Library Catalog

Author/Title Search

Type the author's or artist's last name first. For example:

  • shakespeare
  • shakespeare, william
  • angelou, m

You may also type the name of an organization or governmental body. For example:

  • United States Congress
  • American Medical Association

Art 1100

Welcome to the Art 1100 Class Guide.

The Library has a number of resources available to help you complete your research presentation on your artist, including print and online works.

Getting Started

Books and online sources are a great place to begin your search. Click on the links in the gray menu to learn more about our various resources.

Finding Books

Search the Library's Catalog to find books about or written by your artist.

  • Author: Search by author for books written by your artist, e.g. Chuck Close
  • Subject: Search by subject for books written about your artist, e.g. Man Ray
  • Keyword: Search by keyword to find any books that mention your artist's name in the description of the book. This will give you the most results, but the results will not be as precise as an Author or Subject search.
Browse the Books!

Browsing the book collection can be a really useful way to find books and videos of interest.

Ask a Library staff member to show you where the "N" and "T" books are located.

N - general works of art
NA - works on architecture
NB - sculpting
NC - drawing
ND - painting
NE - print media
NK - decorative arts & ceramics
NX - special topics in art
TR - photography

Reference Books

Online Resources

  • Academic Search Complete
  • Multidisciplinary database covering a wide range of academic areas.

  • Academic OneFile
  • Multidisciplinary database covering a wide range of academic areas.

  • Art &Architecture Complete
    Articles from journals, magazines, and trade publications covering all aspects of the arts.
    Excellent source for credible scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. Articles in database were published between the early 1700s and between 1-5 years ago.
  • News and Newspapers
    Chicago Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post. Good for searching for exhibition reviews and gallery shows.
  • Oxford Art Online
    Full-text of scholarly encyclopedia articles covering the visual arts. Links to images of artistic works and to selected Web sites.

English Class Guides

In many cases, your course instructor would have told you about these guides to use in that class. But, anyone can use them.

Class Guides for English courses to date:

English 1101 / 1102 Controversial, Current Topics Research
English 1102 Researching the Professions
English 1102 Researching the 1920's
English 1102 19th Century England Research
English 1154 Film as Literature
English 1159 Greek Mythology

Let the English Librarian know if you would like to see a class theme turned into a research guide.

Interlibrary Loan

Due to physical delivery systems being unavailable during our extended closing, only articles can be requested via Interlibrary Loan at this time.

Interlibrary loan is a free service for COD Library card holders. COD students, faculty, administrators and staff members, should only request items through Interlibrary loan if items are not available through I-Share.

Some items may not be requested through Interlibrary Loan:

  • Books published during the current calendar year.
  • Non-print materials such as DVDs, audiobooks, or music CDs.
  • Articles available full-text from COD's print or database collection.
  • Items available through I-Share for students, faculty, administrators and staff.

Get an article from a citation

Sample citation: Bazar, M. (2012). Medicaid planning rules and strategies: A survey of states. Elder Law Report, 24(3), 1-5.
Select the Databases tab from the Library homepage database_link.jpg Select the Journal locator tab In the “Find this Magazine or Journal” section, search for all or some of the Journal Title (do not abbreviate) journal_locator.jpg The Journal Title, Database name(s) and holdings (years owned) will display if COD owns the Journal. If COD Library does not own a journal, submit your request using the ILL Request Forms journal_locator_database_results.jpg Select the database link (You will be required to enter your last name and library barcode number from off campus) journal_locator_volume_issue.jpg Select the year, publication number and issue (working from your citation) to retrieve full text articles in a specific journal issue journal_locator_pdf.jpg Select the PDF full text icon located under the desired journal citation to retrieve the article (print, email and download options are available). Electronic journal articles may be available in PDF and/or HTML formats. A notation that “this Journal is held locally” means that the physical (print) journal is available in the COD Library for duplication. If one of these options does not appear below a citation, request the article via ILL Request Forms

Request a book

  • The Library Catalog

    Search Libraries Worldwide for your book or article in our Library Catalog. The book or article should appear in our catalog even if COD doesn't own it. Click on the book or article title and look for the interlibrary loan request button in the item record:

    ILL request button

    After you click this button, enter your name, Library barcode number, phone number and (optionally) your e-mail address. Your request will be submitted to the Library.

    Note: When using the Catalog from off-campus, you need to sign-in with your Library barcode number before seeing ILL request buttons. Look for the "Off-campus access" link in the top-left dropdown menu or in the blue box in item records:

    Off campus access link Off campus access link


Interlibrary Loan is a free service offered to anyone who has a current COD Library card. You may apply for a Library card at the Circulation Desk.

Journal, magazine, or newspaper articles usually take about 5 working days to arrive. Books usually take 10 working days or more. You will be notified by phone or e-mail (your choice) when the item is available.

Pick up your ordered item at the main floor Circulation Desk in the COD Library after you have been notified by phone or e-mail of its arrival. When the article that you requested is sent to us in electronic form, we will e-mail it to you.

Certain items may not be requested through Interlibrary Loan:

  • Books published during the current calendar year.
  • Non-print materials such as videotapes, recorded music, audiotapes, CDs, etc.
  • Whole issues of journals or articles available full-text from COD electronic indexes and databases.

The lending library sets the due date. If you need the book longer, contact the Interlibrary Loan staff at (630) 942-2166 or by e-mail ( at least three days before the due date. Once the book is overdue, a renewal cannot be arranged. Overdue fines are 25 cents per day per book. Do not contact the lending library.

Return the book to a Circulation Desk in the COD Library.

There are no limits for students, COD faculty, administrators and staff. Community Borrowers may only request/have 10 items per semester.

Photocopies of articles or chapters do not need to be returned. They are yours to keep.

District residents may receive up to 40 books per calendar year through Interlibrary Loan. Due to the current licensing environment and standards, residents are not able to request magazine, journal, or newspaper articles through ILL. District residents may access these resources on campus and at regional center locations. For more information, see our District Resident Policies.

If you cannot locate your item in the Library catalog or in an article database, submit your request using the ILL Request Forms link below:

ILL Request Forms







COD LIBRARY CATALOG: Books and Videos in the COD Library only

I-SHARE (formerly Illinet Online): Get books from over 80 Illinois academic libraries
Interlibrary Loan, to get books and journal articles from other libraries around the country.
Outline of the Library of Congress Classification System (what C.O.D. uses to arrange its books)
List of new COD Library books on Anthropology or Ethnography or Ethnology
List of new COD Library videos on Anthropology or Ethnography or Ethnology

ANTHROBASE: Multilingual Database of Anthropological Texts
Country Studies - Area Handbooks (Library of Congress) Textbooks about most of the countries of the world. While not current, they can provide historical/ethnographic information. Many of the books are also in the Library's collection.
Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology online texts.
Studying Visual Communication, by Sol Worth. Full text book.
Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture, by Clifford Geertz.

Academic Videos Online (a large collection of streaming videos, many of them Ethnographic or Sociological, not listed in our Library Catalog)
The Archaeology Channel, for streaming videos
Ethnographic Videos, Volume II (for more Ethnographic videos not inthe Academice Videos Online database)
Internet Archive - Cultural Videos.


Why Reference Sources?

Is your research topic too big to cover in a short paper?  Is your topic so specific that sources will be hard to find?

Before you even begin your research, start the process with reference sources-- in the Library's Reference Section or online in our databases.  Reference books, like subject encyclopedias, can give you a head start and make your research easier in the long run.  Use reference sources to:

  • find a topic
  • narrow your topic
  • find keywords
  • get background information on your topic

Anthropology Theories. From the University of Alabama.
Atlas for Anthropology. Ref. G 1046 .E 1 S 1 1968.
Biographical Dictionary of Anthropologists.
Biographical Dictionary of Social and Cultural Anthropology. General GN 20 .B 56 2004
Biographies of Anthropologists. From Indiana University.
Celebrating Life Customs from Around the World: An Encyclopedia.
Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers . General GN 388 .C 35 1999.
The Complete Encyclopedia of Signs & Symbols : Identification and Analysis of the Visual Vocabulary that Formulates our Thoughts and Dictates our Reactions to the World around Us. Reference AZ 108 .C 65 2011
Cultural Anthropology Glossary.
Definitions of Anthropological Terms. From Oregon State University.
Dictionary of Anthropology from Anthrobase.
Dictionary of Concepts in Cultural Anthropology. Reference GN 307 .W 56 1991.
Dictionary of Race, Ethnicity and Culture .
Encyclopaedia Britannica Online. Print editon Reference AE 5 .E 363 2005
Encyclopedia of Anthropology
Encyclopedia of Community: From the Village to the Virtual World .
Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology. Reference GN 307 .E 52 1996
Encyclopedia of Gender and Society .
Encyclopedia of Global Studies
Encyclopedia of Hair: A Cultural History. Reference TT 957 .S 46 2006
Encyclopedia of Life Writing: Autobiographical and Biographical Forms .
Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society. Reference HT 1521 .E 63 2008.
Encyclopedia of Rural America: The Land and People. Reference E 169 .E 5 1997
Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Etiquette and Taboos around the World : A Geographic Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Customs.
Faces Around the World: A Cultural Encyclopedia of the Human Face .
International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family .
Key Concepts in Ethnography.
Key Concepts in Race and Ethnicity. Reference GN 495.6 .M 445 2014
Routledge Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology.
The Sage Dictionary of Cultural Studies .
Sage Encyclopedia of Intercultural Competence.
Student Atlas of Anthropology. Reference GN 25 .S 78 2004


Print journals in the Current Periodicals section on the Lower Level:
American Anthropologist, Current Anthropology, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, National Geographic, Native Peoples

You must have a valid College of DuPage library card to access the electronic indexes and databases from off-campus.

Anthrosource. This provides citations and texts for articles in the professional journals and newsletters of the American Anthropological Association. Look at the top right side for the journal citation search feature.

Academic OneFile (formerly Expanded Academic Index ASAP). An index to over 2500 magazines and journals covering a variety of topic areas including anthropology. This database provides references, abstracts, and many times the full-text of articles. A COD library card is required for off-campus use.

Academic Search Premier/Complete. [EBSCOhost]1984 to present; 1990 to present- full text). Abstracts from nearly 3000 journals and full text for 1250 journals including general reference, education, social sciences, humanities, general science, multi-cultural studies, library and information science. A COD library card is required for off-campus use.

The American Museum of Natural History Publications, full-text online. The free site has the contents of the following publications: American Museum Novitates, Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, and the Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History.

Border and Migration Studies This database has streaming videos and other print content on various aspects of life along borders.

CultureGrams Culturegrams is a core reference resource on understanding the world's peoples through the documentation of the unique details of their customs, traditions, and daily life.

SocIndex with Full-Text articles. The database features more than 1,700,000 records with subject headings from a 15,600 term sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and expert lexicographers. This product also contains informative abstracts for more than 740 "core" coverage journals dating as far back as 1895. In addition, this database provides data mined from more than 540 "priority" coverage journals as well as from over 2,800 "selective" coverage journals. Further, extensive indexing for books/monographs, conference papers, and other content sources is included.


The Annual Review of Anthropology. Index of citations only. The paper copies are in the Library's General circulating collection with the call number of: GN 1 .A 623, from volume 1 on. Some full-text articles are also available in the Academic Search Complete database in the previous section of this list of databases.

The Anthropological Index of the Royal Anthropological Institute. This is a free index of citations, but there are no full-text articles connected to the citations. No COD Library Card needed for this service.

Handbook of Latin American Studies. Citations-only database from the U.S. Library of Congress.

JSTOR: Scholarly Journals Archive of Older Issues.

Latin American Periodicals Tables of Contents (LAPTOC). No full-text articles.

Open Access Journals Directory (free full-text journal articles)

Project MUSE. An archive of older articles from scholarly journals.


Common Ground. Full-text journal from the U.S. National Park Service (NPS).

CRM (Cultural Resource Management): The Journal of Heritage Stewardship. Full-text free journal.

The Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology. A free peer-reviewed journal.

Micronesia Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences. From Charles Stuart University in Australia.

Museum Anthropology Review. A free full-text online journal.

More COD Library journal and newspaper article databases.
Does the C.O.D. Library own the journal that I need?
Explanation of Scholarly Journals
Explanation of the Difference between Journals and Magazines.
How to Read a Research Study Article.


Citing Sources
College Success Skills
Evaluating Sources
Research Fundamentals
Write an Annotated Bibliography
Native American Artifacts assignment




Geosource. International sources on geography, demography, environment.
Global Rural - Urban Mapping Project.
Global Urban Research Unit (GURU).
Google Earth! Combine satellite images with maps and photos to visually explore the world.
Google Maps Mania blog!
Graphs - How to make them tutorials.
Local Hometown Information.
Population and Demography Sites from the Librarian's Index to the Internet
Regional Studies Sites from the Virtual Library
Sprawl City: Consumption Growth and Population Growth information.
State and Local Government web sites directory.
Statistics selected by your Geography from Federal Stats/Map Stats.


look up resources about individual countries here, which will include information about ethnic/culture groups within those countries.

Asian Americans
Asian / Pacific Cultures
Current Issues
Other Ethnic Reference Books
List of COD Library from the series Culture and Customs of.. about different countries.

...Africa: An Encyclopedia of Culture and Society
...Africa and the Americas : Culture, Politics, and History : A Multidisciplinary Encyclopedia
...African Kingdoms: An Encyclopedia of Empires and Civilizations
...Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience Reference DT 14 .A 37435 2005
...Cities of the Middle East and North Africa: A Historical Encyclopedia Reference HT 147.5 .C 574 2007
...The Companion Encyclopedia to Middle Eastern and North African Film Reference PN 1993.5 .A 65 C 66 2001
...The Continuum Encyclopedia of Native Art : Worldview, Symbolism, and Culture in Africa, Oceania, and Native North America
...Diverse Peoples: Nigeria. General GN 653 .G 67 2003
...Diverse Peoples: South Africa.
...Encyclopedia of African History
...Encyclopedia of African History and Culture Reference DT 3 .P 27 2001
...Encyclopedia of African Nations and Civilizations Reference DT 14 .E 43 2002
...Encyclopedia of African Peoples. Reference DT 15 .E 53 2000
...Encyclopedia of African Religion
...Encyclopedia of Precolonial Africa : Archaeology, History, Languages, Cultures, and Environments Reference DT 2 .E 53 1997
...Encyclopedia of South Africa Reference DT 1714 .E 53 2011
...Encyclopedia of the Peoples of Africa and the Middle East. Reference GN 645 .E 53 2009
...Encyclopedia of the African Diaspora: Origins, Experiences, and Culture. (2008)
...Encyclopedia of the Yoruba.
...Endangered Peoples: Africa and the Middle East. General GN 635 .N 42 E 53 2002
...Ethnic Groups of Africa and the Middle East: An Encyclopedia. . (2011)
...The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women's Issues Worldwide: The Middle East and North Africa Reference HQ 1115 .G 7 2003 v.4
...The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women's Issues Worldwide: Sub-Saharan Africa Reference HQ 1115 .G 7 2003 v.6
...The New Encyclopedia of Africa Reference DT 2 .N 48 2008
...Peoples of the World: Africans South of the Sahara. Reference DT 352.42 .M 67 1991
...Peoples of the World: Middle East and North Africa. Reference DS 58 .M 67 1992
...The New African Diaspora. (2009)

...Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
...Asian American Culture: From Anime to Tiger Moms.
...Asian American Encyclopedia. Reference E 184 .O 6 A 827 1995
...Asian Americans : An Encyclopedia of Social, Cultural, Economic, and Political History.
...Chinese Americans : The History and Culture of a People.
...Encyclopedia of Asian American Issues Today
...Encyclopedia of Asian American Literature Reference PS 153 .A 84 O 37 2007

...The Continuum Encyclopedia of Native Art : Worldview, Symbolism, and Culture in Africa, Oceania, and Native North America
...Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa: An Encyclopedia. (2012)
...Encyclopedia of Modern Asia Reference DS 4 .L 48 2002
...Encyclopedia of the Chinese Overseas. Reference DS 732 .E 53 1999
...Encyclopedia of the Peoples of Asia and Oceania. (2009)
...Endangered Peoples: Southeast and East Asia. General GN 635 .S 58 E 5 2000
...Ethnic Groups of North, East, and Central Asia: An Encyclopedia. (2014)
...Ethnic Groups of South Asia and the Pacific: An Encyclopedia. (2012)
...The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women's Issues Worldwide: Asia and Oceania Reference HQ 1115 .G 7 2003 v.1
...Pacific Mythology: An Encyclopedia of Myth and Legend Reference GR 380 .K 63 1992
...Peoples of the World: Asians and Pacific Islanders. Reference GN 625 .M 67 1993
...Religion in Southeast Asia: An Encyclopedia of Faiths and Cultures
...South Asian Folklore: An Encyclopedia Reference GR 302 .S 68 2003
...Southeast Asia: A Historical Encyclopedia Reference DS 524 .S 68 2004

.....African Americans at Risk : Issues in Education, Health, Community, and Justice. (2015)
.....American Indians at Risk : Issues in Education, Health, Community, and Justice. (2014)
....Encyclopedia of American Indian Issues Today. (2013)
.....Encyclopedia of Asian American Issues Today (2010)
.....Encyclopedia of Modern Ethnic Conflicts. Reference GN 496 .E 56 2003
.....Health and Social Issues of Native American Women. (2012)
.....Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Issues: An Encyclopedia. Reference GF 50 .J 65 2003
.....Latinos and Latinas at Risk : Issues in Education, Health, Community, and Justice.
.....U.S. Latino Issues.

.....Disasporas background reading
.....Encyclopedia of Diasporas : Immigrant and Refugee Cultures around the World. Reference DS 134 .E 63 2004
.....Encyclopedia of the African Diaspora: Origins, Experiences, and Culture. (2008)
.....Encyclopedia of the Chinese Overseas. Reference DS 732 .E 53 1999
.....Encyclopedia of the Indian Diaspora. Reference DS 432.5 .E 53 2006
.....The New African Diaspora. (2009)
.....The Penguin Atlas of Diasporas. General GN 370 .C 43 1997
.....You can find books or articles on diasporas for individual groups by combining Diaspora and the name of the group, such as: Greek and Diaspora

Reference Books
Atlas of World Cultures: A Geographical Guide to Ethnographic Literature. Reference G 1046 .E 1 P 7 1989
Cassell's People's, Nations, and Cultures . (2005)
Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa: An Encyclopedia. (2012)
Dictionary of Latin American Racial and Ethnic Terminology. Reference GN 562 .S 74 1999
Diverse Peoples: A Reference Sourcebook Series
...Canada. General F 1035 .A 1 B 86 2003
...Iran .
...Nigeria. General GN 653 .G 67 2003
...South Africa.
...The Former Soviet Union. Reference DK 33 .M 54 2004
...The Former Yugoslavia. General DR 1246 .K 59 2004
Encyclopedia of African American Culture and History.
Encyclopedia of Canada's Peoples. Reference F 1006 .E 63 1999
Encyclopedia of European Peoples. Reference D 1056 .W 35 2006
Encyclopedia of Historical Warrior Peoples & Modern Fighting Groups.
Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture. Reference CB 201 .E 53 1997
Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States. Ref. E 184 .S 75 O 97 2005
Encyclopedia of Medical Anthropology: Health and Illness in the World's Cultures . Reference RA 418 .E 354 2004.
Encyclopedia of Muslim-American History. (2010)
Encyclopedia of Stateless Nations: Ethnic and National Groups Around the World.
Encyclopedia of the Peoples of Africa and the Middle East. Reference GN 645 .E 53 2009
Encyclopedia of Warrior Peoples and Modern Fighting Groups.
Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities. Reference GN 495 .E 63 2005
Encyclopedia of World Cultures. .
Endangered Peoples: Struggles to Survive and Thrive series:
Africa and the Middle East. General GN 635 .N 42 E 53 2002
Arctic. General GN 673 .E 72 2000
Europe. General D 1056.2 .E 85 E 63 2001
Latin America. General E 65 .E 57 2001
North America. General E 98 .E 85 E 53 2002
Southeast and East Asia. General GN 635 .S 58 E 5 2000
Ethnic and Racial Minorities in the U.S. Military: An Encyclopedia. (2012)
Ethnic Groups of Africa and the Middle East: An Encyclopedia. . (2011)
Ethnic Groups of Europe: An Encyclopedia. . (2011)
Ethnic Groups of the Americas. . (2013)
Ethnic Groups Worldwide: A Ready Reference Handbook. . Reference GN 325 .L 46 1998.
Ethnic Relations: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia. Reference GN 307 .E 64 E 8 1994
The Ethnopolitical Encyclopedia of Europe. Reference GN 492 .E 86 2004.
Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America. Reference E 184 .A 1 G 14 2000.
Greenwood Encyclopedia of Homes through World History. General NA 7105 .S 74 2009
Latino America: A State - by - State Encyclopedia. Reference E 184 .S 75 L 35555 2008
Marriage Customs of the World : An Encyclopedia of Dating Customs and Wedding Traditions. (2013)
Muslim Peoples: A World Ethnographic Survey. Reference DS 35.625 .A 1 M 87 1984
Native Americans: An Encyclopedia of History, Cutlures and Peoples. .
Peoples of the Caribbean. Reference F 1619 .S 38 2005
Peoples of the World: The Culture, Geographical Setting and Historical Background series:
Africans South of the Sahara. Reference DT 352.42 .M 67 1991
Asians and Pacific Islanders. Reference GN 625 .M 67 1993
Eastern Europe and the Post-soviet Republics. Reference DJK 26 .M 67 1993
Middle East and North Africa. Reference DS 58 .M 67 1992
Western Europeans. Reference D 21.3 .M 67 1993
They do What? : A Cultural Encyclopedia of Extraordinary and Exotic Customs from Around the World.
What do You call a Person From....? Reference PE 1582 .A 3 D 5 1990
World Cultures Encyclopedia / Countries and Their Cultures Encyclopedia.
Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life. 4 volumes. Reference GN 333. W67.


Society for Applied Anthropology website
Anthropology Research Methods guide
Library guide for Social Science Research

Background Readings
What is Applied Anthropology?
What is Business Anthropology?
What is Consumer Anthropology?
What is Organizational Culture?
What is Organizational Ethnography?
Anthropology and Business
Cross-Cultural Research Methods and Theory with Organizations
Objectively Understanding Your Corporate Culture

Journal of Business Anthropology (open access)

Reference Works
Business Insights of Cultural Transformation (2013)
Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society Reference HF 5387 .E 53 2008
Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World. (2009)
Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture Reference HC 79 .C 6 E 53 2011
Encyclopedia of Human Relationships
Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Encyclopedia of Power
Etiquette and Taboos around the World : A Geographic Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Customs.
Handbook of Cultural Transformation (GALE Business Insights)
International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies (2007)
Key Concepts in Organization Theory. (2013)
Sage Encyclopedia of Intercultural Competence. (2015)
Sociology of Work: An Encyclopedia.

Business Information for Other Countries
Library Guide to International Business Be sure to look at the A to Z World Business database and the globalEdge website, along with the websites of the embassies of other countries, for business and cultural information about other countries.
CultureGrams Culturegrams is a core reference resource on understanding the world's peoples through the documentation of the unique details of their customs, traditions, and daily life.
Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) country information. The EIU has information on various political and economic factors for each country. On the individual country page, look under the Business tab, for a link to information on the Business Environment.
GlobalEdge. The Global Insights section allows you to find business and cultural information for all of the countries in the world.

Two search statements to try in the Library Catalog for books:
1. In the first search box, type in this whole phrase: SU: Business Etiquette AND name of the country
2. In the first search box, type in this whole phrase: SU: Corporate Culture AND name of the country

Doing Business (from the World Bank). Reference K 563 .D 87 D 65
Essential Do's and Taboos : The Complete Guide to International Business and Leisure Travel.
Global Business Etiquette: A Guide to International Communications and Customs. General HF 5389 .M 375 2006
Other COD Library Reference Books with Country Information


Library Research Guide for Fashion

Background Readings
Clothing, the Body, and Society.
Clothing and Religion.
Cross Dressing
Fashion System
Military Uniforms as Street Art

Reference Books
Beauty Around the World: A Cultural Encyclopedia.
Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion. Reference GT 507 .E 53 2005
Encyclopedia of National Dress: Traditional Clothing Around the World. Reference GT 507 .E 535 2013
Ethnic Dress in the United States: A Cutlural Encyclopedia. (2015)
Fashion, Costume and Culture: Clothing, Headwear, Body Decorations, and Footwear through the Ages. Reference GT 511 .P 46 2004
Feet and Footwear: A Cultural Encyclopedia. (2009)
The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Clothing through American History: 1900 to the Present. (2008)
Hats and Hatwear around the World: A Cultural Encyclopedia. (2013)
Uniforms: Why We Are What We Wear. General GT 1900 .F 87 2002
Wedding Dress across Cultures. General GT 1752 .W 43 2003
World Clothing and Fashion: An Encyclopedia of History, Culture, and Social Influence. Reference GT 507 .S 6 2013


background Readings
Charles Darwin
Creation Myths
Creationism, Intelligent Design, and Evolution
Evolution and the Catholic Church
Evolution and Religion
Evolution - Creationism Debate
Intelligent Design

Reference Books
Arguing for Evolution : An Encyclopedia for Understanding Science. Reference QH 366.2 .C 735 2011
Cambridge Dictionary of Human Biology and Evolution. . Reference QP 34.5 .M 24 2005
Cambridge Encyclopedia of Darwin and Evolutionary Thought
Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution. Reference GN 281 .C 345 1992
Encyclopedia of Creation Myths. Reference BL 325 .C 7 L 44 1994
Encyclopedia of Evolution. Reference QH 360.2 .O 83 2002
Encyclopedia of Human Evolution and Prehistory. Reference GN 281 .E 53 2000
Encyclopedia of Religion. Reference BL 31 .E 46 2005
Encyclopedia of Science and Religion. Reference BL 240.3 .E 53 2003
Human Evolution: A Guide to the Debates . (2004)
Icons of Evolution : An Encyclopedia of People, Evidence, and Controversies. (2008)
Life on Earth : An Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Ecology, and Evolution. Reference QH 541.15 .B 56 L 54 2002
Science, Religion, and Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Culture, and Controversy. (2007)
Student Dictionary of Human Evolution. (2015)


What is Folklore?
What are Legends?
What are Myths?
What is a Superstition?
Most FOLKORE books are in the "GR" call number area, both in the REFERENCE and GENERAL collections.
Most MYTHOLOGY books are in the "BL" call number area, both in the REFERENCE and GENERAL collections.
COD Library research guide on Fake News
COD Library research guide on Psychology
COD Library research guide on Religious Studies
COD Library research guide on Why Do We Believe?
COD Library research guide on Zombies, Vampires, and Werewolves

Reference Books
African American Folklore: An Encyclopedia for Students.
American Folklore: An Encyclopedia. Reference GR 101 .A 54 1996
Celebrating Latino Folklore : An Encyclopedia of Cultural Traditions Reference E 184 .S 75 C 455 2012
Chicano Folklore : a Guide to the Folktales, Traditions, Rituals and Religious Practices of Mexican Americans. Reference GR 111 .M 49 C 37 2001
Dictionary of African Mythology. Reference BL 2400 .S 24 2000
Dictionary of Classical Mythology. (2014)
Dictionary of Folklore. Reference GR 35 .P 53 1999
Dictionary of Superstitions. Reference BF 1775 .D 53 1989
Encyclopedia Mythica.
Encyclopedia of Fable. Reference PN 980 .S 66 1998
Encyclopedia of Urban Legends.
Encyclopedia of Jewish Folklore and Traditions. (2013)
Folklore : An Encyclopedia of Beliefs, Customs, Tales, Music, and Art. Reference GR 35 .F 63 1997
Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend. General GR 35 .F 8
Ghosts in Popular Culture and Legend
Larousse Dictionary of World Folklore. Reference GR 35 .J 664 1996
The Mythical West: An Encyclopedia of Legend, Lore, and Popular Culture.
Pacific Mythology : An Encyclopedia of Myth and Legend. Reference GR 380 .K 63 1992
South Asian Folklore: An Encyclopedia. Reference GR 302 .S 68 2003


Background Readings
Global Events
Holidays and Rituals.
COD Library Food and Culture research guide

Reference Books
African American Holidays, Festivals, and Celebrations. Reference GT 4803 .A 2 G 39 2007
America's Favorite Holidays: Candid Histories.
Celebremos! : Las Fiestas de México, Cuba, y Puerto Rico, y su Vigencia en los Estados Unidos General GT 4803 .M 4518 2002
The Christmas Encyclopedia. (2013)
Encyclopedia of American Holidays and National Days. Ref. GT 4803 .A 2 E 63 2006
Encyclopedia of Christmas and New Year's Celebrations. Reference GT 4985 .G 79 2003
Encyclopedia of Easter, Carnival, and Lent. Reference GT 4935 .G 85 2002
Encyclopedia of New Years Holidays Worldwide.
Entertaining from Ancient Rome to the Super Bowl : An Encyclopedia. (2008)
Fertility Goddesses, Groundhog Bellies & the Coca-Cola Company : The Origins of Modern Holidays. General GT 3930 .K 35 2006
Festivals of the World : The Illustrated Guide to Celebrations, Customs, Events, and Holidays. General GT 3930 .B 74 2002
The Folklore of World Holidays. Reference GT 3930 .F 65 1991
The Fourth of July Encyclopedia. Reference E 286 .A 1284 2007
The Halloween Encyclopedia. (2011)
Holiday Symbols and Customs. Reference GT 3930 .T 48 2003
Holidays, Festivals, and Celebrations of the World Dictionary. (2010)
Marriage Customs of the World : An Encyclopedia of Dating Customs and Wedding Traditions. (2013)
Patriotic Holidays of the United States. Reference JK 1761 .H 46 2006
Religious Celebrations : An Encyclopedia of Holidays, Festivals, Solemn Observances, and Spiritual Commemorations. (2011)
Religious Holidays and Calendars : An Encyclopedic Handbook. (2004)
Rituals and Ceremonies in Popular Culture. General E 169.12 .R55 1980
Traditional Festivals: A Multicultural Encyclopedia. Reference GT 3925 .R 69 2005
We are What We Celebrate : Understanding Holidays and Rituals. General GT 3930 .W 37 2004


What is Material Culture?
What are Material Culture Studies?
What are varieties of Material Culture?
What are Artifacts?
What are Economic Material Values?
What was the Material Shape of Early American Life?
What is a Consumer Society?
What is Consumer Technology?

Dictionary of Artifacts Reference CC 70 .K 55 2007
Artifacts and the American Past General E 161 .S 238 1996
Artifacts from Ancient Egypt
Artifacts from Ancient Rome
Artifacts from Medieval Europe General D 125 .T 73 2015
Artifacts from Modern America General E 161 .S 46 2018
Religious Cultures research guide
Technology and Society research guide

List of COD Library books on Material Culture.
List of COD Library books on daily, everyday life.
List of COD Library videos on daily, everyday life.


  • COD Library Religious Studies Research Guide
  • COD Library Controversial Topics Research Guide
  • What is Anthropology of Religion? - a background reading.
    Background reading on Religion and Clothing.
    Traditions background reading
    The Society for the Anthropology of Religion

    Reference Books
    African American Religious Cultures. Reference BL 2500 .A 37 2009
    Asian American Religious Cultures. (2015)
    American Indian Religious Traditions. Reference E 98 .R 3 C 755 2005
    Encyclopedia of African Religion.
    Evangelical America: An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Religious Culture.
    Encyclopedia of Islam in the United States.
    Encyclopedia of Muslim-American History.
    Encyclopedia of Native American Shamanism.
    Encyclopedia of Religion and Society. Reference BL 60 .E 53 1998
    Encyclopedia of Religious Rites, Rituals, and Festivals. Reference BL 31 .E 47 2004
    Food, Feasts, and Faith : An Encyclopedia of Food Culture in World Religions.
    Hispanic American Religious Cultures. Reference BL 2525 .H 57 2009
    Islam in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives. Reference BP 161.3 .I 74 2004
    Religion: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia. Reference GN 307 .E 64 R 4 1996
    Religion and American Culture: An Encyclopedia of Traditions, Diversity, and Popular Expressions. Reference BL 2525 .R 448 2008
    Religion and Anthropology: A Critical Introduction. General BL 256 .M 67 2006
    Religion and Violence : An Encyclopedia of Faith and Conflict from Antiquity to the Present. (2011)
    Religion in Southeast Asia : An Encyclopedia of Faiths and Cultures. (2015)
    Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices. Reference BL 80.3 .N 38 2011
    Religious Celebrations : An Encyclopedia of Holidays, Festivals, Solemn Observances, and Spiritual Commemorations. (2011)
    Understanding Islam and Muslim Traditions : An Introduction to the Religious Practices, Celebrations, Festivals, Observances, Beliefs, Folklore, Customs, and Calendar System of the World's Muslim Communities. Reference BP 161.3 .G 85 2004
    Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices . (2014)
    War and Religion: An Encyclopedia of Faith and Conflict.


    Social Science Research guide
    Posters, Presentations, and Displays guide
    Citing Your Sources

    Background Readings
    Cross-Cultural Research
    Cross-Cultural Research Methods and Theory with Organizations
    Field Methods
    Focus Groups
    Historical Methods
    Mixed Methods
    Nonparticipant Observation
    Participant Observation
    Qualitative Methods
    Quantitative Data
    Research Methods
    Visual Anthropology

    Advertising and Anthropology : Ethnographic Practice and Cultural Perspectives. General HF 5821 .M 26 2012
    Doing Anthropology in Consumer Research. General GN 450.8 .S 86 2007
    Doing Cultural Anthropology: Projects for Ethnographic Data Collection. General GN 346 .D 65 2007
    Doing Ethnographic and Observational Research.
    Doing Ethnography Today: Theories, Methods, Exercises. General GN 316 .C 35 2015
    Ethnography Essentials: Designing, Conducting, and Presenting your Research.
    Exploring Everyday Life: Strategies for Ethnography and Cultural Analysis. General GN 345 .E 43 2016
    Fieldwork is Not What it Used to Be. General GN 34.3 .F 53 F 52 2009
    Handbook of Research Methods for Studying Daily Life.
    Key Concepts in Ethnography.
    Question Evaluation Methods: Contributing to the Science of Data Quality.
    Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes. General GN 307.7 .E 44 2011
    Writing in Anthropology: A Brief Guide. General GN 307.7 .B 76 2017

    Cross-Cultural Research Methods .
    More Tales from the Field (ethnography)


    What is Sociolinguistics?
    What is Language?
    What is Semantics?
    The Society for Linguistic Anthropology

    Reference Books
    Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger of Disappearing. Reference G 1046 .E 3 A 85 2001.
    The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. (2011)
    The Color of Words: An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Ethnic Bias in the U.S. Reference. E 184 .A 1 H 466 1997.
    Concise Encyclopedia of Lnaguage and Religion. Reference P 41 .C 65 2001.
    Concise Encyclopedia of Sociolinguistics. (2001)
    A Dictionary of Made-up Languages : From Adûnaic to Elvish, Zaum to Klingon-- the Anwa (real) Origins of Invented Lexicons. Reference P 120 .I 53 R 64 2011
    The Dictionary of Historical and Comparative Linguistics. Reference P 143 .T 727 2000.
    A Dictionary of Sociolinguistics. (2004)
    Dictionary of Languages: The Definitive Reference to More than 400 Languages. . (2006)
    Encyclopedia of Swearing: The Social History of Oaths, Profanity, Foul Language, and Ethnic Slurs in the English-Speaking World. Reference PE 3724 .O 3 H 84 2006
    Encyclopedia of the Languages of Europe. Reference P 380 .E 53 1998.
    Facts about the World's Languages. Reference P 371 .F 33 2000.
    International Encyclopedia of Linguistics. 4 vols. Reference P 29 .I 58 2003.
    Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language: An Encyclopedia.
    Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech. By Edwar Sapir. A printed copy is also available in the Library's General Collection at call number P 105 .S 2 1949.
    Language and Communication: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia. Reference GN 307 .E 64 L 36 1998.
    NTC's Dictionary of China's Cultural Code Words. General DS 721 .D 39 1996.
    NTC's Dictionary of Japan's Cultural Code Words. General DS 821 .D 467 1994.
    NTC's Dictionary of Mexican Cultural Code Words. General F 1210 .D 38 1996.
    The Oxford English Dictionary (OED). (for word histories)
    Reference PE 1625 .O 87 1991
    Word Origins Dictionary.
    The World's Writing Systems. General P 211 .W 714 1996

    Internet Sites

    "Do You Speak American?" from PBS. Lanugages of the World.

    The Modern Language Association Language Map.

    Sociolinguistics: A Complete Guide to Facts and Resources.


    Background Readings
    Bodily Marks
    Tattoo Removal

    Reference Books
    Beauty Around the World: A Cultural Encyclopedia.
    Encyclopedia of Body Adornment. Reference GN 419.15 .D 46 2007
    Faces around the World: A Cultural Encyclopedia of the Human Face. (2012)
    Inked: Tattoos and Body Art from around the World. Reference GT 2345 .D 46 2014
    The Tattoo Dictionary: An A-to-Z Guide. General GT 2345 .A 395 2016
    Most books on Tattoos in the General collection are in the "GT 2345" or "GN 419" call number areas.


    What is Urban Anthropology?
    What is Urban Geography?
    What is Urban Sociology?
    Urban Studies Library Research Guide, with lots of reference books on this topic.
    Chicago Region Library Research Guide, with lots of reference books on this topic.
    Society for Urban, National, and Transnational/Global Anthropology

    WTDW Library Catalog

    Use the Library Catalog to search for books, videos, sounds recordings, e-books, streaming media, and other materials the Library owns. You'll need a COD Library card to check these items out or view e-books and streaming media when you're not on campus.

    Find Reference Sources

    Start your research using reference sources like subject encyclopedias to find a topic, narrow your topic, find keywords, and get background information. A focused topic is easier to research!

    Print Reference Sources

    Electronic Reference Sources

    These databases are only available at the College of DuPage or from off-campus with a valid C.O.D. Library card.

    Credo Reference
    One-stop shopping for reference. Credo features hundreds of full-text reference books that you can search simultaneously. The collection includes dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopedias, quotations and atlases, plus a wide range of subject-specific titles covering everything from art to accountancy, science to Shakespeare and law to literature.

    Discovering Collection
    Comprised of several Discovering Program titles such as Discovering Authors, U.S. History, Science and Biography, and the entire contents of the Junior Reference Collection. Thousands of overview essays, critical analyses, biographies, timelines and multimedia elements in five core subject areas: history, literature, biography, science and social studies.

    Encyclopedia Britannica
    The Online version of the classic Encyclopedia Britannica that also includes web links, select articles and access to Webster's Dictionary.

    Gale Virtual Reference Library
    GVRL is a collection of online reference books on a variety of topics including Business, History, Literature, Medicine, Social Science, Technology and many more.

    World Almanac
    Four almanacs in one, plus a free encyclopedia!

    Includes the full text of all of the Almanac titles: The World Almanac and Book of Facts, providing key facts on a wide variety of subjects internationally; The World Almanac of the U.S.A. with essential facts about the United States-- current and historical; The World Almanac of US Politics, a guidebook to federal, state, and local governments; The World Almanac for Kids, covering information and facts of interest to middle-school children and teachers; and the Funk & Wagnall's New Encyclopedia, a comprehensive general encyclopedia

    High School Research Guide

    This research guide is a starting point for visiting high school students in the Library.
    Use the menu to find books, videos and article databases and to get help with research.

    Feel free to contact the Librarian for help.

    Outreach Librarian: Jennifer Kelley
    Office: SRC 3043A
    Phone: (630) 942-2383

    Find Books

    Image courtesy of ddpavumba at FreeDigitalPhotos.netReference books, such as directories and encyclopedias, are useful for getting referrals to professional organizations or learning about background information on a topic. Below are select resources for beginning to research in this field. Generally, books from this collection do not circulate. Specific titles can be searched in the Library Catalog.

    Encyclopedia of Leadership
    Reference HD 30.15 .E49 2004

    Encyclopedia of Management
    Reference HD30.15 .E49 2009

    Encyclopedia of American Business History
    Reference HF3021 .G44 2006

    National Trade & Professional Associations of the United States
    Reference HD2425 .D53 2013


    Locate Sources

    Doing Background Research

    Before going to books, articles, or web sites it's a good idea to do some background research. This will give you some idea of the scope of your topic, its history, and standard theories or research. Knowing that, you will not only be able to narrow or expand your subject as needed, but you will also have some kind of standard with which you can evaluate the value of the sources you discover. In background research you are looking for an explanation by an established expert in the field that is comprehensive, up-to-date, and non-biased. One of the best places to look for background information is in specialized encyclopedias. To locate specialized encyclopedias in the College of Dupage Library, you will need to know what Library of Congress call number represents your subject. For example, if you were doing a speech on a medical topic, you would want to browse the call letter "R" in the reference area; for a topic of crime you would be in the call letter "HV". Articles found in the CQ Researcher or Issues and Controvieries on File also make excellent sources of background information since they are written as objective overviews.

    Finding Books

    Books may be an appropriate source to find information on your topic. Books in the COD Library are considered reputable sources, but they may not contain the most up to date information on the topic. Use the Library Catalog to do a subject search on your topic. If you don't locate anything with a subject search, try a keyword search to look for essays or chapters in books. If you still aren't finding anything ask at the Reference Desk in person, by phone at 630-942-3364, or online.

    Finding Articles

    Articles are best for the most current information. Remember that some articles may be slanted, so it's important to evaluate them against your background research. You will need to have your library card to access these databases from off campus.

    General Article Databases
    These general databases will have information about almost every topic, but some topics may be covered in greater depth in a subject specific database.
    Business Databases
    Health Databases
    Newspaper Databases

    Finding Statistics and Opinion

    Speech students often use statistics as attention getters or to support arguments. Statistics may be found in books, in articles, or at reliable web sites. When using statistics it is important to keep in mind the source of the statistics. Some things to consider include: what exactly is being counted, are the statistics from a reliable group or organization, are they reasonably current, can they be verified from a second source? You can find a collection of great statistics sources here:

    Locating Quotations

    Quotations from experts will usually be found in the sources that you are using in your research: articles, interviews, etc. For more literary or historical quotations, you may want to consult some of the Library's books of collected quotations. Most of these can be found in the reference collection at the call number PN 6081.

    Locating Audiovisual Aids

    Audiovisual aids can be very important visuals that help make your point. You may find illustration, charts, or diagrams in the reference books you used for background research or in books or magazines in the Library. The Library has the necessary equipment for you to make copies or transparencies (black and white or color) or to scan pictures onto a disk.

    You may also use the Library catalog to locate videos or other types of media. Just do a subject search on your topic and limit the results to the material type you are looking for.

    The web is also a good place to find visual aids and there are now several search engines that make the process easier. A Google Image or Video search is usually very helpful.

    Using Web Sites

    Students often turn to the web as the first source for information. It may be the most convenient, but it is not always the most reliable source. Anyone can publish a web site. You will find lists of reliable websites in the articles in CQ Researcher or Issues and Controversies, as well as in the bibliogrpahies of many of the reference sources you consulted above.



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