Resources for Online Teaching

The Library provides a variety of services to faculty developing or enhancing online courses. In addition to supporting students currently enrolled in the C.O.D. online courses, division librarians can assist faculty by locating appropriate learning materials, facilitating electronic course reserves and will provide assistance in obtaining copyright permissions.

Locating Library Materials

The Library can assist faculty in finding and using a variety of materials appropriate for the online course environment such as:

  • Journals, Magazines and Newspapers
  • Electronic Books
  • Streaming Video and Audio
  • Images

Using Electronic Course Reserves

Using the electronic course reserves feature of the Library catalog provides students access to articles not available online, print book chapters and/or images selected by the instructor that are not freely available online.

Copyright Permissions

The Library will attempt to assist faculty in obtaining necessary copyright permissions for materials used in courses offered online at the College. For additional information, see: Copyright Information for Faculty.

General Information about Library Services to all C.O.D. Faculty is located at:


Religious Studies


Welcome to the Religious Studies Research Guide

This guide contains information on many religious traditions. Click on a link below to find information on a specific religious tradition.

If you need additional help, stop by the Reference Desk or contact a reference librarian: Ask A Librarian.

Everything is on the Internet, right? No.

Contrary to popular opinion, there are millions of books and articles whose content is not freely available on the open web.

As we all know the Internet contains an incredible amount of useful information. Conversely, it also has a lot of information that is not credible, reliable or well-informed. Some information on the web are blatant lies, or half-truths published in order to support a particular belief or opinion. (For more information on learning how to distinguish the good, bad and ugly on the Internet, see The CRAP Test.

Using resources available through the Library will save you time and frustration, and undoubtedly will lead you to producing higher-quality work.

Types of Resources:

Reference Materials:

Use reference materials, such as encyclopedias and dictionaries to get background information and a basic understanding of your topic.

Book & Journal Articles:

Books and journal articles provide a more focused examination of the topic. Again, most books and articles found in the Library's databases are written by experts.


Bible Resources

Central to many of these traditions are the Old and New Testaments. Click on the following links to find Encyclopedias, Concordances and Dictionaries.
Old Testament
New Testament

Research Paper Alternatives

Instead of a research paper, why not have your students create …

  • an encyclopedia article with bibliography
  • a Web page focused on a narrow topic of interest/relevance with links to related resources
  • everything but the final paper - students select topics, create an annotated bibliography, outline, and an introduction and conclusion.

Looking for a different approach to research? Try these:

  • Put on a conference complete with poster sessions, panels, papers, etc.
  • Students judge and “fund” a research proposal
  • Have students write an award nomination for someone from their field of study (i.e. Nobel Peace Prize, MacArthur “Genius Grant”, etc.)
  • In the role of an historical/notable figure, students give an oral presentation and answer questions.
  • Students create exams on a topic of study along with answer key, annotated bibliography of source material and rationale for questions (student learning outcomes).
  • Students conduct research in order to prepare questions for an in-depth interview.

For more inspiration, visit
Lawrence University, "Alternatives to Term Papers"
Collins Memorial Library, "Ideas for Library-related Assignments"


Library Hours & Closings

This calendar lists all changes to regular Library hours for the coming semester. Closings in the coming weeks are featured on the right. Questions? Call the Library Reference Desk at (630) 942-3364.

Library Events

This calendar lists all Library events and workshops for the coming semester. Events in the coming week are featured on the right. Questions? Call the Library Reference Desk at (630) 942-3364.

Borrowing from the Library

The Library building is closed and no physical materials are available for check out.

Library materials do not need to be returned until the COD campus reopens. Library due dates are being extended and fines for overdue items will not be assessed.

If you would still like to return Library materials, you can return books and media to the bookdrop on the north side of the SRC building. More information can be found on our Library returns page.

If you have questions about due dates and fine, please email, call 630-942-2106 or Ask A Librarian.

Your Library card, or COD Student ID card, should be presented to check out materials. If you have forgotten your card, materials can be checked out by presenting a driver's license. You are responsible for materials checked out on your Library account, so make sure you know where your card is and report lost or stolen cards promptly.
  1. Students
  2. Faculty & Staff
  3. District Residents
  4. Dual Credit
  5. Others

Any registered student may borrow materials from the Library. Bring your COD Student ID card with you to have it activated at the Library. You may also use our Library Card Request Form and we'll activate it for you remotely. Be sure to fill out the form completely and use your COD email address. If you don't have a Student ID, you may obtain a card at the Circulation Services desk -- be sure to bring a a photo ID (such as a driver's license or state ID).

Expiration dates:

  • Student cards expire September 30th
  • Student cards will automatically renew for students registered in the fall
  • Students may also change their status to District Resident if they are taking a semester off and live in-district

Any faculty or staff member of COD may borrow materials from the Library. Bring your COD Faculty or Staff ID card with you to have it activated at the Library. You may also use Library Card Request Form and we'll activate it for you remotely. Be sure to fill out the form completely and use your COD email address. You may also stop by the Circulation Desk in the Library to activate your Faculty ID card, be sure to bring a a photo ID (such as a driver's license). Faculty and staff cards are automatically renewed each year.

College of DuPage Retirees

COD retirees may enjoy the same library privileges as District Residents, regardless of where they live. Present a photo ID and proof of retiree status at the Circulation Services desk to obtain a library card. COD retiree cards expire one year from the date of issue. Cards may be renewed in person or by contacting the Library at (630) 942-2106 or emailing

Emeritus Faculty and Administrators

Faculty and Administrators who have been awarded emeritus status by the Board may claim special library privileges. Emeritus faculty and administrators will be able to check out COD books and DVDs, use I-Share as regular borrowers (though they’ll need to pick up those items at COD or another I-Share library) access databases from off-campus and request materials through interlibrary loan. Emeritus cards expire one year from date of issue and may be renewed in person or by phone. Patrons interested in requesting their emeritus library card should contact the Library at (630) 942-2106 or

Citizens of District 502 who are 18 years of age or older may obtain a library card. Present proof of present address, age, and a photo ID at the Circulation Services desk to obtain a card. District Residents may checkout materials from the general circulating and popular collections.

District Resident Library cards expire one year from date of issue and must be renewed in-person every year.

  • Dual Credit high school students are able to obtain a Library card online. Go to the Library Card Request Form for instructions.
  • These cards expire September 30th.
  • They may be renewed if you take another online course by calling Circulation Services at (630) 942-2106.

Out-of-District Borrowers

If you do not live in District 502 but are employed in the District, you are also eligible for a library card. Please present a signed letter on company letterhead verifying employment, a photo ID, and proof of present address.

Out-of-district Library cards expire one year from date of issue.

Kids/Teens on Campus

Students in the Kids or Teens on Campus programs may have a Library card for the duration of their course. Contact your instructor for more information. Kids and Teens On Campus have the same responsibilities as other borrowers.

Other Students

Students and faculty from other institutions who are attending classes located on the COD campus may obtain a Library card for the duration of the course. Contact Circulation Services for more information.

Proof of Residency

Acceptable forms for proof of residency in C.O.D. District 502 include any of the following as long as they are current and contain your current address:

  • Illinois driver's license
  • Car registration
  • Bill for car insurance
  • Renter's or homeowner's insurance bill
  • Lease
  • Copy of income tax return (IL or US)
  • Tax bill
  • Voting receipt
  • Other notices from the Board of Elections if dated & addressed

Researching the 1920's Era

  1. Books & Videos
  2. Databases & Journals
  3. Websites

Searching by Subject Headings

To identify materials about a particular type of literature, consider the following subject headings: These might be good for historical research on the era.

United States -- History -- 1919 - 1933

United States -- Economic conditions -- 1918-1945

United States -- Social conditions -- 1918-1932

Reference Sources (Encyclopedias & Dictionaries

American decades / edited by Richard Layman
Detroit : Gale Research, c1994-2001
LOCATION: Reference Collection E169.12 .A419 1920-29

American decades primary sources / edited by Cynthia Rose
Detroit : Gale, c2004
LOCATION: Reference Collection E169.1 .A471977 2004 v.3 

Bowling, beatniks, and bell-bottoms : pop culture of 20th-century America / Sara Pendergast and Tom Pendergast, editors 
Detroit : U X L, c2002
LOCATION: Reference Collection E169.1 .B7825 2002

Books about the 1920's: Literary, Social and Cultural Histories

American Heritage History of the 1920's & 1930's / Ralph K. Andrist (Editor)
New York: Crown Publishers, 1987
LOCATION: General Collection E784.A67 1987

Daily Life in the United States, 1920-1939: Decades of Promise and Pain / David E. Kyvig
Westport, CT : Greenwood Press, c2002
LOCATION: General Collection E169.K985 2002

Fitzgerald, Hemingway, and the Twenties / Ronald Berman
Tuscaloosa : University of Alabama Press, c2001
LOCATION: General Collection PS3511.I9 Z55774 2001

The great trials of the twenties: the watershed decade in America's courtrooms / by Robert Grant and Joseph Katz
Rockville Centre, NY: Sarpedon, 1998
LOCATION: General Collection KF220.G73 1998

The jazz age: the 20s / by the editors of Time-Life Books
Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1998
LOCATION: General Collection E784.J39 1998

The Lawless Decade / Paul Sann
New York: Crown Publishers, 1961
LOCATION: General Collection E784.S3

New world coming : the 1920s and the making of modern America / Nathan Miller 
New York : Scribner, c2003
LOCATION: General Collection E784.M555 2003

The Roaring Twenties
Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2004
LOCATION: General Collection E784.R63 2004

Sacco & Vanzetti: [Italian immigrants and anarchists, framed by the State and executed for murder in Boston during the Red Scare of the 1920s] / edited by John Davis
New York: Ocean Press, 2004
LOCATION: General Collection HX843.7.S23 A97 2004

Saying it's so: a cultural history of the Black Sox scandal / Daniel A. Nathan
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2003
LOCATION: General Collection GV875.C58 N38 2003


The Great Gatsby [videorecording] / produced by David Merrick ; directed by Jack Clayton ; screenplay by Francis Ford Coppola
1 videocassette (146 min.)
Based on the novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the story concerns a mysterious American millionaire whose efforts to recapture the sweetheart of his youth results in tragedy.
LOCATION: Popular Collection ZZT 2345

The Twenties [videorecording] / produced by Richard Petrow ; written by Bill Moyers, Richard Petrow.
1 videocassette (58 min.)
Journalist Bill Moyers looks at the 1920's, usually seen as the age of speakeasies, flappers and high living. The age also saw millions of workers struggling for better wages. He explores the decade when old America was vanishing and a new urban nation was being formed. Includes reminiscences of Americans who lived during the period.
LOCATION: Circulation Desk E784 .T9 1988 (In Library Use)


Click here to go to databases.

Academic Search Complete

Academic Search Complete contains indexing and some full text for 1,837 journals. This scholarly collection provides journal coverage for nearly all academic areas of study - including social sciences, humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences and ethnic studies. 

Chicago Tribune Historical

Digital image of every issue of the Chicago Tribune from 1890-1956, cover-to-cover. Use this database to find not only news, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, and birth and marriage announcements but also historical photos, stock photos, and advertisements. By utilizing software enhancements, the original microfilm image can frequently be improved for a cleaner, more readable image. And the date range searching tool lets users search on, before, or between two dates. On completion, the Chicago Tribune Historical database will cover the years 1849-1984. It currently holds the years 1890-1946.

History Study Center

History Study Center provides access to primary and secondary American history sources, full text articles, video, research guides, and reference materials.

New York Times Historical

Digital image of every issue of the New York Times from 1851-1999, cover-to-cover. Use this database to find not only news, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, and birth and marriage announcements but also historical photos, stock photos, and advertisements. By utilizing software enhancements, the original microfilm image can frequently be improved for a cleaner, more readable image. And the date range searching tool lets users search on, before, or between two dates. 


JSTOR is an archive of digitized journal articles ranging in date from the 1700's to the early 2000's. These collections span a variety of subjects in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Physical Sciences.

Project Muse

"Project MUSE is a leading provider of digital humanities and social sciences content; since 1995, its electronic journal collections have supported a wide array of research needs at academic, public, special, and school libraries worldwide. MUSE books and journals, from leading university presses and scholarly societies, are fully integrated for search and discovery." (From the website)

American Experience: Monkey Trial
Hosted by PBS, the American Experience series chronicles major events in US history. This site provides good background information about the Scopes trial, including: timelines, speeches, and links to further reading. An excellent background source to assist in developing a thesis topic.

The 1920's
This is a remarkably well constructed website about the 1920's era. This Digital History site comes from the University of Houston.

F. Scott Fitzgerald Centenary Website
This website, published by the University of South Carolina, provides a wealth of biographical and critical information regarding F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Great Gatsby," and many of Fitzgerald other works as well.

College Success Skills

home icon.pngThe Library has so many tools and resources to help you succeed at COD. Our goal is to make sure you have access to the information you need for free!

Here are just some of the things we have to offer you:

Library Workshops and Webinars
All Library Workshops and Webinars are free, non-credit, and open to everyone. The purpose of these sessions is to encourage and teach all members of the College of DuPage community to master the skills necessary to conduct research, explore resources and become independent lifelong learners.

How to Avoid Plagiarism
Plagiarism is often unintentional because students are not aware of all the ways they can accidentally plagiarize.
This tutorial is designed to educate you about plagiarism and provide you with important skills and knowledge to avoid committing plagiarism.

Research 101
Want to learn more about research? Check out our tutorial to get started.

Assignment Calculator
Need help with time management? Try our Assignment Calculator.

Career & College Information
A thorough guide to finding colleges, choosing your major and career focus, and then getting that perfect job.

Citing Sources
Ready to start citing your sources but you've never work with APA or MLA? Then review our citation examples for help.


Academic Search Complete,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=a9h

Academic Search Complete contains indexing and full text for 9100 journals. 7100 of these journals are peer-reviewed scholarly titles. This collection provides both popular and scholarly journal coverage for nearly all academic areas of study - including social sciences, humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences and ethnic studies. Academic Search Complete is a great resource for general research.

Usage Limit: 
1984 - present
Off-campus Availability: 
Students, Faculty, and Staff
Full-text Content: 
Includes full-text content

Test note

This is a trial: 

Course Reserves

Search for courses or reserve items:



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