Introduction and Open Forum on new ACRL Information Literacy Framework

ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries) has been working for over a year to completely overhaul the Information Literacy Standards for Higher Education which were published in 2000, prior to the social web. That reframing has come to us in a number of drafts. The 3rd draft (Nov. 12, 2014) is probably going to be fairly close to the final draft.
The new Framework is a living, interconnected document meant to develop over time through these broad frame sets.

These are the 6 frames:

  • Authority Is Constructed and Contextual
  • Information Creation as a Process
  • Information Has Value
  • Research as Inquiry
  • Scholarship Is a Conversation
  • Searching Is Strategic

Each frame has the core “threshold concept” being address in the information field, “knowledge practices” (ways in which students can increase their understanding of these concepts), and “dispositions” (dealing with the affective domain, attitude and value concerning the concept).

Information Literacy will continue to become essential to learning as some learning moves away from “filling our heads” with knowledge and facts, and more towards our ability to navigate and find quality information sources AND engage with those sources to make decisions, create points of view, take positions, and think critically about ideas.

“Information literacy is a spectrum of abilities, practices, and habits of mind that extends and deepens learning through engagement with the information ecosystem.”

Join the COD Librarians in a discussion about the New Information Literacy Framework for Higher Education and how we can work together to best help our students understand the importance of being literate about the information ecosystem as we see it now and in the future, what it does to learning, and how best to use and navigate through it. If you are able to review the document prior to the meeting, that would be great, but NOT required.

Tuesday March 10th at 10:30 am and Wednesday March 11th at 2:30pm in the Library Seminar Room, SRC 3114

If you have questions, please contact Jason Ertz at x3317 or


Criminal Justice


General Criminal Justice

What is Criminal Justice?
What is Criminology?

COD Library Catalog - Books and Videos in the COD Library

Outline of the Library of Congress Classification System (what C.O.D. uses to arrange its books)
I-SHARE (formerly Illinet Online): Get books from over 80 Illinois academic libraries
Interlibrary Loan, to get books and journal articles from other libraries around the country.

Reference Books

Why Reference Sources?

Is your research topic too big to cover in a short paper?  Is your topic so specific that sources will be hard to find?

Before you even begin your research, start the process with reference sources-- in the Library's Reference Section or online in our databases.  Reference books, like subject encyclopedias, can give you a head start and make your research easier in the long run.  Use reference sources to:

  • find a topic
  • narrow your topic
  • find keywords
  • get background information on your topic

African Americans and Criminal Justice: An Encyclopedia. (2014)
Chronology of Organized Crime Worldwide, 6000 B.C.E. to 2010.
Crime and Punishment in America : An Encyclopedia of Trends and Controversies in the Justice System.
Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Encyclopedia of American Crime - General HV 6789 .S 54 2001
Encyclopedia of American Law Enforcement - Reference HV 8133 .N 48 2007
Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice - Reference HV 6017 .E 52 2002
Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment - eBook
Encyclopedia of Criminal Justice Ethics (2014)
Encyclopedia of Criminology - Reference HV 6017 .E 5295 2005
Encyclopedia of Criminology and Deviant Behavior - Reference HV 6017 .E 53 2001
Encyclopedia of Law and Society: American and International Perspectives (2007)
Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement - eBook
Encyclopedia of Murder and Violent Crime (2003)
Encyclopedia of Organized Crime in the United States - Reference HV 6446 .K 43 2000
Encyclopedia of Police Science - Reference HV7901 .E53 2007
Encyclopedia of Social Deviance.
Encyclopedia of Street Crime in American (2013)
Encyclopedia of Victimology and Crime Prevention (2010) - eBook
Encyclopedia of White-Collar and Corporate Crime - eBook
Encyclopedia of Women and Crime - Reference HV 6046 .E 56 2000
Gale Encyclopedia of American Law - Reference KF 154 .W 47 2011
Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law - eBook
A History of Violence: An Encyclopedia of 1400 Chicago Mob Murders. Reference F 548.3 .J 638 2014
Latinos and Criminal Justice: An Encyclopedia. (2016)
The Mafia Encyclopedia - Reference HV 6441 .S53 2005
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Crime, Media and Popular Culture
Palgrave Dictionary of Public Order Policing, Protest and Political Violence Reference HV 8055 .J 69 2014
The Social History of Crime and Punishment in America: An Encyclopedia. (2012)
The Use and Abuse of Police Power in America : Historical Milestones and Current Controversies.
Violence in America: An Encyclopedia - Reference HN 90 .V 5 V 5474 1999
Women Criminals: An Encyclopedia of People and Issues. (2012)

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Article Databases

Print journals in the Current Periodicals section on the Lower Level:
Corrections Today, Criminology, Criminology and Public Policy, Police, Police Chief

You must have a valid College of DuPage library card to access the databases from off-campus.

Academic OneFile
Academic Search Complete
Chicago Tribune Excellent for researching local issues
CQ Researcher for hot topics
Proquest National Newspapers Core This helps for researching local issues or current topics.
PsycInfo The main database for psychology journal articles.
SocIndex with Full Text This includes criminal justice journals.
Westlaw Next This includes law journals and court cases and legislation at the state and federal levels.

Back to top


Bureau of Justice Statistics
The main site for law enforcement statistics in the country.

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Useful site for crime statistics and information about the FBI

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA)
This has a lot of statistics and publications related to Illinois government activities in Law Enforcement.

Illinois State Police Home Page
Contains information specific to criminal justice in Illinois as well as links to other criminal justice sites on the Internet.

NCJRS - National Criminal Justice Reference Service
An excellent resource for information on criminal justice information throughout the world. Subject areas include corrections, courts, crime prevention, drugs and crime, juvenile justice, international, law enforcement, victims, statistics. This site also links to thousands of free full-text online documents.

National Institute of Justice
Search for research reports and publications from the National Institute of Justice.

Open Jurist
This website gives access to free published court opinions.

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Areas of Focus

Constitutional Law

U.S. Constitution research guide
The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation (U.S. Library of Congress)

Reference Books

American Constitutional Law: The Structure of Governments (2014)
American Constitutional Law: The Bill of Rights. (2014)
Constitutional Amendments: An Encyclopedia of the People, Procedures, Politics, Primary Documents [and] Campaigns for the 27 Amendments to the Constitution of the United States. (2012)
Encyclopedia of Gun Control and Gun Rights - General KF 3941 .A 68 U 88 2011
Encyclopedia of Religion and the Law in America - eBook
Encyclopedia of the American Constitution - General KF 4548 .E 53 1986
Encyclopedia of the First Amendment - Reference KF 4770 .E 53 2009
Evolving Constitution: How the Supreme Court Has Ruled on Issues from Abortion to Zoning - General KF 4548 .L 54 1992
Great American Court Cases - eBook
Guide to the U.S. Supreme Court - General KF8742 .W567 2004
The Oxford Guide to American Supreme Court Decisions - Reference KF 4548 .O 97 1999
The Philosophy of Law: An Encyclopedia - Reference K 204 .P 49 1999
Supreme Decisions: Great Constitutional Cases and Their Impact. (2012)
United States Supreme Court Reports - Reference KF 101 .U 584


Exploring Constitution Law
Find landmark cases and explore Constitutional law issues.

FindLaw US Supreme Court Center
Find recent con law cases under "Browse Cases by Topic for Each Term."

Landmark Supreme Court Cases
A resource center to help students explore the key issues of landmark cases.

Open Jurist
This website gives access to free published court opinions.

Selected Constitutional Law Decisions of the US Supreme Court
Highlights some landmark con law cases.

Back to top



The History of Community Corrections background reading
Prison background reading
Probation and Parole background reading
The Sociology of Corrections background reading
COD Library Controversial Topics Research Guide

Reference Books

Encyclopedia of Community Corrections
Encyclopedia of Prisons & Correctional Facilities
Prisons and Prison Systems: A Global Encyclopedia - Reference HV 8665 .R 67 2006
World Encyclopedia of Police Forces and Correctional Systems - Reference HV 7901 .W 63 2006

Articles in Print

Corrections Today - current 2 years in Periodicals


Corrections Connection Network
A comprehensive site of links about prison issues

Federal Bureau of Prisons
Go to the News/Information section for reports and publications.

Federal Bureau of Prisons Statistics
The main place for prison statistics in the country.

Illinois Department of Corrections
The place to go for state information.

National Institute of Corrections
Go to the 'Resources' section of this web site where you will find a wealth of information on corrections topics.

Prisoners' Rights and Resources on the Web
Resources about prisons, prisoners, services for inmates and their families, and other issues.

Back to top


Courts System

See also the Rules of Evidence section below.

The Judicial Branch of State Government. Reference KF 8736 .J 83 2006
The State and Federal Courts: A Complete Guide to History, Powers, and Controversy.
DuPage County Courts information
U.S. Federal and State Courts information

Back to top


Criminal Law

Reference Books

Crime and the Justice System in America: An Encyclopedia - General HV6789 .C6884 1997
Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice - Reference HV6017 .E52 2002
Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment - eBook
Encyclopedia of Criminology - Reference HV 6017 .E 5295 2005
Encyclopedia of the American Judicial System - General KF 154 .E 53 1987
Federal Criminal Code and Rules. Reference KF 9606.99 .D 567 2015
Gale Encyclopedia of American Law - Reference KF154 .W47 2011
Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law - eBook
Guns in American Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture and Law - Reference HV7436 .G8783 2002 & eBook
Illinois Code of Ccriminal Procedure ; Illinois Rules of Evidence. Reference KFI 1761 .I 555 2015
Illinois Compiled Statutes. Reference KFI 1229 .I 44
The Oxford Guide to American Supreme Court Decisions - Reference KF 4548 .O 97 1999
The Philosophy of Law: An Encyclopedia - Reference K 204 .P 49 1999
U.S. Statutes at Large.


Select "For Legal Professionals" > "Criminal Law" > "Findlaw Library." There is also some additional material under "For The Public" > "Criminal Law."

Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS)
Illinois state laws. The printed copy can found in the Reference Collection at KFI 1229 .I44.

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA)
This state government agency has many reports and other publications that are useful for studying criminal justice.

Illinois Statistical Analysis Center

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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Crime Scene Investigation background reading

Reference Books

Criminal Investigation Handbook: Strategy, Law and Science - Reference KF 9619 .M 3 1998
Encyclopedia of Crime Scene Investigation - Reference HV 8073 .N 49 2008
Encyclopedia of Cybercrime - Reference HV 6773 .E 53 2009
Encyclopedia of DNA and the U.S. Criminal Justice System.
Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine - Reference RA 1017 .E 53 2005
Encyclopedia of Forensic Science - Reference HV 8073 .B 425 2008
Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences - eBook
Encyclopedia of High-Tech Crime and Crime Fighting - Reference HV 6773 .N 48 2004
Forensic Science: An Encyclopedia of History, Methods and Techniques - Reference HV 8073 .T 55 2006
The Law of Electronic Surveillance - Reference KF 9670 .L 38 2014


Crime Scene Investigator
Links to crime scene investigation articles and web sites.

Back to top


Death Penalty/Capital Punishment

  • COD Library Controversial Topics Research Guide
  • Capital Punishment overview reading
    Death Penalty overview reading
    List of COD Library Books on Death Penalty or Capital Punishment
    List of COD Library videos on Death Penalty or Capital Punishment

    Encyclopedia of Capital Punishment in the United States
    Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment

    Back to top



    Gangs background reading

    Reference Books

    Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment - eBook
    Encyclopedia of Gangs - Reference HV 6439 .U 5 E 53 2008
    Encyclopedia of Juvenile Justice - General HV 9104 .E 58 2003 & eBook
    Encyclopedia of Police Science - Reference HV 7901 .E 53 2007
    Encyclopedia of Race and Crime - Reference HV 6789 .E 43 2009
    Encyclopedia of Street Crime in America (2013)
    Encyclopedia of Women and Crime - Reference HV 6046 .E 56 2000


    Criminal Justice Resources:Gangs
    Extensive links to gang-related resources maintained by Michigan State Library.

    G.R.E.A.T. Program
    Read about the Gang Resistance Education and Training curriculum.

    National Alliance of Gang Investigator Associations
    Contains extensive gang-related online articles and links to web sites.

    National Youth Gang Center (NYGC)
    Useful for gang-related news, legislation and assessment practices.

    Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
    Use the Search button, enter 'Gangs' as a Keyword and check the Publications box on the right.

    Back to top


    Gun Control

  • COD Library Controversial Topics Research Guide
  • Reference Books

    Encyclopedia of Gun Control and Gun Rights (2011)
    Encyclopedia of Murder and Violent Crime (2003)
    Encyclopedia of Street Crime in America (2013)
    Gun Control: A Documentary and Reference Guide
    Gun Control in the United States: A Reference Handbook. General HV 7436 .C 36 2017
    Gun Debate: An Encyclopedia of Gun Control and Gun Rights in the United States.
    Guns in American Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture and Law - (2002)

    Background Readings

    Concealed Carry Laws
    Gun Control and Political Campaigns
    Gun Control as a Social Problem
    The Second Amendment

    Back to top


    Intelligence and Espionage

    Reference Books

    Encyclopedia of Intelligence and Counterintelligence. (2005)
    Encyclopedia of the Central Intelligence Agency. Reference UB 251 .U 5 S 63 2003
    Historical Dictionary of Intelligence Failures. (2015)
    Surveillance in America: An Encyclopedia. (2016)
    List of Historical Dictionaries on Intelligence at the COD Library
    COD Library research guide on Fake News
    COD Library research guide on Lying and Deception

    Background Readings

    Intelligence and Counterintelligence
    Nature of Intelligence

    Back to top


    Juvenile Delinquency

    Juvenile Delinquency background reading
    Youth Gangs background reading
    List of COD Library Books on Juvenile Delinquency
    List of COD Library Books on Juvenile Justice
    List of COD Library Videos on this topic

    Reference Books

    Encyclopedia of Criminology and Deviant Behavior - Reference HV 6017 .E 53 2001
    Encyclopedia of Juvenile Justice - General HV 9104 .E 58 2003 & eBook
    Encyclopedia of Juvenile Violence - Reference HV 9104 .E 59 2007
    Encyclopedia of Street Crime in America (2013)
    Juvenile Justice in America - General HV 9104 .B 347 2014


    Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice
    This organization provides direct service, technical assistance and policy research on juvenile and criminal justice issues.

    Illinois Department of Children and Family Services
    Official web site of DCFS.

    Juvenile Information Network
    Web site intended to encourage communications among juvenile justice professionals.

    Juvenile Justice Law Materials
    This is the Cornell Law School site for juvenile justice topics. It is a good reference with links to other organizations involving juvenile justice.

    National Center for Juvenile Justice
    Research division of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges.

    National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
    This organization is dedicated to improving the nation's juvenile courts.

    NCJRS - National Criminal Justice Information Center
    An excellent resource for information on criminal justice information throughout the world. Select 'Juvenile Justice' for reports and papers.

    Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
    Excellent source of information on juvenile delinquency issues.

    Back to top


    Legal System

    See also the sections on Constitutional Law and Criminal Law above.
    List of COD Library Videos on this topic

    Reference Books

    Crime and Punishment in America : An Encyclopedia of Trends and Controversies in the Justice System.
    Crime and the Justice System in America : An Encyclopedia. General HV 6789 .C 6884 1997
    Encyclopedia of Law and Society: American and International Perspectives (2007)
    Encyclopedia of the American Judicial System - General KF 154 .E 53 1987
    Gale Encyclopedia of American Law - Reference KF 154 .W 47 2011
    Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law - eBook
    The Judicial Branch of State Government : People, Process, and Politics. Reference KF 8736 .J 83 2006
    Legal Systems of the World : A Political, Social, and Cultural Encyclopedia. Reference K 48 .L 44 2002
    The Philosophy of Law: An Encyclopedia - Reference K 204 .P 49 1999
    The U.S. Justice System: An Encyclopedia. (2012)

    Background Readings

    Federal Courts and Jurisdictions
    Judiciary branch of government
    Legal Systems

    Back to top


    Research Methods

    Citing Your Sources
    Distinguishing between popular and scholarly sources.
    Social Science Research guide

    Background Readings
    Bureau of Justice Statistics
    Crime Mapping
    Crime Reports
    Crime Statistics
    Methodological Issues in Evaluating Effectiveness of Crime Prevention
    National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)
    Police Data
    Self-Report Surveys
    Sociological Theories
    Statistical Methods and Models

    GIS Tutorial for Crime Analysis. General HV 7936 .C 88 G 675 2012
    Illinois Legal Research Guide. Reference KFI 1275 .W 46 2006
    Introductory Criminal Justice Statistics and Data Analysis. General HV 7419.5 .S 63 2016
    Legal Research Methods. General KF 240 .M 872 2006
    Police Writing: A Guide to the Essentials. General HV 7936 .R 53 R 52 2005
    The Public Record Research Tips Book. Reference JK 468 .P 76 S 26 2008
    Research Methods in Forensic Psychology.
    Voices from the Field: Readings in Criminal Justice Research. General HV 6024.5 .V 65 2000

    Rules of Evidence

    What is Evidence?

    Reference Books

    Criminal Investigation Handbook: Strategy, Law and Science - Reference KF 9619 .M 3 1998
    Encyclopedia of Crime Scene Investigation - Reference HV 8073 .N 49 2008
    Encyclopedia of Forensic Science - Reference HV 8073 .B 425 2008
    Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences - eBook
    Forensic GIS : The Role of Geospatial Technologies for Investigating Crime and Providing Evidence. General HV 8073.5 .F 67 2014
    Forensic Science: An Encyclopedia of History, Methods and Techniques - Reference HV 8073 .T 55 2006
    Illinois Code of Ccriminal Procedure ; Illinois Rules of Evidence. Reference KFI 1761 .I 555 2015
    Illinois Evidence : Illinois Rules of Evidence, Statutes, and Constitution : A Compendium for Criminal Litigation. Reference KFI 1740 .R 78 2012


    Federal Rules of Evidence

    Famous Trials
    Case summaries of famous historical trials.

    Back to top


    Social Justice

    COD/Lewis University Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice/Social Justice
    Background Readings
    Social Justice
    Criminal Justice Ethics
    Community Justice
    Distributive Justice
    Environmental Crime
    Environmental Justice
    Miscarriages of Justice
    Restorative Justice
    Public Health and Crime

    Reference Books
    African Americans and Criminal Justice: An Encyclopedia. (2014)
    Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice. (2007)
    Encyclopedia of Capital Punishment in the United States - eBook
    Encyclopedia of Criminal Justice Ethics (2014)
    Encyclopedia of Diversity and Social Justice. (2015)
    Encyclopedia of Race and Crime - Reference HV 6789 .E 43 2009
    The Greenwood Encyclopedia of African American Civil Rights. (2003)
    Hate Crime in America, 1968-2013 : A Chronology of Offenses, Legislation and Related Events. (2014)
    Latinos and Criminal Justice: An Encyclopedia
    Poverty and the Government in America: A Historical Encyclopedia (2009)
    The Social History of Crime and Punishment in America: An Encyclopedia. (2012)

    List of COD Library Books on Hate
    List of COD Library Videos on Hate
    List of COD Library Books on Social Justice
    List of COD Library Videos on Social Justice

    Other Related Research Guides
    Controversial Topics
    Death Penalty/Capital Punishment
    Environment and Ecology
    Fake News
    Human Services / Social Work
    Racism and Discrimination
    Science and Politics
    Social Problems

    Back to top



    Background Readings
    What isTerrorism?
    Lone Wolf Terrorism
    Philosophy and Terrorism
    Psychology of Terrorism
    Religious Terrorism
    Suicide Terrorism
    Terrorism as a Literary Theme
    Terrorism Theories and Models
    Terrorist Groups

    Global Terrorism Database
    TRAC: Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium
    Assassinations library research guide
    September 11, 2001 library research guide

    List of COD Library Books on the History of Terrorism
    List of COD Library Videos on Terrorism
    List of COD Library Books on the Psychology of Terrorism
    List of COD Library Books on Religious Violence

    Reference Books

    Chronologies of Modern Terrorism Reference HV 6431 .R 84 2008
    Encyclopedia of Modern American Extremists and Extremist Groups Reference HN 90 .R 3 A 75 2002
    Encyclopedia of Modern Worldwide Extremists and Extremist Groups Reference HN 49 .R 33 A 85 2004
    Encyclopedia of Terrorism (2003)
    Encyclopedia of World Terrorism Reference HV 6431 .E 53 2003
    Extremist Groups: Information for Students Reference HN 90 .R 3 E 975 2006
    Historical Dictionary of Terrorism General HV 6431 .A 537 2002
    9/11 and the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq : A Chronology and Reference Guide
    9/11 Encyclopedia (2011)
    Political Violence and Terrorism in Modern America : A Chronology Reference HN 90 .V 5 H 49 2005
    Religion and Violence : An Encyclopedia of Faith and Conflict from Antiquity to the Present
    Shocked and Awed : A Dictionary of the War on Terror Reference JZ 1253.5 .H 355 2010
    Talking Terrorism : A Dictionary of the Loaded Language of Political Violence (2003)
    Terrorism: Essential Primary Resources
    Terrorism: The Essential Reference Guide
    The War on Terror Encyclopedia : From the Rise of Al-Qaeda to 9/11 and Beyond

    Back to top


    Related Research Guides

    Addictions and Substance Abuse
    COD Library Controversial Topics Research Guide
    Domestic Violence
    Emergency Management and Disaster Information
    Fake News
    Human Services
    Immigration and Immigrants
    Paralegal Studies
    Political Science
    Social Problems
    Statistics for Demographics and Business/Economics
    Urban Studies
    Women and Gender Studies

    Back to top

    IL Program Timeline


    "Information literacy is a spectrum of abilities, practices, and habits of mind that extends and deepens learning through engagement with the information ecosystem. It includes

    ▪ understanding essential concepts about that ecosystem;
    ▪ engaging in creative inquiry and critical reflection to develop questions and to find, evaluate, and manage information through an iterative process;
    ▪ creating new knowledge through ethical participation in communities of learning, scholarship, and civic purpose; and
    ▪ adopting a strategic view of the interests, biases, and assumptions present in the information ecosystem."

    Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. Draft 3. November 2014.

    The mission of the Library's Information Literacy Instruction Program is to teach students to be effective users and producers of ideas and information.The program provides students with varied opportunities for acquiring the needed knowledge and skills to become information literate.

    The following represents major projects (2008 through 2014) undertaken by COD librarians in support of the Instruction Program's mission and strategic goals.

    Fall 2008 The Embedded Librarian: Levels of Involvement Status: in use
    Spring 2009 Creation of YouTube Channel Status: in use
    IL Pre-Assessment quiz for English 1102 Status: discontinued
    Gen Ed Outcomes including Info Lit Status: complete
    Health Information and Research Course (HS & LTA) Status: complete
    Fall 2009 "Library Launch" Fall Library Orientations
    Promotional material: 1 and 2
    Status: discontinued
    Library Resources link added to Blackboard Status: in use
    Research 101 customized for COD Library
    Original and Revised
    Status: in use
    Fall 2010 IL Modules developed
    Spring 2011 IL Modules piloted
    Fall 2011 IL Modules launched college-wide Status: in use
    SOS Online launched
    October webinars; November webinars
    Status: ongoing
    Involvement with NSO
    Presentations:2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
    Status: ongoing
    Fall 2012 Launch of EDU 1820, Info Lit Course
    Status: discontinued
    Revision of Subject Guides and Research Landing Page Status: in use
    "How to Avoid Plagiarism" tutorial Status: in use
    Summer 2013 WTDW created Status: in development
    Fall 2013 1st Annual Open Access @COD Library Status: ongoing
    LIRT Innovation in Instruction Award Nomination Status: completed
    Fall 2014 Assisted Public Service Committee in launching Research Desk Status: completed
    Future of Research faculty information literacy series Status: ongoing
    2nd Annual Open Access @COD Library and In-Service Day Status: ongoing

    College of DuPage Library has a long and successful history of providing information literacy instruction to the more than 26,000 students who attend COD every semester. Under decades of leadership by ACRL Community and Junior College Libraries Section Program Award winner Diana Fitzwater, the COD Library’s Instruction Program was expanded to include a successful IL course for faculty. Faculty members who completed this course received mentorship from their liaison librarians and formed lasting partnerships with the library.

    The resulting buy-in from teaching faculty has been the foundation of the success of our current Instruction Program-- annually, College of DuPage’s nine faculty instruction librarians provide 1000 one-shot instruction sessions reaching approximately 18,000 students.

    Additionally, since 2001, the Library has offered free information literacy and research skills workshops to students, faculty, staff and community members. For over a decade, the SOS Workshop series has provided our patrons with co-curricular instruction in everything from employing advanced search techniques to using Google for research; navigating Yahoo! directories to creating Delicious linkrolls; citing sources to creating websites with Wordpress.

    More recently, the Library’s Instruction program has expanded exponentially, largely to accommodate the to the rapid growth of the COD’s Online College, but also in response to the needs of our students, the changing environment of information and the physical changes of our Library as we entered a two-year renovation program. In order to provide information literacy instruction to our distance learners as well as our population of working, commuting, and otherwise busy students, we have begun to explore and employ multiple modes of delivery.

    With the institutional acquisition of the Adobe Connect web conferencing system, we have added webinars to our SOS program and can easily provide synchronous online instruction to online and off-campus students. One of the most exciting developments from within the Instruction Program, however, has been the introduction and adoption of Information Literacy Modules. Designed to support the inclusion of the College’s Information Literacy General Education Outcomes in courses, the six units that comprise the IL Modules are available for instructors to import into any Blackboard course shell.

    Since their creation in 2010, over 400 students have used the IL Modules in face-to-face and online courses ranging from English to Economics. With the support of teaching faculty, the Modules provide basic information literacy instruction to entire classes that may never come to the Library as well as foundational instruction to on-campus classes, allowing librarians to introduce higher-level research skills in one-shot sessions.


    Horticulture 1100 Assignment

    Plant Information Sheet (Pet Plant Project)

    1. Intro
    2. Documents
    3. Project
    4. How-To
    5. Resources
    6. Grading

    You are working in a nursery that is open to the general public. Your manager has tasked you with developing a series of information sheets on common foliage plants for customers. These handouts will be used to increase sales and to help customers to learn about and be successful with their plant.

    An example of the completed project is provided, as is a template for you to use to build your plant information sheet. Also included are a variety of resources to help you complete the project.

    Use the tabs above to access these resources.

    Here are the documents you'll need to complete your Plant Information sheet.

    Don't have Word? Request access in google docs.

    Project Summary

    Create an information sheet about a foliage plant that references three (3) web resources and includes one image.

    This project has three deliverables:

    1. A plant information sheet that references three websites and includes one image.
    2. An APA-style bibliography of five (5) websites.
    3. A completed evaluation worksheet on one website.
    What's Required
    • Select and review five websites.
    • Complete the Plant Information Sheet template using information from three (3) of the five websites you reviewed.
    • Use the provided MSWord template or google docs template. (You can create one of your own, but make sure it has all of the elements. See Documents.)
    • The information sheet should be no more than two pages long. It should include parenthetical references.
    • Create a bibliography of five (5) websites in APA-Style.
    • Complete website evaluation worksheet.
    The Steps & Time

    These steps will help you use your time effectively. It should take approximately four hours to complete this project, including the review of assignment resources.

    1. FIRST, READ THROUGH the assignment, review the template and example, review the Resources.
    2. Know your plant's scientific name and some of its common name/s. You can choose any foliage plant except the Peperomia. If you need help choosing a plant, consult your instructor.
    3. Use your favorite search engine to find information on your plant. Search using the scientific name first.
    4. Review several websites. Compare sites for both unique and common information about your plant. Use the Terminology list to help you narrow down your choices.
    5. Choose five (5) websites to use in your assignment. Evaluate them closely using the CARP criteria (See Resources).
    6. Of the five websites you evaluated, choose three (3) that provide what you perceive to be best and most consistent information about your plant.
    7. Using the template provided, write up the information about the plant. Use parenthetical references for your three sources.
    8. Use google images to find an image of your plant. Save it to your computer so you can use it in your project. Make sure to note the image URL.
    9. Create a bibliography of all five websites that you reviewed.
    10. Complete the web evaluation worksheet on one of the websites you DID NOT use in your plant information sheet.
    Assignment Resources

    Tutorials and Guides
    The following tutorials and guides can be used to help you find resources, create the document, and develop your bibliography:

    How to evaluate information
    Use the CARP criteria to evaluate your information sources:
    Currency / Authority / Audience / Relevance / Reliability / Point of View or Purpose

    Here's a handy and useful chart!
    CARP Criteria (.pdf)

    Evaluation in action (videos, with sound)

    Using the CARP: An excellent site.

    Using the CARP: A questionable site.

    A note about Wikipedia (video, with sound)
    [Tip: Wikipedia has some very nice plant images....]

    Creating Your APA-Style Bibliography

    Bibliography Tools
    There are a tons of tools available to help you create your bibliography. You can create your bib by hand using the examples on the Citing Sources page or you can use an online citation generator. The Library provides access to NoodleBib. You can also use free web tools like Zotero, bibme, or citation machine. How you create your bibliography is up to you, just make sure it is in correct APA Style.

    In the body of the text you are writing, references are included in parentheses. Also known as in-text citations. You note your source in parentheses within or at the end of a sentence that includes information from your source.
    Like so:

    [A direct quote:] Cote (2015) stated, "Hey, I know some super interesting things" (pg.1).
    [Paraphrasing:] In a paper about things, Cote (2015) said some stuff that was super interesting.
    [Also paraphrasing:] Some interesting stuff was said in a paper about things (Cote, 2015).
    Visit this page from Penn State Libraries for more details on in-text citations in APA Style.

    Creating a Bibliography
    You can create your bibliography using our handy examples on the Citing Sources page. You can also use the citation manager tool of your choice. The Library recommends NoodleBib. You can find NoodleBib at the top right corner of the Citing Sources page. Note that you'll need your Library card to use NoodleBib
    Quick Guide: How-To Use NoodleTools (.pdf)

    Your plant information sheet project will be graded using the following criteria. Your Hort 1100 instructor will give you specific details about grading.

    • Accuracy: The student followed the directions for the assignment. (10 pts.)
    • Completeness: All elements of the project are complete. (10 pts)
    • Resource Quality: The web resources chosen for the project are of sufficient quality. The web resources utilized in the project are appropriate for College-level work. (8 pts.)
    • Citations: The APA-style was applied accurately in both the in-text citations and the bibliography. (7 pts.)
    • CARP Evaluation: The evaluation sheet demonstrates the student's depth of thinking about the website and use of the CARP criteria. (8 pts.)
    • Writing and Grammar: The project is without grammatical or spelling errors. Writing is concise. (7 pts.)


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