Spanish Honors 2201
Welcome to the Spanish Honors 2201/2202 Library Resource Guide
Find the core sources for completing the Library Research Assignments for Spanish 2201/2202 Honors classes
Viewing Databases in Spanish
Many of our databases, including any EBSCO provided database, can be viewed in languages other than English. Language options are usually located at the very top or bottom of a database page. For assistance changing the language settings for a database, visit any of our reference desks.
Databases - Best Bets
- CultureGrams
A reference database of comprehensive information on world cultures. - Informe!
A Spanish-language database that provides indexing, images and full text of popular Hispanic magazines. - Academic Search Complete
- Academic OneFile
Multidisciplinary database covering a wide range of academic areas.
Multidisciplinary database covering a wide range of academic areas.
- Academic Video Online
- Ethnographic Video Online Vol. II
"Ethnographic Video Online Vol. II provides a large, comprehensive resource for the study of human culture and behavior – more than 750 hours and 1,000 films at completion. The collection covers every region of the world and features the work of many of the most influential documentary filmmakers of the 20th century, including interviews, previously unreleased raw footage, field notes, study guides, and more. Ethnographic Video Online Vol. I is available in Academic Video Online."
Great source for finding Spanish-language documentaries on a wide range of topics.
Web Resources
Cuba - Mi Pais
Cuba - portal to general information from Cuban government
CUBA - Directory of resources - includes links to newspapers and magazines, statistics, economy and trade, government, history and academic research resources.
Cuban Newspapers online Spanish language newspapers
Latin American History & Culture
- Arte Latino
- Colección Cisneros
- Latino Virtual Gallery
- University of Essex Collection of Latin American Art
- Biblioteca virtual Miguel de Cervantes
- Reflexiones, Essays on Contemporary Spanish-American Women Writers
History, Politics, and Geography
- Altapedia Online, Countries A to Z
- Andes Expedition
- BBC News, Country Profiles
- CIA: The World Factbook
- Cihuatan Archaeological Project
- Conquistadors
- Country Studies
- globalEDGE
- Mesoamerican Ballgame
- Mesoweb
- Mexico from Empire to Revolution
- Spain, the United States, and the American Frontier, Historias Paralelas
- US Department of State Background Notes
- Zarate's Political Collections (ZPC)
Society, Culture, and Education
Spanish History & Culture
- Artcyclopedia, Spanish Artists
- Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa
- MACBA Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona
- Museo Arqueológico Nacional
- Museo Chillida-Leku
- Museo Nacional del Prado
- Museo Patio Herreriano de Valladolid
- El Tango
- Web Gallery of Art, Art of Spain
History, Politics, and Geography
- Altapedia Online, Countries A to Z
- -- Country Information, Regional and World Rankings
- BBC News Country Profiles
- CIA The World Factbook
- Country Studies
- D'Historia Recursos
- globalEDGE
- Medieval Sourcebook, Iberia
- Senate of Spain
- Spain, the United States and the American Frontier: Historias Paralelas
- Spanish History Index
- U S Department of State Background Notes
Society, Culture, and Education
Conversational Spanish
Dictionaries, Grammars, & Other Learning Aides
- American Heritage® Spanish Dictionary (Diccionario inglés-español)
- BBC Languages
- CAPL, Culturally Authentic Pictorial Lexicon
- Diccionarios y Enciclopedias Generales
- Fluency Prof
- Forvo
- How to Study and Write for Foreign Languages
- iMendi
- LangMedia
- Learn Spanish: A Free Online Tutorial
- Lexicool
- Open Culture
- Radio Lingua
- Spanish Language and Culture
- Spanish Proverbs and Sayings with Their English Equivalents
- Wordsteps
Credible, authoritative online Spanish / English dictionary
Introduces a variety of foreign languages through lessons. Some culture notes, useful phrases, and words to avoid. Major languages are covered in more depth. Includes links to other sites of interest.
Spanish audio, phrases, dialogues, and myths and legends.
Provides word pronunciations and some basic demographic information about each language. Content is user-generated.
Learn basic vocabulary of English, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Portuguese, and Czech
Provides resources for learning languages less-commonly offered by schools.
Lexicool is "primarily a directory of 'all' the online bilingual and multilingual dictionaries and glossaries freely available on the Internet. It is a resource intended for translators, linguists, language students and all those interested in foreign languages. "
Lists free resources for studying languages.
WordSteps helps you learn the vocabulary of nine major languages.
- Abyz News Links
- BBC Mundo
- CNN enEspanol
- El Comercio Digital
- Deportes ESPN
- Hoy (Chicago edition)
- El Mundo
- El Nuevo Herald
- El Norte
- La Nueva Espana
- El Pais
- El Periodico
- Periódicos en español
- La Raza (Chicago)
- Reflejos (Suburban Chicago)
- Reforma
- Servicio de Informacion en Espanol
- Tribuna
- El Universal
- La Vanguardia
- Voice of America
Links to international newspapers, news media, etc
News from the highly regarded British Broadcasting Company
Selective links worldwide.
Newspapers (mostly) in Spanish.
News and Information in Spanish from the University of California. Includes major holidays and celebrations of Spanish speaking countries.
- Aprendiendo a Usar la Internet
A Spanish language site for beginning internet users. The site includes tutorials, lessons, and links to additional resources to aid users in searching online.
Spanish Search Engines and Portals
- CiberCentro
- Google Espanol
- Internet Resources for Latin America
- American Network Information Center (LANIC)
- Open Directory, Cental America
- Open Directory, South America
- Open Directory, Spain
- Search Engine Colossus
- Yahoo! en Espanol
Spanish Directories / Gateways
- DMOZ Open Directory Project
- Governments on the Web
- Spanish Language Resource Center
- Political Database of the Americas
- Intute: Arts and Humanities
- Political Resources on the Web
- Spanish Classes in New York
- Voice of the Shuttle
- Union of International Associations
- The WWW Virtual Library
- The WWW Virtual Library: Latin American Studies
- The WWW Virtual Library: Nongovernmental Organizations
Human-edited directory of the Web.
Web Links for news, culture, etc.
NGO's (not necessarily in Spanish)
Catalogs online sources in the humanities.
Up-to-date list on government and non-government resources. Sponsored by RadioRadical, Italy
It's not just about classes in New York. Great lists of Spanish Books, links to online Spanish magazines, dictionaries, Spanish keyboard, and a Spanish language chat-room are just some of the items.
Research links in over 25 categories.
List of organizations (subscription) and topics (free registration)
International Affairs International politics, including NGOs.
Latin Amererica. Explore this site for more topics.
Vocabulario para la investigación en español
(Spanish Vocabulary for Research)
El Proceso de Investigación / The Research Process
Español | English |
hacer investigación (en la computadora/red) | to do research (on the computer/web) |
hacer una búsqueda (en línea, online) | to do a search (online) |
los resultados | results |
ampliar/refinar | to broaden / narrow (a search) |
evaluar | to evaluate |
selccionar | to select, choose |
citar | to quote, cite |
las fuentes, los recursos | sources, resources |
Obras citadas | Works Cited |
Los Archivos Bibliotecarios / Bibliographic Records
Español | English |
la base de datos | database |
cita bibiográfica | bibliographic citation |
booleano, operador | boolean, operator |
número de clasificación | call number |
registro, archivo | record |
encabezamiento (de materia, autor, etc.) | (subject, author, etc.) heading |
palabra clave | keyword |
el título | title |
el/la autor(a) | author |
el editor | publisher |
la fecha/año de publicación | publication date/year |
el tomo | volume |
número | issue number |
la página (de título/portada) | (title) page |
Para Evaluar las Fuentes / Evaluating Your Sources
Español | English |
(no) es útil para… | it is (not) useful for… |
actual, reciente | current, recent |
culto | scholarly |
popular | popular |
encontrar | to find |
de una fuente fidedigna | from a reliable source |
Tipos de Recursos / Types of Resources
Español | English |
el libro | book |
la revista | magazine, journal, periodical |
el periódico, diario | newspaper, daily |
el artículo | article |
el ensayo | essay |
el discurso | speech |
la entrevista | interview |
la obra (de consulta) | (reference) work |
la guía | guide |
el video, disco | video, DVD |
un sitio web | website |
la página web | web page |
el enlace | (web) link |
la página principal | home page |
En la Biblioteca / In the Library
Español | English |
l/la bibliotecario/a (de consulta) | (reference) librarian |
las existencias | holdings |
el pedido, pedir | the request, to request |
el impreso, la copia | printed (material), copy |
imprimir | to print |
el texto completo | full text |
entrega de documentos | document delivery |
tarjeta de la biblioteca | library card |
préstamo interbibliotecario | interlibrary loan |
sacar | to check out |
renovar | to renew |
devolver | to return |
(estar) vencido | to be overdue |
la multa | fine |
Vocabulario Adicional / Additional Vocabulary
Español | English |
resumen | Abstract |
archivos | Archives |
Archivo adjunto | Attachment |
Autenticación (de usuarios) | Authentication |
bibliografía / literatura citada | Bibliography |
operadores booleanos | Boolean operator |
Navegador | Browser |
Catálogo | Catalog |
Disco Compacto | CD |
Chat / charlar | Chat |
Circulación | Circulation |
Vocabulario controlado | Controlled vocabulary |
Credencial / tarjeta para fotocopias | Copy card |
plataforma de teleformación / plataforma educativa | Course management system |
Obras en reserva | Course reserve |
descriptor | Descriptor |
módem telefónico | Dial-up |
Disertación / Tesis | Dissertation |
bajar | Download |
Libro electrónico | E-Book |
Editor | Editor |
Reserva electrónica | Electronic reserve |
enciclopedia | Encyclopedia |
Hardware/maquinaria | Hardware |
Acceso alta velocidad | High speed access |
Reservar /retener | Hold |
Retención de libros | Holdings |
Lenguaje de Marcas de HiperTexto | HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) |
Hipertexto | Hyperlink |
Icono; Símbolo | Icon |
índice | Index |
Mensajería Instantánea | Instant messaging (IM) |
Internet / La Red | Internet |
Titulo de revista/Revistas Indizadas | Journal title |
dispositivo de almacenamiento portátil | Key drive |
filtrar | Limits/Limiters |
microformatos | Microform |
módem | Modem |
ratón | Mouse |
Multi-medio | Multimedia |
Periódico | Newspaper |
Catálogo en línea | Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) |
Formato de Documento Portable | |
publicación arbitrada | Peer reviewed journal/td> |
fuentes primarias | Primary source |
imprimir | |
Servidor proxy /apoderado | Proxy server |
Petición de reserva /reservar | Recall |
publicación arbitrada | Refereed journal |
Referencia(s) | Reference |
conexión remota | Remote access |
Renovación de préstamo | Renewal |
Reserva /(Reservar) | Reserve |
publicación arbitrada/ publicación académica | Scholarly |
búsqueda computarizada | Search statement/search query |
Fuentes secundarias | Secondary sources |
serie | Serial |
componentes lógicos | Software |
Estantería | Stacks |
manual de estilo | Style manual |
dispositivo de almacenamiento portátil | Thumb drive |
subir | Upload |
Localizador Universal de Recursos | URL |
identificación de usuario | User ID |
Referencia Virtual / Servicio de consulta por internet | Virtual Reference |
acceso inalámbrico | Wireless |
La Red / Internet | World Wide Web |
unidades ZIP / discos ZIP | Zip drive/ zip disk Zip |
Music 1170, 1351 & 1451 - Professor Murphy
Welcome to the Music Course Guide for Professor Murphy's Music 1170, 1351 & 1451 classes
This guide is designed to assist you in locating resources such as books, videos, articles, websites for use in completing your project.
Everything is on the Internet, right? No.
Contrary to popular opinion, there are millions of books and articles whose content is not freely available on the open web.
As we all know the Internet contains an incredible amount of useful information. Conversely, it also has a lot of information that is not credible, reliable or well-informed. Some information on the web are blatant lies, or half-truths published in order to support a particular belief or opinion. (For more information on learning how to distinguish the good, bad and ugly on the Internet, see The CRAP Test.
Using resources available through the Library will save you time and frustration, and undoubtedly will lead you to producing higher-quality work.
Types of Resources:
Reference Materials:
Use reference materials, such as encyclopedias and dictionaries to get background information on your composer or performance piece.
Book & Journal Articles:
Books and journal articles provide a more focused examination of the topic. Again, most books and articles found in the Library's databases are written by experts.
Getting Started
History, origins and translations of a work, and information on composers
Finding background information on composers and poets, and their works
- Credo Reference Encyclopedia articles on composers' lives and works.
- Encyclopedia Britannica Encyclopedia articles on composers' lives and works.
- Gale Virtual Reference Library Encyclopedia articles on composers' lives and works.
- Oxford Music Online (Note, only 5 concurrent users, so please sign out when finished using the database).
Encyclopedia articles on composers' lives and works.
- Author/Composer: Search for works written by an author, artist or composer
- Subject: Find works about a composer, musician, musical style or genre
- Keyword: Search by keyword to find any materials that mention a composer or performer's name in the item's description. A keyword search will give you the most results, but the results will not be as precise as an Author or Subject search.
Library Catalog
Find books on the lives of composers, their works, a work's origins and translations.Listen to other performances for comparison
- Classical Music Library has a wide selection of music available online -
- Library Catalog for music CDs. Do your search, and then limit to Music under Format on the left side of screen.
Finding reviews of past performances
Note these are some suggested resources - see the tabs labeled "Books, Scores, Recordings, Videos" "Databases" "Websites" below.
Additional Resources
Find additional resources by clicking on the tabs below.
Finding Books
Search the Library's Catalog to locate books, scores, sound recordings and videos on music-related topics. Our collection includes materials written by and about composers and musicians, music theory and performance-related works.
I-Share allows you to borrow books from over 80 Illinois academic libraries. You must have a current COD library card, and create an account to request books from an I-Share library. Current COD Online students can obtain a library card online.
Search by:
- Author/Composer: Search for works written by an author, artist or composer
- Subject: Find works about a composer, musician, musical style or genre
- Keyword: Search by keyword to find any materials that mention a composer or performer's name in the item's description. A keyword search will give you the most results, but the results will not be as precise as an Author or Subject search.
Review and Reference Resources
Review Sources
User the following review sources to find professionally written reviews of major performances.
- Academic Search Complete
Great source for national newspapers and magazines. - Chicago Tribune
Provides indexing and full text coverage of the Chicago Tribune from 1989-present. For pre-1989, see Chicago Tribune Historical. - New York Times
Comprehensive digital coverage is available for this internationally renowned U.S. newspaper from 1980-present
User note - In National Newspapers Core, click on "Publications" then select the New York Times Newspaper (Late edition, East Coast).
Reference Sources
Use reference resources, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias and handbooks to learn background information on your topic. Below are some "Best Bets" covering a wide ranges of resources. Note that many of these sources are multi-volume sets. Also note that some resources are available online.
- Contemporary Musicians
Reference ML385 .C615 - Credo Reference Search over 250 topic entries on all aspects of Music. This collection includes information from a wide range of reference encyclopedias and handbooks. Articles range from brief topical overviews to extensive treatments of various topics.
- The Encyclopedia of Country Music : The Ultimate Guide to the Music
- Gale Virtual Reference Library - e-book
Search by using keywords in the search box located at the top of the page. Eg., Renaissance Music - The Green Book of Songs by Subject : The Thematic Guide to Popular Music
- The Grove Dictionary of American Music
- Music in American Life : An Encyclopedia of the Songs, Styles, Stars and Stories that Shaped our Culture
- The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz
Reference ML 102 .J3 N48 1988 Also available online through the Oxford Music Online database - The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians
- The New Grove Dictionary of Opera
Reference ML102.O6 N5 1992 Also available online through the Oxford Music Online database - The New Kobbé's Opera Book
- Operas in English : A Dictionary
- The Oxford Companion to Music
Reference ML100 .O94 2002 Also available online through the Oxford Music Online database - The Oxford History of Western Music
- Oxford Music Online
- The Oxford Dictionary of Music
- Grove Music Online
- Oxford Companion to Music
Reference ML102.C7 E54 2012
Reference ML156.4.P6 G73 2002
Reference ML101.U6 N48 2013
Reference ML101.U6 M87 2013
Reference ML 100 .N48 Also available online through the Oxford Music Online database
Reference MT95 .K52 1997
Reference ML102.O6 G74 2013
Reference ML160 .T18 2005
This resource draws information from the following resources:
Finding Videos
In the Catalog Search screen, type the names of the topics that you're interested in finding. For example, if you'd like to find a video on composer Igor Stravinsky, enter "Stravinsky, Igor" in the keyword search box, and then click search. See below for example. You can search for videos using several search types, for example, by genre, idiom, composer, musician, history, theory and geographic location.
From the results page, on the left side of the screen, click on the box labeled "Videos."
View your search results. Note that in the upper left corner of the screen the number of search results is displayed.
Click on the title to display the location, availability and call number.
Finding Musical Scores
Type in the name of the composer and search in the library catalog. From the results page, on the left side of the screen, click on the box labeled "Musical Score."
Click on the title to display the location, availability and call number.
Finding Sound Recordings
Type in the name of the artist, orchestra, ensemble, etc. in the library catalog and click search. From the results page, on the left side of the screen, click on the box labeled "Music."
Click on the title to display the location, availability and call number.
Emailing Resources
Email resources to yourself or instructor by clicking on the resource and then clicking on the email link towards the top of the page. Fill in the email address(es) and enter your name in the respective boxes.
Best Bets
Article/Image Databases
Use these databases to locate articles on composers, musicians, music theory, musical styles, and more. Many of these databases offer articles from both popular and scholarly, peer-reviewed journal sources. All articles found in JSTOR and Project MUSE databases are scholarly, peer-reviewed.
- Academic OneFile Academic OneFile is great for both popular and peer-reviewed full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources. Academic OneFile is an excellent resource for general research.
- Academic Search Complete
Academic Search Complete contains indexing and full text for 9100 journals. 7100 of these journals are peer-reviewed scholarly titles. Academic Search Complete is a great resource for general research. - Artstor
The Artstor Digital Library provides over 1.6 million digital images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and sciences with an accessible suite of software tools for teaching and research. - Credo Reference Search over 250 topic entries on all aspects of Music. This collection includes information from 11 reference encyclopedias and handbooks. Articles range from brief topical overviews to extensive treatments of various topics.
JSTOR is an archive of digitized peer-reviewed journal articles published between the 1700s to between 1 and 5 years ago. Resluts can be limited to music-related articles by selecting the "Advanced Search" screen from JSTOR's front page, and then selecting "Music" from the "NARROW BY DISCIPLINE AND/OR PUBLICATION TITLE" section. - Oxford Music Online
Excellent source for finding biographical information on composers and musicians. This resource also contains extensive articles on musical instruments, musical forms, timelines, index of operas, and subject guides that offer overviews of the major periods of music history, with lists of Grove articles covering important people, genres, terms, and concepts related to the period.
This resource draws information from the following resources:- The Oxford Dictionary of Music
- Grove Music Online
- Oxford Companion to Music
Please note: 5 concurrent users only
- Project MUSE
Project MUSE offers full-text current and archival articles from 500+ scholarly journals from major university presses covering literature and criticism, history, performing arts, cultural studies, education, philosophy, political science, gender studies, and more. Updated continually. NOTE: To limit your searches to the journals available through the COD Library, check the "Only content I have full access to" box on the left side of your results page.
Music Databases
- American Song
American Song includes songs by and about Americans for listening and learning online. The range of genres includes country, folk, bluegrass, Western, old time, American Indian, blues, gospel, shape note singing, doo-wop, Motown, R&B, soul, funk, and others. - Classical Music Library
Classical Music Library is a large collection of classical music recordings for listening and learning online. Coverage includes music written from the earliest times to the present, including many contemporary composers. Repertoire ranges from vocal and choral music, to chamber, orchestral, solo instrumental, and opera. - Contemporary World Music
Contemporary World Music is a growing collection of recordings for listening and learning online. This collection contains genres such as reggae, worldbeat, neo-traditional, world fusion, Balkanic jazz, African film, Bollywood, Arab swing and jazz. CWM contains other world music genres such as traditional music: Indian classical, fado, flamenco, klezmer, zydeco, gospel, gagaku, and more. - Jazz Music Library
Jazz Music Online is a large collection of jazz music by individuals and ensembles for online listening and learning. Jazz Music Online is part of the Music Online database. - Music & Performing Arts
Music & Performing Arts combines audio and video that spans all time periods, hundreds of thousands of seminal artists, composers, choreographers, and ensembles to provide an unparalleled learning environment for the teaching of music. - Popular Music Library
Popular Music Online contains a wide range of popular music from around the world, including hundreds of thousands of tracks from major genres in pop music, including alternative, country, Christian, electronic, hip-hop, metal, punk, new age, R&B, reggae, rock, soundtracks and many more. - Smithsonian Global Sound
Smithsonian Global Sound is a large collection of the world's musical and aural traditions for listening and learning online.
Best Bets
African American Music
- Archives of African American Music and Culture
Provides "access to holdings which include oral histories, photographs, musical and print manuscripts, audio and video recordings, educational broadcast programs, and the personal papers of individuals and organizations concerned with black music." - African American Sheet Music: 1850-1920
"The collection includes many songs from the heyday of antebellum black face minstrelsy in the 1850s and from the abolitionist movement of the same period." - Hip Hop Archive
Includes readings, visuals, listening, and short videos.
Blues / Jazz
- All About Jazz
- The Blues
- Now What a Time: Blues, Gospel,and the Fort Valley Music Festival, 1938-1943
- Sheldon Harris Sheet Music Collection
Lists of new releases, CD and book reviews, interviews and more. Not a scholarly resource.
PBS website to accompany the Martin Scorsese series on the blues. Although you cannot view the videos on the site you can read biographies and other background information about the musicians covered in the series. There is also information on the blues in the section Blues Classroom. The Library does own the series, and you can check them out to view the entire film.
Nearly 100 audio files of blues and gospel music.
University of Mississippi collection of early minstrel songs through the 1970's. The University of Mississippi has issued this disclaimer about some of the materials in the collection: " Many of the minstrel songs contained in this digital collection are extremely offensive. However, it is impossible to adequately understand American racial attitudes of the late 19th- and early 20th-centuries, without examining some blatantly racist ideas. Most of the music featured in this collection is not fringe material, but some of the most popular songs of their times." Not all the material is offensive however.
Choral / Vocal
- American Choral Music, 1870-1923
Collections of the Library of Congress. Provides selected works by eight composers.
- Baroque Music Homepage
Essays, information, recommended recordings and links to other web sites. - Beethoven Haus Digital Archives
Contains "more than 6,100 documents on 37,600 coloured scans of high quality, 1,600 audio files (music examples, audio letters) and 7,600 text files." - Classical Net
"Classical Net features more than 9000 pages and 20,000+ images including more than 7000 CD, SACD, DVD, Blu-ray, Book and Concert reviews and over 5500 links to other classical music web sites."
Great Conversations in Music
Four part series by noted classical musician Eugene Istomin contains videos and biographies on some of the major composers, performers, and conductors of classical music, made available through the Library of Congress. - Digital Bach Project
Explore multi-media resources on Bach's music, including graphics, video and texts. - Hear HERE!: The Royal Philharmonic Society
Listen to musicians and conductors talk about music. Some musical excerpts included. - National Gallery of Art - Music Audio and Video Podcasts
Podcasts include interviews with composers, performers and artists, as well as performances held in conjunction with art installations at the National Gallery. - Neue Mozart-Ausgabe: Digitized Version
"The purpose of this web site ... is to make Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's musical compositions widely and conveniently accessible to the public, for personal study and for educational and classroom use."
Lyrics / Scores
- Digital Scores and Libretti
"The scores and libretti in this Virtual Collection include first and early editions and manuscript copies of music from the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries by J.S. Bach and Bach family members, Mozart, Schubert and other composers, as well as multiple versions of nineteenth century opera scores, seminal works of musical modernism, and music of the Second Viennese School. " - First Book of English Madrigals
Published by John Wilbye in 1598. For four, five, and six voices. - International Music Score Library Project
A "virtual library containing all public domain musical scores, as well as scores from composers who are willing to share their music with the world without charge." - JW Pepper
A commercial supplier of sheet music that can serve as means to locating musical scores that are currently "in print." - The Maine Music Box
This collection contains musical scores, midi files, and musical score cover art. Vocal popular music as well violin and piano scores are included. - Sheet Music Collection
Digital Sheet Music Project from the University of South Carolina Music Library. Provides access to over 10,000 pieces of classical, popular, and sacred music from the 19th and early 20th centuries. For items in the public domain the actual document has been scanned. - Sheet Music Consortium
Searches across multiple collections of sheet music. Some access is restricted, but much is available. Creating a login lets you save your selections as a virtual collection. - SheetMusicPlus
A commercial supplier of sheet music that can serve as means to locating musical scores that are currently "in print." - Sibley Music Library Music Score Collection
Contains over 10,00 digitized pieces of music - most works are in the public domain.
- American Memory Collections- Performing Arts and Music
Includes various types of music including classical, African-American, folk and Native American. - Great Performances
"Great Performances presents a diverse programming portfolio of classical music, opera, popular song, musical theater, dance, drama, and performance documentaries." - National Jukebox - Library of Congress
"Historical sound recordings available to the public free of charge. The Jukebox includes recordings from the extraordinary collections of the Library of Congress Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation and other contributing libraries and archives." - NPR Music
Concerts, studio sessions, interviews, columns, among other offerings. - The Orchestra: A User's Manual
Provides information about the orchestra, orchestration, composition and instruments. - American Musicological Society - Websites of Interest to Musicologists
Information on musical genres, libraries, societies and organizations, academic job listings, and many other topics.
Musical Instruments
- Guide to Medieval and Renaissance Instruments
Short explanations, pictures, and recordings of musical instruments. - Virtual Instrument Museum
Audio, video, pictures, and media.
- Ballad Operas Online
Ballad operas were performed on the British stage between 1728 to 1760. They combined a comic or sentimental play with musical numbers. Publication and production information may be found here along with some audio samples. - The Gilbert & Sullivan Archive
Archive includes a variety of G&S related items, including clip art, librettos, plot summaries, pictures of the original G&S stars, song scores, midi and mpeg audio files, and newsletter articles. - The Metropolitan Opera
Offers a history of the Met, brief audio segments of famous performances, and brief summaries of operas. - OperaGlass
Synopsis, full or part libretto, performance history and other information is provided. - World of Opera
World of Opera with host Lisa Simeone brings listeners compelling performances from top American and international opera companies. World of Opera encompasses the seminal operas of the 17th century; the comic, political and social satires of the 18th century; the "bel canto" masterpieces of Gaetano Donizetti and Vincenzo Bellini; the revolutionary 19th-century works of Giuseppe Verdi and Richard Wagner; and, of course, operas in the "true-to-life" verismo style of Puccini and Mascagni. Also of interest is "10 Operas you Need to Know," which offers brief overviews of important "recent" operas. Also see the World of Opera archive.
- Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Learn about the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, including interviews of conductors and performers in the Sounds & Stories page. Learn more about CSO performers on the "About"page.
Popular Music
- Billboard
News site for current music. - Hip Hop Archive
Includes readings, visuals, listening, and short videos.
World, Ethnic, Folk
- Africa Focus, Sights and Sounds of a Continent
"This collection contains more than 3000 slides, 500 photographs, 50 hours of sounds from forty-five different countries, as well as a large number of difficult to find texts that librarians, scholars, and other subject specialists have deemed important to these fields of study." - Global Music Archive
"The Global Music Archive is a multi-media reference archive and resource center for traditional and popular song, music, and dance of Africa and the Americas." - Smithsonian Folkways
Users can search the entire collection of Smithsonian Folkways recordings and download liner notes. The actual music is available through Music Online. You will need a library card to access the music. In addition to the recordings, Smithsonian Folkways has a selection of podcasts and short videos, as well as radio streams. - World and Traditional Music
Several genres of music are represented:old-time music; country and bluegrass; folk revival; rhythm, blues, and boogie; African-American, and an eclectic mix.
Library Catalog
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Evidence-Based Resources
Evidence-Based (EB) resources show students why they are told to do things a specific way and help them understand that current practices are not based on whim or preference, but rather on a solid foundation of carefully conducted clinical research. For students, EB resources bridge the “gap” between the medical literature (be it textbooks, journal articles, or other didactic information) and the specific procedures and protocols that students must follow in a clinical setting. For practicing health professionals, EB resources support existing practices and protocols and/or provide relevant clinical data necessary to justify the implementation of new procedures.
The CINAHL database contains "Evidence-Based Care Sheets" and "Quick Lessons" (both accessed via the blue bar links at the top of the CINAHL page).
EB Websites
Credible Evidence-Based Web Sites are listed in the "Recommended Nursing Websites" portion of the “Websites” Section of COD Library's Nursing Resource Guide.
Click to learn about more credible Open Access EB resources
Mathematics AV
Mathematics Support Material by Course
Click on blue link to title to see contents of each segment
Mathematics 0451, 0452 and 0460 (Essentials of Arithmetic I and II, College Arithmetic)
Basic College Mathematics. 8th ed. (Lial/Salzman/Hestwood) (6 DVDs)
LOCATION = General QA39.2 .B37 2010
One FREE CHECK-OUT set in General
Multiple HOME CHECK-OUT sets available at Circulation Desk of Library for Semester Loan
Mathematics 0452 (Essentials of Arithmetic II)
Basic College Mathematics. 3rd ed. (Martin-Gay Developmental Math Series) (4 CDs)
LOCATION = Circulation Desk QA39.3 .M378 2006
One LIBRARY USE ONLY set at Circulation Desk
Mathematics 0470 (Elementary Plane Geometry)
Video Instruction to Accompany Elementary Geometry for College Students. 5th ed. (5 DVDs)
LOCATION = Circulation Desk and General QA453 .A442 2011
One LIBRARY USE ONLY set at Circulation Desk
TWO FREE CHECK-OUT sets in General
Multiple HOME CHECK-OUT sets available at Circulation Desk of Library for Semester Loan
Math 0481 and 0482 (Foundations for College Mathematics, I and II)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra. 2nd ed. by Sherri Messersmith (5 DVDs)
LOCATION = Circulation Desk and General QA 152.3 .M472 2009
One LIBRARY USE ONLY set at Circulation Desk
Two FREE CHECK-OUT sets in General
Six FREE CHECK-OUT sets at Circulation Desk
Mathematics 1100 (Business Mathematics)
The following set supports the classroom Mathematics 1100. Mathematics for Business 9th ed. 1 CD
LOCATION = General HF 5691 .S262 2011
Two FREE CHECK-OUT sets in General
Online at
Press Enter and choose textbook (Salzman Mathematics for Business. 9th ed.) to see exercises.
The following sets support the telecourse Mathematics 1100 By the Numbers (26 programs stacked two to four programs on seven tapes)
LOCATION = Circulation Desk HF 5691 .M465
One LIBRARY USE ONLY set at Circulation Desk
Business Mathematics for Math 1100 (20 lessons stacked on 6 CDs)
Two FREE CHECK-OUT sets at Circulation Desk
Mathematics 1102 (Mathematics for Health Sciences)
Statistics: Decisions Through Data (5 tapes)
LOCATION = Circulation Desk QA 276.12 .S73 1992
Two LIBRARY USE ONLY sets at Circulation Desk
Seven FREE CHECK-OUT sets at Circulation Desk
The 21 programs in Statistics: Decisions Through Data are also available as Streaming Media from To bring up the desired title, choose: 1. Connection speed 2. Academic Media; 3. Math Presentations: pick title
Math 1108 (Perspectives of Mathematics)
Video Lectures on CD to Accompany Mathematical Ideas 11th ed, and expanded 11th edition Miller/Heeren/Hornsby. (6 CDs)
LOCATION = Circulation Desk and General QA39.2 .M55 2008
One LIBRARY USE ONLY set at Circulation Desk
One FREE CHECK-OUT set in General
Mathematics 1218 (General Education Mathematics)
Thinking Mathematically. 5th ed. (1 DVD)
LOCATION = Circulation Desk and General QA39.2 .B592 2011
One LIBRARY USE ONLY set at Circulation Desk
Two FREE CHECK-OUT sets in General
Multiple HOME CHECK-OUT sets available at Circulation Desk of Library for Semester Loan
Mathematics 1220 (Quantitative Literacy)
Video Lectures on CD to Accompany Using and Understanding Mathematics: a Quantitative Reasoning Approach. 4th ed. (6 CDs)
LOCATION = Circulation Desk and General QA39.3 .B462 2008
One LIBRARY USE ONLY set at Circulation Desk
Two FREE CHECK-OUT sets in General
Multiple HOME CHECK-OUT sets available at Circulation Desk of Library for Semester Loan
Mathematics 1428 (College Algebra with Applications)
College Algebra: Graphs and Models (4 DVDs)
LOCATION = Circulation Desk and General QA 152.3 .B372 2009
One LIBRARY USE ONLY set at Circulation Desk
Three FREE CHECK-OUT sets in General
Multiple HOME CHECK-OUT sets available at Circulation Desk of Library for Semester Loan
TI-83 Basics with Sally Fischbeck (1 tapes)
LOCATION = Circulation Desk and General QA 75 .T5 1997
Two LIBRARY USE ONLY sets at Circulation Desk
One FREE CHECK-OUT set in General
Mathematics 1431 (Precalculus I)
Video Lectures on CD to Accompany College Algebra, 10th ed. (9 CDs)
LOCATION = Circulation Desk and General QA 154.3 .L5382 2009
One LIBRARY USE ONLY set at Circulation Desk
One FREE CHECK-OUT set in General
Multiple HOME CHECK-OUT sets available at Circulation Desk of Library for Semester Loan
In addition, College of DuPage math instructor Keith Kuchar has prepared a number of tapes on specific topics related to College Algebra for the Mathematics 1431 classes. College of DuPage Math Video Library Series
LOCATION = various QA 157 numbers. See each title linked above.
One ROOM USE ONLY set at Circulation Desk
One CHECK-OUT set in General
Also available as Streaming Media from To bring up the desired title, choose: 1. Connection speed 2. Academic Media; 3. Math Presentations: pick title
Mathematics 1432 (Precalculus II: Trigonometry)
Trigonometry, 9th ed. Lial, Hornsby, Schneider (6 CDs)
LOCATION = Circulation Desk and General QA 531 .T7 2009
One LIBRARY USE ONLY set at Circulation Desk
Two FREE CHECK-OUT sets in General
Multiple HOME CHECK-OUT sets available at Circulation Desk of Library for Semester Loan
Mathematics 1533 (Finite Mathematics)
Classroom sections are supported by the CD that accompanies the text Finite Mathematics for the Managerial, Life and Social Sciences. 9th ed. by Tan. Students should have personal copy when they purchase text. No copies in the Library. Telecourse students may use if they wish.
Mathematics 1635 (Statistics)
Elementary Statistics, Eleventh ed. and the Triola Statistics Series (6 DVDs)
LOCATION = Circulation Desk and General QA 276.12 .T762 2010
One LIBRARY USE ONLY set at Circulation Desk
One FREE CHECK-OUT set in General
Multiple HOME CHECK-OUT sets available at Circulation Desk of Library for Semester Loan
Mathematics 2231, 2232, 2233 and 2235 (Calculus and Analytic Geometry)
Calculus DVD Program (12 DVDs)
LOCATION = Circulation Desk and General QA 303 .L328 2010
One LIBRARY ROOM USE ONLY set at Circulation Desk
Two FREE CHECK-OUT sets in General
General Mathematics
For All Practical Purposes: Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics 1994.
26 videocassettes (ca. 900 min.) Management science. 1. Overview -- 2. Street smarts -- 3. Trains, planes, and critical paths -- 4. Juggling machines -- 5. Juicy problems -- Statistics. 6. Overview -- 7. Behind the headlines -- 8. Picture this -- 9. Place your bets -- 10. Confident conclusions -- Social choice. 11. Overview -- 12. The impossible dream -- 13. More equal than others -- 14. Zero sum games -- 15. Prisoner's dilemma -- On size and shape. 16. Overview -- 17. How big is too big -- 18. It grows and grows --19. Stand up conic -- 20. It started in Greece. Computer science. 21. Overview -- 22. Rules of the game -- 23. Counting by twos -- 24. Creating a code -- 25. Moving picture show -- 26. Conclusion : summing up. Shows how mathematics is applied in a variety of settings and disciplines. Free access to set as Video on Demand at FORMAT = Videorecording and Streaming Video (Video on Demand) FORMAT= VHS and Streaming video. LOCATION = Circulation Desk QA 7 .F682 1994
Joy of Thinking: The Beauty and Power of Classical Mathematics Ideas c2003.
6 videocassettes (ca. 720 min.) Great courses. Lecturers: Dr. Edward B. Burger of Williams College and Michael Starbird of University of Texas at Austin. 24 lectures (30 min. each) Discover classical mathematics as an artistic and creative realm that contains some of the greatest ideas of human history, ideas that have shaped cultures. Explore the fourth dimension, coincidences, fractals, the allure of number and geometry in understandable terms. No formulas, problems, equations, techniques and drills that remind us of school, but thinking that opens doors and minds and become an endless frontier of ideas to explore. PT. 1. TAPE 1: lecture 1. Great ideas that bring our world into focus. ; lecture 2. How many? Counting surprises ; lecture 3. Fermat's last theorem and the allure of number ; lecture 4. Pining for natures numbers. -- PT. 1. TAPE 2: lecture 5. Sizing up the Fibonacci numbers. ; lecture 6. Sexiest rectangle. ; Lecture 7. Hidden beauty of the golden rectangle. ; lecture 8. Pythagorean theorem and geometry of ellipses -- PT. 1. TAPE 3: lecture 9. Not-so-platonic relationships in platonic solids. ; lecture 10. Hunting for a sixth platonic solid. ; lecture 11. Is there a fourth dimension? Can we see it? ; lecture 12. Invisible art of the fourth dimension. PT. 2. TAPE 1: lecture 13. A twisted idea--the Mobius band. ; lecture 14. One-sided, sealed surface--the Klein bottle ; lecture 15. Ordinary origami--creating beautiful patterns. ; lecture 16. Unfolding paper to reveal a fiery fractal -- PT. 2. TAPE 2: lecture 17. Fractals--infinitely complex creations. ; lecture 18. Fractal frauds of nature. ; lecture 19. Chance surprises--measuring uncertainty ; lecture 20. Door number two or door number three? -- PT. 2. TAPE 3: lecture 21. Great expectations--weighing the uncertain future ; lecture 22. Random thoughts--randomness in our world. ; lecture 23. How surprising are surprising coincidences? ; lecture 24. Life lessons learned from mathematical thinking.
FORMAT = VHS. LOCATION = General QA 7 .B87 2003.
Math!: a Four Letter Word 1990.
20 min. Explores ways to identify psychological obstacles to math learning and ways to encourage positive feelings about math.
FORMAT = VHS. LOCATION = General QA 11 .S35 1990a.
The Joy of Mathematics. Part 1 c1999.
3 videocassettes. SuperStar teachers. Great courses. A series of 12 lectures by Professor Murray Siegel discusses basic number theory all the way through algebra, geometry, trigonometry, fractals, calculus and more. Tape 1. Lecture 1. An introduction and the counting numbers -- Lecture 2. Patterns with counting numbers -- Lecture 3. Rational numbers -- Lecture 4. Numbers that are not rational -- Tape 2. Lecture 5. Imaginary and complex numbers -- Lecture 6. Algebra -- Generalizing arithmetic -- Lecture 7. The linear function -- Lecture 8. Quadratic and cubic functions -- Tape 3. Lecture 9. The power of exponentials -- Lecture 10. Calculus-- the derivative -- Lecture 11. Calculus--the integral and power series -- Lecture 12. Fractals.
FORMAT = VHS. LOCATION = General QA 37.2 .J69
The Joy of Mathematics. Part 2 c1999.
3 videocassettes. SuperStar teachers. Great courses. A series of 12 lectures by Professor Murray Siegel discusses basic number theory all the way through algebra, geometry, trigonometry, fractals, calculus and more. Tape 1. Lecture 13. Geometry in history -- Lecture 14. Geometric relations: area, volume, and polygons -- Lecture 15. -- Triangles and trigonometry -- Tape 2. Lecture 16. Conic sections -- Lecture 17. Introduction to probability -- Lecture 18. Binomial and normal probability -- Lecture 19. Probability and simulation -- Lecture 20. Data displays and numerical statistics -- Tape 3. Lecture 21. Regression analysis and correlation -- Lecture 22. The central limit theorem and hypothesis testing -- Lecture 23. Surveys and confidence intervals -- Lecture 24. A summing up.
FORMAT = VHS. LOCATION = General QA 37.2 .J69 pt.2 1999.
Math, Who Needs It?! c1991.
58 min. Beginning in Jaime Escalante's East Los Angeles classroom, shows how math is used in real life. With guest appearences by Bill Cosby, Dizzy Gillespie, Teri Garr, Joe Piscopo, Marla Gibbs, Paul Rodriguez, Jeff Altman, Rosana DeSoto, Paula Poundstone, Charles Fleischer, D.L. Hughley, world class professionals, engineers and designers, viewers are shown the applications of math from skateboard design to fashion, sports and music.
FORMAT = VHS. LOCATIOn = General QA 37.2 .M37 1991.
Donald in Mathmagic Land 1988.
27 min. Walt Disney mini classics. Originally released in 1959 as motion picture. Donald Duck learns of the importance of mathematics from the time of the early Greeks and the relationship of mathematical principles of music, art, architecture, mechanics, sports, and other phases of our daily lives.
FORMAT = VHS. LOCATIONS = Circulation Desk and General QA 40.5 .D6 1988.
Mathematical Patterning in the World of Poker and Word Games 2005.
50 min. Science and its application mini lecture series. Gerald Krusinski discusses mathematical problem solving using poker and word game examples.
FORMAT = DVD. LOCATION =General and Archives QA 63 .M384 2005a QA93 .I55 1992.
Innumeracy & Beyond: Ruminations of a Numbers Man 1992.
60 min. Broadcast on PBS as a segment of: Author, author. John Allen Paulos, author of Innumeracy and Beyond numeracy, discusses his books, as well as his philosophy of mathematics and approach to teaching. He shares his thoughts on numeracy and understanding the thinking behind the solution to mathematical problems.
FORMAT = VHS. LOCATION =Circulation Desk QA 93 .I55 1992.
The Joy of Mathematics c2007.
4 videodiscs (ca. 720 min.) Great courses. Science & mathematics. Lecturer: Arthur T. Benjamin, Harvey Mudd College. 24 lectures (30 minutes each) Professor Benjamin celebrates the joy of math. Shows how everything in math is connected. Pt. 1. Lecture 1. The joy of math : the big picture -- lecture 2. The joy of numbers -- lecture 3. The joy of primes -- lecture 4. The joy of counting -- lecture 5. The joy of Fibonacci numbers -- lecture 6. The joy of algebra -- lecture 7. The joy of higher algebra -- lecture 8. The joy of algebra made visual -- lecture 9. The joy of 9 -- lecture 10. The joy of proofs -- lecture 11. The joy of geometry -- lecture 12. The joy of pi -- Pt. 2. lecture 13. The joy of trigonometry -- lecture 14. The joy of the imaginary number i -- lecture 15. The joy of the number e -- lecture 16. The joy of infinity -- lecture 17. The joy of infinite series -- lecture 18. The joy of differential calculus -- lecture 19. The joy of approximating with calculus -- lecture 20. The joy of integral calculus -- lecture 21. The joy of Pascal's triangle -- lecture 22. The joy of probability -- lecture 23. The joy of mathematical games -- lecture 24. The joy of mathematical magic.
FORMAT = DVD. LOCATION= General QA 93 .B465 2007
Life By the Numbers 2006.
7 videodiscs (399 min.) Originally broadcast on television in 1998. Relates the concept of life and everyday occurrences to mathematics. Reveals the range of creative and powerful ways in which scientists, artists, athletes, medical researchers, and many others are using mathematics to explore our world and to enhance our lives. 1. Seeing is believing: special effects -- 2. The numbers game: sports -- 3. Patterns of nature: biology -- 4. Chances of a lifetime: probability -- 5. Shape of the world: exploration -- 6. A new age: information age -- 7. Making a difference : education.
FORMAT = DVD. LOCATION = General QA 93 .L544 2006.
Powers of Ten: The Films of Charles & Ray Eames. Vol. 1 2000.
46 min. Powers of ten was originally produced as a motion picture in 1977, A rough sketch in 1968, and 901 : after 45 years of working in 1989. Powers of ten illustrates a picnic in Chicago and then begins moving ten times farther out every ten seconds, until our own galaxy is visible only as a speck of light. Then, we move inward into the hand of a sleeping picnicker with ten times more magnification every ten seconds. A rough sketch is an earlier version of the same concept illustrated in Powers of ten. 901: after 45 years of working examines the Office of Charles and Ray Eames as it is being dismantled and cleaned out. Powers of ten / made by the Office of Charles and Ray Eames for IBM -- A rough sketch / production, Antti Pantero, Tadas Zilius, Ted Organ ; made for the Commission on College Physics by the Office of Charles Eames -- 901 : after 45 years of working / produced by Eames Demetrios and Lucia Eames Demetrios ; written, directed, photographed, and edited by Eames Demetrios.
FORMAT DVD. LOCATION = General QA 161.E95 F556 2000.
Mathematics Illuminated 2008.
13 programs (30 min. each) Mathematics Illuminated is a 13-part multimedia learning resource for adult learners and high school teachers in math and other disciplines. The series explores major themes in the field of mathematics, from mankind's earliest study of prime numbers to the cutting edge mathematics used to reveal the shape of the universe. Rather than a series of problems to be solved, mathematics is presented as play we engage in to answer deep questions that are relevant in our world today. Mathematics also provides us with a powerful language for uncovering and describing phenomena in the world around us. Contents: 1. The primes -- 2. Combinatorics counts -- 3. How big is infinity? -- 4. Topology's twists and turns -- 5. Other dimensions -- 6. The beauty of symmetry -- 7. Making sense of randomness -- 8. Geometries beyond Euclid -- 9. Game theory -- 10. Harmonious math -- 11. Connecting with networks -- 12. In sync -- 13. The concepts of chaos.
FORMAT = Streaming video LOCATION = QA 93
An Introduction to Number Theory 2008.
4 videodiscs (12 hrs.) Great courses. Science & mathematics. Taught by: Professor Edward B. Burger, Williams College. 24 lectures (30 minutes. each) pt. 1. Lecture 1. Number theory and mathematical research -- lecture 2. Natural numbers and their personalities -- lecture 3. Triangular numbers and their progressions -- lecture 4. Geometric progressions, exponential growth -- lecture 5. Recurrence sequences -- lecture 6. The Binet formula and towers of Hanoi -- lecture 7. The classical theory of prime numbers -- lecture 8. Euler's product formula and divisibility -- lecture 9. The prime number theorem and Riemann -- lecture 10. Division algorithm and modular arithmetic -- lecture 11. Cryptography and Fermat's little theorem -- lecture 12. The RSA encryption scheme -- Pt. 2. Lecture 13. Fermat's method of ascent -- lecture 14. Fermat's last theorem -- lecture 15. Factorization and algebraic number theory -- lecture 16. Pythagorean triples -- lecture 17. An introduction to algebraic geometry -- lecture 18. The complex structure of elliptic curves -- lecture 19. The abundance of irrational numbers -- lecture 20. Transcending the algebraic numbers -- lecture 21. Diophantine approximation -- lecture 22. Writing real numbers as continued fractions -- lecture 23. Applications involving continued fractions -- lecture 24. A Journey's end and the journey ahead.
FORMAT = DVD. LOCATION General QA 241 .B874 2008.
The Proof c1997.
60 min. Originally broadcast on PBS as an episode of: Nova. Describes mathematician Andrew-Wiles' quest to prove Fermat's Last Theorem and shows complex mathematical concepts with the help of computer animation.
FORMAT = VHS. LOCATION =General QA 244 .P7 1997.
The Shape of Nature c2010.
6 videodiscs (ca. 1080 min.) Great courses. Science & mathematics. Lecturer: Professor Satyan L. Devadoss, Williams College. An authoriative guide to the mathematical shapes around us: how they're formed, how they're studied, and how they're applied to our everyday lives. With these lectures presented in three parts you will discover the intricate relationship between mathematics and nature, get a pointed introduction to the language mathematicians use to study shapes and dimensions, and learn how to finally make sense of this abstract intriguing subject. Contents: Disc 1. Lecture 1. Understanding nature ; Lecture 2. The language of shapes ; Lecture 3. Knots and strings ; Lecture 4. Creating new knots from old ; Lecture 5. DNA entanglement ; Lecture 6. The Jones revolution -- Disc 2. Lecture 7. Symmetries of molecules ; Lecture 8. The messy business of tangles and mutations ; Lecture 9. Braids and the language of groups ; Lecture 10. Platonic solids and Euler's masterpiece ; Lecture 11. Surfaces and a new notion of equivalence ; Lecture 12. Reaching boundaries and losing orientations -- Disc 3. Lecture 13. Knots and surfaces -- 14. Wind flows and currents -- 15. Curvature and Gauss's geometric gem -- 16. Playing with scissors and polygons -- 17. Bending chains and folding origami -- 18. Cauchy's rigidity and Connelly's flexibility -- Disc 4. Lecture19. Mountain terrains and surface reconstruction -- 20. Voronoi's regions of influence -- 21. Convex hulls and computational conplexity -- 22. Patterns and colors -- 23. Orange stackings and bubble partitions -- 24. The topology of the universe -- Disc 5. Lecture 25. Tetrahedra and mathematical surgery -- 26. The fundamental group -- 27. Poincare's question and Perelman's answer -- 28. The geometry of the universe -- 29. Visualizing in higher dimensions -- 30. Polyhedra in higher dimensions -- Disc 6. Lecture 31. Particle motions -- 32. Particle collisions -- 33. Evolutionary trees -- 34. Chaos and fractals -- 35. Reclaiming Leonardo da Vinci -- 36. Pushing the forefront.
FORMAT = DVD. LOCATION = General QA 401 .S457 2010.
Mathematics of the Honeycomb c1977.
13 min. The elegance of the honeycomb was not fully appreciated until modern mathematical methods were applied. Through a historical and analytical approach to the honeycomb problem, the student is led to appreciate the importance of mathematics in science and engineering.
FORMAT = VHS. LOCATION =Circulation Desk QA 447 .M38 1977.
Math 1108 (Perspectives of Mathematics)
Video Lectures on CD to Accompany Mathematical Ideas 11th ed, and expanded 11th edition Miller/Heeren/Hornsby. (6 CDs)
LOCATION = Circulation Desk and General QA39.2 .M55 2008
One LIBRARY USE ONLY set at Circulation Desk
One FREE CHECK-OUT set in General
Mathematics 1218 (General Education Mathematics)
Thinking Mathematically. 5th ed. (1 DVD)
LOCATION = Circulation Desk and General QA39.2 .B592 2011
One LIBRARY USE ONLY set at Circulation Desk
Two FREE CHECK-OUT sets in General
Multiple HOME CHECK-OUT sets available at Circulation Desk of Library for Semester Loan
Mathematics 1220 (Quantitative Literacy)
Video Lectures on CD to Accompany Using and Understanding Mathematics: a Quantitative Reasoning Approach. 4th ed. (6 CDs)
LOCATION = Circulation Desk and General QA39.3 .B462 2008
One LIBRARY USE ONLY set at Circulation Desk
Two FREE CHECK-OUT sets in General
Multiple HOME CHECK-OUT sets available at Circulation Desk of Library for Semester Loan
Mathematics History
Early History of Mathematics c2000.
30 min. The recorded history of mathematics spans several millennia. The development of calculus in the seventeenth century A.D. forms a dividing line between ancient mathematics and the dawn of modern mathematics. This program focuses on some of the landmark contributions that led to the birth of calculus. Also contains some genuine mathematics presented through the powerful and engaging medium of computer animation.
FORMAT = VHS. LOCATION = General QA 21 .E275 2000.
Great Thinkers, Great Theorems c2010.
4 videodiscs (720 min.) Great courses. Science & mathematics. Lecturer: William Dunham, Truman Koehler Professor of Mathematics at Muhlenberg College. Contents: Disc 1. Lecture 1. Theorems as Masterpieces ; Lecture 2. Mathematics before Euclid ; Lecture 3. The Greatest Mathematics Book of All ; Lecture 4. Euclid's Elements--Triangles and Polygons ; Lecture 5. Number Theory in Euclid ; Lecture 6. The Life and Works of Archimedes -- Disc 2. Lecture 7. Archimedes's Determination of Circular Area ; Lecture 8. Heron's Formula for Triangular Area ; Lecture 9. Al-Khw¯arizm¯i and Islamic Mathematics ; Lecture 10. A Horatio Algebra Story ; Lecture 11. To the Cubic and Beyond ; Lecture 12. The Heroic Century Disc 3. Lecture 13. The Legacy of Newton ; Lecture 14. Newton's Infinite Series ; Lecture 15. Newton's Proof of Heron's Formula ; Lecture 16. The Legacy of Leibniz ; Lecture 17. The Bernoullis and the Calculus Wars ; Lecture 18. Euler, the Master -- Disc 4. Lecture 19. Euler's Extraordinary Sum ; Lecture 20. Euler and the Partitioning of Numbers ; Lecture 21. Gauss--The Prince of Mathematicians ; Lecture 22. The 19th Century--Rigor and Liberation ; Lecture 23. Cantor and the Infinite ; Lecture 24. Beyond the Infinite.
FORMAT = DVD. LOCATION = General QA 21 .G743 2010.
The Music of the Spheres [1988?], c1974.
52 min. Originally broadcast as a segment of: Ascent of man. Traces the evolution of mathematics and explores the relationship of numbers to musical harmony, early astronomy, and perspective in painting.
FORMAT = VHS. LOCATION = General QA 21 .M8 1988.
The Queen of the Sciences: A History of Mathematics c2008.
4 videodiscs (720 min.) Great courses. Science & mathematics. Lecturer: Dr. David M. Bressoud, Professor of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Macalester College. Contents: Part 1: Disc 1. Lecture 1. What is mathematics? ; Lecture 2. Babylonian and Egyptian mathematics ; Lecture 3. Greek mathematics: Thales to Euclid ; Lecture 4. Greek mathematics: Archimedes to Hypatia ; Lecture 5. Astronomy and the origins of trigonometry ; Lecture 6. Indian mathematics: Trigonometry blossoms -- Disc 2. Lecture 7. Chinese mathematics: Advances in computation ; Lecture 8. Islamic mathematics: The creation of algebra ; Lecture 9. Italian algebraists solve the cube ; Lecture 10. Napier and the natural logarithm ; Lecture 11. Galileo and the mathematics of motion ; Lecture 12. Fermat, Descartes, and analytic geometry Part 2. Disc 3. Lecture 13. Newton: Modeling the universe ; Lecture 14. Leibniz and the emergence of calculus ; Lecture 15. Euler: Calculus proves its promise ; Lecture 16. Geometry: From Alhambra to Escher ; Lecture 17. Gauss: Invention of differential geometry ; Lecture 18. Algebra becomes the science of symmetry -- Disc 4. Lecture 19. Modern analysis: Fourier to Carleson ; Lecture 20. Riemann sets new directions for analysis ; Lecture 21. Sylvester and Ramanujan: Different worlds ; Lecture 22. Fermat's last theorem: The final triumph ; Lecture 23. Mathematics: The ultimate physical reality ; Lecture 24. Problems and prospects for the 21st century.
FORMAT = DVD. LOCATION = General QA 21 .Q844 2008.
The Story of Math 2009.
3 videodiscs (ca. 310 min.) Examines the development of key mathematical ideas and shows how, in a multitude of surprising ways, mathematical ideas underpin the science, technology, and culture that shape our world. Includes bonus documentary: The music of the primes. disc 1. Episode 1: The language of the universe ; Episode 2: The genius of the East -- disc 2. Episode 3: The frontiers of space ; Episode 4: To infinity and beyond -- bonus disc. The music of the primes (2005) Special features: Mathematician biographies.
FORMAT = DVD. LOCATION = General QA 21 .S767 2009.
Infinite Secrets c2003, c2002.
60 min. Originally broadcast on the PBS television program, Nova. Explores the discovery of Archimedes' treatise, The method, and how scholarly work revealed the mathematicians original concepts, ideas, and theories.
FORMAT = VHS. LOCATION = General QA 29.A7 I65 2003.
Mathematics! Project Mathematics c2005.
3 videodiscs (230 min.) Explores basic topics in high school mathematics using computer animation, live action, music, special effects and humor. DVD 1: Similarity ; The theorem of Pythagoras ; The story of [pi] (67 min.) -- DVD 2: Sines and cosines. Parts I-III (81 min.) -- DVD 3: Polynomials ; The tunnel of Samos ; Early history (82 min.)
FORMAT = DVD. LOCATION = General QA 39.3 .M384 2005.
Zero to Infinity: a History of Numbers 2007.
4 videodiscs Great courses. Science & mathematics. Lecturer: Edward B. Burger, Williams College. 24 lectures (30 minutes each) Part 1. Lecture 1. The ever-evolving notion of number -- Lecture 2. The dawn of numbers -- Lecture 3. Speaking the language of numbers -- Lecture 4. The dramatic digits, the power of zero -- Lecture 5. The magical and spiritual allure of numbers -- Lecture 6. Nature's numbers, patterns without people -- Lecture 7. Numbers of prime importance -- Lecture 8. Challenging the rationality of numbers -- Lecture 9. Walk the (number) line -- Lecture 10. The commonplace chaos among real numbers -- Lecture 11. A beautiful dusting of zeroes and twos -- Lecture 12. An intuitive sojourn into arithmetic -- Part 2. Lecture 13. The story of [pi] -- Lecture 14. The story of Euler's e -- Lecture 15. Transcendental numbers -- Lecture 16. An algebraic approach to numbers -- Lecture 17. The five most important numbers -- Lecture 18. An analytic approach to numbers -- Lecture 19. A new breed of numbers -- Lecture 20. The notion of transfinite numbers -- Lecture 21. Collections too infinite to count -- Lecture 22. In and out, the road to a third infinity -- Lecture 23. Infinity, what we know and what we don't -- Lecture 24. The endless frontier of number.
FORMAT = DVD. LOCATION = General QA 141.2 .B874 2007.
Spanish 1110 Net
Welcome to the Latin American Civilization Library Resource Guide - Spanish 1110 NET
This guide will help you find books, videos and articles for use in completing your coursework in Spanish 1110 NET Latin American Civilization course. Select a country and find information on Art and Architecture, Culture, History and Geography on that country in a variety of formats, including books, e-books and streaming videos.
If you need additional help, please feel free to contact me or a reference librarian: Ask A Librarian.
Online students: You'll need a COD library card to access many of these resources. To get a library card click here.
Many of the following books are available online. You will need a current library card to access books online. COD Online students can request a library card online. Please note that some books are available for one simultaneous user only. Titles of books available in print will include the call number.
Art & Architecture
Culture, History & Geography
- CultureGrams
Use CultureGrams as a guide to understanding the world's peoples through the documentation of the unique details of their customs, traditions, and daily life.
Click on the link to CultureGrams, then click on the "World Edition" box, and then click on either North America or South America. From here, select the county of choice. On the left side of the page there are several options to learn more about the country and its people, including background, Customs & Courtesies, society and lifestyle.
Online Films
- Blood Ties
"First the junta murdered their sons and daughters. Then, it stole their grandchildren. Under Argentina’s harsh military dictatorship, an entire generation vanished. This is their story. First the junta murdered their sons and daughters. Then, it stole their grandchildren. Under Argentina’s harsh military dictatorship, an entire generation vanished. Amongst the tens of thousands of disappeared were hundreds of pregnant women. Mothers-to-be were tortured, blindfolded while giving birth and murdered. Babies were raised by their parent’s killers. Today the children and parents of the disappeared are forcing Argentina to confront its past. t was the most notorious of Argentina’s concentration camps. From the offices of ESMA, fleets of green unmarked Ford Falcons were dispatched to round up ‘undesirables’. In its basement dungeons, victims were raped, tortured and starved before finally being sent on ‘doorless flights’ and dumped in the ocean. It was here, amidst all this misery, that Victoria Donda was born. 'When I was born, my mother thought they would take me to the nursery,' confides Victoria. 'She put blue string braids in my hair so that she would be able to recognise me.' But there was no nursery at ESMA. Victoria was renamed ‘Analia’ and given to ESMA’s second in command to bring up. It was only decades later that she learnt the truth. Despite the horrors of her birth, Victoria still loves her adoptive parents. She sees herself as having two sets of parents. 'Both of them are my mothers and both of them are my fathers.' But Victoria’s adoptive father shot himself when the circumstances of her birth were revealed. He survived but; 'was wounded and sent to a psychiatric hospital.' Victoria is now training as a lawyer and helping to defend her adoptive mother from child abduction charges. Not all the children of the disappeared were raised by the guilty. Manuel Goncalves was dumped in an orphanage where he was later adopted by loving parents. When he was 19, he was approached by a forensic anthropologist who; 'told me things that were very hard to take in.' Fortunately, Manuel quickly bonded with his biological family. But for every successful reunion, there are six or seven grandmothers desperately searching for their missing grandchildren. 'Sometimes I dream I might meet my grandson on the street,' confides Estella de Carlotta, President of Grandmothers of the Plaza De Mayo. 'I would not even recognise him and he wouldn’t recognise me.' Others don’t want to be reunited with their biological families. 'They have been raised in a very controlled family environment based on lies and hidden truths,' explains Estella. For these people, embracing a new family is an act of disloyalty towards their ‘raising parents.’ Of the hundreds of children known to have been stolen at birth, just 85 have been traced. Their abductions are the dictatorship’s most cruel and lasting legacy." - Homage to the Yaghans: The Last Indians of Tierra del Fuego and Cape Horn
"Homage to the Yaghans was filmed with 16mm cameras in Tierra del Fuego and the Cape Horn area (Chile and Argentina) during the summer of 1987 and the winter of 1988. It was first presented in the United States at the New York Academy of Sciences in early 1990., Homage to the Yaghans was filmed with 16mm cameras in Tierra del Fuego and the Cape Horn area (Chile and Argentina) during the summer of 1987 and the winter of 1988. It was first presented in the United States at the New York Academy of Sciences in early 1990. The video's purpose is twofold. The first is to achieve an understanding of certain episodes of western expansion, beginning in the early seventeenth century, which finally led to the extinction of the Yaghan people. The second is to gain an appreciation of the courage and fortitude of a people who had survived for thousands of years in one of the most inhospitable regions of the planet, but who had been judged by many Europeans as the most degraded human beings in the entire world. Homage focuses on the personality and life of a Yaghan called "Jemmy Button" who was taken to England in 1831 by Captain Fitz-Roy and returned to his homeland two years later during Fitz-Roy's second expedition, in the company of Charles Darwin. Jemmy Button died in 1864, a victim of the first in a series of epidemics which decimated his people. The video ends with scenes of the four women who still speak Yaghan (as well as Spanish) and who live on Navarino Island, on the south shore of Beagle Channel in Chile. One of the four Yaghan-speaking women vividly remembers witnessing the last enactment of the great initiation ceremony, the Chiexaus, held on Navarino Island circa 1932." - The Mystery of Eva Peron
"Actress, seductress, political powerhouse and cultural icon of Argentina and the world, the life and legend of María Eva Duarte de Perón, or Evita, as she came to be known, endures to this day. Yet Evita, a woman of poor origins who rose to become the first lady of Argentina, was as hated by the upperclass of her country as she was loved by the poor masses whose cause she championed. Featuring rare film materials and interviews with Eva’s personal acquaintances, critics and historians, a balanced and finally complete picture emerges of Evita’s life, death, and the history of postwar Argentina. Interspersed with this fascinating portrait of an ambitious woman's rise to power is the bizarre story of her embalmed corpse, illustrating, decades after her death in 1952, the continuing power of her life." - Raul, The Terrible: Argentina's Robin Hood
"In December 2001, there was a seismic shift in Argentina's economic and political landscape. The government devalued the currency and froze people's savings effectively pushing the middle class into the even larger pool of working poor. Currently, there are 20 million people below the poverty line. Countless children suffer malnutrition and many die from it. Unemployment and homelessness are rampant. In response to this crisis, a leader has emerged ready to do battle with the corrupt political system and corporations that exploit the poor. He is Raul Castells, born in the city of Rosario, birthplace of the legendary Che Guevara. He is a walking talking, pushing, barging force of nature. Along with his supporters, he has taken over MacDonalds outlets, occupied casinos and invaded government buildings. With intimate and often dangerously close access, Raul the Terrible is a warts-and-all portrait of a man driven to change the world, and a frightening insight into the politics of poverty"
Many of the following books are available online. You will need a current library card to access books online. COD Online students can request a library card online. Please note that some books are available for one simultaneous user only. Titles of books available in print will include the call number.
Art & Architecture
- Architecture of Brazil : 1900-1990 E-Book
- Constructing an Avant-Garde : Art in Brazil, 1949-1979 E-Book
Culture, History & Geography
- A History of Modern Latin America : 1800 to the Present - E-Book
- Brazil : A Century of Change - E-Book
- Brazil : The Troubled Rise of a Global Power - E-Book
- Cultureshock! Brazil : A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette - E-Book
- Food Cultures of the World Encyclopedia - E-Book
- Geography of the World - E-Book
- Native and National in Brazil : Indigeneity after Independence
- CultureGrams
Use CultureGrams as a guide to understanding the world's peoples through the documentation of the unique details of their customs, traditions, and daily life.
Click on the link to CultureGrams, then click on the "World Edition" box, and then click on either North America or South America. From here, select the county of choice. On the left side of the page there are several options to learn more about the country and its people, including background, Customs & Courtesies, society and lifestyle.
Online Films
- Afro Brazil
"If you are a person of color in Brazil, the chances are the negative impact of historical slavery is still with you. That's the bad news." - Body of Rio
"Rio de Janeiro: the carioca way of life and worship of the body encourage eroticism as well as an increasing cult of youth. It’s the city of miscegenation – encounters between Portuguese conquerors, Indian native populations, African slaves, European immigrants. The popular culture of samba and carnival is mythically embodied by the mulata. The film is loosely inspired by Izabel Jaguaribe’s book 'The Guide-Map of the Marvellous in Rio de Janeira' and draws the 'erotic profile' of a city that is tattooed on its inhabitant’s bodies. The film’s director, Izabel Jaguaribe, is one of the most innovative and lively scholars of contemporary Brazilian culture. Her cultural maps of urban Brazil are designed to foment critical debate about estrangement, belonging and diversity." - Brasilia
"The experience of a capital created from nothing 40 years ago on a desert plateau in Brazil." - Brazil: An Inconvenient History
"While everyone knows of the history of slavery in the USA, few people realize that Brazil was actually the largest participant in the slave trade. Forty percent of all slaves that survived the Atlantic crossing were destined for Brazil, while only 4% were sent to the U.S. At one time half of the population of Brazil were slaves. It was the last country to officially abolish slavery (1888) and one of the ex-slaves is still alive today. This well-researched BBC production charts Brazil's history using original texts, letters, accounts and decrees. From these original sources, we learn firsthand about the brutality of the slave traders and slave owners, and the hardship of plantation life. With the Portugese colony of Angola acting as a "factory" supplying Africans to Brazil, it was cheaper to replace any slave starved and worked to death than to extend his life by treating him humanely. Few plantation owners sent for their wives to live in this hot climate, so the softening effect of family life was absent among the rough white settlers. Historians Joao Jose Reis, Cya Teixeira, Marilene Rosa Da Silva, anthropologist Peter Fry, and others recount the effect of centuries of slavery on Brazil today. This is an important documentary for Black history, African history and Latin American studies" - Children of Brazil
"Luis Carlos, also called "The Rat" and Luciano de Souca, also known as "The Chinaman" are gang members who were abandoned as kids to the streets of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. These two Cariocas teenagers have been left to their own devices all their lives and have survived by begging, stealing, and dealing in drugs. Brightening this harsh life are the friendships that have sustained them, their loyalty to each other, and their contagious high spirits that emerge at events like Carnival. This film allows them to speak in their own words. For Luis, the controlling imperatives are eating and surviving. China, the sixteen-year-old gang leader has a canniness and intelligence that allows his to survive on the fringe of society. He steals to buy food and also glue whose fumes provide him with a blissful high -- the only happiness he has ever known. Unemployment, population explosion and the break up of families is the root cause of the abandonment of such kids all over the Third World. This unique document was filmed despite the barriers put up by a government that does not want such images revealed" - Colors of Brazil
"If you are a person of color in Brazil, your African ancestry dominates the cultural landscape. That's the good news." - Inside Brazil
"This edition goes on location to Rio De Janeiro, Brazil to investigate race relations in this multi-ethnic South American country and uncovers some provocative insights about how Brazilians feel about the issue of race and race problems." - Rio de Janeiro
"The most agreeable city in Brazil was also the site of the most successful architectural creations of the 20th century."
Many of the following books are available online. You will need a current library card to access books online. COD Online students can request a library card online. Please note that some books are available for one simultaneous user only. Titles of books available in print will include the call number.
Art & Architecture
Culture, History & Geography
- A History of Modern Latin America : 1800 to the Present - E-Book
- Culture Shock! : Chile a Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette - E-Book
- Food Cultures of the World Encyclopedia - E-Book
- The General's Slow Retreat : Chile after Pinochet- E-Book
- Geography of the World - E-Book
- Island at the End of the World : The Turbulent History of Easter Island - E-Book
- CultureGrams
Use CultureGrams as a guide to understanding the world's peoples through the documentation of the unique details of their customs, traditions, and daily life.
Click on the link to CultureGrams, then click on the "World Edition" box, and then click on either North America or South America. From here, select the county of choice. On the left side of the page there are several options to learn more about the country and its people, including background, Customs & Courtesies, society and lifestyle.
Online Films
- Chile: Pinochet's Legacy
"Augusto Pinochet. His name and that sour disapproving face are familiar the world over. He was the last in the long line of military strongmen who once dominated South America. Now he too has left the army; not in disgrace though, but with full honours from the soldiers he led for a quarter of century and as president of Chile. Pinochet leaves behind a democracy and also a country more prosperous than it was when he took over. To his supporters, Pinochet is a hero; the man who saved Chile from chaos and communism, but to his detractors he should be tried for crimes against humanity" - Chile: Hasta Cuando?
"This is the story of a country racked with political repression and torture. The film flashes back to the violence of 1973 in which the country's military, backed by the U. S., overthrew the government of Salvadore Allende, replacing it with the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. It is the Pinochet government's harsh, repressive measures that are recorded in this searing documentary. The film crew risked their lives to capture this story of indiscriminate arrests, military intimidation, brutal murders and disappearances, all taking place while Chile's elite enjoyed the good life." - Chile: A History in Exile
"Cecilia Aranada returned to Chile years after her family had escaped the bloody Pinochet regime. Her own mother had been held and tortured in the Estadio Nacional, the infamous stadium from which many never emerged. She was shocked that in Chile today, many did not know of the horrors of the Pinochet regime. Instead, they attribute today's prosperity to progress under the dictator. Interviewing Chileans who escaped at that time, including one of Allende's guards, she records the powerful memories of those who were torn from their families, beaten, raped and subjected to electric shock. With deep emotion, they speak of the friends and relatives they lost. They recall the promise of the Allende regime, the first Marxist democracy in Latin America, where there seemed to be new opportunities for peasants and workers. On September 11, 1973 Allende was killed in a military coup and the reign of terror began. A generation has grown up in Chile with no knowledge of this history. But voices from exile provide irrefutable testimony." - Empire of the Incas
"For nearly 100 years, the Incas ruled the largest empire in South American history. The Incas had a society based on community and co-operation, with power controlled firmly by the Sapa Inca and the royal family. They were brilliant engineers, constructing magnificent forts and cities, and built roads, tunnels and bridges through mountains. Medical and surgical techniques were highly advanced, as were observations of the sun, moon and stars. But, above all, their devotion to the gods was paramount. Invasion by Spanish Conquistadors in the early 1500's began the demise of the Incan Empire. This program was filmed on location in Peru, Bolivia and Chile." - Homage to the Yaghans: The Last Indians of Tierra del Fuego and Cape Horn
"Homage to the Yaghans was filmed with 16mm cameras in Tierra del Fuego and the Cape Horn area (Chile and Argentina) during the summer of 1987 and the winter of 1988. It was first presented in the United States at the New York Academy of Sciences in early 1990., Homage to the Yaghans was filmed with 16mm cameras in Tierra del Fuego and the Cape Horn area (Chile and Argentina) during the summer of 1987 and the winter of 1988. It was first presented in the United States at the New York Academy of Sciences in early 1990. The video's purpose is twofold. The first is to achieve an understanding of certain episodes of western expansion, beginning in the early seventeenth century, which finally led to the extinction of the Yaghan people. The second is to gain an appreciation of the courage and fortitude of a people who had survived for thousands of years in one of the most inhospitable regions of the planet, but who had been judged by many Europeans as the most degraded human beings in the entire world. Homage focuses on the personality and life of a Yaghan called "Jemmy Button" who was taken to England in 1831 by Captain Fitz-Roy and returned to his homeland two years later during Fitz-Roy's second expedition, in the company of Charles Darwin. Jemmy Button died in 1864, a victim of the first in a series of epidemics which decimated his people. The video ends with scenes of the four women who still speak Yaghan (as well as Spanish) and who live on Navarino Island, on the south shore of Beagle Channel in Chile. One of the four Yaghan-speaking women vividly remembers witnessing the last enactment of the great initiation ceremony, the Chiexaus, held on Navarino Island circa 1932." - The Lost Gods of Easter Island
"A grotesque head, attached to a body grossly elongated and as thin as a stick, carved in wood.' When David Attenborough saw this remarkable carving at an auction, he knew it was more important than the auctioneers believed. He bought it, and tried to find out more about it. The search takes him all over the globe, from Russia to Australia, England to Easter Island, where the truth lies. In a very different role from that of explorer and observer of wildlife, David changes his spots to become a historical detective on the trail of a small wooden figurine with a unique history" - Patagonia Rising
"Deep in the heart of Chile's Patagonia region flow two of the world's purest rivers, the Baker and Pascua. Fed by vast glacial systems, these untouched rivers drive biodiversity in rainforests, estuaries and marine ecosystems. They are also the life source for Patagonia's most tenacious residents: the Gauchos, the iconic South American cowboy. Now, five huge hydroelectric dams are planned for the two rivers. Over the past century more than 45,000 large dams have altered the health of the planet's rivers with disastrous impacts that continue to unfold. Capturing the heated battle between those who wish to exploit the rivers and those who wish to preserve them, Patagonia Rising brings awareness - and solutions - to this global conflict over water and power."
Art & Architecture
Culture, History & Geography
- CultureGrams
Use CultureGrams as a guide to understanding the world's peoples through the documentation of the unique details of their customs, traditions, and daily life.
Click on the link to CultureGrams, then click on the "World Edition" box, and then click on either North America or South America. From here, select the county of choice. On the left side of the page there are several options to learn more about the country and its people, including background, Customs & Courtesies, society and lifestyle.
Online Films
- Busco Personas: The Faces of Colombia's War
"Possibly the most downplayed conflict of today, the forty-year-old Colombian war shows no signs of ceasing. It's fed by a billion dollar drug trade, political division and an international land battle." - Lost World of El Dorado
"In the 16th century, South America was the destination for countless Spanish Conquistadors in search for the wealth of the New World. Their quest was fuelled by a strange rumour that somewhere in the unexplored heart of the continent was a city of gold. This was known as El Dorado. Although the search for it continued for over a hundred years, El Dorado was never discovered. Ancient Voices joins archaeologist Dr Tony Spawforth on an investigation that will lead him to the true story behind the legendary city of gold." - War of the Gods
"While relying on a polemical stance directed against the cultural genocide wrought by missionaries, War of the Gods also contains a wealth of information and detail about Amazonian Indian cosmology, social life and sexual division of labour. Two groups of Indians from the Vaupes region of Colombia are shown, the Maku, who live mainly by hunting and gathering, and the sedentary Barasana, who live mainly by farming. The film contrasts the belief systems and way of life of the Indians, presented by the anthropologists who worked and lived with them, with those of Protestant and Catholic missionaries. The Protestants, North American Fundamentalists from the Summer Institute of Linguistics, are said to have used their organisation as a cover in order to be allowed to work with the Indians, because open Protestant missionary activity would not have been acceptable to the authorities. No attempt is made to gloss over the complexities of contact between Whites and Indians: the Barasana themselves want change, and the missionaries' influence is undoubtedly more beneficial to the Indians than that of rubber gatherers. Included in this film is an interview — using voice-over — with a Maku shaman, and there are scenes from the Barasana moloka, the communal house which is a centre of social and domestic activity. The climax of the film is a contrasting look at a church service at the S.I.L. headquarters, a Barasana ritual dance (accompanied by the ritual use of the hallucinogen yage), and a Mass at the Catholic mission attended by some of the Indians who took part in the ritual dance. Some missionaries who have seen this film consider that its editing is unfair to the S.I.L., but the head of another important missionary organisation has said that it should be screened during missionary training courses."
Costa Rica
Many of the following books are available online. You will need a current library card to access books online. COD Online students can request a library card online. Please note that some books are available for one simultaneous user only. Titles of books available in print will include the call number.
Art & Architecture
Culture, History & Geography
- CultureGrams
Use CultureGrams as a guide to understanding the world's peoples through the documentation of the unique details of their customs, traditions, and daily life.
Click on the link to CultureGrams, then click on the "World Edition" box, and then click on either North America or South America. From here, select the county of choice. On the left side of the page there are several options to learn more about the country and its people, including background, Customs & Courtesies, society and lifestyle.
Online Films
- Costa Rica
"Costa Rica is one of the forerunners in defending the environment: 28% of its territory is pro-tected in the form of parks and natural reserves. On this journey we meet some of the many animals that inhabit this country’s forests: cebus and capuchin monkeys, snakes, racoons and crocodiles." - Costa Rica: Child of the Wind
"In war-torn Central America there is a country with no dictator and no army, a country at peace with itself and its neighbors. It is the oldest democracy in Latin America. This film explores the history of Costa Rica and the reasons it has been able to exist as a neutral country firmly committed to social welfare and free elections. Costa Ricans live without an army, preferring to invest their resources in hospitals and schools rather than machine guns and tanks. The film explores the issue of Costa Rica's neutrality in the face of its dependence on U.S. aid."
Many of the following books are available online. You will need a current library card to access books online. COD Online students can request a library card online. Please note that some books are available for one simultaneous user only. Titles of books available in print will include the call number.
Art & Architecture
Culture, History & Geography
- CultureGrams
Use CultureGrams as a guide to understanding the world's peoples through the documentation of the unique details of their customs, traditions, and daily life.
Click on the link to CultureGrams, then click on the "World Edition" box, and then click on either North America or South America. From here, select the county of choice. On the left side of the page there are several options to learn more about the country and its people, including background, Customs & Courtesies, society and lifestyle.
Online Films
- Bye Bye Havana
"Havana. A haven set apart from the capitalist world, or hell on earth? Bye Bye Havana is A crystal clear window into a crumbling world. This is a fast-paced stream of consciousness documentary. Presenting a unique flavour of irony and carried by an eclectic and powerful soundtrack featuring Latin Grammy Nominee X Alfonso - here is a vibrant and intriguing portrayal of Cuban life. An elderly and emaciated couple dance the salsa on the sidewalk. Slowly moving around each other, they tell us 'I’m Mercedes, he’s Jose. We’ve been married 41 years and never had a fight'. A Cuban sunset. Kids playing on the streets 'We’re bored!' A man has a brick chained to his foot. As he drags himself along the pavement the women next to him explains 'San Lazaro is a saint with leprosy'. People tell the story of Cuba. Toothless faces, laughter and desperate pleas. Images tell the rest. Crumbling facades, a bustling street and faded posters. As the big bottomed girls tease the boys with nothing to do, it feels it’s been this way forever. But it’s changing. The girls on the billboards are even more enticing. Glamorous, and too thin. Boys look this way… Leave your Cuban girls, come to me... Its visual poetry juxtaposes modern commercialism – adverts promising us a better life through coffee, cars and cigarettes – with the difficulties that the Cubans face. Old black and white films telling anti-Communist America of the 1950s to beware and be vigilant, interspersed with shots of Havana. The American propaganda sounds hollow to our ears. The red menace is no more. ‘There’s a pretty good saying here in Cuba. It’s better to put up with who you know as the 'bad guy' because you don’t know what the next 'good guy' will be’ says Carlos. Cuba stands pummelled by an unworkable socialism and a voracious consumer appetite. Lamparas Viejas tells it plainly 'Well we’re struggling, this is what you call struggle.' The political movement that began more than forty six years ago seems spent. 'Patriotism or death' are now not enough. Cubans want other choices. Only history can tell whether the change under Castro has been for the better or for the worse. And yet, after having been disappointed by the materialism of industrial societies, many now turn to cultural wealth to measure riches. Two generations of Cubans have been spared the American revolution of culture as commerce, which has given Cuba the freedom to develop a true identity. The McDonald super-size gospel has yet to taint Cuba´s shores. The Cubans are still dancing. Salsa and cigars reign. And, for all Havana's crumbling structures and piles of rubble, and its plethora of armed policemen and sun-bleached billboards espousing their pat, revolutionary slogans, it still manages to attract over a million pink-skinned, camera-toting, snack-munching mojito-swilling tourists each year. As the revolutionary song goes: 'I don’t care what they say, I’ll stick around, keeping my mouth shut, struggling with problems in love with life." - Che Guevara
"During his short life, Ernesto (Che) Guevara became the world’s best known and most charismatic revolutionary, revered as a great hero for his part in the Cuban revolution. In reality, however, he was a cold-blooded killer who played a central role in sending thousands of Cuban citizens to their death in the aftermath of the revolution during the early 1960s. But, since he met his own end while trying to start a revolution in Bolivia, many of the less-palatable aspects of his life have been airbrushed from history and he has become a popular, worldwide, cultural revolutionary icon. This is thanks in no small part to a famous photograph of him, taken at the height of his fame, which continues to adorn countless bedroom walls the world over. Born in Rosario, Argentina in 1928, Guevara – who was a qualified doctor – joined up with Fidel Castro in the mid-1950s, soon becoming his most-trusted right-hand man. Together, they led the Cuban revolution. And together they embarked on a ruthless and unprecedented reign of terror, as Guevara presided over a pitiless kangaroo court where the death sentence was the norm. But within a few years, tired of the trappings of power, Guevara left Cuba to ferment revolution elsewhere. Finally, in October 1967, Guevara’s dream of ousting governments and dictators the world over ended when he was executed by a Bolivian soldier in a grubby, dilapidated schoolhouse in Bolivia. By all accounts, 39-year-old Guevara died bravely. His last words are said to have been, 'I know you have come to kill me. Shoot coward, you are only going to kill a man." - Cuba
"The documentary series with the emblematic remote control has arrived for its final series in Cuba. One click and we discover Cuban TV, relatively unknown and full of surprises! When in Havana, you’re bound to come across Chinese TV programmes: entertainment, culture, cooking...anything. Since the collapse of the USSR, China has become Cuba’s most important economic partner and supplies it with TV programmes. China even offered millions of TV sets to the Cuban viewer. Just as in 2007 when China offered rice cookers and Fidel Castro himself promoted them live on TV! A true gem among the offerings on Cuban TV. After having visited over 130 countries, this final series will go to: Hainan (China) - Latvia - Costa Rica - Vietnam - Siberia - Iraq - Hunan - Cuba - Gabon - El Salvador - TV of the Roms - Tajikistan - Congo DR - Belarus - The Maldives Cuba is available in English" - Cuba: In the Shadow of Doubt
"Filmed on location at La Plata, Castro's former guerrilla headquarters- the first time any foreign film crew had been permitted there - the documentary examines the origins of Castro's revolution, and its ultimate successes and failures. It places U.S.-Cuban relations within the context of history, dating back to the Spanish-American War in 1898. The documentary goes on to paint a canvas of everyday Cuban life. It contrasts the successes of Cuba - medical care, education and housing - with the often repressive political measures implemented by the Castro government. We hear from Cuban artists, State Department officials, exiled writers, and Fidel Castro himself. We visit the Psychiatric Hospital, the Women's Prison, and a library to see what books are available. This film does full justice to its complex subject. It is neither a rationale for Communist Cuba nor a political tool for Cuban exiles. It will interest audiences of all political persuasions." - Cuba's Secret Operation
"Fidel was becoming obsessed with foreign policy. In his desire to exert influence around the world, he was ready to sacrifice everything. We, the Cuban people, paid the price. Our young men were sent to Angola, and the death toll rose remorselessly." - Cuban Dance Examples: A Glimpse of Cuba Through Dance
"This documentary by Yvonne Daniel includes clips of a variety of different dance styles found in Cuba." - Cuba: Trading With The Enemy
"The time is now. The place is Havana, Cuba. Filmmaker Jeff Kaiser went to Cuba and was granted rare permission by the Cuban government to explore the streets of the capital city and document the unrestricted thoughts of the Cuban people. A fascinating look at the island republic and its people." - Fidel
"Whether dismissed as a relic or revered as a savior, many agree that Fidel Castro is one of the most influential and controversial figures of our time. Rarely are Americans given a chance to see inside the world of this socialist leader. The documentary Fidel offers a unique opportunity to view the man through exclusive interviews with Castro himself, historians, public figures and close friends, with rare footage from the Cuban State archives" - Inside Castro's Cuba
"The eyes of the world have been on Cuba as thousands of Cubans have risked their lives trying to reach the U.S. Inside Castro's Cuba looks at what drove many to leave and what the reality is for the vast majority of Cubans who stayed behind. With the collapse of the Soviet bloc, Cuba has been presented with its toughest test of strength since the revolution thirty-five years ago. Filming in Cuba for an entire year, the filmmaker gained rare access to Castro himself and to his personal archives. The result is an insightful view of the man and his people. People wonder how long Castro will maintain his leadership. The film discovers huge support for him because he brought Cubans a higher standard of living than that of any other country in the third world. Still vigorous and tenacious about his power, he is not likely to give up the revolution."
Many of the following books are available online. You will need a current library card to access books online. COD Online students can request a library card online. Please note that some books are available for one simultaneous user only. Titles of books available in print will include the call number.
Art & Architecture
- Foundational Arts : Mural Painting and Missionary Theater in New Spain E-Book
- Mesoamerican Plazas Arenas of Community and Power - E-Book
- The open-air churches of sixteenth-century Mexico atrios, posas, open chapels, and other studies -E-Book
Culture, History & Geography
- A Companion to Mexican History and Culture - E-Book
- Encyclopedia of Mexico : History, Society & Culture - E-Book
- Food Cultures of the World Encyclopedia - E-Book
- Geography of the World - E-Book
- Mexico : An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Culture and History
- Mexico : A Global Studies Handbook - E-Book
- Peasant and Nation : The Making of Postcolonial Mexico and Peru - E-Book
- CultureGrams
Use CultureGrams as a guide to understanding the world's peoples through the documentation of the unique details of their customs, traditions, and daily life.
Click on the link to CultureGrams, then click on the "World Edition" box, and then click on either North America or South America. From here, select the county of choice. On the left side of the page there are several options to learn more about the country and its people, including background, Customs & Courtesies, society and lifestyle.
Online Films
Art & Architecture
- Art
"The Mexican People is an exceptional documentary series. A powerful journey inside Mexico, from its origins until today. An inside view of a complex society through different themes: its arts, culture, environment, future and many more." - Diego Rivera - Revolutionary With A Paintbox
"Mexican painter and architect Diego Rivera is best known as a muralist, using such materials as gold leaf, fresco and mosaic. As well as reviving centuries-old techniques, he also embraces new ones such as polystyrene paint. This film paints a fascinating picture of the man and his work. Includes interviews with Carlos Fuentes, Dolores Olmedo and archive footage of the Mexican Revolution." - Frida Kahlo
"Frida Kahlo: declared a symbol of Mexican national heritage, made into a cult figure by the women's movement, praised by the likes of Picasso and Breton. At the age of 18, she suffered an accident that would forever change her life, destining her to pain, numerous operations and childlessness. This film takes you to the Blue House in Coyoacan, the place of her birth and the last years of her life. Today, the house serves as a museum dedicated to the charismatic artist. Haunting self-portraits and a stirring world of images tell of her life and passions, her thoughts and feelings, her exhausting love for Diego Rivera and her deep connection to Mexico " - Inside Mexico's National Museum of Anthropology
"This impressive modern museum, visited by 2 million people every year, tells the story of Mexico from before the Aztec civilization to the Spanish conquest. In this episode, a chemical engineer and some Mexican athletes help us discover whether the rubber ball used on the ancient Aztec playing field contained a human skull. We dive into a watery cave to discover the Mayan path to the afterlife, and then investigate the power of a crystal skull to reveal the secrets of the dead. We pilot an ancient canoe through Aztec canals to discover why modern Mexico City is sinking, and then discover how a valiant gladiator defeated a score of Aztec warriors armed with the world’s sharpest swords. And finally, we discover how a dress worn by the most notorious woman in Mexican history led to a massacre that changed history." - The Feathered Serpent
"The Olmec, Toltec, Mayan and Aztec Cultures ... built their high pyramids and great cities on the dusty plains of Mexico and in the steaming jungles of the isthmus. This episode views the striking skeletons of these complex communities."
Culture, History and Geography
- Cortes: Conqueror Of Mexico
"He is one of the greatest conquerors in history, and among the most brutal. Hernán Cortés' thirst for gold and power led him to Mexico in 1519, where he launched a conquest unlike any other in history. As THE CONQUERORS details, Cortés undertook his campaign in violation of explicit instructions; his was supposed to be a more diplomatic than military mission. Yet his first contacts in Mexico resulted in a battle that so terrible that the Aztecs fled into the interior. They had never seen the guns, horses, and shiny metal armor of the conquistadors. In approximately two years, Cortés owned the Aztec empire, and their once proud ruler Montezuma was dead. Through brilliant execution, from an often precarious military position, Cortés killed hundreds of thousands of Aztecs and brought down the 300-year-old empire—the first major American civilization to fall to the Spanish." - Mexico: God, Gold and Glory
"Explore the mysteries of the Toltec and Mayan civilizations through visits to the ruins of Teotihuacan and Palenque, trace the waves of conquest that made the Aztecs the most powerful people in the New World, and examine the battles with the Spanish that brought their empire to its knees in little over a year after the arrival of Cortes in 1519." - Mexico: From Independence to the Alamo
"For 300 years after the conquistadors' triumph over the Aztecs, Mexico was the crown jewel of the Spanish colonial empire. This volume reveals what life was like during that time and examines the injustices of the feudal system and the excesses of the Inquisition, which led to the long fight for freedom from Spain. Also, the storied Battle of the Alamo is relived, which forever colored Mexico's relationship with its powerful neighbor to the North." - Mexico: Revolution and Rebirth
"By the end of the 19th century, Mexico was exhausted from years of fighting, but the battles were not over, as the nation rose up against its dictator Porfirio Diaz. This volume tells the story of the revolution waged by Pancho Villa, Emiliano Zapata and others, and the modern nation that was born. Discover how Mexico finally gained stability under the rule of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, and examine the problems that face the nation today." - The Mexican Revolution
"This A&E Special takes a close look at the Mexican Revolution, a revolt against a dictator that ended in civil war, with action on both sides of the Mexico-U.S. border. Offers a much needed historical perspective on Mexican-American relations." - The Native Civilizations: History and Present
"The Mexican People is an exceptional documentary series.A powerful journey inside Mexico, from its origins until today.An inside view of a complex society through different themes: its arts, culture, environment, future and many more." - Mexico: Battle For North America
Art & Architecture
- Andean Expressions : Art and Archaeology of the Recuay Culture- E-Book
- Colonial Architecture and Sculpture in Peru- E-Book
- Inka Settlement Planning- E-Book
- Peruvian Archaeology : A Critical History- E-Book
Culture, History & Geography
- Bound Lives : Africans, Indians, and the Making of Race in Colonial Peru - E-Book
- Food Cultures of the World Encyclopedia - E-Book
- Geography of the World - E-Book
- The Incas -E-Book
- Modern Inquisitions: Peru and the Colonial Origins of the Civilized World - E-Book
- Peasant and Nation : The Making of Postcolonial Mexico and Peru - E-Book
- Royal Commentaries of the Incas and General History of Peru
- CultureGrams
Use CultureGrams as a guide to understanding the world's peoples through the documentation of the unique details of their customs, traditions, and daily life.
Click on the link to CultureGrams, then click on the "World Edition" box, and then click on either North America or South America. From here, select the county of choice. On the left side of the page there are several options to learn more about the country and its people, including background, Customs & Courtesies, society and lifestyle.
Online Films
Art and Architecture
- Empire of the Incas
"For nearly 100 years, the Incas ruled the largest empire in South American history. The Incas had a society based on community and co-operation, with power controlled firmly by the Sapa Inca and the royal family. They were brilliant engineers, constructing magnificent forts and cities, and built roads, tunnels and bridges through mountains. Medical and surgical techniques were highly advanced, as were observations of the sun, moon and stars. But, above all, their devotion to the gods was paramount. Invasion by Spanish Conquistadors in the early 1500's began the demise of the Incan Empire. This program was filmed on location in Peru, Bolivia and Chile." - Peru's Treasure Tomb
"Archaeologists unearth a wondrous treasure trove of gold masks, exquisite pottery, and elaborate beadwork when they save an ancient Peruvian tomb from looters." - Raiders of the Lost Civilizations
"This documentary is the story of an archeologist's race against the clock to explore and preserve what remains of a mysterious Pre-colombia n civilization in Peru. He confronts the looters of ancient tombs, impoverished peasants tempted by the offerings of the middlemen who work for international traffickers and collectors. A fascinating behind-the-scenes investigation of the international trade in artifacts, a business that ranks third worldwide after drugs and arms."
Culture, History and Geography
- Along the Inca Trail: Mountain Gods and Golden Fleece
"Two months into her journey and well into the high mountains of northern Peru, Karin meets a sorcerer - a man with the power to cure ills and see into the future. She takes the opportunity to participate with him in an all-night healing ceremony, which requires drinking San Pedro cactus juice and snorting liquid tobacco. Continuing on to the Chachapoyas, Peru's new archaeological frontier, Karin befriends a local farmer who offers to be her guide. She discovers that most ruins of ancient Chachapoya civilization reside in the cliffs - hundreds of burial chambers, each containing a mummy. Proceeding the Peru's capital at Lima, Karin finds a modern metropolis where the word 'Inca' seems to have become little more than advertising jargon used to sell goods. She arrives in Lima on the eve of the Lord of Milagros procession - the largest religious gathering in all of Peru. There's never a dull moment along the Inca road, as Karin deals with unexpected twists and turns that add humor and dimension to her unique story" - Empire of the Incas
"For nearly 100 years, the Incas ruled the largest empire in South American history. The Incas had a society based on community and co-operation, with power controlled firmly by the Sapa Inca and the royal family. They were brilliant engineers, constructing magnificent forts and cities, and built roads, tunnels and bridges through mountains. Medical and surgical techniques were highly advanced, as were observations of the sun, moon and stars. But, above all, their devotion to the gods was paramount. Invasion by Spanish Conquistadors in the early 1500's began the demise of the Incan Empire. This program was filmed on location in Peru, Bolivia and Chile." - Incan Indians Return Home
"A report on Inca Indians returning home a decade after they fled from 'Shining Path' savagery. Back in their highland villages, the Incas are bent double gathering in the harvest. When they have threshed the grain, they kneel down in the straw and offer thanks to 'Mother Earth'. Brightly woven clothes and fluttering ribbons belie ten years' suffering at the hands of Peru's infamous revolutionaries. Dismissing the Incas as ignorant peasants, the Shining Path were brutal in their attempt to impose revolutionary ideals. Maria, recruited by the Shining Path when she was 16, recalls how her leaders shot two peasants in front of her. She was then given a revolver and told to shoot dissenting villagers. In a grey shanty town outside of Lima, Jose Paiwa lives with his children and one granddaughter. He fled from the highlands after his son was killed along with 18 others. Recently, under pressure from the government, he took his family home. But without equipment or food, he was forced to leave his overgrown land and return to his city shack. To avert future conflicts, local villagers have formed militia groups and women have turned to evangelical Christianity." - Inca Music, Journeys and Rituals
"Two Peruvian musicians, Ebert and Jabier, have dedicated their lives to researching the ancient musical traditions of Peru. Ebert reproduces the old instruments, using natural materials such as bamboo, clay, bone and horn. He also collects the music for the Peruvian Institute for Culture and teaches it to children so it will survive. After being blessed by a medicine man in a sacred ritual, Ebert and Jabier journey into the rain forest where they visit three tribal communities. In the first village, where Machiguenga Indians live, only the old shaman still remembers the songs. In another village, Palotoa, very few recall their traditions. The missionaries' threats of "burning in hell" have made the Indians afraid to practice their original rituals. In the last village they visit, Diamante, the inhabitants have completely lost their identity due to the destructive influence of the timber company, the missionaries and tourism. Children are ashamed of being Indian and the women only dance when a tourist boat sails by. Saddened by this erosion of cultural roots, the two musicians will nevertheless preserve the music that a few of the elderly shared with them." - The Inca Revolution
"A nationalist revolution is brewing in Peru. Tired of a world banking system that has turned them into slaves, Peruvians are turning to radical nationalist groups. A crowd of Christian Nationalists wave the Nazi flag. They're calling for foreign companies to leave and Peru to be left to indigenous people. People in Peru are desperate. There are no jobs, no money and no health care. Extremist groups provide a real political alternative. "The Spanish exterminated the indigenous people. Now we want a return to power." - Journey Through the Sacred Valley
"Dr. Daniele Behn travels to Peru to learn about that area's traditional medicine." - The Quechua
"This film is set in a community of peasant agriculturalists 2 1/4 miles above sea level in the southern Peruvian Andes. Concentrating on a single family, the film explores aspects of religious and secular life. The first part of the film shows a pilgrimage to a Christian sanctuary situated close to the residence of the most powerful of the Central Andean mountain spirits (Apus) illustrating the syncretism of Catholic and pre-Hispanic local religious traditions. In the second part of the film we see a fertility rite for sheep, and the attempts of certain members of the community to procure government assistance for a motor road to the village which would link them more closely with the rest of Peruvian society. This film portrays the Quechua of the village of Camahuara as being in a sense sealed off from the rest of the world, but it also shows how their way of life is integrated with the Peruvian economy. It has been criticised for emphasising that the desire for change is coming from inside the traditional society rather than being forced on it from without."
Library Exhibits and Displays
What's What and Where's Where for Exhibits and Displays in the Library
[insert link for upper level floorplan here?]
Glass Shelves, south side, near the Musical Collection -- Current Exhibit: Herbalism
COD Archives
Career and College Information Collection
Juvenile Collection
Musical Recordings
Philanthropy Collection
[insert link for lower level floorplan here?]
Glass Wall Case near the Research Desk -- Current Exhibit:
Penisula Wall shelves near the New Books section -- Current Exhibit: Explore Nature this Summer
Atlas Stand
Graphic Novels
Journals, Magazines, Periodicals
New Books
Paperback books collection
Popular Videos - DVD
Popular Videos - VHS
Library Exhibit Policy
Library exhibits are coordinated and approved by Library Administration. All exhibits should be consistent with the educational mission of the College, and sponsored by a College of DuPage department, committee, or organization. The Library does not take responsibility for the accuracy or the ideas expressed in exhibits produced by other departments or organizations.
Exhibit Guidelines
- Exhibits should include a title and a brief statement of intent or purpose.
- The name of the exhibit's sponsor must be clearly indicated in the display. Contact information for interested exhibit viewers should be displayed.
- Exhibits should have educational value.
- Exhibit Scheduling
- Exhibits in the front display case and lobby are typically scheduled on a monthly basis, beginning the first of the month and running through the end of that month, although exceptions can be made. Exhibits in the display cases located on the Library's upper level are coordinated with the College of DuPage Department of Ceramics.
- Scheduling priority for other exhibit space is given to exhibits which relate to or promote the Library's collections, services or events. During months that celebrate the history or culture of a particular group, such as Black History Month (February), exhibits related to those events may be given priority for space in the main display case.
Reading for the Retreat
Value of Academic Libraries Report [pdf]
Please read the following:
Executive Summary - pp. 11-18
Student Retention and Graduation Rates - pp. 32-35
Student Learning - pp. 37-42
What to Do Next - pp. 93-100
Additional resources
Crawford, G. A. (2015). The academic library and student retention and graduation: An exploratory study. portal: Libraries and the Academy 15(1), 41-57. doi:10.1353/pla.2015.0003
Allison, D. (2015) Measuring the academic impact of libraries. portal: Libraries and the Academy 15(1), 29-40. doi:10.1353/pla.2015.0001
Value Survey
Below are the top ranking results from the Library Value survey.
Which of the following areas do think are the TOP priorities for the College of DuPage?
1. Student Enrollment - 87.5%
2. Student Retention - 87.5%
Which of the following areas are MOST relevant to the Library's impact on COD's mission?
1. Student Learning - 100%
2. Faculty Teaching - 100%
3. Student Success - 75%
Which areas should the Library be investigating the ways in which we make contributions?
1. Student Success - 75%
2. Student Retention & Graduation - 50%
3. Student Learning - 62.5%
4. Faculty Teaching - 62.5%
Which area of Library value interests you the MOST?
1. Student Learning - 50%
2. Student Success - 25%
3. Student Retention and Graduation 12.5%
4. Faculty Teaching -12.5%
(See spreadsheet of full results)
Based on this feedback, we will likely be focusing our retreat on the Library’s impact on Student Learning, Student Success, and Student Retention & Graduation. While Faculty Teaching ranked high for relevancy and interest, I already feel confident in our current ability to demonstrate our value in this area.
Please see the Value Surrogates for more information about these values.