has an algebra section on their website. You can watch videos and do practice problems on a variety of topics.

Saddleback College PreAlgebra and Beginning Algebra and Intermediate Algebra sites. These sites, put together by Professor Perez at Saddleback College, have notes, videos, worksheets, homework, quizzes, and web tools that focus on prealgebra concepts. Navigate using the menu on the left. Brush up on old concepts or learn new ones. is an online Algebra study guide including worksheets, videos, and a computer-based graphing calculator.

Other Help

You can also contact the Learning Commons to request tutoring help.

Musical Recordings

Upper Level

Our Musical Recordings collection is located on the southeast end of the upper level and features compact disc sound recordings in a wide variety of musical genres.

To search for musical recordings in the COD library catalog, got to the advanced search screen, enter your desired search terms, and limit the format to "music."

We also provide access to streaming music through some of our music databases.

Musical Recording collection shelves.

Scientific Models

Want to study models while the physical Library is closed? You can join the A&P Student Organization in Blackboard to watch short videos of your professors discussing many of the most important models for class.
Browse by model type below or use the search box on the right.
Models may only be used in the library and must be checked out by COD students.

Computer Labs

Computer Lab
Lower Level

Computers are available for public use in the library. The lower level computer lab includes 122 desktop computers and a large print center, which offers both black/white and color printers and copiers, scanners, and a print card vending machine. The upper level hosts an additional 7 computers and a small print center, which offers a black/white printer and copier and a print card vending machine.

For more information regarding computing services at the library, visit our Computing Support & Printing Services page.

Lower level computer lab
Large print center
Upper level computing area


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