CPSA History project resources

CPSA History Project Resources

Welcome to the College of DuPage Library!

Click on the tabs below to find websites, books and articles on your topics.
The websites are available from on and off the COD campus. To access the databases, you must be on campus.

List of Topics:

Architectural Chicago - The rise of skyscrapers
Al Capone
Great Chicago Fire
Chicago Crime
Chicago: Sanctuary City
Development of Education institutions
Chicago's World's Fair - Columbian Exposition
Evolution of Graffiti
Immigration to Chicago
Cold War

Librarian Room Assignments -
Ken Orenic -Room 2024 (Room available 8:30-12:30) Lunch at 12:30 – go to 2032 at 1:00pm.
Jen McIntosh -Room 2025 (Room available 8:30-2:30) Lunch at 11:00 – return to 2025 at 11:30
Dan Blewett -Room 2030 (Room available 8:30-2:30) Lunch at 12:00 Return to room at 12:30
Jason Ertz -Room 3152 3152 (Room available 8:30- 11:30) and 1:00-2:30) Lunch at 11:30, go to 2032 at 12:00

  1. Websites
  2. Article Databases
  3. Newspapers Sources
  4. Books
  5. Related Research Guides

The following websites are a mix of Primary and Secondary Sources

See the Chicago History Fair resources for all things Chicago.

Architectural Chicago - Rise of skyscrapers

Al Capone

Great Chicago Fire

Chicago Crime

Chicago: Sanctuary City

Development of Education institutions

Chicago's World's Fair - Columbian Exposition

Evolution of Graffiti

Immigration to Chicago

Cold War

Databases - Best Bets

  • Academic Search Complete
  • Multidisciplinary database covering a wide range of academic areas.

  • Academic OneFile
  • Multidisciplinary database covering a wide range of academic areas.

  • History Study Center
    Primary and secondary history collections providing access to rare British, American and world history sources, full text articles and reference materials. Includes multimedia sources.

  • Excellent source for credible scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. Articles in database were published between the early 1700s and between 1-5 years ago.

  • Project MUSE
  • Project MUSE offers full-text current and archival articles from 500+ scholarly journals from major university presses covering literature and criticism, history, performing arts, cultural studies, education, philosophy, political science, gender studies, and more. Updated continually.

  • Credo Reference -encyclopedia that covers a wide range of topics

Newspaper Databases

Select titles from Reference and General collections will be put in room 2032 for student use. Students can take photos or scan sections of the books.

Finding books in the Catalog

Use the COD Library's book catalog to find books & videos. Click on the "keyword" tab to search using multiple search terms and limit your results by material type (book, video), date, or language.

Hort 1100: Online Scavenger Hunt

Horticulture Library Scavenger Hunt

This is an introduction to using the Library website and using the Library catalog. You'll also learn how to get a library card and a LinkedIn Learning account. You will do a brief lab activity that will be submitted to your instructor via BlackBoard This exercise should take no more than one hour to complete.

Right click and download the lab worksheet (also at the bottom of this page). SAVE it to your computer before you start filling it in.

In this activity, the student will:

  • Tour the Library website
  • Learn how to get a library card online and an account with LinkedIn Learning
  • Locate the Horticulture Research Guide
  • Find a book in the Library Catalog
  • Learn about using library materials

How to complete this activity:

  1. READ through the lab sheet first.
  2. Review the materials below.
  3. Fill out the lab sheet and submit it via BlackBoard
Scavenger Hunt Activity Set

Activity #1
Get a library card online. Go to: https://www.codlrc.org/circulation/cards
Review this page then click on "Library Card Request Form"
Here's a printable guide to signing up for a library card.
Sign up for a LinkedIn Learning account. Go to http://www.codlrc.org/linkedinlearning
Use your dupage.edu email address to register.

Activity #2 Review of the Horticulture Research Guide
This is a quickie review of the Horticulture Research Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0CuLEyO07Q

Activity #3 Using the Library Catalog
You will be using the library catalog. You'll find a book about Foliage Plants as part of your lab activity. You will write down the subject headings and copy the link to the book record for your lab assignment. Here's a quick video on how to find your book in the catalog:

Please feel free to contact the Librarian if you have questions!

Attached files: 




LIBRARY CATALOG: Search for materials in the COD library or in libraries worldwide.

Outline of the Library of Congress Classification System (what COD uses to arrange its books on the shelves)
I-SHARE (formerly Illinet Online): Get books from over 80 Illinois academic libraries
Interlibrary Loan, to get books and journal articles from other libraries around the country.


You must have a valid College of DuPage library card to access the electronic indexes and databases from off-campus.

Anthrosource. This provides citations and texts for articles in the professional journals and newsletters of the American Anthropological Association. Look at the top right side for the journal citation search feature. Those who are members of the AAA can log in and retrieve the full-text of the articles.

Academic OneFile (formerly Expanded Academic Index ASAP). An index to over 2500 magazines and journals covering a variety of topic areas including anthropology. This database provides references, abstracts, and many times the full-text of articles. A COD library card is required for off-campus use.

Academic Search Premier/Complete. [EBSCOhost]1984 to present; 1990 to present- full text). Abstracts from nearly 3000 journals and full text for 1250 journals including general reference, education, social sciences, humanities, general science, multi-cultural studies, library and information science. A COD library card is required for off-campus use.

National Newspapers database Search the Chicago Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post.

PsycInfo This database contains more than one million citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books, dissertations and technical reports, all in the field of psychology. It also includes information about the psychological aspects of related disciplines such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, anthropology, business and law. Journal coverage, which spans from 1887 to present, includes international material selected from more than 1,700 periodicals in over 35 languages.

SocIndex with Full-Text articles. The database features more than 1,700,000 records with subject headings from a 15,600 term sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and expert lexicographers. This product also contains informative abstracts for more than 740 "core" coverage journals dating as far back as 1895. In addition, this database provides data mined from more than 540 "priority" coverage journals as well as from over 2,800 "selective" coverage journals. Further, extensive indexing for books/monographs, conference papers, and other content sources is included.


More COD Library journal and newspaper article databases.
Does the C.O.D. Library own the journal that I need?
Explanation of the Difference between Journals and Magazines.
How to Read a Research Study Article.


Why Reference Sources?

Is your research topic too big to cover in a short paper?  Is your topic so specific that sources will be hard to find?

Before you even begin your research, start the process with reference sources-- in the Library's Reference Section or online in our databases.  Reference books, like subject encyclopedias, can give you a head start and make your research easier in the long run.  Use reference sources to:

  • find a topic
  • narrow your topic
  • find keywords
  • get background information on your topic

Encyclopaedia Britannica
Encyclopedia of Afterlife Beliefs and Phenomena. Reference BF 1311 .F 8 L 48 1994
Encyclopedia of Allegorical Literature. Reference PN 56 .A 5 L 44 1996
Encyclopedia of Death and the Human Experience. Reference HQ 1073 .E 544 2009
Folklore : An Encyclopedia of Beliefs, Customs, Tales, Music, and Art. Reference GR 35 .F 63 1997
Horror Literature through History : An Encyclopedia of the Stories that Speak to our Deepest Fears.
Macmillan Encyclopedia of Death and Dying. Reference HQ 1073 .M 33 2003
The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythical Creatures. General GR 825 .D 463 2006

Folklore background reading
Horror as a literary and cultural theme background reading
Monsters background reading
Monstrous Races background reading
Myths background reading
Superstitions background reading
The Undead background reading
Voodoo background reading


List of COD Library Books on Zombies.
List of COD Library Videos on Zombies
List of COD Library Books on Voodoo
List of COD Library Videos on Voodoo

Encyclopedia of the Zombie : The Walking Dead in Popular Culture and Myth. (2014)
The Voodoo Encyclopedia : Magic, Ritual, and Religion. (2015)
The Zombie Book : The Encyclopedia of the Living Dead. Reference GR 581 .R 43 2014

Undead word origins
Virus background reading
Vodou background reading
Zombie background reading
Zombie Movies background reading
Zombie Preparedness from the U.S. Center for Disease Control
Zombie word origin

The Walking Dead TV series

The Walking Dead Psychology : Psych of the Living Dead.
COD Library Videos list


List of COD Books on Vampires.
List of COD Videos on Vampires.
List of COD Books on Dracula.
List of COD Videos on Dracula.
The Encyclopedia of Vampire Mythology. Reference GR 830 .V 3 B 34 2010
The Vampire Book: The Encyclopedia of the Undead. Reference BF 1556 .M 46 2011
The Vampire Encyclopedia. Reference GR 830 .V 3 B 86 1993
The Vampire Gallery: A Who's Who of the Undead. Reference GR 830 .V 3 M 46 1998

Blood background reading
Dracula background reading
Transylvania background reading
Vampire word origin
Vampires introductory reading
Vampires background reading no.1
Vampires background reading no.2
Vampires and Women background reading
Vampirism background reading


List of COD Books on Werewolves.
List of COD Videos on Werewolves.
The Werewolf Book: The Encyclopedia of Shape-Shifting Beings. (2012)

Lycanthropy background reading
Shape Shifting background reading
Werewolf word origins
Werewolves background reading
Werewolves in Folklore background reading
Wolves background reading


Celebrating Our Own

Celebrating Our Own 2015

College of DuPage Creative Works Celebration and Display
November 2015 - January 2016
College of DuPage Library
SRC 2020

This exhibit recognizes faculty and staff who have enriched the COD community through their creativity. It represents works produced in the last six years and submitted to the Library for the 2015 exhibit by College of DuPage faculty and staff. In some cases, works have been listed but not exhibited. The listings for contributors do not indicate their productivity during this period, as they were asked to submit only those works that we felt we could exhibit. We have made every effort to describe works accurately and regret any errors that may remain. We wish to express our great appreciation to all participants. It is always a rewarding activity for the Library. - Ellen Sutton, Dean of Learning Resources

Adams, Jason
  • et al. Microbiology Matters: Foundational Laboratory Exercises. Champaign, IL: Stipes, 2015.
Al-Mahamid, Jumana.
  • et al. Yalla Ndardesh: Colloquial Arabic Textbook for Beginners. 2nd ed. Amman: Institut Francais, 2009.
Anderson, Barbara J.
  • Prairie Ecology: Botany 1320 Lab Guide. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage Press, 2010.
  • Survey of Biology 1100 Laboratory Guide. Champaign, IL: Stipes, 2015.
Bailey, Christopher
Baker, Mara
  • Fake and Real Things (15). 2013. Mixed media.
Baum, Kathleen
  • Audrey's DNA Spoon. 2012. Silver, found marble, glass, human hair.
  • kamal_Audrey's DNA spoon.jpg

  • Baby Medicine Spoon. 2014. Silver, glass marble, cubic zirconia.
  • Kamal_Baby medicine spoon_.jpg

  • Creation Reaction Bowl. 2009. Silver, bronze, rock crystal, red thread.
  • Kamal_Creation bowl_2009_1.jpg

  • Extending Spoon. 2013. Silver.
  • Kamal_extending spoon.jpg

  • Gothic. 2012. Silver, violin pegs, lace.
  • Kamal_Gothic_back_2012.jpg


  • Inflorescence. 2009. Silver, mother of pearl.
  • Kamal_Inflorescence Tiara_2009 High Resolution.jpg

Berry, Bob
  • “The Nursing Alumni Reunion: A Source for Nursing Scholarships.” National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing Annual Convention. Chicago, IL. November 2011. Poster presentation.
Blevins, Brian
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 11. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2013.
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 12. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2014.
Boone, Miles
  • Telluride, CO, September 19, 2015. 2015. Photograph.
  • boone_2.jpg

Bosy, Peter
  • Tattoo. 2014. Color digital photograph.
    Image of a tattoo
Bowers, Tony
  • On the Nine. Memphis: Vital Narrative Press, 2015.
Bucy, Theresa
Buitrón, Robert
  • 58th Street, Phoenix, Arizona. 2005. Archival inkjet print.
Burnier, Franz
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 11. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2013.
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 12. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2014.
Callegari, John
  • Painted Cavern. 2015. Photographs on canvas.
  • Callegari2_CavernWall2.jpg


  • Remembrance. Photographs on canvas. 2015.
Cammallarie, Josephine
  • College Mathematics with Introductory Algebra Preparation. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2012.
  • Student’s Guide to the Basic College Mathematics with Introductory Algebra Preparation. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2012.
Carino, Judy
  • contributor. Nursing Care Plans: Diagnoses, Interventions, and Outcomes. Meg Gulanick and Judith L.M. Myers. 3rd ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 2011.
  • QSEN Initiative.” Lessons from Oz: Assuring Capabilities for Future Nursing Education and Practice. 40th Annual National Conference on Professional Nursing Education and Development. Kansas City, MO. 17-20 October 2013. Poster presentation.
  • Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Becomes Collaborative: Out of the Silo.” Journal of Nursing Education 53.3 (2014): S59-60.
Chu, David
  • Biplane. 2015. 3D printed object.
  • Fantasy Submarine. 2015. Autodesk illustration.
  • Futuristic Toy Train. 2015. 3D printed object.
  • Mini Submarine. 2015. 3D printed object.
  • Robodog. 2015. 3D printed object.
    Chu_3D_Printed_Robodog .jpg
  • Space Launcher. 2015. 3D printed object.
    Chu_3D_Printed_Space_launcher .jpg
DalSanto, Joe
  • A Field Guide to Double Star Observing. 2000.
DiLiberti, Julia
  • “The African Comic Book as the New African Proverb.” Defying the Global Language: Perspectives in Ethnic Studies. Ed. Cheryl Toman. Youngstown, NY: Teneo Press, 2013. 121-146.
  • “Commentary on The World Is a Bird in Cage.” The World Is a Bird in Cage. Leon Tuam. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, 2010. 110-117.
Dixon, Larinda
  • and Jean Yockey. Cases for Nursing Simulation: A Faculty Resource. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012. Web.
  • and Jean Yockey. Cases for Nursing Simulation: A Student Guide. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012.
  • Collaborative Simulation: An Interprofessional Approach. National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing Annual Convention. St. Louis, MO. November 2014 and Association of Black Nursing Faculty. New York, NY. 2015. Poster presentation.
  • Interprofessional Simulation Exercises. Online video. YouTube, 28 May 2014.
Dyer, Jarret M.
Ehrke, Laura
  • Punk Charming. Laura Quinn Books, 2015.
Elaine, Linda
Emano, Dennis
Fate, Tom Montgomery
Finan, Kathy
  • et al. Microbiology Matters: Foundational Laboratory Exercises. Champaign, IL: Stipes, 2015.
Flint, Richard
  • A Friendly Introduction to the Principles of Basic Statistics. San Diego: Cognella Press, 2016.
Fortier, Mardelle
  • 60 Seconds.” Prairie Light Review 37.2 (2015): Article 43.
  • April in the City of Light.” Prairie Light Review 37.1 (2014): Article 27.
  • Betrayal.” Prairie Light Review 30.2 (2010): Article 62.
  • Children in a Boat.” Prairie Light Review 32.1 (2010): Article 18.
  • “Do Not Teach Me.” DuPage Valley Review (2010).
  • Forest of a Thousand Pencils.” Prairie Light Review 37.1 (2014): Article 39.
  • Masks Like Lions.” Prairie Light Review 32.2 (2011): Article 56.
  • Moon Rode.” Prairie Light Review 37.2 (2015): Article 31.
  • “Night Searcher.”
  • Northern Lights.” Prairie Light Review 37.2 (2015): Article 67.
  • The Owl.” Prairie Light Review 32.1 (2010): Article 62.
  • Remembering those Lovely College Years.” Prairie Light Review 32.2 (2011): Article 49.
  • Rooted.” Prairie Light Review 34.2 (2012): Article 33.
  • “Ruthless Unspoken.” DuPage Valley Review (2012).
  • School Fire: Mrs. Klock Remembers.” Prairie Light Review 36.2 (2014): Article 21.
  • “Silence inside a Shell.” Time of Singing (2011).
  • “So Many Wings.” Time of Singing (2011).
  • “Town of Roses.” DuPage Valley Review (2013).
  • White Fire: For Olympic Skaters. Georgetown, KY: Finishing Line, 2013.
Fotos, Adam
Fresa, Edward Karl
  • Angels Avenge Me. Oil painting.
Fritz, Robert
  • Crystalline Cameras: Bolex / Argus / 16mm. 2015. Cast glass sculpture.
    Fritz2_MPTV Trio.jpg
Gibbs, Julie
  • et al. Microbiology Matters: Foundational Laboratory Exercises. Champaign, IL: Stipes, 2015.
Gillespie, Donna
  • “Spaces Occupied, Literal and Metaphorical, in Contemporary Spanish Fiction and Film: 1997-2011.” Toward Multicultural Configuration of Spain: Local Cities, Global Spaces. Ed. Ana Corbalán and Ellen Mayock. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2015.
Greenfield, Tia
  • Barter Fair. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2009.
  • Dog Wars. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2014.
  • Pow-Wow. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2008.
Gutierrez, Robert
  • Dino Night. 2014. Color photograph of student welding project.
Hansen, Glenn
  • Gambles General Store, Shoshoni, WY. 2014. Photograph.
  • Hansen_Shoshoni.jpg

Harling, Joann
  • Reliquary. 2014. Acrylic on canvas.
Heischberg, Melissa
  • That Old Denim Tutu. 2015. Clothing.
  • heischberg_tutu.jpg

  • Dolls. 2012-2015.
Henningsen, Timothy
Hereth, Jennifer
  • Friendly Fire. 2015. Paint and marker on wood.
  • White Lies Madder. 2015. Painting on paper.
Hoffman, Ruth
  • “Alison Lurie.” Twenty-first Century American Novelists. Eds. Wanda H. Giles and James R. Giles. Vol. 350. New York: Bruccoli Clark Layman, 2009. 205-217. Dictionary of Literary Biography.
Hou, Harry
Huggins, Jeremy
  • “Baseball Parks.” The Best American Infographics 2014. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014.
  • Huggins_baseball2.jpg

  • Deb’s Embroidery. 2015. Vector art logo.
  • Red Dragon. 2015. Vector art logo.

Hunter, Seth

  • Floccinaucinihilipilification. 2015. Pencil, ink and tape on paper.
Jackowiak, Frank
  • Entry to the Midway.2015. Photographic print.
Jaffe, Russell
  • INTROVERT // EXTROVERT. Hollywood: Punk Hostage Press, 2015.
  • This Super Doom I Aver. Atlanta: Poets Democracy, 2012.
Jarman, Richard
  • Chemistry from the Bottom Up. Urbana, IL: Stipes, 2014.
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 8. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2010.
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 9. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2011.
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 10. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2012.
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 11. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2013.
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 12. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2014.
Johnson, Bruce
Kesselman, Lee R.
Konkel, Mary
Krasemann, Keith
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 8. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2010.
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 9. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2011.
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 10. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2012.
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 11. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2013.
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 12. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2014.
  • and Jacques P. Thiroux. Ethics: Theory and Practice. 11th ed. Boston: Pearson, 2012.
  • and Jacques P. Thiroux. Ethics: Theory and Practice. Updated 11th ed. Boston: Pearson, 2015.
  • and Thomas I. Kulanjiyil. A Handbook to Questions for the Soul. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2015.
  • Quest for Goodness. Acton, MA: Copley Custom Textbooks, 2011.
  • “The World’s Parliament of Religions, 1893: An Open Door for American Religious Pluralism.” Out of Many: Religious Pluralism in America. Chicago: Newberry Library, 2013.
Kuchinski, Marina
  • Clean Cut. 2013. Glass, water, ceramic.
Kulanjiyil, Thomas
  • and T.V. Thomas, eds. Caring for the South Asian Soul: Counseling South Asians in the Western World. Bangalore, India: Primalogue, 2010.
  • and Keith Krasemann. A Handbook to Questions for the Soul. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2015.
  • “Malayali Family Life in the Diaspora.” Malayali Diaspora: From Kerala to the Ends of the World. Eds. Sam George and T.V. Thomas. New Delhi, India: Serials Publications, 2013. 161-177.
Lanthrum, Allison
  • Generals’ Game. 2014. Black and white photograph.
  • The Path. 2014. Color photograph.
Lawrence, Johnson
  • Two Religious Critiques of Liberal Democracy: A Comparison of the Political Theories of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Franklin I. Gamwell. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2015.
Lezan, Jennifer
MacGregor, Kirk
Magin, Sarah
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 11. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2013.
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 12. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2014.
Magrini, James
Matos, Nicole
  • The Astronaut’s Apprentice. Chicago: Dancing Girl Press & Studio, 2015.
  • Oxidane. Buffalo: Blaze VOX, 2014.
Miller, Kristine
  • Sparklers. 2010. Painting.
    Miller2_Sparklers_Giclee scans, small.jpg
Mitrani, Sam
  • The Rise of the Chicago Police Department: Class and Conflict, 1850-1894. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2013.
Moore, Mary-Lynette
Mouritsen, Melissa
  • et al., eds. Twenty-first Century Chicago. 2nd ed. San Diego: Cognella, 2014.
North, William
  • National Cathedral, Balcony, West Nave, Washington, DC. 2015. Black and white photograph.
  • National Cathedral, Entrance Columns and Pedestals, Washington, DC. 2014. Black and white photograph.
  • National Cathedral, Pilgrim Observation Gallery, Washington, DC. 2014. Black and white photograph.
O’Connor, Patrick
  • “Carl Grimes and Neglected Youth.” The Walking Dead Psychology: Psych of the Living Dead. Ed. Travis Langley. New York: Sterling, 2015. 148-160.
O’Leary, Michael
  • A First Course in Mathematical Logic and Set Theory. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2016.
Ostergaard, Jane
  • Duomo – Florence. 2014. Watercolor.
  • Newberry Library Entrance. 2015. Watercolor.
    Ostergaard_Newberry Library.jpg
Papp, Jeffrey
  • Quality Management in the Imaging Sciences. 5th ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 2015.
Paoli, Ken
Pearson, Mark
Persky, Karen
Petersen, Chris
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 8. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2010.
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 9. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2011.
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 10. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2012.
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 11. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2013.
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 12. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2014.
Quam, Joel
  • …Or Perish. St. Cloud, MN: North Star Press of St. Cloud, 2009.
Ruth, Jean
Saddoris, Cathy
  • The Collector. 2015. Sculpture.
    Saddoris_The Collector.jpg
  • Leave Her to Heaven. 2015. 3D mixed media.
    Saddoris_Leave Her to Heaven.jpg
Schering, Matt
Schneberger, Christopher
  • Ashley in her Bathroom. 2012. Color digital pigment print.
  • Kevin’s World. 2012. Color digital pigment print.
Schroeder, Stephen
  • Frontiers and the Spirit of Exploration: Honors Program Guide. Jackson, MS: Phi Theta Kappa, 2014.
Simpson Jr., Dale
Smith, Debra J. Kakuk
Snart, Jason
Sotirakopulos, Trina
  • In Her Skin. MuseWrite Press, 2012. Ebook.
    Sotirakopulos2_Her Skin jpg.jpg
  • and Michelle Duster, ed.
    Shifts: An Anthology of Women’s Growth through Change. MuseWrite Press, 2015.
Taylor, J. Michael
  • Paperweight #3. From the series Paperweights for a Paperless Society. 2013. Mixed media found objects sculpture.
Vitacco, Terry
  • Andrea Doria. 2015. Photographic composite.
  • Vitacco_Andrea_Doria.JPG

  • Swan, Bazoches. 2015. Photographic composite.
Waller, Maureen
  • “The Nursing Alumni Reunion: A Source for Nursing Scholarships.” National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing Annual Convention. Chicago, IL. November 2011. Poster presentation.
  • “Utilizing Exemplars for a Family Nursing Course in a Concept Based Curriculum.” National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing Annual Convention. St. Louis, MO. November 2014. Poster presentation.
Wawrejko, Diane
Whisenhunt, Ben
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 8. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2010.
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 9. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2011.
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 10. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2012.
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 11. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2013.
  • et al., eds. ESSAI: The College of DuPage Anthology of Academic Writing Across the Curriculum. Vol. 12. Glen Ellyn: College of DuPage, 2014.
  • ed. and annotator. Marooned in Moscow: The Story of an American Woman Imprisoned in Soviet Russia. Marguerite Harrison. Montpelier, VT: Russian Information Services, 2011.
  • and Norman E. Saul, eds. New Perspectives on Russian-American Relations. New York: Routledge, 2016.
Wiggins, Victoria
  • Gary Grammar. 2012.
Wilkening, Anastasia
  • Residential Kitchen and Bath Design. New York: Fairchild Books, 2013.
Yearman, Keith
  • Dan Farnham. “Historians Honor Man Who Died in Mid-air Rescue with Pond Name in Burr Ridge.” Hinsdale Suburban Life 10 July 2015: 6.
  • and Lazar Ilic. “The Gentrification of Chicago’s East Village.” Illinois Geographer 57.1 (2015): 69-90.
  • “The Manufacturer’s Junction Railway.” Route 66 Magazine 21.3 (2014): 20-21.
  • “A Tale of Two Racetracks.” Route 66 Magazine 21.1 (2013/2014): 26-27, 31.
  • “Three Hidden Giants.” Route 66 Magazine 20.4 (2013):40-41.
  • United States. “Honoring Bruno Schustek.” Congressional Record. 114th Cong., 1st sess. 8 July 2015. E1019.

Help Celebrate Banned Books Week 2015!

banned books week.jpg

Think the days of people trying to limit what you can read are over?

Think again. Each year, the American Library Association's Office for Intellectual Freedom puts together a list of the 10 most challenged books in this country. A challenge is defined as a request that a library remove a book from its shelves. In 2014 alone, the Office of Intellectual Freedom reports 311 books were challenged.

Want to know more? Check out the American Library Association's graphics depicting reasons for book challenges, the people most likely to challenge a book, and types of institutions most likely to receive a challenge from 1990-1999 and 2000-2009.

One Challenge Highlighted

FUN HOME (A graphic novel)

Curious to see for yourself? Read the book.

Other Resources:

Censorship: A World Encyclopedia. Reference Z 657 .C 468 2001

Encyclopedia of Literature and Politics : Censorship, Revolution, and Writing. Reference PN 51 .E 63 2005

List of COD books about Banned Books.

Lynda @ COD


Lynda.com is being transitioned to LinkedIn Learning. The transition will occur on July 29 and July 30. Current Lynda.com users will receive information via email. Please visit this page to learn more: https://www.codlrc.org/LIL

The Billy Strayhorn Resource Guide


The BIlly Strayhorn Resources Page

Welcome to the Billy Strayhorn Resource Guide complied by the College of DuPage Library.

This guide includes resources on Billy Strayhorn, sound recordings by Strayhorn and others, including Duke Ellington, and the African American Great Migration and civil rights experiences.

Resources include books within the Library's collection, audio CDs, films, and websites.
Click on the tabs below to find books & videos, websites and sound recordings.

We hope you enjoy these resources!

  1. Books, Videos & Scores
  2. Websites
  3. Sound Recordings

Books About Billy Strayhorn

Great Migration / African American Experience

Duke Ellington

  • Beyond Category : the life and genius of Duke Ellington by John Edward Hasse
    ML410.E44 H37 1993

  • Duke : A Life of Duke Ellington
    ML410.E44 T38 2013

  • Duke : A Portrait of Duke Ellington by Derek. Jewell
    ML410.E44 J5

  • Duke Ellington's America by Harvey G. Cohen
    ML410.E44 C56 2010

  • Duke Ellington in Person : An Intimate Memoir by Mercer Ellington, Stanley Dance
    ML410.E44 E5

  • Music is my Mistress by Duke Ellington
    ML410.E44 A3 Also available in e-Book!

  • Duke Ellington
    ML410.E44 C6 1987

  • Reminiscing in Tempo : A Portrait of Duke Ellington
    ML410.E44 N53 1999

  • Select Websites

  • Billy Strayhorn
    The official website of the The Billy Strayhorn Foundation, Inc., this site offers a treasure trove of information about Bill Strayhorn, including biographical information, a discography, images and videos, news and events, and a time line of his life as well as quotes.

  • Independent Lens - Billy Strayhorn: Lush Life
    Website of the critically acclaimed 2008 documentary. Find information on Billy Strayhorn, his music, and information on the film maker, Robert Levi.

  • PBS Biography - Billy Strayhorn
    A brief overview of Strayhorn's life, as well as links to NPR's Weekend Edition as well as sound recordings.

  • Billy Strayhorn, Duke Ellington's Gay Composer
    Out Magazine's website includes this article on Billy Strayhorn's homosexuality, collaborations with Duke Ellington and biographical information. Includes links to audio and video recordings.

  • NPR - Talk of the Nation: Billy Strayhorn: Jazz Composer Gets His Due.
    Audio Interview including Robert Levi, writer/producer/director of Billy Strayhorn: Lush Life, David Hajdu, author of Lush Life: A Biography of Billy Strayhorn; music critic for The New Republic and Alyce Claerbout, Billy Strayhorn's niece; vice-president of Billy Strayhorn Songs, Inc.; executive director of Jeff Lindberg's Chicago Jazz Orchestra

  • The Duke Ellington Center for the Arts - Billy Strayhorn
    Brief overview of the Duke Ellington/Billy Strayhorn collaboration.

  • Compositions and Sound Recordings

    Compositions written and performed by Billy Strayhorn, and compositions written by Billy Strayhorn and performed others are available in the COD Library. Some titles are available on CD and others are available via online streaming. You'll need your current COD library card to check out CDs or access the streaming titles from off campus. To access streaming titles, click on the "View Online" button.

    Music Performed by Billy Strayhorn

    Billy Strayhorn Compositions

    Duke Ellington

    Biology 1100: J. DiGiovanni

    zebra mussel.jpg
    Welcome! Click on a tab below to find books, articles, and websites for use in this course.

    You'll need a College of DuPage Library card in order to use most of the resources below from off campus. If your card is not working, it may need to be reactivated.

    Questions? Feel free to use my contact info to the right, stop by the Reference Desk, or contact us by email or chat

    Image Credit: US Fish and Wildlife Service: Zebra mussel on native mussel
    1. Topic
    2. Credible Sources
    3. Patchwriting or Paraphrasing?
    4. APA

    Finding (and Narrowing) a Topic

    Your professor has listed several topics for you to choose from. To narrow a topic, try using Google Scholar to search for specific articles. Want to use Google Scholar to help identify what you have access to in our library? Watch this short tutorial on how to do that!

    You can also search our catalog for print subscriptions we own.

    Recent magazines and periodicals are located on the second floor of the SRC, on the right as you enter the library.

    Finding Credible Sources


    Scientific research can be best found in academic databases and journals. Here are the best ways to look for information:

    Science is one of our online databases that you can search from on or off-campus.

    The best ways to search Nature are:

    1. Browse through the print issues upstairs (and remember that scanning is free).
    2. Head to the Nature website, browse for a recent article title, and then find the article in our print journals. (Remember that we only subscribe to Nature, not the related titles like Cell Research.)

    Scientific American is a respected scientific magazine and can be found in full text through Academic Search Complete. Need an image or table from your article? The journal is in full-text in JSTOR except for the current 5 years, and we retain two years of the most current issues in our print collection. . Remember that if you find an article in Scientific American that does not reference another scholarly article, you'll want to also search Science or Nature for info on that topic (links above.)

    Having trouble reading your research article? Check out my Reading Research Articles link above.


    While you're doing Google searches to either narrow your topic or in order to dig up more information on certain subject, you want to be careful to decide if the information you find is trustworthy.

    When it comes to science, nearly everyone has opinions: should we be labeling genetically modified food for consumer's awareness? What will fracking do for our economy or our groundwater supply? Your job is to evaluate the information you can find through Google and Bing to find the good websites--those written by authors you can trust, with good and up-to-date information.

    Authorship: Who created this website? What is their background on the topic? Are they trustworthy?

    Bias: Why was the website created? What point of view does the author have? Does that limit the facts they present or how the facts are presented?

    Date: How old is the information that is presented? Is it still accurate?

    Questions? Check out the COD Library's guide to evaluating websites.

    Patchwriting or Paraphrase?

    Confused about when you would need to cite, or where the line is drawn between paraphrasing and patchwriting? Sometimes students believe that changing one or two words from a quotation means that quotation marks are not necessary. Good paraphrasing is transformative: the writer explains the main ideas of another author in his or her own words. Paraphrasing also requires a citation.

    Take a moment to look at the following sources to see definitions and good and bad examples of student writing.

    Using APA Style

    Find directions about how to cite your sources in APA Style on the library citation guide.

    You can also always check out the Purdue OWL website, which has APA citation guides and even a sample APA paper.

    Google Scholar will also create citations.

    Finally, you are welcome to use NoodleBib if you'd like to use a program to create and organize your citations. You must "Create a New Folder" when you use NoodleBIB for the first time. Click on "I am citing a(n):," choose the type of item you are citing, and then fill in the online form. Your bibliography will be formatted for you.

    Further questions? Contact me using the information at the right of the screen.


    Stress, Humor & the Workplace

    laughter.jpgCountless health research studies and documented medical cases show the negative effects of stress on health and wellbeing. Stressful situations in our workplaces are unavoidable. If we cannot control or stop the causes of stress, we can find positive, constructive methods to maintain our health and wellbeing. Humor relieves stress and helps us be positive, productive and effective.

    Join this workshop to learn how humor can reduce stress and create a more positive work environment!

    Negative Health Effects of Stress

    Stress is caused by any event or occurrence (ongoing or isolated) that threatens an individual's coping strategies or resources.

    Common physical manifestations of stress: zebra_stress.jpg

    • disrupted sleep
    • indigestion, stomach ache
    • chest pains, high blood pressure
    • fatigue
    • back or neck pain, headaches

    Common psychological manifestations of stress:

    • anxiety
    • frustration
    • thumb_work_stress.jpg

    • irritability
    • depression
    • burnout

    Positive Benefits of Laughter and Humor

    A good "sense" of humor and laughter can trigger both short and long-term health benefits, increasing overall wellbeing. thumb_ban_stress.jpg

    “With the fearful strain that is on me night and day,
    if I did not laugh, I should die.” ~ Abraham Lincoln, 1865

    Immediate Benefits of Humor and Laughter:

    • Increases respiration, heart rate, muscular activity
    • giggle_hoot.jpg

    • Triggers increased oxygenation & circulation
    • Releases endorphins in the brain
    • Eases tension, makes one feel more "relaxed"

    Long-Term Benefits of Humor and Laughter

    • Boosts immune system--positive thoughts release neuropeptides (fight stress)
    • Relieves pain--reduces tension, prevents muscle spasms, releases body's natural pain killers
    • Improves mood--hard to "dwell in darkness" when you're smiling and laughing!
    • Strengthens your relationships with others--people are attracted to happy, fun, positive people

    "Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone." ~Ella Wheeler Wilcox

    Remember to "Lighten Up"


    • Mixing humor into the workplace is a social skill.
    • Consider timing, audience, and intent. Be prepared to follow-up whether you "fly" or "fail"
    • Never use humor to gain power, bully, or tear-down
    • People appreciate positive, "bonding" humor over aggressive humor
    • Humor should bring people together or smooth the way during disagreement
    • Constructive criticism is delivered better with a smile than a frown
    • Don't take yourself too seriously....humor can keep you afloat!
    • Collaboration and cooperation are strengthened by shared humor and laughter

    Recommended Reading

    The best medicine?. (2015). Mayo Clinic Health Letter, 33(7), 7. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.

    Cann, A., & Kuiper, N. A. (2014). Research on the role of humor in well-being and health. Europe's Journal Of Psychology, 10(3), 412-428. doi:10.5964/ejop.v10i3.818

    Frey, R. J., & Davidson, T. (2015). Stress. In J. L. Longe (Ed.), Gale encyclopedia of medicine (5th ed., Vol. 7, pp. 4822-4825). Retrieved from GVRL Database.

    Hartwell-Walker, M. (2016). Laughter Is Serious Business!. Psych Central. Retrieved on February 6, 2018, from https://psychcentral.com/lib/laughter-is-serious-business/

    Romero, E.J., & Cruthirds, K.W. (2006). The use of humor in the workplace. The Academy of Management Perspectives 20(2), 58-69. retrieved from http://www.emotionsnet.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/RomeroCruthirds2006.pdf

    Shellenbarger, S. (2013, August 14). Comedic gold or clunker? Secrets of effective office humor. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from Proquest database.

    Stress relief from laughter? It's no joke. (2013, July 13). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved September 13, 2015, from http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/stress-relief/art-20044456

    Thompson, K. (2013). Funny Business at Work. Phi Kappa Phi Forum, 93(3), 25. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.


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