Medical Assistant Journals


Locating Journal Articles

The Library provides access to many online article databases that will help you locate journal, magazine, and newspaper articles. You can search by keyword, subject, author and title.

Databases are organized collections of information that you can search by a variety of fields, like title, author's name, subject or keyword. iTunes is a database and so is Amazon. The Library has databases of articles from newspapers, magazines and journals. We also have databases of streaming videos, music and e-books. The difference between our databases and iTunes or Amazon is that our databases are free for you to use. You can browse the library's databases here: Article Databases by Subject

Use your MyAccess credentials to access electronic databases from off-campus.

Newspaper Databases
Includes Chicago Tribune, New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and more

Databases by Subject
Choose an database according to your subject of interest.

  • Begin your research in the Health and Medicine Databases
    What databases contain the best Medical Assistant resources?
    • Each database contains different resources (journals, e-books, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, etc.)--You may need to run your search in several databases. Read the database descriptions to locate databases most relevant to your search.
    • Pay attention to online journal article embargos
    • Some journals are ONLY available in print—the Library has photocopiers and flatbed scanners

    "Best Bet" Health Databases

    Academic Search Complete
    Academic Search Complete contains indexing and full text for 9,100 journals. 7,100 of these journals are peer-reviewed scholarly titles. This collection provides both popular and scholarly journal coverage for nearly all academic areas of study - including social sciences, humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences and ethnic studies.

    Academic Video Online
    a collection of full-length streaming videos. A wide-range of disciplines are included. Most useful to nurses is the Health & Health Care collection. Also included in the subscription are full transcripts of each video program that are keyword searchable, easy playlist and clip making functionality, permanent embeddable URLs for easy use in online courses.

    small yellow star.jpgCare Notes
    Care Notes helps medical professionals educate patients and their families about certain conditions. Contains 2500 English and 2500 Spanish documents that address patient condition, treatment, follow-up care, psychosocial issues, continuing health, and the most frequently administered drugs.

    CINAHL Complete
    The online version of Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature, CINAHL Complete covers nursing, allied health, biomedical and consumer health journals, publications of the American Nursing Association, and the National League for Nursing. It now includes the CINAHL Thesaurus and full text of over 1,300 important nursing and clinical journals as well as over 130 Evidence-based Care Sheets; nearly 170 Quick Lessons providing Overviews of Disease and Conditions; 170 Continuing Education Modules; and full text for 360 Research Instrument Records.

    small yellow star.jpgGale Gale eBooks
    Gale eBooks (formerly called GVRL) is a collection of online reference books on a variety of topics including Business, History, Literature, Medicine, Social Science, Technology and many more.
    individual entries from these resources can be printed and emailed.

    Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
    This resource provides 600 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Coverage of nursing and allied health is particularly strong. In addition, this database includes the Clinical Pharmacology database, providing access to up-to-date, concise and clinically relevant drug monographs for all U.S. prescription drugs, hard-to-find herbal and nutritional supplements, over-the-counter products and new drugs.

    small yellow star.jpgMedlinePlus
    MedlinePlus has extensive information from the National Institutes of Health and other trusted sources on over 900 diseases and conditions. There are also lists of hospitals and physicians, a medical encyclopedia and a medical dictionary, health information in Spanish, extensive information on prescription and nonprescription drugs, health information from the media, and links to thousands of clinical trials.

    small yellow star.jpgMICROMEDEX Healthcare Series
    Provides full-text information supporting clinical care decisions including: drug monographs and evaluations, drug dosages and interactions, drug product identification, reproductive risks, toxicity management, alternative medicine/herbal preparations information, acute/emergency care guidelines, drug, disease and condition information for patients, laboratory test information, dosage calculators, nomograms, and references

    Nursing Education in Video
    an online collection of videos created specifically for the education and training of nurses, nursing assistants, and other healthcare workers. All of the videos in the collection have been created with the guidance of the Medcom-Trainex advisory board, and are regularly reviewed for accuracy, currency, and compliance with US Federal regulations from agencies such as OSHA and CMS. Also included in the subscription are full transcripts of each video program that are keyword searchable, easy playlist and clip making functionality, permanent embeddable URLs for easy use in online courses.

    Science Direct
    **Be sure to select "Subscribed Journals" from the Source drop-down menu**
    Indexing and full-text of 175 journals in science, chemistry, nursing, biology and other related disciplines.

    small yellow star.jpgWestlaw Next
    Westlaw Next is a comprehensive collection of law-related information resources along with news and business information. It contains information on primary law, analytical materials, litigation insights, case law, core legal reference materials, and much more. Westlaw Next also includes news and business articles of interest to legal professionals.

    Browse all COD Library Health and Medicine databases

    Database (and Library catalog) Advanced Search Tips

    • Use the features of the database (print, navigation) before using your browser's back or print buttons
    • For keyword searching, use the advanced search feature so that you can use multiple terms and set limits (date range, peer-reviewed, full text, etc)
    • Remember that databases require you to spell correctly
    • To limit your search results to journals with editorial boards (or some type of review process by health professionals) look under the “limit” section of the initial search page. Select the option to limit to peer reviewed (some databases also call them refereed publications). Refereed publications and peer reviewed are synonyms for board-reviewed or scholarly journals. Don’t forget to set your date limits too!
    • When creating your search strategy, take a moment to write down your key words and any synonyms (alternative words meaning the same thing) that might be used. Also think about how you connect your key words together.
      • Connect different concepts with the word AND indicating that you want both concepts to appear in each retrieved article.
      • Connect variations (different words could be used for the same thing) with OR indicating that at least one variation should occur in the articles retrieved.
      • Put parentheses around actions that you want to be done first (just like you may have done in an algebra class).
      • Here are some examples of synonyms and “nesting” (using parentheses):
      • (aged OR geriatric OR old* OR elderly)
      • (medicare OR medicaid)
      • Put the key concepts together like this example:
        (aged OR geriatric OR old* OR elderly) AND (medicare OR medicaid)
    • capitalize connecting words (AND, OR) to let the database know that you are giving a command not just listing a word to be found
    • Use an asterisk (*) to find all possible endings. For example, old* finds old or older

Medical Assistant Books, Videos & Models


Browsing the Collection

Use the Library catalog to search the COD Library's collection of books, videos, e-books, and streaming media. Use your COD Library card to check these items out or access them online.

Get a C.O.D. Library Card

  • 24/7 access to our full-text electronic books and article databases
  • Check out videos, books, software, anatomical models
  • reserve small group study rooms
  • FREE book and article Interlibrary Loans (ILL) if we don't have the resources that you need
  • Cards are FREE for C.O.D. students and 502 community members
  • Learn more...

An easy way to start searching the Library catalog is to do a keyword search for words that describe your topic. You may need to experiment with keywords to find ones that work for your topic.

Keyword Searching

Do a keyword search of the Library catalog using words that are specific to your topic. Try using specific keywords, such as proper names, combining several keywords, or using keyword phrases. For example:

  • health care reform AND United States
  • ethic* AND (health OR medicine OR medical)
  • asepsis OR steriliz*
  • resume* AND (health OR medicine OR medical)
  • EMR OR (electronic medical record) OR (electronic health record)
  • For more tips on creating keyword searches, see the Journal Articles section of this guide

Once you find some items, you can use subject headings to find other items that cover the same topic.

Subject Searching

Try these subjects to browse the General and Reference Collections.

health care reform united states medical assistants
HIPAA medical laws and legislation
immunizations medical offices--management
managed care medical records
medical care law and legislation United States medicine terminology
medical ethics nutrition
pharmaceutical arithmetic pharmacology

Call Number Searching

Another strategy is to search by call number. Health-related materials are shelved in the "R" section of libraries that use the Library of Congress classification system. Medical Assistant books are located in several call number areas.

Sometimes books are located in other areas of the "R" section if they deal with specific age groups . Other resources may be located outside the "R" section if they deal with legal matters (such as malpractice or legal/ethical issues). Search the Library catalog to locate the call numbers for specific resources.

Subject Call Number Range
Anatomy & Physiology QM (anatomy) QP (physiology)
Asepsis RD91
Bloodborne Pathogens RA642
Electronic Health Records R858-R864
Health Communications R118
Health Office Management RA971-RA976.5
Medical Assisting R728.8
Medical Terminology R123
Pharmacology & Drug Handbooks or Guides RM100-300s

There are two locations for "print" or physical material (videos or software) in the C.O.D. Library: the reference collection (items don't leave the Library) and the general stacks (items that you can take home). Library staff members will be happy to help you find books in either section--just ask!

Reference Materials

Reference materials are well indexed, up-to-date, concise, and highly credible. They provide overviews, definitions, specific information (such as causes & symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, prognosis, etc) or addresses. Types of reference books include: directories, dictionaries and encyclopedias, basic health books (describing diseases and conditions), and drug resources. Since you cannot normally take these materials home, remember that you will have to photocopy, or write down the information that you need. Some reference materials are available full text, online via our databases. Below are some examples of the types of reference books found in the C.O.D. reference collection.

Some of these resources are designed for consumers (MedlinePlus and Gale Encyclopedias), some for health students and consumers (the Gale Encyclopedia series), and some for health professionals (Medscape Reference), so the type and level of information differs to suit each audience. Some reference works are available in Spanish language versions.

small yellow star.jpgReference Best Bets

Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary
REF R 121.D73 2012 (Ready Reference--located at our reference desks)

small yellow star.jpgGale eBooks*
* This link will allow you to simultaneously search all of the specialized Gale Encyclopedias available in the Gale eBooks database

Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing & Allied Health Ebook

MedlinePlus has extensive information from the National Institutes of Health and other trusted sources on over 900 diseases and conditions. There are also lists of hospitals and physicians, a medical encyclopedia and a medical dictionary, health information in Spanish, extensive information on prescription and nonprescription drugs, health information from the media, and links to thousands of clinical trials.

small yellow star.jpgMedScape Reference
An online clinical reference providing in-depth drug & disease information and tools to support clinical decision making. Content is designed for practicing medical professionals and includes diagnostic medical images. Free Registration to MedScape is required. To go straight to an entry in this resource, try Googling the word emedicine and your disease/condition (i.e. emedicine Paget's Disease).

Merriam-Webster Online Medical Dictionary (select medical reference, includes audio pronunciations)

Streaming Health & Medical Videos

You must have a valid College of DuPage library card to access these video databases from off-campus.

Academic Video Online
A diverse collection of full-length streaming videos. A wide-range of disciplines are included. Most useful is the Health & Health Care collection. Also included in the subscription are full transcripts of each video program that are keyword searchable, easy playlist and clip making functionality, permanent embedded URLs for easy use in online courses.

Nursing Education in Video
Nursing Education in Video is an online collection of videos created specifically for the education and training of nurses, nursing assistants, and other healthcare workers. All of the videos in the collection have been created with the guidance of the Medcom-Trainex advisory board, and are regularly reviewed for accuracy, currency, and compliance with US Federal regulations from agencies such as OSHA and CMS.

Rehabilitation Therapy in Video
Rehabilitation Therapy in Video is a collection of video materials for the study of occupational therapy, physical/physiotherapy, and speech-language pathology. The collection allows students and faculty to easily find, cite, and share footage of top clinicians and academics explaining the underlying anatomical and neurological issues in specific patient populations, while demonstrating effective techniques and methods for their treatment.

Sports Medicine And Exercise Science In Video
Sports Medicine and Exercise Science in Video is the most extensive video collection ever assembled in the areas of fitness and health assessment, disease management, injury treatment, nutrition, medical fitness, sport science, work-site wellness, exercise adherence, and much more.

Remember that additional DVDs, CD-ROMs and health-related multimedia resources can be found by searching the COD Library catalog. Use your COD Library card to check these items out for in-library, home viewing, or online access (depending on availability).

Anatomical Models

Anatomical Models are available at the Library circulation desk.

For even more assistance with anatomy & physiology, check out the COD Library's Anatomy & Physiology Research Guide!

Medical Assistant Guide

thumb_medical-office-assistant-certification.jpg This guide is a starting point for locating Medical Assistant books, videos, journal articles, images and credible websites.

The menu on the right will help you research, locate, evaluate and cite resources in APA style.

Ask Your Health Science Librarian

Do you need help finding information on a specific topic? In addition to using our face-to-face, online and phone Ask A Librarian options, you may call or email me to set up an appointment or to explain what you need (I can often help you via email). Please remember that while I can assist you in finding information and can educate you about locating and citing quality health resources, I cannot diagnose or recommend treatment for specific conditions or diseases. I also cannot interpret assignments--ask your instructor! I will always refer specific medical and assignment-related questions back to your health care provider or instructor. Your questions will be kept in confidence and your privacy will be respected.

For an overview of Library resources and services available to the students and faculty of the Medical Assistant program, see the 2018 Medical Assistant Library Accreditation Report and Resource List attached below.

"Smart Medicine" Workshop

smart medicine.pngWho can best answer your medication-related questions? Your doctor? A pharmacist? The Internet?
What are the best times/conditions to take specific medications?
How are pills, capsules and tablets identified without the benefit of original packaging or bottles?
What information should be included in an accurate medication/supplement list in case of emergency or in preparation for a health appointment?

Attend this workshop and learn how to be “smart” about all things medication-related!

Who can best answer your medication-related questions?

  • Your doctor (nurse, healthcare provider)
  • A pharmacist
  • The Internet

Credible information can be received from all three places, but remember that everyone is unique and only healthcare specialists (pharmacists, doctors, nurses) are trained to apply information to specific people and their unique medical histories

Medication Errors: Cut Your Risk With These Tips (Mayo Clinic)

What are the best times/conditions to take specific medications?

Remember, medication is all about chemistry! READ the directions before taking any medication. Common directions include:

  • take on an empty stomach (2 hours before or after eating)
  • take with a meal (or "when stomach is full")
  • take with a full glass of water (8 oz)
  • avoid grapefruit juice or citrus when taking this product
  • take with milk (or take without milk or dairy)
  • avoid certain activities while taking medicine (don't operate heavy machinery)
  • take at a specific time (bedtime, morning or afternoon)
    • timing when you take medications is called chronotherapy

For more information:
Using Medications Safely (American Society of Health-System Pharmacists--ASHP)
Timing When to Take Your Daily Medications (AARP)
Medicines: Common Questions Answered(NIH)

Reading medication labels

Prescription Medicine Label image and short video (Wisconsin Literacy, Inc.)
How to Read an Over-the-Counter Medication Label (ASHP)
Over the Counter (OTC) Drug Labels: Tips for Preventing Unintentional Poisonings(NCPC)

How to identify pills, capsules and tablets

drug_image_Unit6.jpgDrugs (pills, capsules and tablets) can be identified by imprint codes (the letters and numbers on a drug), shape, and color

Pill Identification Tool (RxList)

Pill Identifier (

Pillbox (National Library of Medicine)

Sample medication/supplement Lists

When creating a medication/supplement list, it is important to not only include the medication name, dosage and how/when you take it, but to also include WHY you take the medicine (for what condition/disease). You should provide an updated MASTER list (including all medications and supplements) to all of your healthcare providers and to every pharmacy that you utilize. Clear communication and sharing will help prevent drug interactions or overdoses.

My Medicine List (American Society of Health-System Pharmacists--ASHP) PDF available for download in English and Spanish

Universal Medication Form (ISMP--Institute for Safe Medication Practices) PDF attached for download

For more tips on medication safety including running drug interactions, attend the Drug Interactions Workshop

Archived Library Workshops and Webinars

1430956031_tattoo_machine.pngYour Digital Tattoo slides only
Much like a real tattoo, the content you post online is seen by more people and stays around longer than you probably imagine. Attend this session to learn how to manage your “digital tattoo.” Topics covered include privacy, security, digital ethics and digital citizenship

You're the Boss of Google: Using Google for Research 42 minutes
Love using Google but find yourself frustrated when it comes time to find the kind of information you need for college assignments? Learn about four Google tools that will help you bend the search engine to your will so you get what you need.

Build Your Own Website (Fall 2018 slides)
It’s now easier than ever to build your own high-quality, professional looking website for little cost and effort. In this session, we’ll review a number of website building tools and talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each one. You’ll even walk out with your own working website!

Introduction to Virtual Reality Slides only

Browsing with Impunity Slides only

WordPress Advanced Slides only

thumb_propaganda_small.pngPropaganda! Fact Checking, the Filter Bubble and Fake News
Fake news, filter bubbles and post-truth politics make it more essential than ever that we are able to effectively seek out differing viewpoints, critically evaluate information, and understand the social, cultural, economic and political processes entwined with information production, dissemination and consumption.
View the Slide presentation
Download the Handout and News Quality chart



Using SciFinder
SciFinder requires a two-step log in. First, you must have a library card. Then users must create an individual account to use SciFinder. Please register to use SciFinder using your COD email address. Use your COD-associated email address only ( or Student email accounts are ALWAYS
See the attached file for registration help.

SciFinder Registration

Registered Users
After you've registered, use the link below to access SciFinder. First, log in using your last name and Library barcode number, then log into your SciFinder personal account with the username and password you created when you registered with SciFinder. The Login is at the top right side of the SciFinder site:

Go to SciFinder

Using SciFinder.
You can search SciFinder by structure, reaction, reference, or topic.

Help Using Scifinder
There are a variety of help and troubleshooting resources on the SciFinder Training page.


What is Economics?
Economics Mind Map - related topics and concepts



LIBRARY CATALOG: Search for materials in the COD library or in libraries worldwide.

Outline of the Library of Congress Classification System (what COD uses to arrange its books)
I-SHARE (formerly Illinet Online): Get books from over 80 Illinois academic libraries
Interlibrary Loan, to get books and journal articles from other libraries around the country.


Why Reference Sources?

Is your research topic too big to cover in a short paper?  Is your topic so specific that sources will be hard to find?

Before you even begin your research, start the process with reference sources-- in the Library's Reference Section or online in our databases.  Reference books, like subject encyclopedias, can give you a head start and make your research easier in the long run.  Use reference sources to:

  • find a topic
  • narrow your topic
  • find keywords
  • get background information on your topic

The American Middle Class: An Economic Encyclopedia
A Biographical Dictionary of Dissenting Economists
A Biographical Dictionary of Women Economists
Collins Dictionary of Economics
The Collins Dictionary of Economics
The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics
Economics A to Z (from The Economist)
The Economics Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
Economics: The Definitive Encyclopedia.
Encyclopedia of Keynesian Economics
Encyclopedia of Macroeconomics
Encyclopedia of Political Economy. Reference HB 61 .E 554 2001
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: An Encyclopedia. (2014)
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Library of Economics and Liberty Full-text classic books in the field of economics.
The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Economics. Reference HB 61 .E55 1994
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. Reference HB 61 .N49 1987
Real-World Decision Making : An Encyclopedia of Behavioral Economics. (2015)
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Economics and Society. (2015)
Today's Economic Issues: Democrats and Republicans. (2016)
The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
Who's Who in Economics (2003)


Print journals in the Current Periodicals section on the Lower Level:
Economist, Barrons (newspaper), Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Forbes, Fortune, Kiplinger's Personal Finance, The Wall Street Journal (newspaper)

You must have a valid College of DuPage library card to access the electronic indexes and databases from off-campus. If you want to find citations that have links to the full text of the articles, be sure to scroll down below the search boxes and click on the FULL TEXT search limitation feature.

A to Z World Business. Comprehensive country-by-country resource for information on international business and trade.
Academic OneFile. An index to over 2500 magazines and journals covering a variety of topic areas including economics. This database provides references, abstracts, and many times the full-text of articles.
Academic Search Complete. Abstracts from nearly 3000 journals and full text for 1250 journals including general reference and economics.
Business Source Complete. Abstracts and full-text articles covering all disciplines of business and economics.
The Chicago Tribune newspaper. Full-text of articles from 1989-present.
Credo Reference. Use the search box to find articles in reference books in the field of economics as well as other areas.
EconPapers Online
Films on Demand - Business and Economics. A collection of online streaming videos.
Gale Virtual Reference Library. Use the search box to find articles about economics in encyclopedias, almanacs, and specialized reference books.
JSTOR. This is an archive of digitized journal articles ranging in date from the 1700's to the early 2000's. These collections span a variety of subjects in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Physical Sciences.
National Newspapers(ProQuest). This includes the Chicago Tribune, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post.
New York Times Newspaper. Indexing and full-text articles from 1980-present.
STATISTA A very easy to use database, which automatically gives you graphs and charts on various topics.
Statistical Abstract of the United States. Latest print edition at downstairs Ready Reference HA 202 .U 5 S 93. Older print editions under the same call number in the General Collection upstairs.
The Wall Street Journal. Indexing and full-text articles from 1984-present.

More COD Library journal and newspaper article databases
Explanation of Scholarly Journals
Explanation of the Difference Between Magazines and Journals
How to Read a Research Article


DuPage County Department of Economic Development and Planning
Illinois Department of Commerce
Illinois Economic Development Directory


Bureau of Labor Statistics: Illinois. Statistics on employment, wages, labor force, and CPI.
County or Zip Code Business Patterns, from the U.S. Census Bureau
Illinois Data and Statistics
Illinois Department of Commerce
Illinois Prevailing Wage Rate
Illinois Statistics by Subject and Agency


The American Marketplace: Demographics and Spending Patterns.
Economy Track: U.S. Labor Market Economic Policy Institute's interactive look at the U.S. labor market
Economic Report of the President
FDIC State Economic Profiles Quarterly data sheet summation of banking and economic conditions in each state
A Financial History of the United States
National Center for Environmental Economics. (NCEE) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
U.S. Economy at a Glance. From the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


Bureau of Labor Statistics
Business Statistics of the United States: Patterns of Economic Change. . Reference HC 101 .A 131222 2014
Consumer Expenditure Survey
Consumer Price Index Monthly data on changes in the prices paid by urban consumers for a representative basket of goods and services.
Economic Indicators Prepared by the Council of Economic Advisers for the Joint Economic Committee.
FDIC State Economic Profiles Quarterly data sheet summation of banking and economic conditions in each state
FedStats Access to the full range of official statistical information produced by the Federal Government.
Guide to Economic Indicators
Measuring Worth The purchasing power of money in the United States from 1774 to the present.
OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development)
OECD Economic Surveys of the United States 2014 This online book examines recent U.S. economic developments, policies and prospects.
Statistical Abstract of the United States Latest print editions at Ready Reference. Older editions at General HA 202 .U
U.S. Bureau of the Census Lists monetary amounts awarded for federally-sponsored projects.


Brain Drain and Talent Mobility background reading
Financial Crises background reading
Income and Wealth Inequality background reading
Underground Economies background reading
Unemployment background reading

A to Z World Business. Comprehensive country-by-country resource for information on international business and trade.
AltaPlan: An International Economics Gateway
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. A commission of the United Nations, it seeks to reinforce economic ties among countries.
Economic Freedom of the World (Fraser Institute). Find out how much economic freedom exists in a given country.
International Economics and Trade Glossary
OECD Economic Outlook
A Political and Economic Dictionary of Eastern Europe
A Political and Economic Dictionary of Latin America
A Political and Economic Dictionary of South Asia. General DS 334 .S 683 2006
A Political and Economic Dictionary of the Middle East
A Political and Economic Dictionary of Western Europe
Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy
U.S. Bilateral Relations Fact Sheets. (formerly Background Notes) Select a country from the list.
United Nations: Economic and Social Development
World Economic and Social Survey. Reference HC 59 .A169 2013
World Economic Outlook. From the International Monetary Fund.
World Factbook. Select a country from the drop-down menu and click on 'Economy.'
Worldmark Encyclopedia of National Economies. Reference HC 15 .W675 2002
Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations. Reference G 63 .W67 2007


Economic Indicators
Economic Statistics. Data on industries, trade, and GDP's from around the world.
Eurostat. Statistics from the European community.
Foreign Statistical Agencies
GeoHive: Global Statistics
International Historical Statistics. Reference HA 154 .M51
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
International Trade Statistics (WTO). Reference HF 1371 .I584
OECD iLibrary. Browse by country and select the economic data you want to view.
Statistical Yearbook (United Nations). Reference HA 12.5 .U63
Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific. Reference HA 1665 .S73
The World Bank


The American Economy: A Historical Encyclopedia also Reference HC 102 .A 66 2003
Cambridge Economic History List of COD Library books from the Cambridge University Press, very good economic history books on time periods, regions, and countries.
Datapedia of the United States: America Year by Year Reference HA 202 .D 283 2007
Economic Thought Since Keynes: A History and Dictionary of Major Economists (1997)
Economy: History of Women's Participation
Encyclopedia of American Economic History General HC 103 .E 52 1980
Encyclopedia of Economic and Business History
Encyclopedia of World Trade: From Ancient Times to the Present. also Ref. HF 1373 .W 67 2004
FRASER: Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research. Lots of historical statistics.
The Gale Encyclopedia of American Economic History. Reference HC 102 .G 35 1999
Historical Statistics of the United States. Reference HA 202 .H 57 2006
International Historical Statistics series:
.....Africa, Asia, and Oceania, 1750-2005 Reference HA 4675 .M 553 2007
.....Americas, 1750-2005 Reference HA 175 .M 552 2007
.....Europe, 1750-2005 Reference HA 1107 .M 5 2007
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History. Reference HC 15 .O94 2003
The Value of a Dollar: Colonial Era to the Civil War, 1600-1865, & 1860-2014. Reference HB 235 .U6
World Economic Historical Statistics Reference HA 155 .S 23 2005

Some countries were colonies for a long time, so there might not be much economic information about them until they became independent after the Second World War (post-1945). For BOOKS about individual countries or regions, do a keyword search in the Library Catalog here: Library Catalog. In the first search box, type in the name of the country or region, and in the second search box,change the drop-down box from TITLE to KEYWORD and type in: economic conditions OR economic history OR economy. ALSO, general history books about a country should also have a section about the economic history of that country.


Environmental/Ecological Studies research guide
Science and Politics research guide

Background Readings
The Economics of Climate Change: A Primer.
What is Environmental Economics?
What is Ecological Economics?
What is Environmentalism?
What about Economic Growth and the Environment?
What is Globalization?
What are limits to growth?
What is Environmental Degradation?
What is Environmental Justice?
What is Environmental Planning?
What is Environmental Policy?
What is Environmental Racism?
What is Environmental Regulation?
What are Environmental Services?
What is Free Market Environmentalism?
What is the Policy Process?
What is the Public Interest?
What is Risk Assessment?
What is Social Ecology?
What are Tradeoffs?
What is Urban Sprawl?
What is Wind Energy Economics?
Environmental Policy at the State Level reading
Land Availability and Degradation reading
What are Dematerialization and Immaterialization?
Environmental Economics Mind Map - related topics and concepts

Reference Books
America Goes Green: An Encyclopedia of Eco-Friendly Culture in the United States.
At Issue: Should the U.S. Reduce its Consumption? General HC 110 .C 6 S 54 2011
Critical Government Documents on the Environment. General GE 180 .P 45 2015
A Dictionary of Environmental Economics, Science, and Policy. Reference QH 540.4 .G 72 2001
Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems. (2014)
Encyclopedia of Environment and Society. (2007)
Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy. (2009)
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: An Encyclopedia. (2014)
Environmental Encyclopedia.
Environmental Issues: Primary Sources. (2006)
Green Atlas: A Multimedia Guide. (2013)
Green Cities: An A to Z Guide.
Green Ethics and Philosophy: An A to Z Guide.
Green Issues and Debates: An A to Z Guide. (2011)
Green Politics: An A to Z Guide.
Green Technology: An A to Z Guide. (2011)
Handbook of Global Environmental Politics.
Handbook of Environmental Sociology.
International Encyclopedia of Environmental Economics.
Today's Environmental Issues: Democrats and Republicans
Trash Talk: The Encyclopedia of Garbage and Recycling around the World. (2015)
Opposing Viewpoints: Garbage and Recycling. General TD 791 .G 37 2012


Background Readings
Behavioral Economics
Conspicuous Consumption
Consumer Culture
Consumerism, 1st article
Consumerism, 2nd article
Consumerism and History
Consumption and the Environment
Home Shopping
Internet Addiction Disorder
Shopping Malls
Sociology of Consumer Behavior
Consumerism Mind Map - related topics and concepts
Conspicuous Consumption Mind Map - related topics and concepts

Reference Books
Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture Reference HC 79 .C 6 E 53 2011
Encyclopedia of Consumption and Waste. (2012)
Green Consumerism: An A - to - Z Guide. (2011)
Real-World Decision Making : An Encyclopedia of Behavioral Economics. (2015)
The Social Media Revolution Encyclopedia.
COD Library Business Anthropology research guide


COD Sustainability Film Series
Biology research guide
Environment and Ecology research guide
Environmental Economics research guide
Science and Politics research guide
Sustainable DuPage County research guide

Background Readings
What is Sustainability?
What is Sustainable Development?
What is Green Growth?
Sustainability Mind Map - related topics and concepts

Reference Books
Encyclopedia of Organic, Sustainable, and Local Food
Encyclopedia of Sustainability Reference GE10 .E 528 2010
Opposing Viewpoints: Global Sustainability. General HC 79 .E 5 G 59147 2016

List of COD Library books on Sustainability
List of COD Library videos on Sustainability


Faculty Seminar Room

Student Study Room
Upper Level

SRC 3144 provides a space where faculty members and students may work together. It features a seminar table that can seat twelve with a large flat panel display on one wall and multiple whiteboards on another. The flat panel display includes an integrated computer with network access along with ports to permit the connection of an alternate computer or A/V equipment.

Faculty members may reserve this room for use with their students up to 2 weeks in advance by contacting Library circulation staff at (630) 942-2106 or you can email us at

When not in use or reserved for use, the room is available for walk-in use on a first-come, first-served basis.


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